Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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And don't forget the PED's do more then change your body. They change your mind. When you read about how hard the Jamaicans work you can also credit that to the aggressiveness that comes from the drugs. When you wonder how they can devote so much energy to training, diet, workout, it's because they have the hyperdrive of the roid user. Sure it' easier to go to the gym everyday and do ass busting workouts when your mind is high on that stuff.
It's also easier to recover from workouts, after races and between heats.

Understand that a non-PED runner like Lemaitre, and he clearly is not doing much if anything, is going to be less aggressive in workouts, less dedicated to success, and easier to fatigue then guys who are on those high priced PED programs.

You want something that is impossible. A clean White sprinter, who will have the work capabilities and overdrive mental moods of a PED user. Ain't gonna happen.

I think he should get more support here from people who KNOW and UNDERSTAND what the reality of the situation is, then criticism that he is not overcoming the unfair advantage that other athletes have.
No way in heck Bolt squats 320KG. Either something got lost in translation, someone is flat out wrong, or someone is just making stuff up. If he tried to squat that much, the weights wouldn't stop moving down till they hit the floor. :der:
And don't forget the PED's do more then change your body. They change your mind. When you read about how hard the Jamaicans work you can also credit that to the aggressiveness that comes from the drugs. When you wonder how they can devote so much energy to training, diet, workout, it's because they have the hyperdrive of the roid user. Sure it' easier to go to the gym everyday and do ass busting workouts when your mind is high on that stuff.
It's also easier to recover from workouts, after races and between heats.

Understand that a non-PED runner like Lemaitre, and he clearly is not doing much if anything, is going to be less aggressive in workouts, less dedicated to success, and easier to fatigue then guys who are on those high priced PED programs.

You want something that is impossible. A clean White sprinter, who will have the work capabilities and overdrive mental moods of a PED user. Ain't gonna happen.

I think he should get more support here from people who KNOW and UNDERSTAND what the reality of the situation is, then criticism that he is not overcoming the unfair advantage that other athletes have.

We are all still behind him 100% and no one here was rooting against him today or all season long. We are just frustrated because many of the track fans here knew this was probably coming from watching him race all year long. He just didn't have that same level of intensity and energy that he had last year. It's a shame because guys like Christophe are about as rare as the dinosaurs. We just want to see him train and compete like we know he is capable of. Yes he is running against many drug cheats. There is no doubt. Regardless, clean or drugged up he needs to go train his ass off like he has never done before. He also needs a coach that he will grow to hate but that in the long run he will love. He needs change in all aspects of his training program a.s.a.p. Good luck Christope! We are still your biggest fans.
Also, look at Warren Weir's build. Slim and very similar to CL. He has a chest like a Chinese Table Tennis player. Runs 20.43 PB last year, this year 19.84. Check the photo:

and, all three of them are training partners on the same track club.

I've watched the race now about 2 dozen times. let me go over my analasis of the race. just keep in mind I've seen no numbers other then the total time. 1 the start - great reaction and got off with everyone else. 2 drive phase - very good for being in lane 2, made up the stagger on lane 3 within 30m. 3 top end - seemed pretty good for coming out of lane 2. 4 mentenace - very well as he was gaining on Spearmon and Churandy. so all in all, not that bad of a race and I think people are getting way to emotional over it. he has not regressed, he may need a change in coaches (which sometimes goes teribbly worng), and obvioslly could use some more strenght & cardio training. lets for a second look at his competion. the jamaicans are on something, end of stor. Churandy has gotting allot bigger since just last year, and Spearmon who I've always felt was clean, may be getting on the juice as he too is looking allot thicker. so should we really get on the 22 year old kid whos not taking PED's. you take the PED's away from the equasion and not one of these guys can train at the level they are. we are not there training with CL so non of us can say what hes doing wrong. he said he doesn't like weights, I've heard Bolt say the same thing. do we assume because he doesn't like it he's not doing it. lets all cut the kid some slack and lets give a appluade to someone who hasn't subcome to the lure of drugs.
I'm disappointed CL didn't win a medal of course, but I can't lose respect for him, because he proved without doubt that the 10 second barrier is not impossible for Whites to pass. For that he'll always be a winner.

Anyway, ultimately it's his life. If he has other interests he'd rather pursue—at 22 I'll assume he's chasing tail—I understand.

He's a pioneer so that means others will eventually follow him, because he proved it was possible.

Jim Ryun was another who had massive potential but disappointed at the Olympics. He still got his props though, and became a senator.

CL's life isn't over.

People friggin idolize Steve Prefontaine even though he basically got his ass handed to him by Lasse Viren, Mo Gamoudi, and Ian Stewart in 1972.

He vowed to come back harder inn 76—and it would have been an epic showdown with Lasse—at which point he would be 25-26.

(For the record though I think Lasse Viren would have eaten Prefontaine alive again, but that's just conjecture)

I think we haven't heard the last of CL just yet.
And don't forget the PED's do more then change your body. They change your mind. When you read about how hard the Jamaicans work you can also credit that to the aggressiveness that comes from the drugs. When you wonder how they can devote so much energy to training, diet, workout, it's because they have the hyperdrive of the roid user. Sure it' easier to go to the gym everyday and do ass busting workouts when your mind is high on that stuff.
It's also easier to recover from workouts, after races and between heats.

Understand that a non-PED runner like Lemaitre, and he clearly is not doing much if anything, is going to be less aggressive in workouts, less dedicated to success, and easier to fatigue then guys who are on those high priced PED programs.

You want something that is impossible. A clean White sprinter, who will have the work capabilities and overdrive mental moods of a PED user. Ain't gonna happen.

I think he should get more support here from people who KNOW and UNDERSTAND what the reality of the situation is, then criticism that he is not overcoming the unfair advantage that other athletes have.

This thread -- over 4,000 posts and closing in on 300,000 views -- is testament to the very strong support Lemaitre has here. From reading the posts it's clear that he either receives poor advice and training, or he lacks the fire within to make whatever effort and sacrifice is required to maximize his ability, or maybe it's a combination of both. Lemaitre needs that legendary White "non-stop motor"; it's fair to question his desire after what's transpired.
One of the keys to running fast is having the ability to relax. For what ever reason, Christophe has looked very tense and nervous this year. He needs to know that if you run tight, you will run slow. Relaxation is the key to speed and speed endurance. I'm also going to post a interesting article. It talks about the gene the people are born with that allows you to be able to run fast if you train properly. The article clearly states that whites just like blacks have this gene and are capable of running very fast times.
Muscles, heavy weights

One thing I want to say. Warren Weir has not any more muscles than CL and ran 19,84. He doesn't look like a roider.
I only hear excuses here like PEDS, puff :dodgy:

Lemaitre had bad season in 100 OK but in 200 he had in general good season, it is the truth.
19.91 in bad conditions in London DL is wonderful.
In semifinal very bad luck with great rivals like Blake and Spearmon, and making great time 20.03 with negative wind "only" 3th place and again very bad luck with his lane in the final (lane 9 would be a lot of better for him).

I repeat with "easy" semifinal with Bolt he would have 20.3 for to get final and by lane6 in the final 19.8 i see it very possible.

To talk about PEDS now is really stupid.
He worked very bad his 100m it is true and he ran very bad bends in OG, but he was not so bad like somebody tells here.

To talk about PEDS now is really stupid,i repeat.
we are not there training with CL so non of us can say what hes doing wrong. he said he doesn't like weights, I've heard Bolt say the same thing. do we assume because he doesn't like it he's not doing it. lets all cut the kid some slack and lets give a appluade to someone who hasn't subcome to the lure of drugs.

a while ago i posted a quote from a french newspaper from just before the olympics where they said that lemaitre doens't like weights, but also that he trains weight lifting only 2 times per week, and they said that it wasn't enough:!?p=253508&viewfull=1#post253508

the problem is that, in a typical french fashion, even his coach doesn't seem to think that weights are important (i posted some quotes of him here:!?p=247657&viewfull=1#post247657 )
Anybody ever hear of a sprinter who declined at age 22 from what he was at 20 coming back stronger at 26?
Yes here is one Mike Larabee and he came back at 30 and he was White. Beyond that it's been few and far between. I seem to recall a few others that took time off and became champions again or medalists but they were suspended athletes ie Gatlin or guys like Bailey that were club level sprinters who gave up the sport to earn a living.
No way in heck Bolt squats 320KG. Either something got lost in translation, someone is flat out wrong, or someone is just making stuff up. If he tried to squat that much, the weights wouldn't stop moving down till they hit the floor. :der:
Here is Pat Mendes doing a 700 plus pound squat.... Notice he is probably about 60 pounds of muscle heavier than Bolt. Interestingly enough he failed a PED test this spring for HGH usage. Bolt could never do a 700 squat and would never need to as he doesn't need legs like a Clydesdale,he needs legs like race horse.
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Is it possible Lemaitre has reached his peak already? We've seen countless white sprinters that have come very close to the 10 second barrier and then they suddenly regress and start running 10.3's and 10.4s. Thankfully, Christophe broke that 10 second barrier but this just doesn't make sense. Why do white sprinters always regress while? He still has a few more years in his prime to try and correct this but it needs to start now.

Anyone on this site who is denying that PED use isn't rampant by these black sprinters is a fool. As some of these guys age they are running better times than 5 years ago. It's not a fountain of youth, it's PED's. Is every black sprinter juicing? No, of course not. But I am sure many are.
a while ago i posted a quote from a french newspaper from just before the olympics where they said that lemaitre doens't like weights, but also that he trains weight lifting only 2 times per week, and they said that it wasn't enough:!?p=253508&viewfull=1#post253508

the problem is that, in a typical french fashion, even his coach doesn't seem to think that weights are important (i posted some quotes of him here:!?p=247657&viewfull=1#post247657 )

well I stand corrected. he should be hitting the weights more than twice a week. when I was running I was lifting for a hour a day, 5 days a week. I might be jumping on the new coach bandwagon.
Warren Weir is juiced. He increased his p.b by almost a second in one year. We are talking about 3/4 of a second. Give me a break. Every other day there are more Yamaicans we haven't heard of running these times. All from a tiny island. Not possible. You guys do not know your track history. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Believe what you want but I already know all I need to know.
Is it possible Lemaitre has reached his peak already? We've seen countless white sprinters that have come very close to the 10 second barrier and then they suddenly regress and start running 10.3's and 10.4s. Thankfully, Christophe broke that 10 second barrier but this just doesn't make sense. Why do white sprinters always regress while? He still has a few more years in his prime to try and correct this but it needs to start now.

Anyone on this site who is denying that PED use isn't rampant by these black sprinters is a fool. As some of these guys age they are running better times than 5 years ago. It's not a fountain of youth, it's PED's. Is every black sprinter juicing? No, of course not. But I am sure many are.
Less PED usage. Kenteris won the 2000 title at 27 but he was most likely juiced to do it. He also had peak years in his late 20's that culminated with 19.8X time to win the Euros. If you look at the backgrounds of the Jamaicans that are hungry to get out of the slums in the city or the shacks in the countryside nobody from Western countries have lived like that in 100 years or least since the end of WWII. I think Blake talked about there was no tv in his house when he grew up.
Warren Weir is juiced. He increased his p.b by almost a second in one year. We are talking about 3/4 of a second. Give me a break. Every other day there are more Yamaicans we haven't heard of running these times. All from a tiny island. Not possible. You guys do not know your track history. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Believe what you want but I already know all I need to know.
Yes he was a hurdler who tend to stay skinny(David Oliver aside). He also only has been with the MVP training group for one year. He probably benefited from an endurance ****tail coupled with steroids. Taking your pb down from 20.4X to 19.8X in one year is highly improbable clean. Jamaica never had this kind of depth in sprinting, it's the equivalent of Arkansas producing top ten world sprinters year after year. People would be wondering what was up. Also like I said before if Jamaica had innovative techniques that other coaches knew of they would copy them or want to learn about them. Nobody is flying down to Jamaica to learn anything.

When Christophe wins you are fans of Christophe and when he loses it is a Christophe's bashing !
You say that Christophe has regressed, it is stupid!

You compare his time 2011 in 9.92 with perfect condition 30°C, wind +2m/s AND his time 2012 in 10.09 with cool temperature 14°c wind -0.7m/s and wet track! And you say Christophe has regressed ! YOU are SO STUPID!

For 200M in 2012, Christophe ran 19.91 with cool temperature or 20.03 with wind -0.5m/s and a very bad bend!
You think that Christophe can run so fast without hard work? You do not know the athletics !
Christophe is not a machine, he is just a human !

You don't respect Christophe, you don't respect his trainer SHAME ON YOU!
You talk about his training, about his trainer, but you know NOTHING!
3 years ago, Christophe had won no title, Christophe won since many titles he ran very very fast 9.92, 19.80!

He is 6th in Olympic final and it's a Christophe's bashing, YOU are SO STUPID!
I am sure that Christophe can beat his time of 19.80 at the meeting of Brussels.

The disappointment is not an excuse! Your comments about Lemaitre, about Pierre Carraz are shameful!

Nickel ashmeade is a big hope for the jamaican sprint he's 22 years old like Christophe, but where is he this year?
Christophe beat him this year at the diamond league meeting of Paris

His trainer is he bad? It is the same trainer than tyson gay!

SHAME ON YOU! And stop to say that you are a fan of Christophe, you don't respect him and his trainer either!

your are hysteric !
Glen Mills

Hey, what do you guys know about this Glen Mills character (Bolt's coach)? How many verified drug cheats has he trained in the past? Any speculation on who supplies him what?
firstly .

jamaica and bolt are the worst thing to ever happen to sprinting
and specially white sprinting .

i cant lift up a paper or read about athletics without his interference
or reference to him .
even simple article on sally pearson is corrupted by calling her the bolt of her event
heard so many times now . simply cant have a article on white athlete in media
without darkening it , that is what have to put up with .

glad lemaitre didnt run the 100m as it is truely disgusting and his presense
not going to change that .
why would he want to participate in that show of eubonics , any sane person
would choose to stay as far away from there bull**** as possible
i think the marxists call it white flight but us here know exactly what is .
Really Lemaitre was worst in 100m this year.
"Only" 10.04 in big race in Rome when he should to get sub10 probably there.
But in 200 he was this season minimum at same level that 2011 or better.
19.91 with horrible conditions in DL London and 20.03(his 3rd best time after 19.80 and his 19.91 few before this year)in semifinal OG.
In the final he was tired and running in lane2, very bad for him, but his speed endurance was really good.
PJ Vazel told me that he got 10.60 in the bed, so he got 9.59 in the last 100m, it is great.
In Daegu in his 19.80 he got 10.24 and 9.56.

He has to train more and better his bends, it is SURE

That's fantastic that you have access to PJ Vazel. Could you ask him what he thinks of Christophe's race, Christophe's current training, and Christophe's future? We're all a bunch of armchair coaches on this site, but I'd love to hear an expert's opinion.

Zellgaddis's initial comment led me to this interview that the website SpeedEndurance did with Vazel. I think you'll all find it VERY interesting. The quote is long but please read all of it:

Q2 – In France weight training is often not maximal, yet one of the best experts (Cometti) is a big influence. Could you share how the culture of France and athletics is helpful and harmful for strength development?
PJ Vazel: It is a difficult question as I have never felt there was such thing as a “French school†for sprinting, unlike Pole Vault or Triple Jump. In France, strength training has always been seen as suspicion. Traditionally, its practice has been associated with drug use and has been opposed to “technical training†(analytical training) which would belong to higher coaching competence.
In a nutshell, the reasons can be understood in both historical and geographical context. During the XIX century in Eastern Europe, the delay in the economical development increased the necessity of militarization within a nationalization perspective, which impacted the education system and sport practice. Pure strength was seen as a virtue, whereas in France, it was seen as one of the least important skill in physical activities, as French authors considered physical education as an aid to intellectual development. Hence they favoured agility and coordination over strength. During the XX century, the lack of theoretical education for coaches on strength training, reinforced by the language barrier, coupled with some good results – yet rare – by French sprinters who didn’t use much of strength training – if not at all – widened the gap between France and Eastern Europe or USA on strength consideration.
Now, you mention Cometti. He was one whose writings were popular in universities and well known by coaches for that he provided translations and vulgarization of research in the field of strength training theory (concentric, static, eccentric, etc). Moreover he proposed training programs for strength development, which were in extenso integrated by a few French sprint groups into their training plan. This reductionist approach, which doesn’t take in account the interplays and conflicts between the various training means, leads to overload syndromes in sprinters resulting in high rate of injuries. The other problem lies in the erroneous analyze of the sprinting activity. For the proponents of this method, the equation of sprint training can be sump up this way: more strength training = stronger athletes = faster athletes. If force production is the key cause of locomotor speed, from a biomechanical point of view, its link with muscle strength (as developed in the weight room) is complex. kinematic and dynamic analyses show that for the best sprinters running at top speed, the flight time exceeds 60 % of the step cycle and that during the reduced contact time, higher ground forces are generated. I analyze this paradoxal muscular activity during sprinting as a cyclic alternation of noise and silence, composing a unique rhythm, a unique music. Inter-individual and intra-individual comparisons using tensiomyometer show that the fastest sprint performances are achieved with faster rate of more intense muscle contractions as well as muscle relaxations. Also, injury rate is correlated with a lesser quality and quantity of relaxation. Excessive training loads in the weight room, especially during the eccentric cycle promoted by Cometti, result in tightness and soreness in the muscular system. While these effects are described by the author, they are ignored by the coaches who still ask the sprinters produce high intensity sprint performances at training while the muscle tone status is not appropriate. Muscle tone really is the condition for fast sprinting performance and guarantees physical integrity. All the training activities should be organized around this consideration. (Note: see Dan’s interview for other insights)
It promotes the theory that sprinters need to learn how to relax, more than to learn how to contract. On that matter, scientific research backs up the coaching cues you can read on manuals published in USA one century ago!
Photo Credits: Gustau Nacarino, Reuters

Q3 – Christophe Lemaitre is a BIG name in France. Could you share his development not being typical of the average elite? The JB Morin study of Christophe is touted as a landmark study while others cite Milan Coh has better data. What are your feelings about the development of Lemaitre and and the research of elites in general?
PJ Vazel: I’m not coaching Christophe but I’ve been observing his development for years. An interesting feature is that he is a pure sprint specialist. At age 16, during the same meet, he ran 10.77 at 100m but only long jumped 5,51 m and high jump 1,62 m. For a fast and tall guy, such performance discrepancies in power-speed events leave you wonder about how complex is the notion of talent and its detection. The most remarkable in this guy is that no matter the level of the competition, he manages to keep his composure and respect his own race musical partition.
article sums up french mentality
they try to philosophlise everything and turn it arty farty .
to busy thinking when should be getting physical.
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