I don't run this site but act as a moderator. In my opinion I think you are being too sensitive. There is no difference between someone not liking jews and not liking Catholics or blacks, or arabs or any other group. It is their personal opinion.
There was no direct insults of jewish people or remarks that would violate the forum rules.
I find the oversensitive complaint of "anti-semitism" to be a violation of a persons right to speak freely. As a European you should be very sensitive to this complaint as, in Europe, they throw people in jail and fine them for expressing their free speech rights. I find that very objectionable.
And I must be honest. I feel that because of the great power that jews exert over public policy in both Europe and the US, and because both those places have serious problems, that jews must bear a great amount of responsibility for those problems. I think they should be heavily criticized for many of the decisions they make and I support those that make those criticisms.
I hope you don't leave this forum for this reason but if you do I think it will be more likely that you are the intolerant one not us.
And please don't use the word "Nazi" in this respect. No one spoke of Naziism in this discussion. It is misleading and has nothing to do with this discussion.
It's a shame that CL and the French 4x100 team finished just outside the medals. Barely got pipped at the end.
I dunno about those Jamaicans. Another WR? It seems a bit suspicious the way rich American negroes suddenly can't compete with their brethren from Jamaica.
Anyway I was surprised that Ron Pognon (Black) was still sprinting for France. I remember his name from when I was a kid, so he must be getting up there by now.
vicaut BAD RACE
pognon BAD RACE
ronald pognon is 30 years old !
The jewish man in charge of french athletics, bernard amsallem, does everything you could expect from him: he pushes athletics in the urban areas, where the population is majority black (see the project "urban athlé") and he only thinks about detecting the sprinting talents in those urban areas or in the caribeans (the project "plan caraibes": there is a bigger black population in france than in the USA (in percentage) and we also have blacks who are descendants of slaves (there are more blacks of caribean descent in paris than in the french islands in the caribean)
we also have what you call a "caste system" in sports
I'm agree with you, but in the US the black population represent around 13% behind the 16% of hispanics.
In France, even though you don't have ethnics statistics I think it's nearly 10% of the population. (I don't put the Arabs in this category)
man wtf with so much racism on this forum? why if in france national team majority of players aren't white?if your white players are some pussy no problem,arabs and blacks are ready to represent your country,you fear about arabs or black?why? because they bang your sister or mother? man why must to like a person because is white and why must to hate a person because is black? all of us are human being and equal in everything. ZINEDINE ZIDANE-your best ever player is algerianpeople from pour country all time are better than people from rich country this is sure,why that ethiopians and kenyans can run so good? why our caucasian cant do that?because a nigga run not play on play-station and eat kfc
man wtf with so much racism on this forum? why if in france national team majority of players aren't white?if your white players are some pussy no problem,arabs and blacks are ready to represent your country,you fear about arabs or black?why? because they bang your sister or mother? man why must to like a person because is white and why must to hate a person because is black? all of us are human being and equal in everything. ZINEDINE ZIDANE-your best ever player is algerianpeople from pour country all time are better than people from rich country this is sure,why that ethiopians and kenyans can run so good? why our caucasian cant do that?because a nigga run not play on play-station and eat kfc
I believe the reason that you survived to over 100 posts is because you are an idiot and no one can understand your incoherent ramblings, well, that's if they take the time to attempt to read your writing, I think most people skip/skim your posts. Congratulations.
Can someone please post a schedule of the remainer of the meets that Christophe will enter if available. I know one thing. He will want to get some revenge for his mediocre olympics performance. Don't be suprised if he still runs some very fast times in the last month of the season. Hopefully he can maintain his peak condition a little longer and off course he won't have to run rounds. A new p.b. in the 200 would be nice as well as a sub 10. The european 200 meters record would be the icing on the cake. At the very least, hopefully next season he will take down the european record over both distances. I still prefer to see him in the 100. It breaks down more stereotypes in my opinion.
Can someone please post a schedule of the remainer of the meets that Christophe will enter if available. I know one thing. He will want to get some revenge for his mediocre olympics performance. Don't be suprised if he still runs some very fast times in the last month of the season. Hopefully he can maintain his peak condition a little longer and off course he won't have to run rounds. A new p.b. in the 200 would be nice as well as a sub 10. The european 200 meters record would be the icing on the cake. At the very least, hopefully next season he will take down the european record over both distances. I still prefer to see him in the 100. It breaks down more stereotypes in my opinion.
Allan Wells would beg to differ, granted the doping regiment of the late 70's through early 80's isn't the same as this era. He even talked on the BBC broadcast that he was proud that he was last White man to win and final at the Olympics. He even dismissed the snub of having no Americans by stating he beat them 2 weeks later at the big meets in Europe. I think if you could drive out drugs of track and field(a tall order) a White man can still win or medal in the event and one made the final last year and 4 years before that.I don't see a white man being a world or Olympic 100m champion -- whether through doping or not any time soon. The Communist Bloc countries were doping whites males at the same time that Ben Johnson and other West African descended blacks were doping, yet they could not beat black men then -- even though such doping was state-sponsored. I predict that Lemaitre will just fade away like the last Great White Hope, Craig Pickering. No amount of training or PED's will make the fastest white man be faster than the fastest black man. This is an exercise in futility. We must be realistic about white males' inherent physiological limitations.
I don't see a white man being a world or Olympic 100m champion -- whether through doping or not any time soon. The Communist Bloc countries were doping whites males at the same time that Ben Johnson and other West African descended blacks were doping, yet they could not beat black men then -- even though such doping was state-sponsored. I predict that Lemaitre will just fade away like the last Great White Hope, Craig Pickering. No amount of training or PED's will make the fastest white man be faster than the fastest black man. This is an exercise in futility. We must be realistic about white males' inherent physiological limitations.
I don't see a white man being a world or Olympic 100m champion -- whether through doping or not any time soon. The Communist Bloc countries were doping whites males at the same time that Ben Johnson and other West African descended blacks were doping, yet they could not beat black men then -- even though such doping was state-sponsored. I predict that Lemaitre will just fade away like the last Great White Hope, Craig Pickering. No amount of training or PED's will make the fastest white man be faster than the fastest black man. This is an exercise in futility. We must be realistic about white males' inherent physiological limitations.
DonWhite men regularly won sprinting medals at the Olympics up until the late 1960s. How do you explain that? Did White men suddenly become afflicted with the same mysterious genetic defect that resulted in them disappearing as running backs and receivers?
White men regularly won sprinting medals at the Olympics up until the late 1960s. How do you explain that? Did White men suddenly become afflicted with the same mysterious genetic defect that resulted in them disappearing as running backs and receivers?