Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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White men regularly won sprinting medals at the Olympics up until the late 1960s. How do you explain that? Did White men suddenly become afflicted with the same mysterious genetic defect that resulted in them disappearing as running backs and receivers?

They never do explain it. Regarding Lemaitre, he didn't run as well as he had in previous years.
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise him failing in the Olympics, he will have to reconsider his entourage and his training methods; a 3rd place like expected would've consolidated him in his routine life.. I sense some ppl in this forum are already letting him down (or is it just frustration?) - I still beleive in him and support him whatsoever (except doping)- if somebody has a complete; or partial schedule, plz post here, thx
I don't see a white man being a world or Olympic 100m champion -- whether through doping or not any time soon. The Communist Bloc countries were doping whites males at the same time that Ben Johnson and other West African descended blacks were doping, yet they could not beat black men then -- even though such doping was state-sponsored. I predict that Lemaitre will just fade away like the last Great White Hope, Craig Pickering. No amount of training or PED's will make the fastest white man be faster than the fastest black man. This is an exercise in futility. We must be realistic about white males' inherent physiological limitations.

Eugen Ray of East Germany was the #1 100m sprinter in the world in 1977 or 1978.
Lutz Dombroski was the #1 Long Jumper.
So their program worked.
During that time, Pietro Mennea was the #1 200m runner in the world, and set a WR.
Allan Wells won the 100m in the 1980 Olympics, and Kenteris was World and Olympic Champ about a decade ago.
So it IS possible.
Eugen Ray of East Germany was the #1 100m sprinter in the world in 1977 or 1978.
Lutz Dombroski was the #1 Long Jumper.
So their program worked.
During that time, Pietro Mennea was the #1 200m runner in the world, and set a WR.
Allan Wells won the 100m in the 1980 Olympics, and Kenteris was World and Olympic Champ about a decade ago.
So it IS possible.

I don't think that you could be 100% certain that neither Mennea nor Wells were not doping. I think that a better reference would be from before the doping era. The 1936 Olympics was supposed to be a showcase of Aryan supremacy. Germany won as many medals as the United States, France and Great Britain combined, yet the Germans could not beat Jesse Owens and other American blacks in sprinting. I'm sure that the Nazis must have scoured the Third Reich searching for a sprinter to take home the gold in the marquee 100m event. Jesse Owens et al left them red-faced. American blacks won the 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m races. How would someone explain that?
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I don't think that you could be 100% certain that neither Mennea nor Wells were not doping. I think that a better reference would be from before the doping era. The 1936 Olympics was supposed to be a showcase of Aryan supremacy. Germany won as many medals as the United States, France and Great Britain combined, yet the Germans could not beat Jesse Owens and other American blacks in sprinting. I'm sure that the Nazis must have scoured the Third Reich searching for a sprinter to take home the gold in the marquee 100m event. Jesse Owens et al left them red-faced. American blacks won the 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m races. How would someone explain that?

maybe because they didn't care about it
as you said, they won almost everything at these olympics, and germany doesn't have an infinite population, they can't win at everything

the german armin hary was the first man to run in 10 seconds, he might be the first man to run under 10 seconds too but he was controversial and nobody thought that you could run that fast so they didn't officialised his time
this kid started athletics at 16 years old because previously he did soccer
our (europeans) best athletes are in soccer, like i said there are mediocre soccer players (ghilas for example) that beat our top 3000m runner (mekhissi, silver medal in those games)

lemaitre did soccer, rugby and other sports (handbal) too and knew nothing about athletics until 15-16 years old
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I don't think that you could be 100% certain that neither Mennea nor Wells were not doping. I think that a better reference would be from before the doping era. The 1936 Olympics was supposed to be a showcase of Aryan supremacy. Germany won as many medals as the United States, France and Great Britain combined, yet the Germans could not beat Jesse Owens and other American blacks in sprinting. I'm sure that the Nazis must have scoured the Third Reich searching for a sprinter to take home the gold in the marquee 100m event. Jesse Owens et al left them red-faced. American blacks won the 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m races. How would someone explain that?

If you want better references from before the doping era then why did Lindy Remigino win Gold in the 100 meter in 1952, or Bobby Morrow in 1956, or Armin Harry in 1960? What happened to black supremecy in sprinting for those eras? Obviously when doping is not an issue there are equal results. For the 10 Olympics between 1932 and 1972 there were 5 Gold medal 100 meter winners that were White, and 5 that were black. Something has changed, and it ain't the yams.
Don, third wave, or whomever wants to respond. I have been around youth track and youth baseball for about the last 8-10 years
both locally and nationally. I believe whites can be as competitive as blacks in sprinting, but possibly some reasons why they don't could be lack interest and participation.

When you go to major tournaments in youth baseball for example 80% of the players are white. When you go to major track meets 99% of the sprinters are black. For whatever reason whites for the most part are not participating and training in the sprint events the way blacks do.

We've seen what some whites in this country can do at young ages in the 100m. Just in my area, Hunter Furr went 10.4 in the 100m at 17 years old at 6'0 200lbs. and won N.C. 4A state 100m Championship and The Nike Outdoor Nationals, but his main sport was football. I know of a 12 year old with about 3 months of training went all the way to the finals at The AAU Junior Olympics in the 100m(11.8) at 12 years old; placing 6th overall. That was out of about 2,500 black participants.

I know there are many other stories here at CF of fast white athletes. These are just a few in my small area. I guess my point is; if 1% or less white athletes are competing in sprint events, the chances of having a major white sprint champion in this country are slim, but still possible against almost all odds.

I can't speak for other countries, but I would almost guarantee if the numbers of participation were equal and the training were the same, this country would produce a white sprinting contender for Gold at the Olympics.
What you say is true in Canada too. I had a relative who could have been at least a city level sprinter if not a provincial(state). I remember he told me that when he was a senior in grammar school he competed and won the school district, burough(the equivalent of being a champion in Brooklyn) and won the city title. He literally said he had Black opponents who already had coaching and were ranked in the 400 meters. There aren't 12 year olds that are seeking out coaching on their own. If any White Canadian parents are going to go nuts on sports it's going to be hockey or possibly baseball and a distant third would be football. This same relative never pursued track after grammar school because his middle school didn't emphasize sports and the track coach was a stickler for bureaucratic nonsense.
Really disappointing Olympics from LeMaitre. After 3 years of progress (2009, great time in winning the world juniors; 2010, the Euro double and sub-10; and 2011, 19.80 and a world champ medal) he's flopped this year.

We've seen similar trajectories with Shirvo and Pickering - great early promise, which tailed off to nothing. Let's hope LeMaitre doesn't go the same way.

In the 200 final, I expected him to get off to his usual terrible start, especially from lane 2, and he did. But the biggest letdown was that the great top-end speed that he possesses, which lets him storm through late on in his races, just never materialised.

I have to say, it's possible that he doesn't have the hunger. The French generally prefer to relax and enjoy life rather than work hard (that's why they're always on strike, their army always surrenders, and their sports teams are constituted by Africans!) It seems that LeMaitre's coach is some local old guy from his town who isn't exactly cutting edge in his methods, and maybe LeMaitre, like many French people, prefers easy home comforts over ruthlessly making himself the best sprinter he can be.

It's not for me to complain about what he does with his life, but it sure is a pity to waste that amazing talent, and that top-end speed that rivals Bolt. With some proper weight training for explosiveness and power, and improved bend technique, which would involve leaving France and training somewhere like the US, he could be a serious contender in both sprints in the future.
Really disappointing Olympics from LeMaitre. After 3 years of progress (2009, great time in winning the world juniors; 2010, the Euro double and sub-10; and 2011, 19.80 and a world champ medal) he's flopped this year.

We've seen similar trajectories with Shirvo and Pickering - great early promise, which tailed off to nothing. Let's hope LeMaitre doesn't go the same way.

In the 200 final, I expected him to get off to his usual terrible start, especially from lane 2, and he did. But the biggest letdown was that the great top-end speed that he possesses, which lets him storm through late on in his races, just never materialised.

I have to say, it's possible that he doesn't have the hunger. The French generally prefer to relax and enjoy life rather than work hard (that's why they're always on strike, their army always surrenders, and their sports teams are constituted by Africans!) It seems that LeMaitre's coach is some local old guy from his town who isn't exactly cutting edge in his methods, and maybe LeMaitre, like many French people, prefers easy home comforts over ruthlessly making himself the best sprinter he can be.

It's not for me to complain about what he does with his life, but it sure is a pity to waste that amazing talent, and that top-end speed that rivals Bolt. With some proper weight training for explosiveness and power, and improved bend technique, which would involve leaving France and training somewhere like the US, he could be a serious contender in both sprints in the future.

"The French generally prefer to relax and enjoy life rather than work hard (that's why they're always on strike, their army always surrenders, and their sports teams are constituted by Africans!"

"The French generally prefer to relax and enjoy life rather than work hard (that's why they're always on strike, their army always surrenders, and their sports teams are constituted by Africans!"


Stupid? Maybe, Funny, yes!
Really disappointing Olympics from LeMaitre. After 3 years of progress (2009, great time in winning the world juniors; 2010, the Euro double and sub-10; and 2011, 19.80 and a world champ medal) he's flopped this year.

We've seen similar trajectories with Shirvo and Pickering - great early promise, which tailed off to nothing. Let's hope LeMaitre doesn't go the same way.

In the 200 final, I expected him to get off to his usual terrible start, especially from lane 2, and he did. But the biggest letdown was that the great top-end speed that he possesses, which lets him storm through late on in his races, just never materialised.

I have to say, it's possible that he doesn't have the hunger. The French generally prefer to relax and enjoy life rather than work hard (that's why they're always on strike, their army always surrenders, and their sports teams are constituted by Africans!) It seems that LeMaitre's coach is some local old guy from his town who isn't exactly cutting edge in his methods, and maybe LeMaitre, like many French people, prefers easy home comforts over ruthlessly making himself the best sprinter he can be.

It's not for me to complain about what he does with his life, but it sure is a pity to waste that amazing talent, and that top-end speed that rivals Bolt. With some proper weight training for explosiveness and power, and improved bend technique, which would involve leaving France and training somewhere like the US, he could be a serious contender in both sprints in the future.

If he came to Train in the US for one seasn, Lemaitre would be top 5 in the 100 and top 3 in the 200, European record holder for both the 100 and 200 - no doubt about it...but, this wont happen as he and his family are afraid to send him here (and he said himself he will never leave the Alps- maybe he should take up skiing). But, he did 2 years ago come for about 2-3 weeks to train in Florida and in his own words said the training was too much, but guess what, he improved on all his times that year.

Leamitre is a natural speedster, only 2nd to Bolt, but he lacks significant Athletic strength. He does not need PED's, does not need to squat 500 pounds. But should have good basic Athletic strength - (double bodyweigth in squat and deadlift etc.)

Anyone that can run a sub 6.6 in the 60 meters is considered a 'power' runner...lemaitre runs under 6.6 in the 60 not based on power but natural speed that very very very few sprinters actually have. With power, he would run 6.45, 9.80 and 19.5 - I am almost certain...but this is up to Lemaitre if he really wants it or not; I dont see it. He will probably fade away like Shirvo is a real shame
look ,

lemaitre is not clean , he is on sarms but to compete properly
he needs to dope properly and get access to undectables roids .
it is his decision and easily will know if it happens or no by performances .
leave him to decide , as the sprints and athletics are ****ed anyway .

fact there has not been a clean 100m olympic mens winner since 1960
or even 1956 ,

the progression in times show this clearly ,and also with arrival of testosterone and dianabol on scene , read various hammer thrower harold connoly articles on timeline of drug use in olympics .

wells and mennea ,borzov both doped 100 per cent but so what , it is nessary .
it is a pitty track in munich was slow for borzov and the basic steroid programme
used made his joints weak ,if had been alittle more lucky would of easily
won both again in 1976 .

am really struggling to find clean sprinter under 10 seconds, peds are that nessary .
and black sprinting is a great falacy .
they are getting were are because in position to dope , being in 10.10-10.30 etc
range naturally and alot less white athletes running such times as starting place and especially
with what happening in society nowadays in europe and west.
and clearly being in american and carribean system is very key .,the money ,physians
and biotech industry .carribean is playgroung for all the rich and corrupt .cant think of
more disgusting place on face of planet ,
and how many white sprinters coming out of that sytem ,complete shut out .
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look ,

lemaitre is not clean , he is on sarms but to compete properly
he needs to dope properly and get access to undectables roids .
it is his decision and easily will know if it happens or no by performances .
leave him to decide , as the sprints and athletics are ****ed anyway .

fact there has not been a clean 100m olympic mens winner since 1960
or even 1956 ,

the progression in times show this clearly ,and also with arrival of testosterone and dianabol on scene , read various hammer thrower harold connoly articles on timeline of drug use in olympics .

wells and mennea ,borzov both doped 100 per cent but so what , it is nessary .
it is a pitty track in munich was slow for borzov and the basic steroid programme
used made his joints weak ,if had been alittle more lucky would of easily
won both again in 1976 .

am really struggling to find clean sprinter under 10 seconds, peds are that nessary .
and black sprinting is a great falacy .
they are getting were are because in position to dope , being in 10.10-10.30 etc
range naturally and alot less white athletes running such times as starting place and especially
with what happening in society nowadays in europe and west.
and clearly being in american and carribean system is very key .,the money ,physians
and biotech industry .carribean is playgroung for all the rich and corrupt .cant think of
more disgusting place on face of planet ,
and how many white sprinters coming out of that sytem ,complete shut out .

You're right! Lemaitre is not clean at all. His diet is pure junk food.
Its good that Carraz and Christophe are angry. And it is good to know Carraz believes he has more potential in him, as does everyone else...but Carraz needs to motivate Christophe to get stronger in the weight room, that is whats holding him back.

I totally agree. CL needs to implement some plyometric training w/ some cross-training (that incorporates some powerlifting). He's too scrawny IMO. At 6'2, he needs to be 175-185 w/ solid muscle (5-8% bodyfat).
From what I read of the article the coach doesn't know what the problem was. He talked about it could be nerves before the final. He mentioned that if Christophe had been among the 2 fastest qualifiers he would have gotten a better lane and a 19.8 could have happened. He also mentioned that Christophe didn't execute the race on the turn and down the stretch. It's similar to us and our analysis of the situation...:huh:
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unfortunatly, from what I read, Pierre Carraz will be his coach next year.
silver bullet!!!!

C.L. will p.b before end of the season gauranteed...yee heard it here !!!!! watch out reiti in september.....
C.L. will p.b before end of the season gauranteed...yee heard it here !!!!! watch out reiti in september.....

I also think so .... but it's too late.
Next year the world championships take place in Moscow ... there he will take his chance
C.L. will p.b before end of the season gauranteed...yee heard it here !!!!! watch out reiti in september.....

If he PB's then it will show that he is angry at his Olympic performance and eager to get better; if he is far from his PB, then he may have given up. I hope Carraz can motivate him.
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