Caitlin Clark

Whitlock is right that Clark is a victim of the culture war, and also right that what she's facing is worse than what Jackie Robinson faced. Robinson had many powerful people on his side (though mostly just using him for their own reasons), but Caitlin Clark has no one powerful on her side. All the institutions of power - the Deep State, the Jew-controlled media, the corporate-industrial complex, the Soros-funded NGOs - demanded that she surrender, and it shouldn't be considered surprising that she did.

As a couple of insightful posters have said, we shouldn't rely on young, naive women to be our political role models. Women, especially if young and sheltered, are about as conformist as conformist can get, and their greatest fear is being ostracized by their peers. Clark will say whatever she thinks will get the black lesbians to like her and accept her. (Of course, nothing will, but she simply doesn't have the life experience to recognize that).
Whitlock is right that Clark is a victim of the culture war, and also right that what she's facing is worse than what Jackie Robinson faced. Robinson had many powerful people on his side (though mostly just using him for their own reasons), but Caitlin Clark has no one powerful on her side. All the institutions of power - the Deep State, the Jew-controlled media, the corporate-industrial complex, the Soros-funded NGOs - demanded that she surrender, and it shouldn't be considered surprising that she did.

As a couple of insightful posters have said, we shouldn't rely on young, naive women to be our political role models. Women, especially if young and sheltered, are about as conformist as conformist can get, and their greatest fear is being ostracized by their peers. Clark will say whatever she thinks will get the black lesbians to like her and accept her. (Of course, nothing will, but she simply doesn't have the life experience to recognize that).
I agree, but the bigger point is that we shouldn't rely on any White athletes to be our political role models, not just female ones. They're jocks, not politicians or philosopher kings and queens. They operate in an environment where it's suicidal to speak out the way some here want them to. And of course, as I point out over and over, nobody even knows these athletes personally much less what their beliefs are. I graduated with a BA degree in Political Science before being exposed to racial issues from a sincere pro-White perspective. What we know is that some White athletes have managed to excel in Caste System America while many others have been denied a fair opportunity to succeed, which is enough and is why we root for them.

Again, we can lament that such a situation exists in society, but we're here to root for them as athletes, not to periodically decide that one or more of them are to be condemned for not believing the way we do or "speaking out" from an imaginary script that we want them to read from. All these posts since mine above have done is circled back to what I wrote originally.
Generally speaking, women are absolute birdbrains. This description can be particularly pronounced in young white women, who are still living in a period of largesse where they can trade professionally on identity politics as women while benefitting from being sexually desirable to most of the other half of the world. Among the subjects I would not seek advice from women (especially young white women) are politics, romance, religion, finances, and perhaps most of all, social issues. Caitlin Clark offering up a boilerplate birdbrain answer on race does not lower my opinion of her one bit!

I believe she was born with privilege, too! She wasn't a bone-in-the-nose Zulu lesbian!

We can lament the lack of racial pride, or even refusal to bow to the blacks, which is why a guy like Shipley and McCaffrey saying they believe them to be the elite is refreshing, but ultimately I will never take advice from a woman on most any subject, even my wife.

They just lack the tools to think individually.
I agree, but the bigger point is that we shouldn't rely on any White athletes to be our political role models, not just female ones. They're jocks, not politicians or philosopher kings and queens. They operate in an environment where it's suicidal to speak out the way some here want them to. And of course, as I point out over and over, nobody even knows these athletes personally much less what their beliefs are. I graduated with a BA degree in Political Science before being exposed to racial issues from a sincere pro-White perspective. What we know is that some White athletes have managed to excel in Caste System America while many others have been denied a fair opportunity to succeed, which is enough and is why we root for them.

Again, we can lament that such a situation exists in society, but we're here to root for them as athletes, not to periodically decide that one or more of them are to be condemned for not believing the way we do or "speaking out" from an imaginary script that we want them to read from. All these posts since mine above have done is circled back to what I wrote originally.
I agree with much of what you write, but also believe many white athletes are more than jocks (although certainly most are blissfully unaware of the racism against them). It is apparent to me that the average politician is just as spineless and oftentimes less intelligent than a white athlete. Neither of them are likely to give up their golden goose and speak out for white people.

Hell, some of the people speaking out the most for white people are black (Candace Owens, for example). Whites have the numbers here and potential power to reign but have been beaten down by decades of social programming.

Sites like this excellent one are laying the groundwork for disaffected whites to start researching the antiwhiteism running rampant.
I agree with much of what you write, but also believe many white athletes are more than jocks (although certainly most are blissfully unaware of the racism against them). It is apparent to me that the average politician is just as spineless and oftentimes less intelligent than a white athlete. Neither of them are likely to give up their golden goose and speak out for white people.

Hell, some of the people speaking out the most for white people are black (Candace Owens, for example). Whites have the numbers here and potential power to reign but have been beaten down by decades of social programming.

Sites like this excellent one are laying the groundwork for disaffected whites to start researching the antiwhiteism running rampant.
That's right, it's our job, not Caitlan Clark's or any individual White athlete's. Do some posters here not realize that the traditional ways of "speaking up" for White people ended decades ago, a couple generations ago actually? It's become the taboo, a guaranteed way to have one's reputation and legacy ruined, to be lumped in with Jimmy the Greek, Marge Schott, Al Campanis and many others. No White athlete making millions of dollars, tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in many cases now, is going to voluntarily give that up and exchange it for being permanently demonized and ridiculed, not to mention how it would affect their wife and children. Would any poster here? The answer is obvious. We have to be a lot more savvy because the old ways are now effectively extinct.

And I repeat this a lot because it's so obvious and so key -- no one knows what these athletes' individual beliefs are. Caitlan Clark may well be a liberal and actually believe she has benefitted from "White privilege." She's a small town girl but also a college educated single White woman, the group more afflicted with liberal poison and TDS than any other. But that can be just as true with male athletes. Steve Kerr, Greg Popovich, Rex Chapman, Chris Long and others are extreme leftists. Don't they know they are victims of the Caste System? Obviously not. You can't project your beliefs and motivations onto anyone else no matter how strongly you believe you're right, like the left does all the time.

Back when I started this site in 2004, there was a poster, obviously a young man, who was ripping Jeremy Wariner big-time as a bad role model because of the way he dressed and talked, and for not "speaking up" for White people. Wariner had just won Olympic gold in the 400, the first White American man to do so since 1964. What a fantastic achievement, yet this poster could only repeatedly criticize him because he didn't fit the mold of what he wanted Wariner to be. He didn't have one positive thing to say about Jeremy.

If you want to know more about Wariner's background and why he wasn't interested in being a martyr for the White race, read this old thread about his upbringing:

But ever since that kid back in the early days of CF, there have been posters criticizing various White athletes for not publicly attacking the Caste System (a term very few athletes have even heard of), or for not openly advocating for White athletes, or for the way they dressed or who their girlfriend was. Such attacks belong in the realm of fantasy, not on CF, which I try to keep a serious site. There are no shortcuts, if some White athletes ever begin "speaking out" it will be because we laid the groundwork in making it more acceptable. We, us. And keep in mind not just DWFs but the great majority of supposed racially aware Whites and Whites in general buy into the propaganda that sports is a meritocracy and Blacks are the best athletes.
Lost all respect for Clark. This is not going to stop the black players from trying to hurt her or make her any more friends. I guess she wanted to fit in.
I haven't lost all respect for Clark, but Booth has a good point. In a way it's like what we here about in prisons. You don't have to stand tall, but you have to stand. She's going along with the status quo with that statement she made. This will in no way gain her anymore respect. As Jason Whitlock said, "she has surrendered." Whether she believes what she says or not, as Booth stated, it's not going to make her any more friends. She may never have any, but she can get respect by what she does on the court. I'm not talking about just her play either. When she gets knocked on her @$$ with a flagrant foul, she needs to get up and defend herself. I know times have changed, but Larry Joe Bird gained respect by his play and for not taking crap from any black players. He fought with the likes of Julius Erving, Moses Malone, Jabbar. Just to name a few. He became one of the most respected players in the NBA. White players need to get back to defending themselves. We just saw a white Marine Corps Veteran defend himself and others by taking out a black thug on a New York subway. I'll guarantee you he gets respect every time he gets on a subway or anywhere else he goes from now on.
I'm not sure the prison analogy is great, but I would think that it could be similar as far as attitudes are concerned.
I have respect for Clark's skills and all that she's accomplished, but this has not garnered her much respect from WNBA players. I will follow her when I can and wish her nothing but continued success.
I haven't lost all respect for Clark, but Booth has a good point. In a way it's like what we here about in prisons. You don't have to stand tall, but you have to stand. She's going along with the status quo with that statement she made. This will in no way gain her anymore respect. As Jason Whitlock said, "she has surrendered." Whether she believes what she says or not, as Booth stated, it's not going to make her any more friends. She may never have any, but she can get respect by what she does on the court. I'm not talking about just her play either. When she gets knocked on her @$$ with a flagrant foul, she needs to get up and defend herself. I know times have changed, but Larry Joe Bird gained respect by his play and for not taking crap from any black players. He fought with the likes of Julius Erving, Moses Malone, Jabbar. Just to name a few. He became one of the most respected players in the NBA. White players need to get back to defending themselves. We just saw a white Marine Corps Veteran defend himself and others by taking out a black thug on a New York subway. I'll guarantee you he gets respect every time he gets on a subway or anywhere else he goes from now on.
I'm not sure the prison analogy is great, but I would think that it could be similar as far as attitudes are concerned.
I have respect for Clark's skills and all that she's accomplished, but this has not garnered her much respect from WNBA players. I will follow her when I can and wish her nothing but continued success.
Agreeableness may have its place in a white environment but certainly not the nba or wnba. Another anecdote is when Robert parish signed with the bulls and he says how jordan immediately tried to bully him. He stood up for himself didn’t give an inch and said after that jordan never gave him crap
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