Another ESPN jerk

Coming off QB Watson winning ( for lack of a better word) in his debut the Mike and the Mike show was in full hyper caste mode this morning. They had Joey Galloway as a guest and as media hero Lamar Jackson prepares for Clemson is a huge game Saturday night the three guys discussed the top rated QB's heading into the 2018 draft. Curiously Galloway and Golic nearly achieved orgasm just talking about Jackson and how he has everything to make it big in the NFL. The other QB's all got dissed. Galloway said Darnold's four interceptions are a grave concern. He said Rosen is too up and down and that Josh Allen has a lot of work to do. I won't argue that Allen needs more polish etc. but no QB in the draft has as much upside talent as Allen ( which may or may not be realized) but they are too blinded by Jackson. God I hope Clemson shuts him down. Then Baker Mayfield came up and Golic, still gloating about his prediction that Manziel would fail in the NFL said Mayfield has some of that Johnny Football in him and Galloway chimed in that Mayfield's improvising and running around will get STUFFED by NFL players. Yet for Jackson they were eating up the notion that Jackson's improvising and running around makes him the next great dual QB ala Michael Vick, who was never great by the way.
Again I don't want to get into which QB will make it or not but it was more than a tad curious that the black QB got the BJ and white QB's got trashed. I know I shouldn't be tuning in but it becomes laughable at times.

And one more word on the odious transformation of Mike Golic. Ex mediocre and unathletic DT from ND and the Eagles, once a big guy has now shrunken down in size,albeit he looks no better or healthier than before. But his mind has shrunken too. He is a full bore clown who worships at the alter of caste. Over the past few years his caste tendencies have become more pronounced. The black athletes are the exciting guys and white athletes are deficient according to his rule book. Edelman is just a cut rate average player in his mind. He has become as useless as rat droppings and once again ESPN blew it when they kept Golic and his prissy partner Greenberg, who ESPN signed to a huge contract, on board instead of dumping their asses.
As for Jemele Hill, Miss Dumpster Fire, your days are numbered in my mind you lousy bitch.
Ultimately, by the end of the season, the stats will be what they are and will favor White QBs, outside of Jackson. And to try as they might (and they will) via propaganda, the production of the White QBs will there in black-and-white and undeniable. What will they say, then?
Another smack down by the White House today as an MSNBC reporter nibbles like a demented mouse on the Hill subject. ESPN is hypocritical and if they applied the standards that anything goes that they have afforded Hill ( who has upset a lot of people in this country) then past ESPN employees like Curt Schilling, Jason Sehorn and Britt McHenry should have never been fired. The only reason I can think of is why they kept Sage Steele is because she is half black because she loves Trump. And lets be fair, McHenry and Sehorn never said anything "controversial" and Schillings political comments can't hold a candle to the vicious animosity and vitriol that Hill has displayed. As for Linda Cohn's harmless and accurate comments the line has been drawn. There is a hypocritical double standard ( as most know here at caste) and it is glowing in the dark. And this is coming from the White House so don't you think ESPN that a good look in the mirror is in order?
Don't forget ESPN is being rightly sued by Tennis announcer Doug Adler ( with assistance form a weasel tennis reporter from the New York Times) for falsely being accused of making racist comments. ESPN is going to lose the case big time. Adler should stick in up their fake ******** .It represents just another in a a series of mind boggling ESPN screw ups that ranks right up there with their Robert Lee announcer catastrophe. ESPN has lost their bearings and from a business perspective they need to get rid of the current management, fire both Michael Smith and Jemele Hill and get back to sports. And we can only hope they tone down the caste stuff. What world am I living in? Ha.
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I disagree that Jemele Hill should be fired from ESPN. In fact, I hope that Hill continues in her prominent role with ESPN forever...oops, I mean until this Marxist Leviathan of cable network finally collapses under the dead weight of their anti-white, anti-Trump, pro-BLM, pro-LGBT, PC, Affirmative Action, SJW, virtue-signalling idiocy. The more angry, militant, Black Power-leaning brown people at ESPN, the closer they come to permanent extinction via financial ruin. At present, the "face" of their morning programming is Stephan A. Smith on "ESPN First Take" and the "face" of their evening SportCenter is Jemele Hill on "SC6."

In a way, I agree with Hill's comments and find them to be mostly accurate. Donald Trump does promote racism, intolerance, and bigotry against non-whites. He is almost solely responsible for the most extreme racial divisiveness the country has ever known. He did create an environment for pro-white individuals (Nationalists, far right conservatives, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, fascists, etc) to express themselves in public for the first time in generations. His words and actions have fostered divisiveness, hatred, distrust, unrest, endless protesting, violence, rioting, and even death. Hell, I've know many people who've told me that they've cut numerous friends and family members out of their lives completely because of heated pro-Trump vs. anti-Trump arguments. Personally, I think grudges like that are a very good thing, as it means that people still care about their future. Last year around this time, Trump was a litmus test to determine friend from foe. For all those reasons and more, we should be eternally grateful to this man! It’s not surprising when Jemele Hill and Stephen A. Smith feel threatened by this man and are lashing out. They’re used to always getting their own way and it’s humorous to watch them suffer as a blond-haired, blue-eyed, Germanic Alpha White Male President (metaphorically) rules over their lives.


And then what? What is your suggestion? Allow this forever? Nothing changed before. 200 million people and the most conservative president in modern history can't even get a single black supremacist fired! You keep the faith.
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Since this whole Hill fiasco has been covered by Fox and CNN it is worth pointing out a few more things on the heels of yet another wet noodle memo by ESPN head John Skipper. See below.
A lot of people on the right and left are saying Hill has the right to let loose and say whatever she wants. It all boils down to free speech they say and I am all in on free speech but ESPN does not abide by the rules of free speech. Free speech can only work as a concept if the speech includes everyone. In the case of ESPN their concept of free speech is selective and obviously tilted towards the very far left of the dial. If ESPN allowed free speech then people like Schilling, Steele and McHenry would have been able to fight back against Hill. One conservative writer said that people who think she should be fired are acting like "snowflakes, a term often used for the "overly politically correct left" regarding Hill. No ******* don't call me a snowflake. I am all up for a free speech donnybrook as long as it is not a one sided fight which is what ESPN made it. ESPN did not offer a forum for anyone working there to dispute her rancid claim and the reason is ESPN basically agrees with her premise. Besides she works for a company and most companies don't give their employees carte blanche when it comes to free speech and in ESPN's case the new rules were supposed to prohibit political speech from their employees. And one has to be clear about this. What Hill did was the single worst thing I can ever recall a sports journalist spouting in terms of political stuff.
Meanwhile Fox News should rethink their coverage of these black led riots that sprout up across American cities on a routine basis. Sure CNN gets sexually aroused every time these things occur like last night but to me why give these ******** airtime and publicity even though admittedly it exposes their violent manifesto.
The two major stories that deserve disgust and fear were placed in the footnotes section. North Korea's continued provocations and yet another terrorist attack that could have killed over 100 people. As it was many were injured. But for black people like Hill and the 'marchers" and their "feelings" about race, which is essentially hate on whitey, welcome to the center of attention. Everything else of real importance off to the sidelines you go. Good grief.
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I have always enjoyed reading your posts and you obviously are aware and a staunch opponent of the caste system and the accepted media bias
Coming off QB Watson winning ( for lack of a better word) in his debut the Mike and the Mike show was in full hyper caste mode this morning. They had Joey Galloway as a guest and as media hero Lamar Jackson prepares for Clemson is a huge game Saturday night the three guys discussed the top rated QB's heading into the 2018 draft. Curiously Galloway and Golic nearly achieved orgasm just talking about Jackson and how he has everything to make it big in the NFL. The other QB's all got dissed. Galloway said Darnold's four interceptions are a grave concern. He said Rosen is too up and down and that Josh Allen has a lot of work to do. I won't argue that Allen needs more polish etc. but no QB in the draft has as much upside talent as Allen ( which may or may not be realized) but they are too blinded by Jackson. God I hope Clemson shuts him down. Then Baker Mayfield came up and Golic, still gloating about his prediction that Manziel would fail in the NFL said Mayfield has some of that Johnny Football in him and Galloway chimed in that Mayfield's improvising and running around will get STUFFED by NFL players. Yet for Jackson they were eating up the notion that Jackson's improvising and running around makes him the next great dual QB ala Michael Vick, who was never great by the way.
Again I don't want to get into which QB will make it or not but it was more than a tad curious that the black QB got the BJ and white QB's got trashed. I know I shouldn't be tuning in but it becomes laughable at times.
And one more word on the odious transformation of Mike Golic. Ex mediocre and unathletic DT from ND and the Eagles, once a big guy has now shrunken down in size,albeit he looks no better or healthier than before. But his mind has shrunken too. He is a full bore clown who worships at the alter of caste. Over the past few years his caste tendencies have become more pronounced. The black athletes are the exciting guys and white athletes are deficient according to his rule book. Edelman is just a cut rate average player in his mind. He has become as useless as rat droppings and once again ESPN blew it when they kept Golic and his prissy partner Greenberg, who ESPN signed to a huge contract, on board instead of dumping their asses.
As for Jemele Hill, Miss Dumpster Fire, your days are numbered in my mind you lousy bitch.

I have watched both of Darnold's games - he had one bad throw vs. WMU. His INTs are not a worry at all, he is the best QB I have seen since Luck at the college level. Just curious - did they ding Jackson for playing in a Petrino offense? For any other QB he has had - his offense comes up as a red flag. My guess is they did not cite that at as a negative.

I tuned out of sports talk radio and most sports shows a long time ago. Mike and Mike were always a couple of odious clowns - I have always thought Golic was a huge tool. My advice to you would be to not even tune in anymore because it can get infuriating and under your skin.
The Rev. Al Sharpton will bring wrath of his followers if espn fires Hill. I hope he follows through and they burn down espn headquarters in Bristol.
Nice take by current Breitbart employee (and former Phillies Pitcher), Curt Schilling, on Jemele Hill in an "interview" with a cucked CNN anchor:

I would of never hired her. She has no place in any platform that represents sports. I think she’s openly racist, I think she has been openly racist, but, I don’t need to tell you guys (CNN) that, you’ve been at the forefront of this conversation since Trump’s been elected…CNN has been at the vanguard from everything from the fake Russian dossier to calling Trump a white supremacist time after time, anchor after anchor with no validation, no support for the comments, and the white supremacy 27 years ago on the Oprah Winfrey show. This is the same station that said with female anchors with her hands up, with the ‘hands up don’t shoot,’ even though that was considered to be a complete fabrication or lie. I never heard anyone at CNN retract that. I never heard CNN retract that.

I remember as a kid in the mid-70's hearing the phrase "Reverse Racism" sometimes on the news (whether radio, print, or TV), and I remember asking my mom what that meant...even at that time as a youngster it made no sense to me, "racism is racism, no matter who does it, so why do they call it 'reverse racism'" is what went through my mind, so I was probably born anti-Caste. Good to see that phrase finally being replaced with just the term "racist" even when it applies to obvious black-on-White racism.
Curt Schilling has not always acted like a choir boy but there are a few things about him that truly standout. He was willing to call the bluff of Adam Jones on his unsubstantiated racist claims. He pointed out the racist characters of two ESPN employees Bomani Jones and Jemele Hill although that isn't that difficult to discern. I still think Dan Le Betard and Michael Smith are very suspect on that score.
Schilling was somehow berated by ESPN for comparing ISIS to the Nazis. Sure a group that kills little teeny bopper girls attending a concert are somehow morally above Nazis? WTF?
And he opposes transgender bathrooms so what. A lot of people agree with him and certainly this idea of those sort of bathrooms in schools is beyond the pale. I think arguably the most insane thing going on in sports is this allowance we see in Track and Field for athletes born male to compete with the women as transgender athletes. IT IS BEYOND ABSURD.
And one other thing this guy is one of the toughest athletes I have ever witnessed. And it isn't a debate. THIS MAN BELONGS IN THE HALL OF FAME. One of the greatest toughest clutch pitchers in the history of the game with three World Series ring as proof.
Meanwhile ESPN is slowly getting their wake up call. I know it is hard to see any progress during this Hill melee but I have some minimal contacts with a couple of people associated with the company and they are aware that they have to get off this racial train to nowhere in order to survive and prosper. Below is another ESPN story.
One more thing. That SOB Michael Bennett and his black power fist. I'll tell you where a fist should go. Right across his teeth.
I asked my normiecon wife if we would have had a son if she would want him to play football, a resounding no "NFL players are scum.". If he were the right size and physical maturity then it would be his choice by me

I think the few smart white liberals are using blacks to ruin football in particular, villainous blacks being less popular than the plague
Good now they need to take the next step and fire this poisonous bitch which by the way they should have done after her malicious false accusations at the President. Not only is she a first class bigot she is a dumb ass to boot. Some of the companies she wants to boycott because of the Cowboys also advertise for ESPN. Whoa she meddled with the bottom line which is ironic because she was not suspended for a much more serious crime of things she said about Trump. ESPN is showing their true colors as moral cowards and money grubbing grease balls. And again I praised Jerry Jones at the time a few weeks ago when they came to a compromise regarding the Anthem ( under great duress and the iron was HOT) and now with his new declaration about no player of his will kneel without a penalty you may not like him but dammit the guy has balls and I respect him for that. Too bad many of these other owners have been playing footsies and pansy patsy with the Anthem stuff. See below. As for Hill she can't be released soon enough.
Soooooo, they don't suspend her for slander and libel which she and BSPN could be sued for...BUT, they suspend her for potential profit loss. Hmmm.

For some reason, I don't have any earthly idea why, but I just thought of a joke I heard once:

"Hey Joe, how can you guarantee to see two Jews in a fist fight?"

"I don't know, Bill. How?"

"You throw a penny on the ground between them."

I have no idea at all why I thought of that.
No idea at all....
Soooooo, they don't suspend her for slander and libel which she and BSPN could be sued for...BUT, they suspend her for potential profit loss. Hmmm.

For some reason, I don't have any earthly idea why, but I just thought of a joke I heard once:

"Hey Joe, how can you guarantee to see two Jews in a fist fight?"

"I don't know, Bill. How?"

"You throw a penny on the ground between them."

I have no idea at all why I thought of that.
No idea at all....
Similarly, do you know how copper wire was invented?

Two Jews fighting over a penny.
Just another interesting piece on Hill the black racist bitch from beyond. ESPN should have done this the first go around and FIRE HER ASS. See below.

Prior to the 2010 World Cup, I remember Jemele Hill did a hit piece on ESPN about the scourge of "white racism" in South Africa, where the tournament was being hosted. She thought it was highly racist for the few white people remaining in the country to install fences with razor wire, gates, advanced security systems, panic rooms, and hired armed guards to patrol their homes against viscous black invaders. "The Apartheid still exists," she bemoaned. I guess she didn't hear about the rampant sport-raping of white South African woman, the ghastly torture/murder of thousands of whites on farms and in cities, the infinite number of car-jackings and robberies, the gangs, the drug-related crimes, the AIDS epidemic, the record-setting child rape, the "tire necklacing" in public places, etc. None of this occurred until the fundamentally anti-white ANC took power in 1994. But whites are racist for noticing the myriad of ways that blacks have utterly destroyed the country and trying to survive.

ESPN’s Around the Horn featuring 3 females and a black supremacist today...

They should have renamed the show “Around the Commode”.
Not sure if anyone is familiar with Barstool Sports - It is basically a "bro site" that is not very PC and covers sports/current events etc with a certain level of crudeness. It looks like they had a deal for a show with ESPN but it was cancelled after one episode mainly due to complaints from BSPN employees - specifically Sam Ponder and Sarah Spain who were complaining of old tweets that Barstool sports sent out a few years ago that targeted them. Anyway Barstool sports has hit back with some pretty funny stuff attacking the hypocrisy of both Ponder and Spain as well as the idiocy of Dan Skipper. It's just another angle of attack on BSPN.
I used to love watching that show over a decade ago. The panel was almost entirely all White men and usually one White presenting black man.
I used to be a semi-junkie of ESPN programming way back in the day, until about 15 years ago when I started to pull away due to the creeping (now full blown) cultural Marxist propaganda. Same with all of the sports radio programming. Oh, how nice it would be to be able to listen to legit intelligent discussions and just flat-out worthy news on a variety of sports subjects in general, but that's no longer possible in (((America 2.0))).
I used to be a semi-junkie of ESPN programming way back in the day, until about 15 years ago when I started to pull away due to the creeping (now full blown) cultural Marxist propaganda. Same with all of the sports radio programming. Oh, how nice it would be to be able to listen to legit intelligent discussions and just flat-out worthy news on a variety of sports subjects in general, but that's no longer possible in (((America 2.0))).
I would give anything to be able to turn on the tv and watch a group of well dressed, well spoken, and intelligent white men discuss sports HONESTLY. Call me a simple man but I wish I could plug back into the sports, pop culture, and entertainment matrix that the rest of the country is plugged into. The only thing in my way is all of the leftist propaganda. I just can't stand seeing all of these ghetto, obnoxious, and arrogant blacks that dominate the culture today. It's impossible for me to watch them.

I'm just a peasant. And since the dawn of civilization peasants were not expected to care about things like the economy, immigration, and war planning. The elites were supposed to handle those things. But the elites had to keep the peasants somewhat happy or at least keep them entertained with distractions. Now they won't even let us have our entertainment and distractions anymore. They've lost their minds because there will be a serious backlash one day, it may have already started.
American Freedom News