Another ESPN jerk

Another ESPN SJW "Disgusted" and "Repulsed" that the Ravens would gauge the interest of their fans before deciding on whether the sign Kraperneck.

“It’s repulsive to me that someone who hasn’t even committed a crime and did nothing more than speak out against something that is a serious issue in our society and is now donating millions of dollars and time to that issue is somebody that we need to ask the public if they are willing to watch play football,” she continued. “It’s gross.”

Shouldn't she be married to a White man and having kids instead of on a sports show supporting a spoiled, ignorant, ungrateful malcontent like him that probably hates her guts?
I know, technically he's not with BSPN anymore, but he used to be and you can't escape that fact. Skip (Dick)less says deep-down Whites know Kraperneck is right.
I know, technically he's not with BSPN anymore, but he used to be and you can't escape that fact. Skip (Dick)less says deep-down Whites know Kraperneck is right.

Skippy boy is either 'sharp' as a bowling ball OR desperately attempting to "redeem" his sorry hide by paying (cultmarx) "penance" with that poppyc0ck. What all (real) Whites know is....1) Krapernick is a moron mongrel & 2) he needs to be publicly flogged (& made an example of).
I know, technically he's not with BSPN anymore, but he used to be and you can't escape that fact. Skip (Dick)less says deep-down Whites know Kraperneck is right.

You wonder how many whites who mouth things such as this believe what they say. I think most do.

Obviously what Bayless said is ridiculous.
I heard a promo that tomorrow, August 8th ESPNU will be transformed into "The Ocho" for one day only in reference to the kind of funny but extremely overrated movie dodgeball

This means means that tomorrow American DWFs will collectively beat an already dead horse and "cleverly" make millions of references to one of the most nauseating cringeworthy catchphrases in the history of sports, maybe the world .... "that's a bold strategy cotton let's see if it pays off"
You wonder how many whites who mouth things such as this believe what they say. I think most do.

Obviously what Bayless said is ridiculous.

I think there are a few delusional, SJW-type whites who really believe that, and a much larger contingent who don't really believe it but just go along to get along (and get ahead) in our liberal-dominated society. #LiberalPrivilege
I think there are a few delusional, SJW-type whites who really believe that, and a much larger contingent who don't really believe it but just go along to get along (and get ahead) in our liberal-dominated society. #LiberalPrivilege

In addition to (strongly) deluded, they're also intellectually slothful...or deficient.
I can't wait for their front page series on white athletes :rolleyes:

I wonder if there will be any cries of racism for using SurveyMonkey for an article about black athletes...

(Sorry, but that was low hanging fruit).
ESPN continues to weigh down Disney stock. This is where you know there's not sufficient competition in the corporate media market. In a world of real free market competition, Disney would be forced to either do what it needs to do to change the business model of ESPN so that it more accurately reflects the demands of the audience or spin it off and let some other media company do it, but then that other media company would also be forced to change the business model to one that is essentially less SJW. It shows the unwillingness of any major US company to do that and that an SJW agenda is more important than maximizing profits.

I'm starting to suspect that almost all major Western corporations at this point are as insufferable as what that Google senior engineer recently exposed at Google with their unbearably stifling SJW work environment. It's like a strange form of Corporate Communism that has never existed before in history.
ESPN continues to weigh down Disney stock. This is where you know there's not sufficient competition in the corporate media market. In a world of real free market competition, Disney would be forced to either do what it needs to do to change the business model of ESPN so that it more accurately reflects the demands of the audience or spin it off and let some other media company do it, but then that other media company would also be forced to change the business model to one that is essentially less SJW. It shows the unwillingness of any major US company to do that and that an SJW agenda is more important than maximizing profits.

I'm starting to suspect that almost all major Western corporations at this point are as insufferable as what that Google senior engineer recently exposed at Google with their unbearably stifling SJW work environment. It's like a strange form of Corporate Communism that has never existed before in history.

The lefties always denounce U.S. "capitalism," but it's a form of monopoly capitalism that is in service to cultural communism. Instead of "the state" owning the means of production, several mega-corporations aligned with the goals of the state do, thereby maintaining the appearance of capitalism, but in a perverted communistic form.

Many like to call the U.S. system fascism, an alliance between government and big business, but the key characteristic of fascism is concern for and the lifting up of a people, in the case of fascism almost always White people, ala fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany, whereas the U.S. government and its corporate partners are virulently anti-White, as are all communists.
ESPN continues to weigh down Disney stock. This is where you know there's not sufficient competition in the corporate media market. In a world of real free market competition, Disney would be forced to either do what it needs to do to change the business model of ESPN so that it more accurately reflects the demands of the audience or spin it off and let some other media company do it, but then that other media company would also be forced to change the business model to one that is essentially less SJW. It shows the unwillingness of any major US company to do that and that an SJW agenda is more important than maximizing profits.

I'm starting to suspect that almost all major Western corporations at this point are as insufferable as what that Google senior engineer recently exposed at Google with their unbearably stifling SJW work environment. It's like a strange form of Corporate Communism that has never existed before in history.

What we are experiencing is no different than what we were told in high school polo sci classes is one of the telltale signs of a banana republic / third world, bribes. Though instead of an outflow of cash, this system masks the issue by showing an increase of (HR and bs created out of thin air) jobs in the labor market and an A+ on a companies corporate responsibility scorecard in order to conduct business

The multigenerational drain on the economy by losing billions in productivity via HR departments and diversity metrics has left men timid and our infrastructure crumbling. Think of all the innovation that had been lost due to companies hiring on a bisexual with pink hair to lead an R&D project at NASA or Apple
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I'm starting to suspect that almost all major Western corporations at this point are as insufferable as what that Google senior engineer recently exposed at Google with their unbearably stifling SJW work environment. It's like a strange form of Corporate Communism that has never existed before in history.

Indeed, the "tech" field may be most cucked of them all. Like everything else in the West, the vast majority of top programmers/developers/innovators are white men...and for this reason, "tech" companies are embarrassed beyond belief and are desperately attempting to "diversify." Too bad that many American blacks and Hispanics can barely graduate high school, Asians/Indians are mostly interested in IT and aren't good programmers, and women and homosexuals typically obtain liberal arts degrees.

My older cousin (he's 33) has a PhD in computer science and is a top programmer for a Samsung subsidiary. While his salary is absurdly-high (around $200,000+ per year), he's constantly texting/emailing me the most enraging SJW-themed "marching orders" that he receives directly from the CEO's each week, one of whom is literally a pre-operation transgender. There are employees in his company that are paid by Samsung to do nothing but post far-left propaganda on social media for no other purpose than to prove the company's dedication to Cultural Marxism. I've read dozens of them and it's some of the most hardcore SJW rhetoric I've ever read any company produce, which is no easy feat.

After Trump was elected back in November, the company sent out a series of emails encouraging employees to take the rest of the week off to "heal" and "mourn." Not kidding. In fact, they essentially indicated that if an employee voted for Trump, then "they had no place" at the company. Talk about a potential lawsuit. A few days later, they sent out flurries of angry emails asking employees for ideas for various ways that they could "boycott" the President, his companies, his properties, his connections, his family, his future policies, and his supporters. In the emails, they called repeatedly called Trump a racist, sexist, Nazi, white supremacist, white nationalist, homophobe, xenophobe, Islamophobe, etc. He was loving their misery.

Given how easily The System can spread their indoctrination/inoculation, the USSR was far less effective than the current USSA.
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What we are experiencing is no different than what we were told in high school polo sci classes is one of the telltale signs of a banana republic / third world, bribes. Though instead of an outflow of cash, this system masks the issue by showing an increase of (HR and bs created out of thin air) jobs in the labor market and an A+ on a companies corporate responsibility scorecard in order to conduct business

The multigenerational drain on the economy by losing billions in productivity via HR departments and diversity metrics has left men timid and our infrastructure crumbling. Think of all the innovation that had been lost due to companies hiring on a bisexual with pink hair to lead an R&D project at NASA or Apple
Not only bribes, but blackmail as well. That's how the Deep State really maintains control these days. Justin Bieber (no fan of his) just admitted in a Bible study class that the record executives wanted him to join in in a ritual sacrifice of a young boy after performing ritualistic sex acts if he wanted to become a billionaire instead of just a measly multi-millionaire, but he refused, and the fate of the boy eats at him until this day. Apparently, he canceled his tour to re-establish his Christian faith (if that is to be believed). There's also a recent video of a banker from the Netherlands (I believe) that admitted the same thing. He broke down in an interview when he described what was asked of him by the Satanic banking pedophile elite. He refused as well and was thus not granted entrance into their exclusive club.

Anyway, to your point about the loss of productivity in this country (as well as in the rest of the contemporary West) because of HR department directives and mandates, the converse of that is true when you look at countries like Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. that have nary an HR department to deal with (at least in the sense, degree or influence that exists in the West) and their GDP has been mostly in the mid-high single digits for many years now and some of their projects, including infrastructure, buildings, air ports, transit, malls are mind-blowing compared to the United States, making us look like a third-world country in many respects. Note that these countries are vastly homogenous, not "diverse" like that of the West now, so the saying "Diversity is Our Strength" is simply an Orwellian slogan pushed by "The Ministry of Truth" but is about as false as false can be.
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Was watching some YouTube vids on the Google situation and here's what one person wrote in the comments:

I worked for a Fortune 500 company that decided to have "Gay Day" where they encouraged their gay employees to "celebrate" their gayness and for straight employees to feel uncomfortable. One employee sent an email to HR asking if they were going to have a "Straight Day" and his email was quickly made public with an admonition against any intolerant behavior. But the real kicker was when managers were quietly asked to forward the name of any individuals that asked to take that day off to HR. When one manager asked what would happen to anyone that felt it best to take a vacation day on "Gay Day" he was told to just forward their names and to not concern himself with anything else. But that his failure to report them would be met with disciplinary action.
I can't wait for their front page series on white athletes :rolleyes:


When I first heard about this list I figured it was compiled by a bunch of black sportswriters and figured whatever as they argue with each other in the bar but was a bit bewildered why it was limited to just blacks in our day and age of inclusiveness. Ha. But as a curious sports fan I ran through the list and I didn't notice either Gibson, Althea the tennis great from the 50's or Bob the HOF pitcher for the Cardinals. I didn't have a problem with Jordan at number one or Willie Mays at four but couldn't figure out why Serena Williams was not in the top 5. Then I realized it was a bogus list. No Tiger Woods at all. As mentioned above it was some monkey survey--what the hell is that---that the public participated in and had nothing to do with sports writers which is why a couple of gymnasts were in the top 10. It gets even worse.The formula for voting was broken down and weighted as such: 40% for the best, 20% for dominance, 20% for inspiration and 20% for impact on society. The first two categories are legitimate litmus tests and a 75% for the best and 25% for dominance should do the trick. The addition of the final two, inspiration and societal impact is loaded with black racism. Yes when Jackie Robinson entered the big leagues or Althea Gibson broke down barriers in tennis the final two categories would apply. But that was way over 50 years ago. Why the hell is the media still representing black athletes as special inspirational figures that are essential to our history and humanity. That damn bus left the station over a half century ago. So to summarize this half ass list is about as inspirational as stepping in a piping hot freshly dumped slab of horse manure.
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Lurkers, the fact that they have the 50 greatest black athletes and not the 50 greatest white athletes is an example of an anti-white racist double standard.

Also, whites can be the victims of racism.
I can't wait for their front page series on white athletes :rolleyes:


Yeah I didn't want to click on it, but I did because I just had to ask the question of when the list of the top 50 White Athletes is coming out. That said, the rankings on the list were awful, and 90% of the posters said so.
I nominate LZ Granderson. This anti white,BLM worshipper spews his hate via ESPN and CNN.


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I nominate LZ Granderson. This anti white,BLM worshipper spews his hate via ESPN and CNN.

Never heard of the boy, but he looks like a convict (present or future). I'm sure his fellow cons will love that womanly hair "he" is sporting. ;-)
On ESPN First Take today, there was a discussion about some comments made by Seahawks DE, Michael Bennett (author of a new book called: "How to Make White People Uncomfortable") in which Bennett urges white players in the NFL to also sit during the national anthem in order to stand in solidarity with BLM, Kaepernick, etc.

ESPN's most obnoxious SJW cuck-boy, (((Max Kellerman))), vehemently agreed...

Stephen A. Smiff's response actually made a lot of sense. His point was that the "anthem protests" only involve a very small portion of black NFL why should whites be involved at all?

The Jew and the Negro then got off the rails a tad and began discussing the Washington Redskins name change. Then came the most cucked Maxipad Kellerwoman quote I've heard in some while: "Not 100% of Native Americans are against that despicable name of that Washington franchise!"

And ESPN still wonders why their rating were so poor that they needed to mass-fire dozens of employees a few months back. They haven't changed one iota and they never will. Every sports-related discussion is pondered from a racial angle and always from a pro-black, anti-white perspective. No matter how inoculated/indoctrinated the DWF's become, only an infinitesimal minority of white fans want to hear about the "oppression" of perma-griping black multi-millionares whose job exists exclusively for their entertainment.
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Sitting, standing, or jerking off during the national anthem is pointless and affects nothing.
I nominate LZ Granderson. This anti white,BLM worshipper spews his hate via ESPN and CNN.

ESPN sends this guy to Wimbledon and the US Open tennis tournaments. He sticks out like a sore thumb because he contributes absolutely nothing of value. I get the impression he only knows a couple of the players.
Sitting, standing, or jerking off during the national anthem is pointless and affects nothing.

Playing the national anthem is also pointless. Why not add the Pledge of Allegiance as well? These are not teams from different countries squaring off for national pride and bragging rights. It's one corporate entity of multi-millionaire mercenaries competing against another, and as the jovial shucking and jiving between opponents after NFL games shows, the fans care a lot more about the outcome than the players, who still get their hefty paychecks win or lose.

Instead of national anthems, the home team should play its fight song to get the DWFs riled up and ensure great beer sales.
American Freedom News