Another ESPN jerk

ESPN has a new "Sportscenter AM" featuring three hosts. So far not bad by my standards. Sage Steele is the centerpiece and as some of you might know she is one of the few at ESPN who is decidedly NOT left wing. The other hosts who seem amiable and harmless enough, are Jay Harris who is black and Randy Scott ( a bit goofy) who is white. Steele is half black and half white. To me it is an improvement on previous Sportscenters. They get to the meat of the previous day's action and add some guests and keep things moving along. They don't appear to be hung up on major caste perspectives at least so far as I can tell here in the early stages.
To me it is a nice little solid wrap up show and even though ESPN won't admit it publicly the show is a throwback to a simpler time where sports wasn't seen as some sort of social movement. Yes ESPN has plenty of those people on the roster including the always annoying Mike Greenberg, who will have his own show next year opposite this Sportscenter, My prediction is his show could tank. If I am reading the tea leaves correctly ESPN has decided, after the negative publicity of coming on as left wing culture fanatics, to provide a bit of sanctuary for fans who don't want politics mixed in with their sports and so far it seems this show fills that need.
Disney shares fall another 5% this week.

“Disney continues to be hit by subscription declines at ESPN — once its growth driver — and embarks on an ambitious direct-to-consumer streaming service,” the Post noted.
Fantastic news!!
Ol' Walt would wish nothing but the worst for that abomination...
BSPN 6:00 SportsCenter co-host Jemele Hill calls President Trump a "White Supremacist".


Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.

5:54 PM - Sep 11, 2017

I remember a commercial a few months back for her new show ("SportsCenter6") on ESPN in which her and black co-host, Michael Smith, are seen "shucking and jiving" to hardcore rap music, interviewing thug rappers, interviewing the most obnoxious black athletes, speaking exclusively in Ebonics, cracking themselves up and laughing hysterically at unfunny jokes, and generally "keepin' it real." Even the most hardcore DWFs, liberals, and wiggers wouldn't like this show. Not just because of the offensive anti-white, ultra-liberal commentary...but it's just plain bad.


CAPTION: Soon-to-be-Cancelled Black Power Programming

After her twitter post yesterday, a Trump supporter edited the first paragraph of her Wikipedia page to read: "Her unsubstantiated racist banter attacking President Trump as a "White Supremacist" angered 63 Million Americans leading to many people calling for her to be fired from ESPN."
Update on this story. ESPN has publicly said what Hill posted on twitter was inappropriate and they have talked to he about it. Sounds like a butt slap love tap to me. Is that where this ends? Her totally false derogatory tweets ( and there were quite a few) about President Trump and his associates call for an IMMEDIATE FIRING!! She has caused trouble before and was even suspended before by ESPN but when is enough just plain enough? If I were a betting man I say Hill will not last at ESPN. I think the company is slowly recognizing the political storm they brought upon themselves is hurting the bottom line which is why they placed Sage Steele as the head of ESPN AM SportsCenter. But after inexplicably hacking off a bunch of mostly basically non political trooper types earlier this year this looks to be very slow and painful process.
This is spiraling out of control. The Curt Schilling firing is brought up as a case for beyond double standards at ESPN but now word is out that signature long time ESPN employee Linda Cohn has recently been SUSPENDED for a few accurate but ultimately innocuous comments about politics and ESPN. Recently fired blonde Britt McHenry most notorious for the parking lot incident, is fully convinced she was canned because she is sort of right of the political ledger. The head honcho at Disney who has political aspirations, from my understanding is pulling the strings here and is the main architect of ESPN's far leftward drift.
Below is the breaking news on the Cohn suspension. Along with Hill's horror show tweets, as bad as things have been for ESPN these scenarios take the cake. More of this crap and they might very well collapse. Already they are losing customers by the bucket load.
Wow, and isn't Cohn a jewess, or married to a Jew? That's interesting and surprising...
They can afford to sacrifice one of their own if it means the continuation of increased division and unrest.
Hill has issued what some are claiming is an apology but in reality it was bringing in the tanks for reinforcement of her vicious racist tweets.
I have yet to get involved with ESPN but I have a few if limited resources to try and bend things in a better direction and this case is an open and shut case, no matter what Hill has to say going forward. She HAS TO BE CANNED. ESPN is also flirting with some mutiny also because the insider reaction of the way they quietly suspended old timer Linda Cohn has not gone down well with the rank and file. To add to the muddle some Antifa punks at Fenway last night unfurled a nasty but typical so called "anti-racism" banner that was inspired by an ESPN writer. Small world and an ugly one. ESPN cannot continue down this road and the sooner they recognize it the better. Because if they don't stop this toxic political banter they could ultimately ( might take a few years) collapse.
Hill has issued what some are claiming is an apology but in reality it was bringing in the tanks for reinforcement of her vicious racist tweets.
I have yet to get involved with ESPN but I have a few if limited resources to try and bend things in a better direction and this case is an open and shut case, no matter what Hill has to say going forward. She HAS TO BE CANNED. ESPN is also flirting with some mutiny also because the insider reaction of the way they quietly suspended old timer Linda Cohn has not gone down well with the rank and file. To add to the muddle some Antifa punks at Fenway last night unfurled a nasty but typical so called "anti-racism" banner that was inspired by an ESPN writer. Small world and an ugly one. ESPN cannot continue down this road and the sooner they recognize it the better. Because if they don't stop this toxic political banter they could ultimately ( might take a few years) collapse.

I disagree that Jemele Hill should be fired from ESPN. In fact, I hope that Hill continues in her prominent role with ESPN forever...oops, I mean until this Marxist Leviathan of cable network finally collapses under the dead weight of their anti-white, anti-Trump, pro-BLM, pro-LGBT, PC, Affirmative Action, SJW, virtue-signalling idiocy. The more angry, militant, Black Power-leaning brown people at ESPN, the closer they come to permanent extinction via financial ruin. At present, the "face" of their morning programming is Stephan A. Smith on "ESPN First Take" and the "face" of their evening SportCenter is Jemele Hill on "SC6."

In a way, I agree with Hill's comments and find them to be mostly accurate. Donald Trump does promote racism, intolerance, and bigotry against non-whites. He is almost solely responsible for the most extreme racial divisiveness the country has ever known. He did create an environment for pro-white individuals (Nationalists, far right conservatives, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, fascists, etc) to express themselves in public for the first time in generations. His words and actions have fostered divisiveness, hatred, distrust, unrest, endless protesting, violence, rioting, and even death. Hell, I've know many people who've told me that they've cut numerous friends and family members out of their lives completely because of heated pro-Trump vs. anti-Trump arguments. Personally, I think grudges like that are a very good thing, as it means that people still care about their future. Last year around this time, Trump was a litmus test to determine friend from foe. For all those reasons and more, we should be eternally grateful to this man! It’s not surprising when Jemele Hill and Stephen A. Smith feel threatened by this man and are lashing out. They’re used to always getting their own way and it’s humorous to watch them suffer as a blond-haired, blue-eyed, Germanic Alpha White Male President (metaphorically) rules over their lives.

First off many people feel she shouldn't be fired and perhaps I am in the minority on that score although the White House agrees with me. But a few things. You make a compelling case in your first paragraph regarding ESPN and it's future. As far as I can tell there are four ESPN employees that are causing the greatest amount of consternation. Jemele Hill ( no brainer there), her partner Michael Smith, Bomani Jones and Dan Le Batard. All four have crossed the line on several occasions with their veiled or not so veiled white hate rhetoric. ESPN of course has other pain in the ass caste mongers too but these four have gone the extra mile and according to my radar are on watch.
My concern is how this plays out for the white athlete. According to CNN it does seem like we are in some giant political/racial divide of earthquake magnitude. Yet on the ground at least where I live different races get along better than I can ever remember so either I am suffering from some sort of disconnect or the media has blown things way out of proportion. Yes there is a political divide but it isn't quite as black and white as the media (CNN, big city newspapers) would have you believe.
As for President Trump most will argue that he is not a cultured man and is very coarse (very rough around the edges). His rhetoric has got him in heaps of trouble yet supporters as well but as far as I can tell I can't recall a President who has had as many meetings with black groups or causes in his short stay so far. He even had a private meeting with black Republican Senator Scott from SC to" smooth over" things concerning the NC incident. It should be noted on the real record that Trump denounced the "white group" in NC in the course of a week probably more times than any president in history despite CNN"s take on the matter. If anything he has been more "black friendly" than the previous few American leaders as far as I can tell regarding actions, but in the juiced up media driven politics of the day, with CNN leading the charge, Trump is seen as the bogeyman.
And never under estimate the debilitating effects of white guilt that a lot of this racial talk exacerbates. Whether it be the (bogus in my mind) racism charges by baseball player Adam Jones or the crippling lies Hill tweeted, in a general overall sense white guilt has curdled and damaged many the prospects of whites in sports and kept them from reaching their full potential. Not all white people suffer from guilt. But a hell of a lot of them still do. Having the main stream media like ESPN pile on to white guilt and nefarious charges of racism hurts the status of white athletes in my mind which is why Hill, who is nothing more than a race baiting bitch, should be removed from the airwaves.
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Apparently, BSPN tried to "sideline" Jemele Hill after her tweet about Trump, but all of da bruva co-hosts refused to go on the air alone or with someone else unless she appeared, so BSPN scrapped the idea and then considered putting a White host out there, but then backed out of that idea, and just ended up letting Jemele host the show with her bruva co-host. I think the opening monologue went something like this, "Yo, in yo face, 'Whitey', we run this sh*t here. 'Black Powa', fo'eva, yo". #BlackPriviledge

Also, Trump just tweeted:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
ESPN is paying a really big price for its politics (and bad programming). People are dumping it in RECORD numbers. Apologize for untruth!

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Good for Trump for pinning Hill and ESPN against the wall. And if this story is true then the inmates truly are running the asylum. I still find it incredible that ESPN was going to "punish" Hill by making her sit out the night which is no punishment whatsoever. Unlike the previous President, Trump appears to be moving beyond the "blame whitey for racism" theory that CNN has been sucking on for several years now. Trump's approach, in the long run, is BETTER for race relations. On the surface the NC incident "alarmed" black activists but I'll cut to the chase. People like Hill and her ilk LOVE it when "white power" groups make headlines for it gives them yet another opportunity to bash the hell out of white people in general.
So it sounds like a racial divide is going on at espn based on the Cohn and Hill incidents. The double standard is obvious to most except for those fellow black employees at bspn who refused to cover for Hill. The fact that they are somehow standing up for a noble cause is beyond laughable IMO. If the upper management supports them and they know they won't be disciplined it is a win- win situation - they aren't risk takers but towing the party line (even though their arrogance won't allow them to see that).

The other side is the supposed silent majority at bspn - they need to stop being silent, speak up or quit their jobs. Bspn has allowed one narrative to shape their company and its obvious they are going to push it until they are blue in the face or bankrupt - whichever comes first. Bspn fancies itself to big to fail along with being morally righteous when in fact most people in the country are anything but racist but just fed up with the past 50 years of lies, sanctioned victim hood and antagonization/open racial attacks on white people with no end in sight. Luckily more and more people are getting fed up from the middle of the road which encompasses the biggest segment of bspns audience.
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Coming off QB Watson winning ( for lack of a better word) in his debut the Mike and the Mike show was in full hyper caste mode this morning. They had Joey Galloway as a guest and as media hero Lamar Jackson prepares for Clemson is a huge game Saturday night the three guys discussed the top rated QB's heading into the 2018 draft. Curiously Galloway and Golic nearly achieved orgasm just talking about Jackson and how he has everything to make it big in the NFL. The other QB's all got dissed. Galloway said Darnold's four interceptions are a grave concern. He said Rosen is too up and down and that Josh Allen has a lot of work to do. I won't argue that Allen needs more polish etc. but no QB in the draft has as much upside talent as Allen ( which may or may not be realized) but they are too blinded by Jackson. God I hope Clemson shuts him down. Then Baker Mayfield came up and Golic, still gloating about his prediction that Manziel would fail in the NFL said Mayfield has some of that Johnny Football in him and Galloway chimed in that Mayfield's improvising and running around will get STUFFED by NFL players. Yet for Jackson they were eating up the notion that Jackson's improvising and running around makes him the next great dual QB ala Michael Vick, who was never great by the way.
Again I don't want to get into which QB will make it or not but it was more than a tad curious that the black QB got the BJ and white QB's got trashed. I know I shouldn't be tuning in but it becomes laughable at times.
And one more word on the odious transformation of Mike Golic. Ex mediocre and unathletic DT from ND and the Eagles, once a big guy has now shrunken down in size,albeit he looks no better or healthier than before. But his mind has shrunken too. He is a full bore clown who worships at the alter of caste. Over the past few years his caste tendencies have become more pronounced. The black athletes are the exciting guys and white athletes are deficient according to his rule book. Edelman is just a cut rate average player in his mind. He has become as useless as rat droppings and once again ESPN blew it when they kept Golic and his prissy partner Greenberg, who ESPN signed to a huge contract, on board instead of dumping their asses.
As for Jemele Hill, Miss Dumpster Fire, your days are numbered in my mind you lousy bitch.
The only hope is bspn to implode from within. They'll probably do some kind of cover-up and whitewash the whole thing, the ol' move along, nothing to see here thing their types always do. People have to wake up or they'll be led to the slaughter watching that channel.
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