Hall of Famer
I don't have the new sports channel, "Fox Sports 1" (ESPN's primary competition), so I had never seen this hyper-cucked rant by Nick Wright about the NFL anthem protests on his new show: "First Things First." In five agonizing minutes, the beady-eyed, parrot-nosed, gum-smile-sporting bean-pole hits all the high points of contrived white guilt: slavery, lynching, segregation, and police brutality. If they keep hiring uppity SJW's like Wright (who is partially Jewish, naturally), Fox Sports 1 may follow ESPN into the bankruptcy doldrums. Check out the sheer passion he displays while making his "points," even adopting a "Dumb Southern White Guy Accent" to further illustrate the evils of the white race...
In addition to being a super-smart racial philosopher and sports anchor, Nick "The Nose" Wright is also one of the most handsome men on television. In fact, I'm considering undergoing a reverse-rhinoplasty procedure to have an exact replica of his nose installed onto my face...
In addition to being a super-smart racial philosopher and sports anchor, Nick "The Nose" Wright is also one of the most handsome men on television. In fact, I'm considering undergoing a reverse-rhinoplasty procedure to have an exact replica of his nose installed onto my face...

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