Another ESPN jerk

I don't have the new sports channel, "Fox Sports 1" (ESPN's primary competition), so I had never seen this hyper-cucked rant by Nick Wright about the NFL anthem protests on his new show: "First Things First." In five agonizing minutes, the beady-eyed, parrot-nosed, gum-smile-sporting bean-pole hits all the high points of contrived white guilt: slavery, lynching, segregation, and police brutality. If they keep hiring uppity SJW's like Wright (who is partially Jewish, naturally), Fox Sports 1 may follow ESPN into the bankruptcy doldrums. Check out the sheer passion he displays while making his "points," even adopting a "Dumb Southern White Guy Accent" to further illustrate the evils of the white race...

In addition to being a super-smart racial philosopher and sports anchor, Nick "The Nose" Wright is also one of the most handsome men on television. In fact, I'm considering undergoing a reverse-rhinoplasty procedure to have an exact replica of his nose installed onto my face...



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I see commercials for that clown's show with Chris Carter. He also has a black wife and mixed children.
Great analogy and paragraph in your article, Dixie!...

Because, ultimately, what is ESPN’s business otherwise? Just like Blockbuster Video it takes the content that other people create and rents them to viewers. The only real assets it has are sports rights agreements. And none of those are permanent. ESPN is just a middle man like Blockbuster. HBO can make money off “Game of Thrones” forever, Netflix can do the same with “Stranger Things,” but once the NFL leaves ESPN, the network retains nothing at all. That’s because ESPN doesn’t actually make anything of lasting value

A little off-topic, but not much. Has anyone caught the "Players Only" show on the NFL Network? I've channel surfed across it a few times, it consists of former NFL players (usually four) talking about the league and various games, I've never watched it for more than a minute or two. I've yet to see a player on it that wasn't black. Once again, "diversity" in Amerika means over-representing blacks to an extreme degree, while also whining non-stop about "White racism" and the "oppression" of blacks. Unfortunately, the NFL's Caste System has spread across the entire corporate fake news media as The Great Replacement continues full steam ahead.
What a nasty n***** Deion Sanders is. Tony Romo took a harmless little jab at him during the broadcast and look at the disgusting hate filled response Sanders had for him

What a nasty n***** Deion Sanders is. Tony Romo took a harmless little jab at him during the broadcast and look at the disgusting hate filled response Sanders had for him

Like most all benighted buffoon afroletes, overhyped Deiondra has an ultra fragile (albeit huge) ego. He’s one of the most overrated players of all time. Deiondra was a “1 trick pony” who couldn’t defend the run. Yes, he was a good athlete, but no way the greatest DB of all time.
Michael Irvin actually stood up for Romo pointing out that Deion pretty much has always bragged about not tackling by saying he was payed to cover not tackle. That he can't say things like that then whine when people crack jokes about it.
Deon always been a big-headed negro who felt like he was entitled to act and say anything he wanted to. I will always remember the way he treated Tim MaCarver after the world series, his sorry black ass snuck up behind Tim and poured a bucket of ice water over his head . This was payback for MaCarver saying something negative play during one of the games . Tim looked at him and said "real classy Deon real classy." I would have used his knotty head for a baseball and hit it a few times with a bat.
Deon always been a big-headed negro who felt like he was entitled to act and say anything he wanted to. I will always remember the way he treated Tim MaCarver after the world series, his sorry black ass snuck up behind Tim and poured a bucket of ice water over his head . This was payback for MaCarver saying something negative play during one of the games . Tim looked at him and said "real classy Deon real classy." I would have used his knotty head for a baseball and hit it a few times with a bat.

I remember my Dad & watching that deal with Deiondra & McCarver. My Dad said Sanders was a low rent slime ball.
About 100 more layoffs are set for ESPN after Thanksgiving. Some will be on air people. Will racist Jemele Hill be shown the door? Will not overly caste Ryan Russillo who runs the radio show in the afternoon with Will Cain be canned because of a vaguely weird incident recently? Bomani Jones for being an *******? On a side note they recently hired cutesy hotshot Katie Nolan who gained notoriety when she was with Fox sports. Where are they going to put her though.
But if you think this new wave of cuts will affect the caste slant think again because they have doubled down on that score. ESPN amidst all of these layoffs has sold their soul to Mike Greenberg and to a slightly lesser extent Mike Golic, the two greatest caste purveyors on ESPN over the past ten years. The infamous Mike and Mike morning show ends this week as they splinter off in different directions. Golic will shortly start up a TV/Radio show with co host Trey Wingo while Greenberg, who will occupy the main morning show platform at ESPN, will be starring in his own show with a few staple co host "helpers" starting in the early spring inside a brand new expensive Manhattan studio. What gives here? Greenberg is given a gigantic raise as many other ESPN on air people are being fired by the fist full.
Is it just a coincidence that the most caste laden main stream media personalities like Golic and especially Greenberg are allowed to flourish at ESPN or is it yet another sign of ESPN's continued quest to destroy what is left of what is known today as the "white athlete." Think the latter.
While I don't always tune in to Mike and Mike I do watch it because I want to keep the enemy in front of me and I have no greater enemy in sports journalism today than Mike Greenberg. He flies under the radar of outlets like Breitbart and remains in a general sense, controversy free but make no mistake the man has spent years now castrating the white athlete and elevating black athletes to another sphere. He is "THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN SPORTS" and the fact that ESPN is putting nearly all of their weight behind him should tell you how connected they are to the caste system in sports. They want to perpetuate the idea of blacks as better more exciting athletes. It is an assault on the senses that Greenberg is allowed to thrive as his company continues massive layoffs. And will the mainstream media including Breitbart ever expose this nasty individual's horrific anti white athlete mission which has been going on for far too long?
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About 100 more layoffs are set for ESPN after Thanksgiving. Some will be on air people. Will racist Jemele Hill be shown the door? Will not overly caste Ryan Russillo who runs the radio show in the afternoon with Will Cain be canned because of a vaguely weird incident recently? Bomani Jones for being an *******? On a side note they recently hired cutesy hotshot Katie Nolan who gained notoriety when she was with Fox sports. Where are they going to put her though.
But if you think this new wave of cuts will affect the caste slant think again because they have doubled down on that score. ESPN amidst all of these layoffs has sold their soul to Mike Greenberg and to a slightly lesser extent Mike Golic, the two greatest caste purveyors on ESPN over the past ten years. The infamous Mike and Mike morning show ends this week as they splinter off in different directions. Golic will shortly start up a TV/Radio show with co host Trey Wingo while Greenberg, who will occupy the main morning show platform at ESPN, will be starring in his own show with a few staple co host "helpers" starting in the early spring inside a brand new expensive Manhattan studio. What gives here? Greenberg is given a gigantic raise as many other ESPN on air people are being fired by the fist full.
Is it just a coincidence that the most caste laden main stream media personalities like Golic and especially Greenberg are allowed to flourish at ESPN or is it yet another sign of ESPN's continued quest to destroy what is left of what is known today as the "white athlete." Think the latter.
While I don't always tune in to Mike and Mike I do watch it because I want to keep the enemy in front of me and I have no greater enemy in sports journalism today than Mike Greenberg. He flies under the radar of outlets like Breitbart and remains in a general sense, controversy free but make no mistake the man has spent years now castrating the white athlete and elevating black athletes to another sphere. He is "THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN SPORTS" and the fact that ESPN is putting nearly all of their weight behind him should tell you how connected they are to the caste system in sports. They want to perpetuate the idea of blacks as better more exciting athletes. It is an assault on the senses that Greenberg is allowed to thrive as his company continues massive layoffs. And will the mainstream media including Breitbart ever expose this nasty individual's horrific anti white athlete mission which has been going on for far too long?

Russillo and Will Cain are the only ESPN personalities that I can listen to anymore. And I'm sure most people who lean conservative will agree with that. If ESPN cancels that show it would be a terrible business decision and it would prove once and for all that ratings come second to ideology.

Shadowlight since you seem to watch and listen to a lot of ESPN I'm hoping you could answer this question for me. Over a decade ago I started watching the Mike and Mike simulcast on ESPN2 and I could have sworn they both used to dress like businessman; dress pants, button up shirts, ties, and sometimes full suits. But for a while now they've been dressing like limp wristed ******* and slobs. Can you confirm for me that they used to dress respectably or is this all in my head?
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Bruce I am foggy on the subject of their attire back when but you might be right. I think they dress down more than ever today. If I am not mistaken, I am usually not home during the day, Stephen A Smith and Max Kellerman aka ESPN's resident carnival barkers, are dressed up in suits. For the record I prefer the suits or a sport coat and a tie. More professional looking.
Bruce I am foggy on the subject of their attire back when but you might be right. I think they dress down more than ever today. If I am not mistaken, I am usually not home during the day, Stephen A Smith and Max Kellerman aka ESPN's resident carnival barkers, are dressed up in suits. For the record I prefer the suits or a sport coat and a tie. More professional looking.
Funny you should mention First Take. I used to watch that show regularly back when Skip Bayless was on there. Skip and every black co panelist he had on the show would always wear suits. First Take is geared more toward minority audiences while Mike and Mike's audience is mostly White men. As if blacks are waking up early enough to watch Mike and Mike. The black show is subtly encouraging their audience to dress well while the White show is doing the exact opposite.
Funny you should mention First Take. I used to watch that show regularly back when Skip Bayless was on there. Skip and every black co panelist he had on the show would always wear suits. First Take is geared more toward minority audiences while Mike and Mike's audience is mostly White men. As if blacks are waking up early enough to watch Mike and Mike. The black show is subtly encouraging their audience to dress well while the White show is doing the exact opposite.

White people used to always dress up. Unless their job required them to dress otherwise men routinely wore suits and ties. People dressed the way they did in the old movies according to my aunt.

As part of their program to degenerate White culture the leftists have always promoted White people dressing poorly. You can see it's working by looking around you.

We should counter this by always dressing as well as we can and encouraging others to do likewise.
About 100 more layoffs are set for ESPN after Thanksgiving. Some will be on air people. Will racist Jemele Hill be shown the door? Will not overly caste Ryan Russillo who runs the radio show in the afternoon with Will Cain be canned because of a vaguely weird incident recently? Bomani Jones for being an *******? On a side note they recently hired cutesy hotshot Katie Nolan who gained notoriety when she was with Fox sports. Where are they going to put her though.
But if you think this new wave of cuts will affect the caste slant think again because they have doubled down on that score. ESPN amidst all of these layoffs has sold their soul to Mike Greenberg and to a slightly lesser extent Mike Golic, the two greatest caste purveyors on ESPN over the past ten years. The infamous Mike and Mike morning show ends this week as they splinter off in different directions. Golic will shortly start up a TV/Radio show with co host Trey Wingo while Greenberg, who will occupy the main morning show platform at ESPN, will be starring in his own show with a few staple co host "helpers" starting in the early spring inside a brand new expensive Manhattan studio. What gives here? Greenberg is given a gigantic raise as many other ESPN on air people are being fired by the fist full.
Is it just a coincidence that the most caste laden main stream media personalities like Golic and especially Greenberg are allowed to flourish at ESPN or is it yet another sign of ESPN's continued quest to destroy what is left of what is known today as the "white athlete." Think the latter.
While I don't always tune in to Mike and Mike I do watch it because I want to keep the enemy in front of me and I have no greater enemy in sports journalism today than Mike Greenberg. He flies under the radar of outlets like Breitbart and remains in a general sense, controversy free but make no mistake the man has spent years now castrating the white athlete and elevating black athletes to another sphere. He is "THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN SPORTS" and the fact that ESPN is putting nearly all of their weight behind him should tell you how connected they are to the caste system in sports. They want to perpetuate the idea of blacks as better more exciting athletes. It is an assault on the senses that Greenberg is allowed to thrive as his company continues massive layoffs. And will the mainstream media including Breitbart ever expose this nasty individual's horrific anti white athlete mission which has been going on for far too long?
According to this article, the "SportsCenter" broadcasts are the main target for the upcoming layoffs.

A particular target for housecleaning seems to be the network’s SportsCenter broadcasts, SI’s Richard Deitsch wrote.

It's mind-boggling, really. Disney would rather that ESPN have NO "SportsCenter" broadcasts than just changing the format to either include a counter narrative, remove all non-sports-related political commentary altogether, or balance it with more conservative viewpoints to increase their viewership and ratings. It's either full-on cultural Marxism or bust.
I haven't watched Sports Center in I can't remember how many years. I stopped watching prime time broadcasting decades ago, daytime programming even before that. I remember a scene in the comedy Bananas where as a form of torture someone was forced to sit and watch Howard Cosell interviews. That's how I feel about 99% of the garbage on the 1,000 channels I receive. And the non-stop commercials are just as bad if not worse except for an occasional humorous one.

The corporate-pushed cultural communism gets ever more extreme, cartoonish, repetitious, and perverse. I'm thankful the country is so polarized, otherwise the "deplorable" half would be as zombified as the pro-antifa half, though most deplorables still have a ways to go to comprehend what's going on and why.
For sure Heretic there are a lot of mixed signals coming out of ESPN and I think we will have a slightly better handle on their situation after this newest wave of layoffs which according to reports will happen right after Thanksgiving. A lot of things don't add up for ESPN. Their approach to the political world has been mangled much like the protest garbage has the NFL all mixed up. They are focusing more and more on "their" sports, like the NFL, College Football, NBA and MLB because they have certain broadcasting rights. They used to air the NHL but since those days there has been long steady decline in their hockey coverage. In fact I can't remember the last time I saw Barry Melrose on ESPN. Instead every broadcast starts off with LeBron James' highlights.
Listening to Ryan Russillo and Will Cain fill in for Mike and Mike this morning it seems to me the best "business" decision ESPN could have made was to have these two men simply take over the Mike and Mike spot. And they should have terminated both Golic and Greenberg who are nowhere near worth the value they are getting paid. Instead they invested a cool 6.5 million ( a true slap in the face for anyone else still working there and for those who were laid off) in Mike Greenberg who like Dick Vitale is caste personified, but will also shill for the sports ESPN puts their weight behind. There is nothing "special" about Mike Greenberg other than one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb. He is a strict caste disciple and apparently ESPN would rather waste their money on him than do what is best for the company bottom line not to mention the human race. In other words it seems to me they would rather continue to get out their caste worldview than make sound business decisions. They still over emphasize black athletes to the detriment of white athletes.
As for ESPN's political slant if they hadn't gotten rid of all of the far left opposition voices perhaps some healthy debates would have occurred although for most there is so much political chatter on TV, radio and the internet these days who needs even more of it from a sports network? Instead we ended up with curdled anti white racist crap from the likes of Jemele Hill and others of her ilk who have been a bit more coy about it. All of this stuff percolates as ESPN continues to hedge towards the caste side of things. Caste is their ever present background music.
Unlike Don and some others here I do like to see what the MSM like ESPN is saying about sports and as a first class sports junkie I can't tune out all the time. But the bottom line with ESPN from my viewpoint ( I figure many here might agree) is in general over the years they have proven to be the MOST TOXIC CASTE sports media outlet of all and their recent moves involving Golic and Greenberg pretty much says to me they want to stay on that poisonous train for as long as they can---which might not be as long as they hope.
I've never noticed Van Pelt having a political agenda, but I don't watch BSPN nearly enough to have an informed opinion on that. I've usually watched him only when he covers golf along with Andy North, and he does a good job doing that.

Another thing I like about Van Pelt is he actually calls men "men," rather than the default "guy" (or "boys" or "males") that 99.9% of men on television use 99% of the time. Jon Gruden is another announcer/analyst that calls men, men, big positives in my book.
BSPN's Scott Van Pelt rips ESPN and NFL boycotters..."You're so dumb that I can't even pray for you", proving that he's really the "dumb" one for making such a stupid statement...and I doubt that the left-winger has ever said a prayer in his life.

He probably “prays” to El Diablo...master of the Left. :devil2:
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