An Outsider's Perspective on this Website

The OP has obviously only looked at a few threads before starting this one.I often see other members post comments that are unbiased toward black players that truly are starter material in the nfl.Just because we cheer on white athletes doesn't mean that all of us are biased strictly on race.I have always mainly been a fan of the RB position and i'm not ashamed to admit that my favorite two RBs of all time are a power guy and a "scat back" by the names of Mike Alstott and Barry Sanders.Does that come across as "racist" OP?

One thing that he brought up has bothered me for awhile however.There are a handfull (can count on one hand)of posters here that have always came across as either true racist or liberal trolls that want to give the site a bad name.Instead of judging a player by their performance they only comment about the stereotypical race traits that define a black person and that definitely comes across as a "red-neck racist" to anybody that is looking at the site for the first time.If these few people are truly here to cheer on the white guys that are screwed over by the caste system then they need to lay off of the crap on every post they make,otherwise it destroys all the great posts by others that show how the system works to hold down white athletes.
I agree with the OP on the point that we need to make this site as easy as possible to "convert" an outsider. I remember there was an article written by Jimmy Chitwood (i think) comparing Peyton Hillis to Beanie Wells. It provided factual evidence, it terms of a player A and player B structure, eventually concluding that Hillis was discriminated in the recruiting and drafting process despite great measurables and production. From that point on I had a completely different perspective on sports and had a pocket sized article that I could pass along to friends.

I think these type of articles do far greater to convince an outsider than articles with shocking headlines like "Riley Cooper Would Have Gotten In Less Trouble For Murder."
The facts and stats are here a lot of scattered around threads, plenty of work done by Chitwood that are easy to find, but if you were to compile everything it would probably take a book.

Maybe someone should take up the task and go through every thread and compile it together and call it "Guide to the Caste System"

as for the comments that you may find hurtful to our cause, it is a site with many members who contribute many different threads, some even post on the main forum. To disregard the entire site based off of a few is ridiculous. Its like going to a Saints board and a few people saying "player x is overrated because of xyz" or "player x sucks" ( and I have seen many worse comments on fan boards), would you dismiss those sites as well?
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There have been known talent scouts that have said that colleges automatically turn down RB and CB white high school recruits. We have watched for years how talented white HS, college and NFL players are treated the same way every year. We have seen how whites put up the same or better combine performances and measurables yet still get referred to as slow. There is a significant amount of data, research and information in the archives of the CF forums that make a strong case for discrimination against white players, although it would take a long time to read through it all. Even so, it is difficult to "prove" it exists in the way that you are desiring.
This is actually a pretty good thread. I agree with Jaxvid that this is basically just a fan site. Yeah sometimes people come across as "racist" but if you don't think DWFs don't say racist things all the time youre crazy. At least in closed company. "That n****a can run" etc. Anyway, as discussed in all the Hitler threads, I think its important to keep this site accessible to normal fans and people that might casually stumble on this site and least have the slightest interest in race. I think the site does a good job of that by in large with a few exceptions.
This is actually a pretty good thread. I agree with Jaxvid that this is basically just a fan site. Yeah sometimes people come across as "racist" but if you don't think DWFs don't say racist things all the time youre crazy. At least in closed company. "That n****a can run" etc. Anyway, as discussed in all the Hitler threads, I think its important to keep this site accessible to normal fans and people that might casually stumble on this site and least have the slightest interest in race. I think the site does a good job of that by in large with a few exceptions.

yes this is primarily a sports site, but to not allow other threads in forums labeled "happy hour" or whatever you want to call it is ridiculous. If all we accomplish is getting the NFL a little Whiter then I don't think that is enough. I don't know how to word this, but the sports world has a relation to the real world and if that doesn't translate then its a failure in my opinion. Sure we could cheer on a 50 to 60 percent White league but how would that make us different from a dwf if that is all we are doing? There is more to life than sports, but sports does reflect on how society is.

I mean how many people on here would be satisfied if they got to see more White players on the field on Sunday except the country/world/society was heading in the same direction.... down?
Thats basically the mentality of the dwf and their crappy lives, as long as their favorite affletes for fantasy football and teams they root for win on Saturday/Sunday then they can get by throughout the week.

I mean I would certainly love to see more White athletes get a fair chance, but I want to see MORE than that.
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No the posting guidelines here are sufficient in my opinion. However, the more people to visit this site and read a little the better. This site is a "gateway" into bigger and more important issues. At least it was for me.
No the posting guidelines here are sufficient in my opinion. However, the more people to visit this site and read a little the better. This site is a "gateway" into bigger and more important issues. At least it was for me.

Yes, as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water....

The Matrix analogy is perfect in this case. If you are here lurking, that means you are at least open to the idea that things are not as they seem. But ultimately, we can't force you to swallow to red pill, you have to be ready for that and do it on your own. That's how it happened for me. I will never forget how I ended up here over 5 years ago. I typed "white running backs NFL" into Google, this site showed up on the results page, and I joined after a few weeks of lurking.

The fact that I was disturbed by the lack of white RBs (and other forbidden positions such as CB and WR) and looking for a place for answers goes to show I already possessed a certain degree of awareness and was not a typical DWF. However, years of conditioning thru the media meant I still had some blue pill tendencies, and this site over years has helped get rid of all of it, and I've now become a complete red-piller, and not just about the world of sports.

I'm somewhat skeptical of the OP's intentions when he starts talking about the credibility of the site. This was never a problem for me. We've had a lot solid new additions over the last couple of years, and they've fit right in; none of them came with the proclamation that we had to prove anything to them, they already had it figured out.
If you're looking for some bs "statistical analysis" or magical "chart" then you are too stupid to form an independent thought anyway. Do you need a chart to get dressed in the morning or can you figure it out yourself?

This website is chuck full of stats but fools like you will dismiss every form statistical proof. After all it's not scientific or created in a lab with a control group right? Nor could it ever be.

I suppose outside the sports world the anti white agenda is just our imagination too. I suppose affirmative action is a myth, massive nonwhite immigration is good for us, and white people are all privileged. I'm sure you can find bs stats to prove it all. You could probably draw a chart that explains how the world is just a figment of our imagination. Good luck, buzz off and kiss my arse.

Agreed. Hence the term dwf. This guy comes in here in a condescending manner making it seem he just stepped into a mental institute and surveys the group on why they think they are not crazy.
Btw op, you need to stop being offended for afleets. I know you havent figured out but this isnt facebook or any other pc social media site. This is one of its kind that allows those of us to vent and say things you wouldnt normally
hear in every day conversation. I dont care if you find it offensive that I use the n word on robert griffin or russell wilson. People like you would have no problem leading a witch hunt to destroy someone who offended one of your beloved afleets if it were posted on facebook. Besides that words are just words, the irish were called the n word and treated as filth when they got off the boats. After all these generations does it look like the irish are still holding to that and using it to make others feel guilt and get their way? No of course not if someone called me a cracker or something else i wouldnt feel offended words are just words. Seeing as the term 'negro' is outcast as well it tells you
how ridiculous things have gotten. All it means is black in latin. So forgive me if i dont give a crap that you are offended.
Anti-racism is nothing but a codeword for anti-white, and from there all subjectivity flows. I knew about the CS when I watched a buddies top HS team and its fan base/media hype their black RB over the better FB. Said black kid took his sub-minimal IQ to a full Kansas ride where the coaches soon found out he couldn't break granny's arm tackles, converted him to CB (he was fast) and I watched him bite on every play fake quicker than a hungry bluegill goes for a worm. The FB who knows his fate, his running created the outside space for the black kid, because if a team spread out this guy would gash them up the middle every time, the white kid probably got a job roofing. As my buddy said everyone on the team knew the FB was a better player, but the "adults" were having an orgasm over their wonderful "anti-racism" while shortchanging the white kids.
Do I find it striking how few white players are in the NFL? Yeah, sort of. Do I think one possible cause of this is racist anti-white practices on the part of college and NFL coaches? Sure, it's possible. But do I think that is definitely the cause? Absolutely not...

Olp, hi..
I had the same questions when I first started reading & posting on Caste.. Is there legitimate discrimination against Whites in organized sports, or is it sour grapes, when we see fewer White players & coaches (?)
A concrete example of institutional racism in pro football is the Rooney Rule.. where teams are obligated to interview a 'minority' candidate for coaching & sr. operation positions. A rule by both practice & intent, that reduces people to solely their race, and gives an advantage to non-White candidates.. bcuz in theory a team could interview only 'minority' candidates, but cannot only interview White candidates.

In 2012 after a string of White hires, NFL vp of Human Resources Robert Gulliver stated,
"While there has been full compliance with the interview requirements of the Rooney Rule and we wish the new head coaches and general managers much success, the hiring results this year have been unexpected and reflect a disappointing lack of diversity"

Which to me, reveals their social agenda, which is to replace Whites with more non-Whites.. I extrapolate from there, and believe that agenda applies to every level of the game. What would be wrong, or intolerable, if all the coaches were White (?) There is no institutional rule, or agenda to diversify overwhelmingly Black NFL secondaries (?)

NASCAR's 'Drive for Diversity', is (to me) another example of overt, obvious effort to replace White athletes with non-White athletes.. There are only a finite number of positions on football fields, basketball courts, NASCAR tracks, etc.. when u actively & institutionally recruit non-Whites you're willfully taking away opportunities from Whites & progressively relegating them to the 'untouchable' level of the caste.

And (I think) there's also subjective art to seeing the caste.. seeing who gets big endorsements.. RG3 carrying huge, national endorsements before he ever took an NFL snap.. while more effective young White QBs are virtually invisible off the football field..
anyways, take care ~
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olp said:
Hello. I've checked out these boards from time to time and just recently registered. I'd like to tell you all how the average person probably views this site. You can delete my post or trash me or whatever you'd like, but if you want this website to succeed--and I know a lot of you do--you'd probably be wise to listen.

An icrebreaker laden with the pungent aroma of narcissism.

olp said:
What hurts this site most of all, however, is the complete and utter lack of subjectivity among the posters. Black players are called ugly, the n-word is used, posters hope for black players to get injured. It is impossible for any outsider to not think the views of the posters as racist when the posters themselves act in such an absurd manner. An outsider comes to this site, reads that white athletes are being discriminated against, and then reads a post calling RGIII an ugly n*****. What do you expect that person to think? Obviously, they will think you have no good argument because even if black players were getting fair amounts of playing time, you'd still want to see them fail. It is absolutely inexcusable that the moderators do not clean up such posts if they expect this site to be seen as legitimate. Oh, and please stop calling players by such childish nicknames ("Crapernick," etc.); that does't help your cause either.

Since we’re being tasked with regurgitating nearly 10 years of facts, data, graphs, charts, anecdotes, and the myriad of racist commentary supporting our own theories for your benefit…would you be kind enough to provide a few examples of racial slurs being utilized at Caste Football?

olp said:
I don't care if I'm accepted here. I have no argument. I'm just here with an open mind. If this site doesn't convince me, then I don't believe what it has to say and just move along. The entire point of this site, on the other hand, is to convince people! That's why I wrote the post.

Ah, you “don’t care” and you “have no argument”…how tremendously convenient for you. Yet you cared enough to create a username, start a thread, pen a lengthy post, and you’ve argued in every post. The threat of you “just moving along” was a comical touch.

olp said:
I have no opinion one way or the other. If you tell me and others to go away then you're missing an opportunity to further this website's mission.

Not one poster even so much as inferred that you should leave. In the past, an endless array of CF provocateurs have written things like: “I’m sure I’ll get banned soon enough.” I’m sure nobody here looks forward to babysitting you whilst your “analytical research” is conducted. Oh, wait, I meant our research…retrieved and reiterated and repackaged so that you’ll mercifully become part of the CF community.

Foobar75 said:
We've had a lot solid new additions over the last couple of years, and they've fit right in; none of them came with the proclamation that we had to prove anything to them, they already had it figured out.

I began lurking at Caste Football while in college in 2004-2005 (long before joining), so I’ve seen hundreds of posters come and go in the past 8-9 years. I can’t recall a single example of any “newbie” that started off being “skeptical,” only to be “convinced” of the unconcealed racism that whites endure in the realm of athletics (and everyday life in the Western world).
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I'm not sure exactly what sort of evidence the op wants or needs, but a simple look at the NFL stats for last year shows that 8 of the top 34 in sacks are white players, including the #1 guy. Whites are nowhere near that percentage of the total defensive ends and outside linebackers. That over-representation at the top of the stat sheet could cause an inquisitive mind to wonder.

The same holds true for solo tackles. 6 of the top 25 last year are white. Whites are not over 20% of the linebackers and safeties, so they are over-represented at the top of the stats. Again, this could possibly cause an inquisitive mind to question why. The only white players on defense are at the top of the stats. The rest of them? They mostly don't exist. Strange.

Now, are these statistical oddities merely anecdotal? Not according to the definition of "anecdote". One theory for these oddities (among others) is that the NFL systematically discriminates against white players, particularly at certain positions. There is some statistical evidence, and lots of anecdotal evidence to support this theory. Let's hear a competing theory.
I can’t recall a single example of any “newbie” that started off being “skeptical,” only to be “convinced” of the unconcealed racism that whites endure in the realm of athletics (and everyday life in the Western world).

Yup,anyone pretending to be curious/skeptical is merely saying so to hide is true intentions of being an anti-white or a troll."Curious/Skeptics" lurk 'Thrashen' and I did.

The only reason someone joins(trolling aside) is because they are already convinced.
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Yup,anyone pretending to be curious/skeptical is merely saying so to hide is true intentions of being an anti-white or a troll."Curious/Skeptics" lurk you and I did.

The only reason someone joins(trolling aside) is because they are already convinced.

Spot on. I lurked on and off since 2009 prior to registering. I've held the same political views since before then but never fully applied them to professional athletics. I have since realized the truth of the matter.

Most people use sports as an escape from politics and the issues of the day, never realizing how subversively the powers that be leak social and political matters into what they perceive as apolitical. Pointing out this connection to the common man is amongst the most incendiary and radical things you can do, judging from the incredibly hostile responses I have received from those with whom I have discussed it.

I used to think that everyone was entitled to their opinion, given that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of our civilization. I have since reassessed this notion. Free speech is endowed by the creator and requires nothing from any other man. Dishonesty, however, DOES require other men. Dishonesty can only survive if other men allow it to survive. The collective DWF consciousness is predicated on intellectual dishonesty.

OP is intellectually dishonest. He is entitled to nothing but death.
Yeah, except Tebow has gotten chances afterwards and has looked horrible. Also, leading a team to the playoffs means nothing. Mark Sanchez took his team to back-to-back AFC Championship games. I'm not saying you're wrong though; that was never the point. The point is that everyone cites random examples and I'm sure anyone could come up with random black players who inexplicably failed and the argument would get nowhere. I want actual hard facts, real studies, not some guy I've never met telling me Tebow is better than every coach seems to think he is.

For a stats and facts guy you sure do suck. Tebow has not started a single game since the playoff games he started. Here is a stat: he is one of only two quarterbacks in NFL history (the other being Bob Lee) that won a playoff game one year and then never started another game the rest of his career. So no, he didn't "look horrible afterwards." He just never got another chance to play.

Another FACT: leading a team to the playoffs does mean something. Especially if that team was the worst team in the NFL before Tebow took the reigns. Prior to Tebow the Broncos, in their previous 16 starts, had the worst record in the NFL - something like 2-14. They were 1-4 the season Tebow took over. Fact: Mark Sanchez continued to be the Jets starting QB years after he took them to the playoffs. Your comparison is idiotic, not factual, not hard data, and definitely not scientific. I need to make a bar graph that shows you what an idiot you are but I'm not sure I care to.
I scratched the surface for you. If the following reading doesn't at least make you curious enough to dig deeper and decide for yourself one way or the other, then you are either too dumb to think for yourself(I don't think this is case), or you are a willing participant in your own discrimination.

well said, Pie, but i gotta admit, the bold part made me laugh pretty hard, combined with your avatar. for some reason i found it very amusing!
I agree with part of what OP says. You can be "pro-white" without being "anti-black", which a lot of white separatists/nationalists don't seem to understand. When I read posts expressing joy over black players being injured, when I see people calling Russell Wilson "midget" or RGIII "RGScree" or whatever, I'm very disappointed. I think you can be pro-white without being anti-black. Someone pointed out that this is a fan site and sometimes people say some crazy things on fan sites. That's true. But imagine if you were at a Pats/Broncos game cheering for the Pats, and one of your fellow Pats fans starting cheering when a Broncos player didn't get up after the play. You'd find it distasteful and probably tell that person to shush up, because that's taking it a little too far. That's how I feel about this site sometimes. I'm certainly not going anywhere but I definitely feel like this site chases off potential new users because of some of the really awful things that get said here.

This, to my mind, is actually true of virtually ALL sites that are pro-white in nature or express a desire for whites to have a greater racial solidarity amongst ourselves, and is the main reason why white solidarity isn't actually a thing yet in polite society. Simple fact of the matter is that most white folks are good and decent people who don't believe in hating others for their race or being sexist, etc. But, that doesn't mean they wouldn't take part in a white separatist/nationalist group, IF that group could refrain from being hateful and full of anger at minorities all the time, because there's a difference between expressing solidarity and love for your fellow whites, and expressing anti-minority sentiments. You don't HAVE to do the second one just because you do the first, and if any pro-white group or pro-white site could consistently manage that I think they'd have a torrential rainstorm of white folks wanting to take part.
I agree with part of what OP says. You can be "pro-white" without being "anti-black", which a lot of white separatists/nationalists don't seem to understand. When I read posts expressing joy over black players being injured, when I see people calling Russell Wilson "midget" or RGIII "RGScree" or whatever, I'm very disappointed. I think you can be pro-white without being anti-black. Someone pointed out that this is a fan site and sometimes people say some crazy things on fan sites. That's true. But imagine if you were at a Pats/Broncos game cheering for the Pats, and one of your fellow Pats fans starting cheering when a Broncos player didn't get up after the play. You'd find it distasteful and probably tell that person to shush up, because that's taking it a little too far. That's how I feel about this site sometimes. I'm certainly not going anywhere but I definitely feel like this site chases off potential new users because of some of the really awful things that get said here.

This, to my mind, is actually true of virtually ALL sites that are pro-white in nature or express a desire for whites to have a greater racial solidarity amongst ourselves, and is the main reason why white solidarity isn't actually a thing yet in polite society. Simple fact of the matter is that most white folks are good and decent people who don't believe in hating others for their race or being sexist, etc. But, that doesn't mean they wouldn't take part in a white separatist/nationalist group, IF that group could refrain from being hateful and full of anger at minorities all the time, because there's a difference between expressing solidarity and love for your fellow whites, and expressing anti-minority sentiments. You don't HAVE to do the second one just because you do the first, and if any pro-white group or pro-white site could consistently manage that I think they'd have a torrential rainstorm of white folks wanting to take part.

Nice sentiment but impossible. This has been discussed dozens of times. In any situation where you have a group that feels it is being treated unfairly (ie the caste system against Whites in sports) you will have people with hard feelings. And rightfully so. There is no such thing as a group that feels maligned that goes happily along never wishing any bad on the ones that are maligning it. Humans don't work like that. I think you probably know that and are just trying to guilt people out of their position. If you don't then you are hopelessly naive.

Furthermore any discussion of who is better leads to comparisons, which leads to subjective measurements which leads to arguments with those who disagree.
Other fan sites use disparaging nicknames for rival players all the time. And they frequently wish ill will on other teams players. This isn't 1950, it's the new millennial and people in internet forums act much harder then they would in a real life crowd. Don't compare an anonymous internet forum with people at an actual game. There is no one here who would cheer an injured player in real life. Wishing it were so while posting on line is much different. Wanting it to happen doesn't make it happen.

Your suggestion that a pro-white site that isn't anti-minority would be popular is laughable. How would that work? "Oh White people are getting beaten up by young blacks and White people pay taxes to support non-working minorities and White people are second class citizens in their own countries and White countries are the only countries that have to let all other races into them" "but I harbor no ill will against those minorities, it's not that they are bad people, or are lazy, or violent, oh no, it's just something in the air." I love black and brown people just like I love White people!! :lol: Please show me how it could be done and not be ridiculous??
I agree with part of what OP says. You can be "pro-white" without being "anti-black", which a lot of white separatists/nationalists don't seem to understand. When I read posts expressing joy over black players being injured, when I see people calling Russell Wilson "midget" or RGIII "RGScree" or whatever, I'm very disappointed. I think you can be pro-white without being anti-black. Someone pointed out that this is a fan site and sometimes people say some crazy things on fan sites. That's true. But imagine if you were at a Pats/Broncos game cheering for the Pats, and one of your fellow Pats fans starting cheering when a Broncos player didn't get up after the play. You'd find it distasteful and probably tell that person to shush up, because that's taking it a little too far. That's how I feel about this site sometimes. I'm certainly not going anywhere but I definitely feel like this site chases off potential new users because of some of the really awful things that get said here.

This, to my mind, is actually true of virtually ALL sites that are pro-white in nature or express a desire for whites to have a greater racial solidarity amongst ourselves, and is the main reason why white solidarity isn't actually a thing yet in polite society. Simple fact of the matter is that most white folks are good and decent people who don't believe in hating others for their race or being sexist, etc. But, that doesn't mean they wouldn't take part in a white separatist/nationalist group, IF that group could refrain from being hateful and full of anger at minorities all the time, because there's a difference between expressing solidarity and love for your fellow whites, and expressing anti-minority sentiments. You don't HAVE to do the second one just because you do the first, and if any pro-white group or pro-white site could consistently manage that I think they'd have a torrential rainstorm of white folks wanting to take part.

The problem with that formulation is that in addition to white players being discriminated against, black players have their abilities greatly exaggerated. "RGScreen" is a reference to the fact that he throws a LOT of screens and other very short passes, and last year it was worthy of a joke. Russell Wilson is short, but his blackness keeps that from being mentioned as a downside for him. White QBs that short seldom get the chance. We cannot change the Caste System, but we can mock it.

The simple fact is that the only way a lot of white players ever get a chance is for black players in front of them to get hurt. See Nick Foles for a recent example. Without Vick getting hurt, Foles rides the pine, maybe forever. See how it works? I don't actively hope for any player to get hurt (possible exception of Nick Fairly), but I don't cry much when it gives a white player the chance he already deserved.
For a stats and facts guy you sure do suck. Tebow has not started a single game since the playoff games he started. Here is a stat: he is one of only two quarterbacks in NFL history (the other being Bob Lee) that won a playoff game one year and then never started another game the rest of his career. So no, he didn't "look horrible afterwards." He just never got another chance to play.

Another FACT: leading a team to the playoffs does mean something. Especially if that team was the worst team in the NFL before Tebow took the reigns. Prior to Tebow the Broncos, in their previous 16 starts, had the worst record in the NFL - something like 2-14. They were 1-4 the season Tebow took over. Fact: Mark Sanchez continued to be the Jets starting QB years after he took them to the playoffs. Your comparison is idiotic, not factual, not hard data, and definitely not scientific. I need to make a bar graph that shows you what an idiot you are but I'm not sure I care to.

C'mon now Kaptain, be fair. Tebow might not have played in any game where he looked horrible but the very astute judges of quarterbacking that run the NY Jets could see in practice that he did not have the greatness that they so easy spotted in Geno Smith.

What would you rather trust? Previous game evidence of exciting comebacks and a drive to the playoffs or Rex Ryan and his genius in spotting Mark Sanchez and Geno Smith as the next great NFL QB's? It must be the latter because every single sports "expert" I hear discuss Tim Tebow assures me that he isn't any good because the Jets never played him.
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It seems as if OLP, aka Mr. Goldstein, has left the building. How dare this fool say we have no evidence of discrimination against white athletes in sports. Hundreds of posts have been specifically on high school white players with equal or superior stats and athleticism to their black counterparts yet less college offers. Numerous posts in the boxing thread prove the double standards, for instance racist black pigs such as Hopkins and Mayweather can make any anti-white comments with absolutely zero repercussions while any white boxer would be banned for the sport for life for making any anti-black comments. What about that Mr. Goldstein? What about all the vicious anti-white slurs hurled at white players during NFL games? Peyton Hillis spoke up about it, so did a few other white players. Look at the repercussions for the culprits!Absolutely nothing!

What about the fact that 90 percent of interracial crime in this country is black on white? Please find me cases of white mobs attacking blacks. You can't Goldstein. Now crawl back to your hole Mr. Goldstein and go **** yourself!
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American Freedom News