An Outsider's Perspective on this Website

To tell you the truth I never played football past 8th grade, I simply was a very, very late developer, but by my late twenties I filled out (this contributes to my theory that whites and even Asians are discriminated against since HS is the recruiting pool). I have worked out since HS and am always active, but basically I am blessed with great genetics. I'll take that anyday since I want to live a long active life and in my condition 50 years old is a great time in life.

Good point. Negroes mature physically much faster than do the higher races. All the lower animals do. Negroes can also be precocious when very young but mentally they quickly stop developing. These were all well known traits when scientists and everyone else was still allowed to tell the truth and capable of doing so. There are exceptions, but the small percentage of exceptions, like negroes with very high IQ's (usually with White blood in their ancestry) just proves the rule, tho it confuses those prone to confusion.

Benjamin Disraeli, 19th century Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:

"Race is everything. It is the only truth. It is the key to all civilizations.
Any race that allows its blood to be polluted with that of an inferior race is doomed."
IMO don't waste too much time on my ancient posts, I don't since life is too short. But then again thanks for reminding me of those days, I would have liked to have stayed caught up physically with my classmates but that was not to be. We had the 8th graders versus Frosh team matchup that year and in the couple of months of football season my class mates zoomed past me and in the week we practiced to play the Frosh team I realized I was way, way out of my league still playing a game I liked to play. Of course today our local HS has some kids dressed out who really have no business even practicing but I suppose these days with liability reasons they actually don't allow them to be hit during practice, in the late 70s if being hit by the overgrown star players wasn't on the practice schedule it wasn't football. One kid I think the helmet rested on his shoulder pads and not his head, maybe his parents had a lawyer on retainer.

Addendum the two things I remember most of my non-illustrious football career was bobbling and dropping a perfectly thrown ball my way and since my town was near enough Chicago and football was played at the same time the Chicago Air and Water show I actually saw a Harrier jet do a slow almost stopped in the air fly by (I thought it was a friggin UFO) for a practice run prior to the actual show.
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I think this site would be a lot more welcoming, popular, and impactful if it didn't have all of the racial slurs. I experienced racism as a White WR in middle and HS (prob moreso from white coaches to be honest), so I agree about the racial bias in the NFL and other sports....but I don't understand why it can't be BOTH true that White WRs/RBs/DBs/etc. are discriminated against and that Black QBs (at least up until the past decade) were discriminated against? I'm using Black QB as an example of course. Would not the best use of this website be to advocate for eliminating ALL racial bias from sport? Or is it that in addition to the caste system in sports (which is undeniable I believe) angle the website has, it also "has to" have a racist angle? I'm certain that there is a large swath of people in society that have experienced discrimination in sports simply because of their skin color, and I really think this site/issue could grow but what's holding it back is this weird QANON/KKK angle. **Note: It may be that the site has evolved from posts 10 years ago, I was doing some deep-dives this morning and the most offensive items I'm encountering are really old, so it's entirely possible the site has evolved and my post no longer reflects the current environment. If so, my sincere apologies!!**
I think this site would be a lot more welcoming, popular, and impactful if it didn't have all of the racial slurs. I experienced racism as a White WR in middle and HS (prob moreso from white coaches to be honest), so I agree about the racial bias in the NFL and other sports....but I don't understand why it can't be BOTH true that White WRs/RBs/DBs/etc. are discriminated against and that Black QBs (at least up until the past decade) were discriminated against? I'm using Black QB as an example of course. Would not the best use of this website be to advocate for eliminating ALL racial bias from sport? Or is it that in addition to the caste system in sports (which is undeniable I believe) angle the website has, it also "has to" have a racist angle? I'm certain that there is a large swath of people in society that have experienced discrimination in sports simply because of their skin color, and I really think this site/issue could grow but what's holding it back is this weird QANON/KKK angle. **Note: It may be that the site has evolved from posts 10 years ago, I was doing some deep-dives this morning and the most offensive items I'm encountering are really old, so it's entirely possible the site has evolved and my post no longer reflects the current environment. If so, my sincere apologies!!**
Since you were doing a deep dive, can you give examples of posts from a Q-Anon/KKK angle? There's some interesting viewpoints presented in the Happy Hour forum which are not sports related, and those usually get pushback by way of rebuttals expressing more "conventional" opinions. But there's never been anyone allowed to push a "KKK" agenda here.

We do believe in a level playing field in sports, and we acknowledge that Blacks are very good athletes. I have written a number of times that some people come here because they dislike non-Whites, not because their primary interest is in supporting White athletes, and I have always discouraged them and/or banned them when necessary because this is not, as some disgruntled posters have claimed, a "free speech" forum. If it was, it would be overrun with opponents and trolls of various kinds.

But we're also all individuals, with unique posting styles and interests. There's undoutbtedly been some "clever" trolls here from the beginning and still are, but overall I think the posters here do a good job of staying on point.
I think this site would be a lot more welcoming, popular, and impactful if it didn't have all of the racial slurs. I experienced racism as a White WR in middle and HS (prob moreso from white coaches to be honest), so I agree about the racial bias in the NFL and other sports....but I don't understand why it can't be BOTH true that White WRs/RBs/DBs/etc. are discriminated against and that Black QBs (at least up until the past decade) were discriminated against? I'm using Black QB as an example of course. Would not the best use of this website be to advocate for eliminating ALL racial bias from sport? Or is it that in addition to the caste system in sports (which is undeniable I believe) angle the website has, it also "has to" have a racist angle? I'm certain that there is a large swath of people in society that have experienced discrimination in sports simply because of their skin color, and I really think this site/issue could grow but what's holding it back is this weird QANON/KKK angle. **Note: It may be that the site has evolved from posts 10 years ago, I was doing some deep-dives this morning and the most offensive items I'm encountering are really old, so it's entirely possible the site has evolved and my post no longer reflects the current environment. If so, my sincere apologies!!**

I can appreciate your sentiment and yes I do agree that racial bias in sports should be addressed from all angles. However, reality sets in and we here realize that is a pipe dream. This site has provided countless case studies on White athletes being discriminated against at every level of sports (especially football). I think most of us here are just tired of seeing the White exclusion only get worse and worse. Most outsiders to this site and those on other "normie" sites and forums in the past have openly mocked, ignored and made a joke of this site and it's message. I experience the same responses on social media when I call out the caste system. Most sports fans (DWFs or drunk white fans is what they are referred to here) have been programmed to view White athletes as underdogs, try hards, blue collar, gym rats etc - this is going back at least 3 generations now that have no business playing high level college or professional football. Blacks benefit greatly from the caste system, its a power trip for them. I also heartily disagree with the discrimination surrounding black QBs - they have since the mid 90s been propped up and supported by the media and an ever growing segment of the fan base - it took rule changes over the past decade or so to pump up the numbers of black QBs as the position is now easier to play than ever. White athletes at every position over the past 40+ years have struggled to make any sort of inroads at the skill positions even when the best players in the league at those positions happen to be White.
The problem with advocating to eliminate “all bias” in sports is that in the current culture that would not mean what you think it would. For example the pro league that gets the highest marks for diversity is the NBA. One of the least diverse sports is the most diverse. See how that works? Any attempt to advocate to eliminate all bias would be twisted into supporting minorities exclusively. If you want to support White athletes you need to support White athletes.

Unfortunately that will often appear as an attack on other groups. Success is often a zero sum game. Someone wins, someone loses. And often to make the case you have to be honest. Which in this hypersensitive culture is often considered racist. ( unless it involves insulting White people).
I think this site would be a lot more welcoming, popular, and impactful if it didn't have all of the racial slurs. I experienced racism as a White WR in middle and HS (prob moreso from white coaches to be honest), so I agree about the racial bias in the NFL and other sports....but I don't understand why it can't be BOTH true that White WRs/RBs/DBs/etc. are discriminated against and that Black QBs (at least up until the past decade) were discriminated against? I'm using Black QB as an example of course. Would not the best use of this website be to advocate for eliminating ALL racial bias from sport? Or is it that in addition to the caste system in sports (which is undeniable I believe) angle the website has, it also "has to" have a racist angle? I'm certain that there is a large swath of people in society that have experienced discrimination in sports simply because of their skin color, and I really think this site/issue could grow but what's holding it back is this weird QANON/KKK angle. **Note: It may be that the site has evolved from posts 10 years ago, I was doing some deep-dives this morning and the most offensive items I'm encountering are really old, so it's entirely possible the site has evolved and my post no longer reflects the current environment. If so, my sincere apologies!!**

In truth we would all be better off if Whites had free speech to advocate for Whites, but instead it is the usual liberal/conservative clown show debate over the usual isms, ists and phobias which in the end lead to humanity be nothing but a glop of nothingness, I guess then certain people will pronounce the world as "Healed."

And FTR when you say the white coaches were the most "racist" I would say you experienced racial bigotry stemming from their cowardly prejudice. What would be positive is that we train people to ask their antagonists if they are biased against whites, it might not be a bad thing if they admit it. I imagine Deon Sanders would admit it let say if I were a hot CB prospect I can imagine Sanders telling me yes he has bias against White DBs but being honest why and one reason is there are no free rides ask Toby Gerhart, different position same reception by his black Vikings teammates. And IMO I would probably rather play on Sanders' teams than some of those white sniveling pussy tough talking coaches of the type you mention.
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