An Outsider's Perspective on this Website

As a newbie and perhaps an "outsider" (as in not a white nationalist - don't know if the majority here consider themselves WN), after reading this whole thread even I would have to conclude that both the OP and "formerwhitecornerback" seem rather trollish. Both have a hostile attitude and both are making things personal when they should not be. Hell, I may be wrong, but that's what the evidence is leaning towards.

Like I said, I'm not a white nationalist. I'm not going to go into the reasons why, as this is not the place for that. This is a place to talk about sports, and I'm happy to have found this place. White people need a forum in which we can root for athletes who look like us without being bombarded with shrieks of "racist!" No one thinks of it as wicked when blacks root for black athletes, or when Asians root for Asian athletes. I don't think it's bad either. I'm just a regular white person who thinks white people should have the same rights that all other races enjoy.

Formerwhitecornerback, regarding your "if you disagree with me you must be a couch potato" rant, come on. There's a reason you're being perceived as a troll. Obviously, since I'm a woman, I didn't play college football, but I am a former gymnast and I played softball in college. If you know anything about gymnastics, you'll know how physically demanding the sport is. There's a way to express disagreement respectfully, and you're not doing it.

To any like-minded lurkers reading this - I encourage you to take the next step and join up, as I did. I think this is a good site with a lot of good material. Yes, the political stuff can be kind of out there, but just stick to the sports-related areas and you'll be fine.
PamelaOC, I've been posting here for a few years and I don't even know what a White Nationalist is. To my knowledge, it has nothing to do with this site.
PamelaOC, I've been posting here for a few years and I don't even know what a White Nationalist is. To my knowledge, it has nothing to do with this site.
There are a few posters on this site that may claim WN status, but the majority are just everyday people who have had their eyes opened to the relentless and continuing campaign to minimize white folks. The white people who have invented virtually everything of import, and built western civilization. Sports is just a microcosm of the Cultural Marxist assault.
I don't know the exact definition of "White nationalist" but if you think White people are a distinct group, have a right to their own culture and lands, and are responsible for most of modern society, are under assault by the mainstream, and are not responsible for the welfare of other races, then others will see you as some kind of White Nationalist if not a KKK Nazi.
Proud White Nationalist here!
I am back!

Proud White Nationalist here!

I had to take a little break, so to have a chance to read all the wonderful replies! Of course I will not address everyone's response to my original posting.....

Anyway, to the woman who responded... I pointed out my playing because it is relevant to much of what people talk about on here(unfortunately people aren't talking much about gymnastics) and I have first hand experience to a lot of the conversations on here, because skill positions, ARE discriminated against. Also, I could care less if any of you think I played or not!

Me saying that a majority of posters are fat slobs, yes it was not the right thing to say, and childish(I will admit I have temper and their are posters on here, I would say 4-5 regulars, that fire me up with their cultural marxist BS and blatant racist Reponses on a consistent basis.) The bottom line is this site is not for me(BECAUSE of the racial overrtones and political leanings-like I said, some good topics sometimes). This is where I have an issue...NOT, with the caste system in sports like football! I made this clear in first post.

You all who come here frequently, of course, aren't going to agree with what I have to say! just like I'm not going to agree with political BS, and racial undertones/overtones that is spewed by the moderators and others on here. Call me what you want! some things said and believed by a majority of people on here is flat out not right(I guess I'm the odd one though, if we polled people outside of this LITTLE web site, I would be the one looked at as a judgmental/very critical person, right!? :) absolutely hilarious! :)).

I'm not a articulate writer, like a FEW on here, and especially not like the Original Poster(who bolted), more of a verbal communicator, so I can't eloquently type a lot of what I would like to say to some on here. Btw, surprised at a few of the civilized response! other's are what I expected, especially from the longtime users with thousands of posts.

Resume the negativity and blaming society for all the pitfalls and white inequality/political problems because the "cultural Marxist bias" ! I'm going to watch me some negro football this weekend! and especially go read one of my che guevara books!

Good day, Ya'll! back to my DWF world!

Signing off...Mr.Troll(should have chosen this username!!).

Ps---Sorry, everyone this will be my last post. Like I said in first post, don't have time to associate myself with this nonsense a. I know your extremely sad!
I still don't know what the hell this guy is talking about? He seems to agree that there is a bias in football. He seems to agree that society is becoming more anti-White. But he doesn't like talk of racist under/over tones???? He doesn't like talk about root causes like cultural marxism??? What's left?

There is a problem but you can't talk about it? Or there is a problem but you have to talk about it only in a certain non-insulting way? I just don't get it. My gut feeling is that he agrees with us 100% but can't bring himself to express it because the cognitive dissonance of disagreeing with what he has been taught is too much for him.

Oh well, soldier on formerwhitecornerback, farewell, make the world a better place in whatever manner you can. As long as this site is available it should be a place for people to express their ideas in an open and honest manner, regardless of how popular or accepted those ideas are.
I still don't know what the hell this guy is talking about? He seems to agree that there is a bias in football. He seems to agree that society is becoming more anti-White. But he doesn't like talk of racist under/over tones???? He doesn't like talk about root causes like cultural marxism??? What's left?

There is a problem but you can't talk about it? Or there is a problem but you have to talk about it only in a certain non-insulting way? I just don't get it. My gut feeling is that he agrees with us 100% but can't bring himself to express it because the cognitive dissonance of disagreeing with what he has been taught is too much for him.

Oh well, soldier on formerwhitecornerback, farewell, make the world a better place in whatever manner you can. As long as this site is available it should be a place for people to express their ideas in an open and honest manner, regardless of how popular or accepted those ideas are.

If one accepts the existence of the Caste System (or more simply that whites don't get fair treatment in some sports), then there are really only two ways to go with it: 1) Approve of it; 2) Denounce it.

If one denounces or at least disapproves of the Caste System, the next step would seem to involve looking for explanations as to why and how it exists. If it is simply a natural occurrence, without any human volition behind it, then the how and why of that would also require a great deal of attention. Cultural Marxism is posited as a theory for the existence of the Caste System. Even if that theory has holes in it (and I haven't seen any poked by formerwhitecornerback), the critic is still going to have to offer a better explanation. I haven't even seen that attempted.
I had to take a little break, so to have a chance to read all the wonderful replies! Of course I will not address everyone's response to my original posting.....

Anyway, to the woman who responded... I pointed out my playing because it is relevant to much of what people talk about on here(unfortunately people aren't talking much about gymnastics) and I have first hand experience to a lot of the conversations on here, because skill positions, ARE discriminated against. Also, I could care less if any of you think I played or not!

Me saying that a majority of posters are fat slobs, yes it was not the right thing to say, and childish(I will admit I have temper and their are posters on here, I would say 4-5 regulars, that fire me up with their cultural marxist BS and blatant racist Reponses on a consistent basis.) The bottom line is this site is not for me(BECAUSE of the racial overrtones and political leanings-like I said, some good topics sometimes). This is where I have an issue...NOT, with the caste system in sports like football! I made this clear in first post.

You all who come here frequently, of course, aren't going to agree with what I have to say! just like I'm not going to agree with political BS, and racial undertones/overtones that is spewed by the moderators and others on here. Call me what you want! some things said and believed by a majority of people on here is flat out not right(I guess I'm the odd one though, if we polled people outside of this LITTLE web site, I would be the one looked at as a judgmental/very critical person, right!? :) absolutely hilarious! :)).

I'm not a articulate writer, like a FEW on here, and especially not like the Original Poster(who bolted), more of a verbal communicator, so I can't eloquently type a lot of what I would like to say to some on here. Btw, surprised at a few of the civilized response! other's are what I expected, especially from the longtime users with thousands of posts.

Resume the negativity and blaming society for all the pitfalls and white inequality/political problems because the "cultural Marxist bias" ! I'm going to watch me some negro football this weekend! and especially go read one of my che guevara books!

Good day, Ya'll! back to my DWF world!

Signing off...Mr.Troll(should have chosen this username!!).

Ps---Sorry, everyone this will be my last post. Like I said in first post, don't have time to associate myself with this nonsense a. I know your extremely sad!

This is either satire or you're just a typical dwf tool. You whine about the racial tones yet mention che guevara. Che was a "racist " who spoke down of your negroes. Amazing.
This is either satire or you're just a typical dwf tool. You whine about the racial tones yet mention che guevara. Che was a "racist " who spoke down of your negroes. Amazing.

I would bet he's serious, unfortunately. He sounds like most people nowadays, even trying to briefly "fit in" here. He is the typical public-school-educated, mass-media-duped, average White, tragically. I would have even spouted some of the same uninformed and gullible things years ago, before my awakening out of the "American Coma" I was in...
He is probably not going to learn much awareness anywhere except a site such as this that is honest, frank, blunt, terse, and realistic; except to him, we are not that.

In this time and country, this is where we are. R.I.P.
@PamelaOC, welcome to Caste Football ma'am. We seldom have the pleasure of ladies joining these threads/discussions. :)

Jaxvid provided a good definition of a "White Nationalist", which I am...though mostly in 'hope'. My opinions would surely be labled "White Supremicist" by 'liberals'/cultural marxists. However, I consider myself a racial 'realist' in that I believe it's factual that the White race is indeed the 'best' & racial segregation is optimal (for all). I know these both can be (factually) validated.
I find it insane when anyone criticizes us for our little name calling, and minor insults of non whites. Hey formerwhitecornerback, you should go to and make an account and tell them how racist they are. They advertize genocide over there. But no your here on the ONLY place where non brainwashed football fans gather to vent/educate/converse. You say your anti racist, but what you really are is anti White. Anti racist is nothing more than a codeword for anti white.
I wouldn't know how to classify myself. I've never sat down and written out a personal manifesto on my beliefs and viewpoints. I do like to follow white athletes, always have ever since I can remember. As far as race in the big picture goes, from what I can see, in terms of accomplishments in the arts and industries and civilization building, there's us, then everybody else. We're the tops, hands down. A lot of us here at this site have come to the point where we can no longer pretend otherwise.

Sometimes I like to think of myself as maybe a White Majoritist (my spell check tells me I just invented a word). We'll always attract immigrants from the other, but as long as we're in the majority and running things (which continues success depends upon IMO) we can get by. But that doesn't seem to be working. In the county I live in, a few hundred South Asian refugees have turned into 10,000 seemingly overnight. And the Mexicans are outbreeding us three to one at least. I never thought the tide would reach this far north this soon. With ancestors that go back to colonial America, I can't live under that. And under something we shall definitely find ourselves, once they gain the numbers.

Now I forget where I was going with this. Oh, what the hell. Go Pack. I'm not bailing just yet.
The OP in this post has received way too much attention from us. He's an idiot and doesn't even seem to be responding to posts anymore. As for me, I'm a christian and believe myself to be a very reasonable person. I believe blacks and whites have very different cultures and they simply don't mix very well. I wouldn't want to hang around a lot of blacks because generally speaking, I don't have anything in common with them....does that make me racist? No! I grew up in a diverse area, with 4a highschools, and all the best athletes were white. The star football players, baseball players and a good percentage of the basketball players were white. So when I watch an NFL or NBA game and see so few whites, it gets me to thinking. Thats the whole reason I found this site. All the core posters here argue using facts, stats and numbers. For the most part, no one here throws around blind opinions that can't be backed up in anyway. Most here will concede that there are a list of blacks who can run under 10 seconds in the 100 meter sprint, but only 1 white guy currently....BUT....that is the only place blacks have an advantage that whites can't seem to match yet(yet being the key word). Besides, there are no black players in the nfl who have run under 10 seconds anyways. Whites are currently dominating jumping events on a world level, and as for all the measurables for the NFL, whites consistently perform to the level of the best blacks. It's not the white mans fault so few get invited to the combine, but they sure shine on their pro days! I've seen a ton of trolls come and go here and when they see that we use stats, they generally just call us a bunch of racists and leave. Now I don't agree with blind racism....but I do think it's normal to see a white guy and a black guy on tv playing a sport and wanting the guy who looks like you to win. There's absolutely nothing wrong with us having this site to try and get more whites into the nfl or nba or any sport for that matter. If we were here calling blacks derogatory names, that would be different. But we're not! At least most of us aren't. I work in a job that requires me to work with all kinds of people of different backgrounds and ethnicities and I've been called a dumb white cracker, a honkey and a racist by blacks before for nothing other than showing up at their homes in a uniform. I've lived and seen the world for what it is and know first hand that there are no advantages to being white in this society. I don't agree with everyone here all the time, but this is a place for me to go and give my opinions without being called a racist. It's funny to me the mindset of the standard DWF. They will give their opinion, then tell you it's true and yours is false, then get angry when you don't agree with them and resort to childish name calling or try and use witty comebacks. It boggles my mind. Even when you post factual highschool recruiting data, like someone did earlier in this post, they still just get mad or stop posting. Some people just don't want to question what society tries to burn into their brains!
The OP in this post has received way too much attention from us. [bla bla bla] Some people just don't want to question what society tries to burn into their brains!

Try using smaller paragraphs and the Preview Post button next time, Soccer&track. Smaller 'graphs make it easier on the eyes with font's like CF's default font.[cool]

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It's funny to me the mindset of the standard DWF. They will give their opinion, then tell you it's true and yours is false, then get angry when you don't agree with them and resort to childish name calling or try and use witty comebacks. It boggles my mind. Even when you post factual highschool recruiting data, like someone did earlier in this post, they still just get mad or stop posting. Some people just don't want to question what society tries to burn into their brains!

The average DWF thinks what he's told to think and doesn't think on his own. He waits for some anti-white to tell him what to think.

The average DWF is a black supremacist and an anti-white racist. He probably doesn't realize it because he's never thought about it.

He never criticizes a black player no matter what and worships many of them.

With white players, he bashes them non-stop simply because they're white. The only white players who escape this treatment are the superstar white players.
Tebow was mentioned in this thread... just a reminded that his situation isn't mainly about race. Of course being white hurts him, but there are plenty of worse white QBs in the league, some starting. His problem is that he is too Christian, and the media Jews hate him for it.
Tebow was mentioned in this thread... just a reminded that his situation isn't mainly about race. Of course being white hurts him, but there are plenty of worse white QBs in the league, some starting. His problem is that he is too Christian, and the media Jews hate him for it.

Im sure that added to it, but ultimately, they do not want a White guy to be a running quarterback. Tebow ran the option and won games. Other athletic qbs that liked to run a lot were screwed over. The athletic guys we have now are pushed to stay in the pocket, no read option, except maybe one or two plays, like the one play we saw with Tannehill last week, he didn't even run the ball since the defense keyed in on him. Nick Foles who isn't the definition of a dual threat ran the read option play once last week and gained a significant amount of yard. Most of the yardage our guys get is from scrambling on broken down plays, even then you watch NFL Network of practices and the coaches stress to them to stay in the pocket and make a throw.
The OP in this post has received way too much attention from us. He's an idiot and doesn't even seem to be responding to posts anymore. As for me, I'm a christian and believe myself to be a very reasonable person. I believe blacks and whites have very different cultures and they simply don't mix very well. I wouldn't want to hang around a lot of blacks because generally speaking, I don't have anything in common with them....does that make me racist? No! I grew up in a diverse area, with 4a highschools, and all the best athletes were white. The star football players, baseball players and a good percentage of the basketball players were white. So when I watch an NFL or NBA game and see so few whites, it gets me to thinking. Thats the whole reason I found this site. All the core posters here argue using facts, stats and numbers. For the most part, no one here throws around blind opinions that can't be backed up in anyway. Most here will concede that there are a list of blacks who can run under 10 seconds in the 100 meter sprint, but only 1 white guy currently....BUT....that is the only place blacks have an advantage that whites can't seem to match yet(yet being the key word). Besides, there are no black players in the nfl who have run under 10 seconds anyways. Whites are currently dominating jumping events on a world level, and as for all the measurables for the NFL, whites consistently perform to the level of the best blacks. It's not the white mans fault so few get invited to the combine, but they sure shine on their pro days! I've seen a ton of trolls come and go here and when they see that we use stats, they generally just call us a bunch of racists and leave. Now I don't agree with blind racism....but I do think it's normal to see a white guy and a black guy on tv playing a sport and wanting the guy who looks like you to win. There's absolutely nothing wrong with us having this site to try and get more whites into the nfl or nba or any sport for that matter. If we were here calling blacks derogatory names, that would be different. But we're not! At least most of us aren't. I work in a job that requires me to work with all kinds of people of different backgrounds and ethnicities and I've been called a dumb white cracker, a honkey and a racist by blacks before for nothing other than showing up at their homes in a uniform. I've lived and seen the world for what it is and know first hand that there are no advantages to being white in this society. I don't agree with everyone here all the time, but this is a place for me to go and give my opinions without being called a racist. It's funny to me the mindset of the standard DWF. They will give their opinion, then tell you it's true and yours is false, then get angry when you don't agree with them and resort to childish name calling or try and use witty comebacks. It boggles my mind. Even when you post factual highschool recruiting data, like someone did earlier in this post, they still just get mad or stop posting. Some people just don't want to question what society tries to burn into their brains!
Trindon Holliday. Sorry dude.
Trindon Holliday. Sorry dude.

that was with +4.3 m/s wind aid, so it wasn't legal, doesn't count officially, it was a 9.98. Thats more than double the wind legal aid of +2 m/s. Sorry dude. His best wind legal time was 10 seconds with +1.4. He is a good return man at 5'5 and 166 and thats about it, offers little else. Too small, even Sproles is more beefed up.

Jeff Demps 9.96 with a 2.5 m/s (also doesn't count) is more impressive, but he has done even less than Holliday in the NFL with a long of 29 yards in his time in the league, which was on a kick return. Holliday has at least taken a few to the house.

Id say the fastest guy in the 100 who has actually done anything in the NFL is Jamaal Charles who ran a 10.34. He ran faster than that like a 10.14 but it was wind aided. I would have loved to see what Jake Sharp could do, he ran a 10.4 in high school, but he chose the Bears, who like to screw over White players. Jordy isnt far off, at 10.6 in high school (same time as Devin Hester, except the complete package at wr)

The first 3 guys mentioned focused on track as well as football in college as well as high school. It would be nice to see some White speedsters focus on 100 meter and 200 meter in college as well as football. I think Riley Cooper would surprise a lot of people. He was right there with Demps on some kick returns that went to the house in college, he 40 speed may "only be" 4.5 but he has 100 meter, well in football, 100 dash speed.

but like I have said, straight line speed in shorts doesn't correlate to big plays, many other factors. The leading leader in 20+ yard runs this season? Alfred Morris, who ran a blazing 4.7something. Charles is way down the list with 5 with a long of.....46 yards, and Reggie Bush, known as a speedster has 6 with a long of........39. Frank Gore is 2nd with 9, and he isn't known as a speedster.

Chris Johnson with the fastest 40 yard dash at 4.24 has 4 20+ yard runs, with a long of 30. That ties him with Toby Gerhart, who has 4 40+ yard runs, on 36 carries which is 200+ carries less than the other guys on the list, perfect blend of power and speed/agility. Similar to Peterson who is 3rd with 8. Different styles but I think Gerhart could put up Peterson's numbers, but he is team first, so if he got the shot of starting he would see closer to 250 carries and be focused more in the passing game.

but the guy's point still stands, regardless of if 2 blacks ran sub 10 wind aided enough to not officially count, its just not that big of a deal. I think what sets Charles apart is his agility, which many White players have. You rarely are going to get a hole where everyone is blocked at both the first level and second level, I've seen it maybe a handful of times watching NFL games back to the 70's. There are always a few guys to make miss, and they are harder to make miss in the pros now its a pass happy league with 3 to 4 receiver sets, more guys to make miss, requiring more agility.

Old school smashmouth football programs get players sucked in the box, and they tell their rb highly ranked rb recruits how much they were sought after, they should at least be able to make one or two defenders miss in the open field, yet it doesn't even happen that often in the college level unless its a mismatch (which is like 3 or 4 games in the SEC each year)
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American Freedom News