2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

From what I understand Detroit is already like that with 45minute response times.. Guessing similar in other urban hell holes.

Um when my rental property in Detroit was broken into I was told it would be 6 hours. They didn’t show up until the next day. They told me I was lucky they came at all.
Um when my rental property in Detroit was broken into I was told it would be 6 hours. They didn’t show up until the next day. They told me I was lucky they came at all.

yikes point taken.
Food for thought

A Country Not Salvageable

by Fred Reed

What fun, what entertainment. And rare: One seldom sees the collapse of a landmark society in a rush of wondrous idiocy. Would I could sell tickets. Don’t look at it as a loss, but as a show, an unwanted but grand amusement.

The coup de grace in our ripening decadence is the current uprising purportedly, though implausibly, over racism. But never mind. The causes don’t matter. The deal is done.

Still, it is interesting to recognize that the protesters are, perhaps deliberately, confusing the incapacity of blacks with systemic racism. In truth, America has made the greatest effort ever essayed by one race to uplift another. Reflect: In 1954 an entirely white Supreme Court unanimously ended segregation. Later it found the use of IQ tests by employers illegal because blacks scored poorly, then found “affirmative action,” racial discrimination against whites, legal (hardly oppression of blacks, this). An overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Voting Rights Act the next year. A white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. There has been an enormous flow of charity to blacks: Section Eight Housing, AFDC, Head Start, hiring black quarterbacks, set-asides, sharply lowered standards in police and fire departments. We now have free breakfasts for black children, then free lunches, in addition to outright welfare. In aggregate they resemble a distributed guaranteed basic income. Which is interesting.

These measures sprang from the best of intentions. Most I think should continue. I for one do not want to evict blacks from public housing or have their children go hungry. Yet none of these programs has had its desired effect. The crucial academic gap has not closed, crime remains horribly high, illegitimacy verges on universal. This is a great shame. Blacks are decent enough people, likable if they don’t hate you, and phenomenally talented. But it hasn’t worked.

Nothing has worked. There is no indication that anything will. The great black cities are in something approaching custodial care.

You cannot solve a problem without knowing what it is. This we dare not know. Democracies, however approximate, cannot deal with chronically underperforming minorities.

They cannot even try. Anything that might help is politically impossible, and anything politically possible won’t help.

So, after the riots:

Social division will worsen after the riots. Racial hostility from blacks will not decrease because their conditions will not change. The rioters are getting their way now, and rule, but at the price of sowing hatred. At best we will have many decades of ugly rancor. At worst, we are winding the spring for another outburst.

Multiculturalism has not worked, quite apart from race, and will not. White Americans are not one people. The poor communications and bad roads that once allowed them to live almost separately no longer exist. In its writ-large form, trying to force West Virginia to accept the culture of Massachusetts will produce only anger.

The likelihood of amity between races is proportional to their agreement on values important to them. For example, the Chinese share (what once were) the white values of study, work, courtesy, and obedience to the law. That they eat with chopsticks and celebrate New Year on the wrong day doesn’t matter.

However, again for example, a culture that believes in female genital mutilation and utter subjection of women cannot live amicably with a culture that abhors these things. Black ghetto culture and white are immiscible in so many fundamental values that they will not live well together.

Some cultures can assimilate, for example East Asian and American white, Latino and American white. But, in addition to sharply different cultures, too many blacks live in sprawling, racially isolated urban centers with almost no contact with the outside world other than television.

Censorship will intensify, not just of communications and office chitchat but of books. Tom Sawyer will be pulled from bookshelves or—Amazon being the continental shelf—or bowderlized to remove the ****** Jim and Injun Joe The ****** of the Narcissus may survive because none of the blacks and few of the whites will ever have heard of Conrad. At least for the foreseeable future, firings for anything imaginably redolent of racism–saying “All lives matter,” for example–will be snatched at in a mixture of passive aggression and schadenfreude to result in firings. This is unlikely to have a happy ending.

Schooling: Watching great universities become sandboxes for unpleasantly righteous dimwitted brats galls, or does if one lets it. I don’t. Most of the protesters seem recently to have erupted from the drains of an educational system that has been in sharp decline for decades They, including the intelligent among them, appear historically not just ignorant but carefully misinformed, culturally pathetic, and intellectually laughable. (For example, a protestress interviewed by a British reporter as to what she thought of Churchill said she couldn’t really say because she hadn’t met him. How many in BLM can spell “Confederacy”? A statue of Ulysses Grant was pulled down in the belief that he was a Confederate general. May God preserve us.)

The, uh, redaction of culture will not stop with books. Classical music is too white, the sciences too white, mathematics a tool of oppression (meaning that blacks cannot understand it) and so on. We have created a nation of pampered and imbecile peasants.

Schooling will continue its plummet. Science departments probably will not be abolished. However, because they are too white, schools will recruit hopelessly unqualified black students and professors, standards will fall yet more, and mathematics will be played down even in astrophysics (this is being done). Extirpating racism will replace scholarship, already degraded by the retirement or death of those professors who knew what education meant. This will inevitably result in lowered American technological competitiveness and prosperity. There is no hope of preventing this.

The replacement of learned professors by aging detritus from the Sixties antagonistic to scholarship is not surprising. America has had strong anti-intellectual undercurrent since its inception. The degradation will not be noticed by the young as they have never lived in a world different from their own, with Harry Potter and Toni Morrison thought to be literature. A liberal education was once the mark of the cultivated, being deep in languages, literature, philosophy, the sciences, history, mathematics,. Universities once had, at least among the better students, a love of open minded curiosity, thought, and debate. No more. Future historians will notice the shift, but those within it will not. We are left with a nation of morons who will not know they are morons.

This too cannot be prevented. Jejune herdthink is now warmly espoused throughout the academy with children in grade school being primed for it.

The most—I dare not say “entertaining” for fear of lynching, but, well, perhaps “interesting” reforms will be those of the police, whether abolition, defunding to shift money to youth outreach and rehab (which don’t work) or replacement of police by warm and caring adults, will result in increased crime. We need not concern ourselves with whether and to what extent the police have been culpable in which cases. The changes will come anyway.

An intriguing question is what the nonviolent, non-racist, warm and fuzzy pseudopolice will do when they encounter violent criminals. Counsel them on social justice? I would love to watch.

Our system of governments has proved itself weak, feckless, and unable to govern. The chaotic response to the coronavirus is a prime example, there being no national policy and the states being told to do as they see fit. The other major example was the inability or unwillingness to prevent looting and arson.The widespread destruction was unopposed, protected by the media, and celebrated by the many corporations that have fallen over themselves to truckle to the unwashed and to give them money. If our rampaging anthropoids can loot once, there is no reason to think they cannot do it again.

Many cities are routinely out of control, with seven hundred homicides in Chicago and three hundred in Baltimore every year. Increasingly criminals are released without bail and small crimes, such as evading subway fares, are ignored when committed by minorities. The hordes of derelicts grow, the New York subways become a homeless shelter. These are not problems seen in civilized countries. Which America no longer is, to the astonishment and amusement of the world.

Perhaps this was to be expected. The American practice of choosing its leaders every two, four, or six years by popularity contest worked, after a fashion anyway, in a sprawling continental country in which government had very little local influence. In a world far more complex, with little ability to plan when those in charge change with paralyzing rapidity, and everything intensely regulated by people unfamiliar with problems, results are poor. America’s competition with large countries having intelligently authoritarian and stable governance will prove a losing proposition proposition. The inevitable decline in standard of living, already well underwater, will promote unrest. Here we go again.

We have done what Marx couldn’t: Achieved communism, a true dictatorship of the proletariat, of a rabble jacquerie of much noise and no wit, the rule of the unfit. It is a rule only of the culture. The moneyed would not grant it power over anything else. Yet rule it is. We shall hear much of the authenticity of the illiterate, the purity of ghetto urges, the wisdom of the people, the need to lay low the pretensions of the mansion.

Yet the catastrophe has its consolations. It is amusing for those amused by the end of empires. The Soviet Union spoke of the dictatorship of the proletariat, but lived under the dictatorship of a gray aristocracy. America speaks of the rule of the people, a horrible idea, and seems to be getting there.

Think of it as the Cultural Revolution by suburban hobbyists. There are the same raging untermenschen, the same desire to destroy anything they do not know, or cannot understand, or be bothered to learn.

As a philosophic emollient one may reflect that all empires and civilizations must end, and ours is. America will remain as a place, a military bastion, a large if declining economic force. It will never again be, even by the low standards of humanity in such things, a relatively free and vigorous society. The world will not again credit its charades of moral leadership. The rot, the tens of thousands of derelict people living on the sidewalks, the looting and fire setting, the censorship, are now visible to the entire earth. Oh well. It was a good thing while it lasted.

Food for thought

A Country Not Salvageable

by Fred Reed

What fun, what entertainment. And rare: One seldom sees the collapse of a landmark society in a rush of wondrous idiocy. Would I could sell tickets. Don’t look at it as a loss, but as a show, an unwanted but grand amusement.

The coup de grace in our ripening decadence is the current uprising purportedly, though implausibly, over racism. But never mind. The causes don’t matter. The deal is done.

Still, it is interesting to recognize that the protesters are, perhaps deliberately, confusing the incapacity of blacks with systemic racism. In truth, America has made the greatest effort ever essayed by one race to uplift another. Reflect: In 1954 an entirely white Supreme Court unanimously ended segregation. Later it found the use of IQ tests by employers illegal because blacks scored poorly, then found “affirmative action,” racial discrimination against whites, legal (hardly oppression of blacks, this). An overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Voting Rights Act the next year. A white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. There has been an enormous flow of charity to blacks: Section Eight Housing, AFDC, Head Start, hiring black quarterbacks, set-asides, sharply lowered standards in police and fire departments. We now have free breakfasts for black children, then free lunches, in addition to outright welfare. In aggregate they resemble a distributed guaranteed basic income. Which is interesting.

These measures sprang from the best of intentions. Most I think should continue. I for one do not want to evict blacks from public housing or have their children go hungry. Yet none of these programs has had its desired effect. The crucial academic gap has not closed, crime remains horribly high, illegitimacy verges on universal. This is a great shame. Blacks are decent enough people, likable if they don’t hate you, and phenomenally talented. But it hasn’t worked.

Nothing has worked. There is no indication that anything will. The great black cities are in something approaching custodial care.

You cannot solve a problem without knowing what it is. This we dare not know. Democracies, however approximate, cannot deal with chronically underperforming minorities.

They cannot even try. Anything that might help is politically impossible, and anything politically possible won’t help.

So, after the riots:

Social division will worsen after the riots. Racial hostility from blacks will not decrease because their conditions will not change. The rioters are getting their way now, and rule, but at the price of sowing hatred. At best we will have many decades of ugly rancor. At worst, we are winding the spring for another outburst.

Multiculturalism has not worked, quite apart from race, and will not. White Americans are not one people. The poor communications and bad roads that once allowed them to live almost separately no longer exist. In its writ-large form, trying to force West Virginia to accept the culture of Massachusetts will produce only anger.

The likelihood of amity between races is proportional to their agreement on values important to them. For example, the Chinese share (what once were) the white values of study, work, courtesy, and obedience to the law. That they eat with chopsticks and celebrate New Year on the wrong day doesn’t matter.

However, again for example, a culture that believes in female genital mutilation and utter subjection of women cannot live amicably with a culture that abhors these things. Black ghetto culture and white are immiscible in so many fundamental values that they will not live well together.

Some cultures can assimilate, for example East Asian and American white, Latino and American white. But, in addition to sharply different cultures, too many blacks live in sprawling, racially isolated urban centers with almost no contact with the outside world other than television.

Censorship will intensify, not just of communications and office chitchat but of books. Tom Sawyer will be pulled from bookshelves or—Amazon being the continental shelf—or bowderlized to remove the ****** Jim and Injun Joe The ****** of the Narcissus may survive because none of the blacks and few of the whites will ever have heard of Conrad. At least for the foreseeable future, firings for anything imaginably redolent of racism–saying “All lives matter,” for example–will be snatched at in a mixture of passive aggression and schadenfreude to result in firings. This is unlikely to have a happy ending.

Schooling: Watching great universities become sandboxes for unpleasantly righteous dimwitted brats galls, or does if one lets it. I don’t. Most of the protesters seem recently to have erupted from the drains of an educational system that has been in sharp decline for decades They, including the intelligent among them, appear historically not just ignorant but carefully misinformed, culturally pathetic, and intellectually laughable. (For example, a protestress interviewed by a British reporter as to what she thought of Churchill said she couldn’t really say because she hadn’t met him. How many in BLM can spell “Confederacy”? A statue of Ulysses Grant was pulled down in the belief that he was a Confederate general. May God preserve us.)

The, uh, redaction of culture will not stop with books. Classical music is too white, the sciences too white, mathematics a tool of oppression (meaning that blacks cannot understand it) and so on. We have created a nation of pampered and imbecile peasants.

Schooling will continue its plummet. Science departments probably will not be abolished. However, because they are too white, schools will recruit hopelessly unqualified black students and professors, standards will fall yet more, and mathematics will be played down even in astrophysics (this is being done). Extirpating racism will replace scholarship, already degraded by the retirement or death of those professors who knew what education meant. This will inevitably result in lowered American technological competitiveness and prosperity. There is no hope of preventing this.

The replacement of learned professors by aging detritus from the Sixties antagonistic to scholarship is not surprising. America has had strong anti-intellectual undercurrent since its inception. The degradation will not be noticed by the young as they have never lived in a world different from their own, with Harry Potter and Toni Morrison thought to be literature. A liberal education was once the mark of the cultivated, being deep in languages, literature, philosophy, the sciences, history, mathematics,. Universities once had, at least among the better students, a love of open minded curiosity, thought, and debate. No more. Future historians will notice the shift, but those within it will not. We are left with a nation of morons who will not know they are morons.

This too cannot be prevented. Jejune herdthink is now warmly espoused throughout the academy with children in grade school being primed for it.

The most—I dare not say “entertaining” for fear of lynching, but, well, perhaps “interesting” reforms will be those of the police, whether abolition, defunding to shift money to youth outreach and rehab (which don’t work) or replacement of police by warm and caring adults, will result in increased crime. We need not concern ourselves with whether and to what extent the police have been culpable in which cases. The changes will come anyway.

An intriguing question is what the nonviolent, non-racist, warm and fuzzy pseudopolice will do when they encounter violent criminals. Counsel them on social justice? I would love to watch.

Our system of governments has proved itself weak, feckless, and unable to govern. The chaotic response to the coronavirus is a prime example, there being no national policy and the states being told to do as they see fit. The other major example was the inability or unwillingness to prevent looting and arson.The widespread destruction was unopposed, protected by the media, and celebrated by the many corporations that have fallen over themselves to truckle to the unwashed and to give them money. If our rampaging anthropoids can loot once, there is no reason to think they cannot do it again.

Many cities are routinely out of control, with seven hundred homicides in Chicago and three hundred in Baltimore every year. Increasingly criminals are released without bail and small crimes, such as evading subway fares, are ignored when committed by minorities. The hordes of derelicts grow, the New York subways become a homeless shelter. These are not problems seen in civilized countries. Which America no longer is, to the astonishment and amusement of the world.

Perhaps this was to be expected. The American practice of choosing its leaders every two, four, or six years by popularity contest worked, after a fashion anyway, in a sprawling continental country in which government had very little local influence. In a world far more complex, with little ability to plan when those in charge change with paralyzing rapidity, and everything intensely regulated by people unfamiliar with problems, results are poor. America’s competition with large countries having intelligently authoritarian and stable governance will prove a losing proposition proposition. The inevitable decline in standard of living, already well underwater, will promote unrest. Here we go again.

We have done what Marx couldn’t: Achieved communism, a true dictatorship of the proletariat, of a rabble jacquerie of much noise and no wit, the rule of the unfit. It is a rule only of the culture. The moneyed would not grant it power over anything else. Yet rule it is. We shall hear much of the authenticity of the illiterate, the purity of ghetto urges, the wisdom of the people, the need to lay low the pretensions of the mansion.

Yet the catastrophe has its consolations. It is amusing for those amused by the end of empires. The Soviet Union spoke of the dictatorship of the proletariat, but lived under the dictatorship of a gray aristocracy. America speaks of the rule of the people, a horrible idea, and seems to be getting there.

Think of it as the Cultural Revolution by suburban hobbyists. There are the same raging untermenschen, the same desire to destroy anything they do not know, or cannot understand, or be bothered to learn.

As a philosophic emollient one may reflect that all empires and civilizations must end, and ours is. America will remain as a place, a military bastion, a large if declining economic force. It will never again be, even by the low standards of humanity in such things, a relatively free and vigorous society. The world will not again credit its charades of moral leadership. The rot, the tens of thousands of derelict people living on the sidewalks, the looting and fire setting, the censorship, are now visible to the entire earth. Oh well. It was a good thing while it lasted.

This article basically sums up the way I've been feeling for the past several years. The author is fantastic and was able to put things into words the way I can't. Thanks for this Don, I shared it with a couple friends who I know will enjoy it.
If you have an hour of time, this video is very eye opening. It's just incomprehensible the way politicians have allowed Seattle to deteriorate. After watching it, it's no surprise at all that "Chaz" or "Chop" was created there. A beautiful city surrounded by natural beauty has been systematically ruined by the lunatic leftists in charge. The mind-set of the "leaders" of Seattle and most other large cities is totally alien to normal Americans.

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There were no riots after this, and it was barely even reported by the White-Gentile hating (((racists at CNN and MSNBC))).

Interesting to note... Something incredibly similar to what happened to George Floyd happened to a white man (by a white cop if I remember correctly) around last year, but predictably, no riots...
If you have an hour of time, this video is very eye opening. It's just incomprehensible the way politicians have allowed Seattle to deteriorate. After watching it, it's no surprise at all that "Chaz" or "Chop" was created there. A beautiful city surrounded by natural beauty has been systematically ruined by the lunatic leftists in charge. The mind-set of the "leaders" of Seattle and most other large cities is totally alien to normal Americans.

Insightful and sad video. The decriminalization of drugs seems to be a nationwide push.


"This is a list of all of the “woke” companies (and brands) that are supporting violent protests across the United States. Despite the chaos, destruction, and deaths, “woke” companies across the country have still come out in support of #BlackLivesMatter, Antifa terrorists, and general criminals.

Please consider using this list to guide in what businesses you wish to support. Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.
To keep this list from becoming unwieldy, I’m only including one statement per company. Many of these companies have issued multiple statements in support of the insurrection across the country, some even fighting in the comments section with fans, but it’s overwhelming as it is."

Companies defending the rioters:
  1. 23andme: Attention Required!
  2. 72andSunny: Attention Required!
  3. AbbVie: Attention Required!
  4. Abbey Road Studios: Attention Required!
  5. The Academy (the Oscars): Attention Required!
  6. Activision Blizzard: Attention Required!
  7. Adidas: Attention Required!
  8. Airbnb: Attention Required!
  9. Alaska Airlines: Attention Required!
  10. Amazon: https://archive.is/lBR4u
  11. AMD: https://archive.is/i3krt
  12. American Airlines: https://archive.is/XBwhw
  13. American Express: https://archive.is/kzWXa
  14. American Apparel: https://archive.is/ETfYw
  15. Apple Music: https://archive.is/cj97E
  16. Ancestry: https://archive.is/5Q9JW
  17. Armani: https://archive.is/hX6Yw
  18. Astro Gaming: https://archive.is/9aWhf
  19. AT&T: https://archive.is/OzC04
  20. Atlantic Records: https://archive.is/65QQq
  21. AWS: https://archive.is/NXNAG
  22. AXE: https://archive.is/Xpxhw
  23. Barclays Bank: https://archive.is/9EAl4
  24. Barnes & Noble: https://archive.is/PCPKn
  25. Bandcamp: https://archive.is/5QQBT
  26. Bank of America: https://archive.is/FH1O0
  27. Bayer: https://archive.is/iT3EG
  28. Bergdorf Goodman: https://archive.is/nQiPA
  29. Bethesda: https://archive.is/2xeNE
  30. Ben & Jerry’s: https://archive.is/BqHRv
  31. Billboard: https://archive.is/Ruuv8
  32. BMW: https://archive.is/lRN51
  33. BP: https://archive.is/0qSwy
  34. Booking.com: https://archive.is/CZAs7
  35. Boost Mobile: https://archive.is/pLnAf
  36. Bratz: https://archive.is/vOA1d
  37. Burger King: https://archive.is/U9VzB
  38. Bungie: https://archive.is/81KHV
  39. Burberry: https://archive.is/ha0jP
  40. Burt’s Bees: https://archive.is/4NbLi
  41. Cadillac: https://archive.is/bS60C
  42. Call of Duty: https://archive.is/DEJA6
  43. Capcom: https://archive.is/S1BgN
  44. Capitol Records: https://archive.is/jeUpY
  45. Canada Goose: https://archive.is/y2nLo
  46. Cartoon Network: https://archive.is/CxAd7
  47. Chess.com: https://archive.is/nmguY
  48. Chick-fil-A: https://archive.is/yiviH
  49. Chipotle: https://archive.is/Rk9zI
  50. Chips Ahoy: https://archive.is/wOrC7
  51. Cisco: https://archive.is/fNvdP
  52. Citigroup: https://archive.is/36fkF
  53. Coca Cola: https://archive.is/bzTHi
  54. Colourpop Cosmetics: https://archive.is/AapIR
  55. Conde Nast: https://archive.is/ChMdI
  56. Converse: https://archive.is//sKjmg
  57. CORSAIR: https://archive.is/5S5DY
  58. Creative Commons: https://archive.is/kPdCO
  59. Criterion Collection: https://archive.is/JZ2Sd
  60. Crunchyroll: https://archive.is/q7Ucj
  61. CW: https://archive.is/JumZU
  62. CVS: https://archive.is/DbBSV
  63. DHL Express: https://archive.is/r4Pmp
  64. Dell: https://archive.is/IeI9j
  65. Degree: https://archive.is/SItaW
  66. Devolver Digital: https://archive.is/xcaEH
  67. DIRECTV: https://archive.is/hhBG4
  68. Discord: https://archive.is/hGtDw
  69. Disney: https://archive.is/wldfM
  70. Dollar Shave Club: https://archive.is/0r84H
  71. Doritos: https://archive.is/nLHv0
  72. DoorDash: https://archive.is/vhTW2
  73. Doulingo: https://archive.is/v9Wpk
  74. Dribbble: https://archive.is/TDWFY
  75. Dropbox: https://archive.is/O2ygm
  76. E! News: https://archive.is/3PJyz
  77. EA: https://archive.is/92ALS
  78. Eaton: https://archive.is/ezfyE
  79. eBay: https://archive.is/TYTIz
  80. Eight Sleep: https://archive.is/IiV7n
  81. ESPN: https://archive.is/1I5Tf
  82. Etsy: https://archive.is/FtTof
  83. FedEx: https://archive.is/kKVJp
  84. Fender: https://archive.is/OGjBM
  85. Figma: https://archive.is/hNpcE
  86. FILA: https://archive.is/d6bZ6
  87. Fitbit: https://archive.is/Smx2g
  88. Foot Locker: https://archive.is/XRL65
  89. Formula 1: https://archive.is/FCpBG
  90. FOX: https://archive.is/p2BvT
  91. Frosted Mini Wheats: https://archive.is/vrEYN
  92. Funimation: https://archive.is/sfN8E
  93. GameSpot: https://archive.is/zEkO3
  94. Gartner: https://archive.is/QC8tz
  95. Gatorade: https://archive.is/fo7wl
  96. Genentech: https://archive.is/phHtt
  97. General Motors: https://archive.is/IP0a6
  98. Gibson: https://archive.is/qJYZY
  99. Glossier: https://archive.is/IYlXB
  100. GoDaddy: https://archive.is/VEMk4
  101. Goldman Sachs: https://archive.is/TA2h0
  102. GoFundMe: https://archive.is/Be0fJ
  103. Google: https://archive.is/DK2T8
  104. GoPro: https://archive.is/Aakvo
  105. Gorilla Glue: https://archive.is/0R9ya
  106. Grammarly: https://archive.is/Su1PT
  107. Grindr: https://archive.is/Z6KcW
  108. Guerilla Collective: https://archive.is/TTchM
  109. Gumroad: https://archive.is/oZMr7
  110. Gushers: https://archive.is/3Dju7
  111. Habitat for Humanity: https://archive.is/B81pI
  112. Harry’s: https://archive.is/mE4NN
  113. HBO: https://archive.is/oiUyY
  114. HBO Max: https://archive.is/LGsPt
  115. Headup: https://archive.is/G8ygg
  116. Help Scout: https://archive.is//D8DCs
  117. Hershey’s: https://archive.is/ZQ5zD
  118. H&M: https://archive.is/A9ONJ
  119. Home Depot: https://archive.is/KjUtA
  120. Honda: https://archive.is/4UYtd
  121. HP: https://archive.is/BO2tc
  122. Hulu: https://archive.is/4CyO2
  123. Humana: https://archive.is/RMRmE
  124. Humble Bundle: https://archive.is/YXDb6
  125. HyperX: https://archive.is/ZfHYp
  126. IBM: https://archive.is/ij3Q1
  127. IKEA: https://archive.is/piwcs
  128. IMAX: https://archive.is/OiCj1
  129. Indiegogo: https://archive.is/jrDZk
  130. itch.io: https://archive.is/UTsTi
  131. Intel: https://archive.is/93D5q
  132. Invision: https://archive.is/UZkK1
  133. ITV: https://archive.is/yD1pS
  134. Kickstarter: https://archive.is/0zwng
  135. Lacoste: https://archive.is/T7nwc
  136. Lego: https://archive.is/UKFhD
  137. Levi’s: https://archive.is/KizLO
  138. Lenovo: https://archive.is/aRuDu
  139. Lexus: https://archive.is/71b2c
  140. LinkedIn: https://archive.is/sX5zb
  141. L’Oreal Paris: https://archive.is/Jfelo
  142. Logitech: https://archive.is/vf6J7
  143. Lowe’s: https://archive.is/V5UFz
  144. Lucky Brand: https://archive.is/fY2Mw
  145. Lululemon: https://archive.is/rjCRV
  146. Lumosity: https://archive.is/Nu1Od
  147. Louis Vuitton: https://archive.is/nGZe8
  148. Lyft: https://archive.is/UXl3k
  149. Madden NFL 20: https://archive.is/CTUoi
  150. Marvel Entertainment: https://archive.is/Ptup6
  151. Mastercard: https://archive.is/K0n1d
  152. MATTEL: https://archive.is/bvsqN
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Two mega-corporations that are somehow not on that list, but have engaged in particularly vile and odious anti-white actions by spewing them right in the customer's face:

1. Chase Bank had an in-your-face message on their Internet home page (it's been moved down now, but it was in a large banner near the top of the page for several weeks) praising the BLM/Antifa terrorists. Even Bank of America and Citibank, as bad as they are (I could start a whole new thread on "banking Aryan" as much as possible and avoiding all of the Zionist-owned mega-banks), didn't feel the need to go as far as Chase, as neither felt the need to splash Antifa worship on top of their home page.

If you have any accounts with Chase, cancel them and move your money elsewhere, and explain politely but firmly to the manager why you're doing it. For the record, I never had any bank accounts with Chase, but I did have a credit card through them. I canceled it.

2. Delta Air Lines sent me not one, but two mass emails praising the BLM/Antifa terrorists. Not that I have any love for rivals American and United (I have a frequent flyer number with all three), but at least both of them sent me a grand total of zero Antifa-worship emails. Delta was also the first airline to stop giving discounts to NRA members (while still giving discounts to liberal groups) and the first to ban shipping meat from hunted animals (although they don't seem to have a ban on shipping meat from animals killed in slaughterhouses by Somali and Mexican immigrant workers).

Anyway, don't spend any more money with Delta. If you have frequent flyer miles with them, make sure to use them all and fill up seats for free so they can't make money from selling those seats. After that, stop doing business with them. Delta's CEO, Ed Bastian, whose name is signed on the Antifa-worship emails, is a true scumbag. Perhaps next he can have the right wings removed from all of his company's planes so they can be a true "Left Wing Only" airline.

I'm not a big boycott cheerleader, but when a company makes it extremely clear and in my face that they hate my white skin more than they like my green money, I take notice and I take action.
Two mega-corporations that are somehow not on that list, but have engaged in particularly vile and odious anti-white actions by spewing them right in the customer's face:

1. Chase Bank had an in-your-face message on their Internet home page (it's been moved down now, but it was in a large banner near the top of the page for several weeks) praising the BLM/Antifa terrorists. Even Bank of America and Citibank, as bad as they are (I could start a whole new thread on "banking Aryan" as much as possible and avoiding all of the Zionist-owned mega-banks), didn't feel the need to go as far as Chase, as neither felt the need to splash Antifa worship on top of their home page.

If you have any accounts with Chase, cancel them and move your money elsewhere, and explain politely but firmly to the manager why you're doing it. For the record, I never had any bank accounts with Chase, but I did have a credit card through them. I canceled it.

2. Delta Air Lines sent me not one, but two mass emails praising the BLM/Antifa terrorists. Not that I have any love for rivals American and United (I have a frequent flyer number with all three), but at least both of them sent me a grand total of zero Antifa-worship emails. Delta was also the first airline to stop giving discounts to NRA members (while still giving discounts to liberal groups) and the first to ban shipping meat from hunted animals (although they don't seem to have a ban on shipping meat from animals killed in slaughterhouses by Somali and Mexican immigrant workers).

Anyway, don't spend any more money with Delta. If you have frequent flyer miles with them, make sure to use them all and fill up seats for free so they can't make money from selling those seats. After that, stop doing business with them. Delta's CEO, Ed Bastian, whose name is signed on the Antifa-worship emails, is a true scumbag. Perhaps next he can have the right wings removed from all of his company's planes so they can be a true "Left Wing Only" airline.

I'm not a big boycott cheerleader, but when a company makes it extremely clear and in my face that they hate my white skin more than they like my green money, I take notice and I take action.
Thanks for the heads up. I ditched Chase long ago in my libertarian days when I learned about their founders history. Delta on the other hand I used just as frequently as United, American and Southwest. No longer.
Add Petsmart to the list. I know they send my family a few emails about supporting BLM. Needless to say we haven’t been back since.
Basically every communist corporation supports BLM and diversity. Probably easier to list the companies that dont support Leftism lol. If there any at this point.
Unfortunately, in this age of mega-corporations, outsourcing, and cheap labor, it's not possible to completely avoid businesses that suck up to BLM/Antifa. I shop at small businesses whenever possible (although even they aren't immune to virtue signaling, but as long as there are no anti-white signs on the door they're generally safe), but sometimes using a big business can't be helped. In those cases I always make a conscious effort to avoid the worst of the worst, the ones that feel the need to rub their Antifa-worship right in the customer's face. That's why I'll never again do business with Chase or Delta, or Petdumb either (thanks for the tip, Dolphins15).

Sending mass emails to one's customer base spewing hate at regular White people while worshipping an extremist, terrorist organization like Antifa is the lowest of the low, even worse than splashing a BLM banner on one's website. Not only is it the lowest of the low, it's also the dumbest of the dumb. People already hate spam email, and to send it with a hateful, extremist, divisive political message is the height of stupidity. Even wild animals know better than to crap where they eat. I hope these Antifa-worshipping retards who have alienated their customers end up crashing and burning.
Unfortunately, in this age of mega-corporations, outsourcing, and cheap labor, it's not possible to completely avoid businesses that suck up to BLM/Antifa. I shop at small businesses whenever possible (although even they aren't immune to virtue signaling, but as long as there are no anti-white signs on the door they're generally safe), but sometimes using a big business can't be helped. In those cases I always make a conscious effort to avoid the worst of the worst, the ones that feel the need to rub their Antifa-worship right in the customer's face. That's why I'll never again do business with Chase or Delta, or Petdumb either (thanks for the tip, Dolphins15).

Sending mass emails to one's customer base spewing hate at regular White people while worshipping an extremist, terrorist organization like Antifa is the lowest of the low, even worse than splashing a BLM banner on one's website. Not only is it the lowest of the low, it's also the dumbest of the dumb. People already hate spam email, and to send it with a hateful, extremist, divisive political message is the height of stupidity. Even wild animals know better than to crap where they eat. I hope these Antifa-worshipping retards who have alienated their customers end up crashing and burning.

I could never figure out why these companies spit on the ones they expect to profit from? It only makes sense if you consider there are no other options, which is partly true, or the companies themselves are clueless, which is most likely the case. I wish the free market could really punish those companies but unfortunately it won't.
I don't think these companies are clueless, I think they know exactly what they are doing. They know that the demographic in the USA is changing rapidly and that pandering to minorities is going to profit much more down the stretch. They also know that half of the white people are on board with the social justice causes out there. From a purely money making stand point they are doing everything right. The dangerous part of all this is that these companies have amassed so much power that in most cases when we need goods or services we are forced to be a customer of one of them because there are no other options as the mom and pop stores are pretty much all gone at this point.
Basically every communist corporation supports BLM and diversity. Probably easier to list the companies that dont support Leftism lol. If there any at this point.
I really don't think there are any to be honest.
I don't think these companies are clueless, I think they know exactly what they are doing. They know that the demographic in the USA is changing rapidly and that pandering to minorities is going to profit much more down the stretch. They also know that half of the white people are on board with the social justice causes out there. From a purely money making stand point they are doing everything right. The dangerous part of all this is that these companies have amassed so much power that in most cases when we need goods or services we are forced to be a customer of one of them because there are no other options as the mom and pop stores are pretty much all gone at this point.


Disney is throwing money at the Toucan now. Disney has been unabashedly and unapologetically marxist for awhile now. You are correct though - all major corporations are now pandering to POC - at first it was the sports apparel companies but now pretty much every large corporation bows down to the cult of diversity with their public face (while those pulling the strings behind the scenes count their shekels and enjoy the twighlight zone reality they have created from their ivory towers)- every major corporation has some sort of Diversity Group within it's HR dept or as a stand alone group to ensure that all workers are mandated to sit through ******** whitey is bad diversity training. And you are right - the great replacement is going on as scheduled - whites are now open targets and anyone can criticize them/attack them with no sort of social repercussions or shaming. Scary times we live in.

As for the Toucan - he's one of the biggest hypocrites in the world - the poster child for issues in the black community - abandonded by his black daddy and given up for adoption by his idiotic white birth mother and goes on to live a comfortable middle class life with his adopted white family and claim he is oppressed - first Nike and now Disney - two multi-billion dollar corporations tied up in sweatshops and child labor across the world. He's happy taking their money though and now he will never admit he was wrong.
Kaepernick is one of the huge "movers and shakers" in the world today. His ability to suck the joy out of life is truly momentous.

Well at least a few movies have been released since Covid-19. Most notably Black Hawk Down:The Sequel the blockbuster smash which believe it or not was filmed in our very own Minneapolis. Nice to see something made in America for a change.

A real menacing piece of work that will keep you on the edge of your seats. Running commentary from neutral news reporters from CNN too. Action packed with mayhem, fires, explosions, destruction and of course battlefield deaths. Rumblings in Hollywood think it is the front runner for best Picture at the Oscars. More than a few critics are claiming it is the best American film since Citizen Kane. Who says they don't make them like they used to?
Definitely agree it's hard to buy small business all the time. I try to buy from small business, and cook for myself most of the time.

I really don't think there are any to be honest.

I don't think so either.
If we really don't want to feed the machine that's destroying us, our only option is to move out of the USA and have nothing to do with it. I understand that option isn't on the table for all of us, but I really do believe it's going to have to be in the near future. In the meantime, moving to a more rural area that has less corporate control and is more white can be a way to get out of the system a little and should buy you a few years at least. I'm sure they have a plan for this though and within 20 years there will be some kind of mandatory diversity requirement in all counties and cities across the nation. It will probably be something like minorities being given money and incentives in the form of jobs to move to areas with too high of a white population.

I've seen it first hand here in my home state of Washington. Once an area starts to get a little bit of a black or Hispanic population, it rapidly changes things. People with money move away and crime rises. Minorities reproduce at a much higher rate than white people, so the demographic can completely be changed within 10-20 years.

The way I see it, all major cities are already lost. The surrounding suburbs will be lost within 5-10 years and the rural areas have maybe 10-20 years left. After that the country will be completely run by people of color.
The flip side. Some have mentioned if blacks see this country as so oppressive and racist and still somehow tethered to the throngs of slavery why don't they get the hell out of Dodge?

Answer: Because they know this is the best country for them to live in. And it gives them a license to bitch about every single perceived slight to their hearts content with a mainly cheerleading media saying right on every step of the way. They are elevated into everyday martyrs. Not a bad gig if you can get it. Sure there is grinding poverty for many but that isn't black exclusive. Tons of White people are struggling like hell to make ends meet.

The reality is blacks are at their happiest when they get to dish on Whites in every which way possible. Plus when they get to showcase their "athletic superiority" it gives them orgasmic pleasure. Anything that humiliates Whites give them a special thrill. It is a form of ecstatic release for them. Hell if they had to endure what real slaves had to go through these panty waists would shrivel up in a second. But they adopt the posture that they are suffering at the hands of society injustices like nobody's business.

By the way. Here are other reality checks. These young black athletes say they have it real tough? They get an expensive colleges education, which opens up big opportunities they would normally never have a chance at, paid for in full. And the clincher is these dudes are getting laid on a regular basis. This is what as known as the struggle. Give me a frigging break!

Of course the black drug runners, who can't believe their luck with all the defund the police talk, use their leverage to screw both black and White chicks.

BLM is one of the most fraudulent bitch fest movements in the history of mankind.
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If we really don't want to feed the machine that's destroying us, our only option is to move out of the USA and have nothing to do with it. I understand that option isn't on the table for all of us, but I really do believe it's going to have to be in the near future. In the meantime, moving to a more rural area that has less corporate control and is more white can be a way to get out of the system a little and should buy you a few years at least. I'm sure they have a plan for this though and within 20 years there will be some kind of mandatory diversity requirement in all counties and cities across the nation. It will probably be something like minorities being given money and incentives in the form of jobs to move to areas with too high of a white population.

I've seen it first hand here in my home state of Washington. Once an area starts to get a little bit of a black or Hispanic population, it rapidly changes things. People with money move away and crime rises. Minorities reproduce at a much higher rate than white people, so the demographic can completely be changed within 10-20 years.

The way I see it, all major cities are already lost. The surrounding suburbs will be lost within 5-10 years and the rural areas have maybe 10-20 years left. After that the country will be completely run by people of color.


It looks like their is another case of white flight going on which started by Covid but my guess is has really accelerated with the leftist mob rule in most cities. Covid put the ball in motion by essentially forcing employers to try out the remote work option and so far it seems that many have embraced it which means alot of people are starting to move away from densely populated urban areas. Brown hordes destroying the cities is giving more and more people the incentive to get out. My only qualms are that many of these people moving from the cities will bring their idiotic political viewpoints with them? Are most middle class (and mostly white) Americans finally waking up to this cancerous leftist mob? Or do they think escaping the big cities will allow them be immune from the lunacy the left has wreaked on large metro areas? I'd personally love to see a renaissance of small towns where people are respectful of each other and look out for their neighbors. It's far fetched for sure but it could be another great awakening. Obviously I am speculating on the best case scenario but it would be great to see. I do feel more and more white people are fed up with it all and now with the target on their back from the far left mob which is encouraged/enflamed by the media and are not protected equally under the laws of the country will begin to push back.
Putting aside a person's job considerations moving is considered one of the most stressful events in life. And it isn't cheap.

Moving from an urban/suburban location to a rural town is fraught with Green Acres (the old TV show) problems. Generally if you aren't a handyman fix it up type you could be in for a world of hurt. Still for many it is preferable and it works out nice. There are certain things you can do in the "sticks" that you can't get away with in the suburbs. For many gun owners it is a godsend. And the "countryside" offers a more natural environment to live in and that is a good thing. There is something to be said about living closer to nature. But beware of the pit falls.

For starters a lot of things one takes for granted may not be available in your new small out of the way town like city water supply and garbage pick up. Snow plowing will probably not be timely. You may have to deal with expensive house adjustments to get say a well in code etc. And heaven forbid you lose power. You might have to wait days or sometimes weeks to get it back up so having a generator is helpful but no substitute for having full power. And cell phone coverage and other electronic set ups can sometimes be a problem. You may have to go to the Post Office to pick up your mail if you are really way out there.

Many living in the suburbs have grocery stores and other amenities within a couple of miles. Just traveling to the store could be a long journey so investments in a big ass ole freezer might make your trips more productive. Essentials like hospitals and fire departments might be too far away for comfort. And more than a few small towns don't have actual police departments. Just a roaming sheriff type who comes across from a border town.

Getting away into a peaceful environment sounds enticing but a lot of small rural areas aren't big on enforcing neighborhood codes. You could end up with a bad neighbor with howling dogs etc. and have little "legal" recourse to address the situation.

The truth is hard core rural living is not for everyone. But some people love it to death and consider living in a more congestive area a nightmare. It is an individual thing but just hauling off to the hills to get away from the strife might not always be the answer. It really depends on the person and other factors.
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