2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

I'd also like to point out that some of the more rational and well-spoken conservatives at this time have been nonWhite people. There are plenty of Black and nonWhite people against these violent and lawless demonstrations and those people deserve a lot of credit.

On the surface it is a racial issue but more than that these protests are really about left vs right. Race just happens to be the medium at the moment.

In Asia and the Middle East they know how to deal with protestors. Here in the West we are too politically correct to take the proper steps. Those steps being a warning at first and if not disbanded the army should be brought in with legality to shoot to kill. All it takes is the army to make 1 example in 1 city and this entire movement would be halted. Army servicemen who carry that duty out should be given a pay raise and any serviceman who refuses at the very least should lose their job and possibly be penalized.

The lawlessness would stop in a split second if that happened. As it stands the protestors are making a mockery of law and order, justice, and society at large.
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The Wendy’s on University Ave in Atlanta burned last night by Negroes.

There is now video evidence of some white b*tch Anifta c*nt setting fire to the Wendy's. Antifa and BLM are one in the same. Subversives attempting to reshape or overthrow the US if allowed.
I'd also like to point out that some of the more rational and well-spoken conservatives at this time have been nonWhite people. There are plenty of Black and nonWhite people against these violent and lawless demonstrations and those people deserve a lot of credit.

On the surface it is a racial issue but more than that these protests are really about left vs right. Race just happens to be the medium at the moment.

In Asia and the Middle East they know how to deal with protestors. Here in the West we are too politically correct to take the proper steps. Those steps being a warning at first and if not disbanded the army should be brought in with legality to shoot to kill. All it takes is the army to make 1 example in 1 city and this entire movement would be halted.

The lawlessness would stop in a split second if that happened. As it stands the protestors are making a mockery of law and order, justice, and society at large.
That is what happened in the Rodney King riots of 1992. All it took was for one looter to be smoked. Game over.
I do want to make it clear that when I talk about blacks in general and their problems, I'm not talking about all of them. It's just cumbersome to place that disclaimer in every post. When people here talk about the way women are these days, I understand that they don't mean all women (and the sad truth is that most actually are "like that.")

One thing I'm really, really, really hoping for is for the black protesters to turn on their white Antifa "allies," especially since those rich white liberal punks seem to have the attitude that they're as "oppressed" as poor blacks from the ghetto. Far-leftists are THE most privileged group in the history of America, more so than blacks and even more so than Jews (certain Jews, like the anti-Zionist ones, get plenty of bashing). But as of right now, being a far leftist is basically a free pass to do anything, smash and burn anything and anyone, and suffer no consequences. It won't be permanent, though. They can only push so far before the rest of the country not only gets tired of their antics, but becomes unable to function because of their antics, and will have no choice but to push back. Hard.
Infowars.Com reporting incidents with video to back it up of White protestors being badly beaten by mobs of Black people or BLM supporters. Of course none of which will be acknowledged by Lamestream Media. Not hard to see who's side they're on.

Infowars also reporting White People in established Antifa Zones are being pressured into giving money to black people as a form of slavery reparation. I fully 1000% support that. If you're a White person who claims to be liberal/leftist and support Black Lives Matter and opposes White Supremacy, do us and yourself a favour and lead by example and give *all* of your wealth to black people. Better yet, hop on a plane, leave the country and invest all your time and money into rebuilding Africa. A lot of these White liberals live in gated communities, live exclusively with other White Liberals, and like to talk about supporting multiculturalism and ending racism but don't want to be real about that in their own life. And when it comes down to it these people are basically full of sh1t. Think Nancy Pelosi and Justin Trudeau, the type of idiots that talk about so called "White Privilege" and they want an ordinary White person to assume that, but would they actually step out of their sheltered life and give away their wealth to Black People? That is a great point conservatives can bring up to White liberals. If you're White and claim to support Black Lives Matter, why haven't you given all of your wealth to black people? And if you haven't done that, then you're full of sh1t.

These liberal idiots will be doing us all a favour by giving up their wealth, and we should encourage them to pay these sorts of reparations in the case that they self-identify as supporting BLM.
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Don't encourage them. They like to give other people's money away. Besides it's all going to happen anyway. Eventually a reparations bill will pass. At some point there will be additional taxes for being white or tax breaks for being black. If the Dems get the Senate and presidency how could you stop it? Eventually they are going to win the White House, and soon with demographics everything else.
Are we all just going to pretend CovidCrisis didn't come here last month and troll harder then most of the SPLC/ADL types? I thought for sure you would have the decency to change names to CHAZFORPEACE or something. We get what we deserve.
Are we all just going to pretend CovidCrisis didn't come here last month and troll harder then most of the SPLC/ADL types? I thought for sure you would have the decency to change names to CHAZFORPEACE or something. We get what we deserve.

Lol, 100
Don't encourage them. They like to give other people's money away. Besides it's all going to happen anyway. Eventually a reparations bill will pass. At some point there will be additional taxes for being white or tax breaks for being black. If the Dems get the Senate and presidency how could you stop it? Eventually they are going to win the White House, and soon with demographics everything else.

Many of the Protestors and Black Lives Matter supporters are in fact Liberal Whites. Many of these White Liberals have a hatred of so-called "White Privilege" and so called "White Supremacy". They claim to support Black Lives Matter. If they really believe all that nonsense, we should encourage them to lead by example and give away all their wealth to Black People or better yet, go to Africa and volunteer all of their time on helping Black people.

It is in fact one of the best arguments/points we can present to these White Liberals as Conservatives. It would be one thing to impose a reparations tax as you are referring to, I would not support that, but what I am referring to here is over and above a tax.

If you have White Guilt and are a White Liberal lead by example and give all your wealth to black people. If you don't do that you're full of crap. And 50%+ of these White Liberals are full of crap. A lot of these White Liberals are rich and come from elitist, aristocratic families and they like to talk about supporting BLM, but would they actually give their wealth away towards that cause?

It's one of the best arguments we have against these White Liberals and it makes them feel ultra uncomfortable so as Conservatives we should bring it up as much as possible.

White Liberals are not going to help us as conservatives, just look at Hilary Clinton's comment concerning "deplorables", and you're making a mistake if you think these people are your friends. White Liberals giving away all their wealth would be fantastic for right wing and working class Whites.
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Many of the Protestors and Black Lives Matter supporters are in fact Liberal Whites. Many of these White Liberals have a hatred of so-called "White Privilege" and so called "White Supremacy". They claim to support Black Lives Matter. If they really believe all that nonsense, we should encourage them to lead by example and give away all their wealth to Black People or better yet, go to Africa and volunteer all of their time on helping Black people.

It is in fact one of the best arguments/points we can present to these White Liberals as Conservatives. It would be one thing to impose a reparations tax as you are referring to, I would not support that, but what I am referring to here is over and above a tax.

If you have White Guilt and are a White Liberal lead by example and give all your wealth to black people. If you don't do that you're full of crap. And 50%+ of these White Liberals are full of crap. A lot of these White Liberals are rich and come from elitist, aristocratic families and they like to talk about supporting BLM, but would they actually give their wealth away towards that cause?

It's one of the best arguments we have against these White Liberals and it makes them feel ultra uncomfortable so as Conservatives we should bring it up as much as possible.

White Liberals are not going to help us as conservatives, just look at Hilary Clinton's comment concerning "deplorables", and you're making a mistake if you think these people are your friends. White Liberals giving away all their wealth would be fantastic for right wing and working class Whites.
Sir, your comment might have been relevant 20-30 years ago but at this point, we're long past discussion/talk phase. There's no more "conservative/liberal" (never was). There's only them and us now. No more talking to be done.
I cant believe FoxNews is letting Tucker Carlson tell the truth, not sure what their gameplan on this is but it must be huge. Any other point in history ((( the news))) would have said “technical difficulty” and they would beat him senseless.

He is pretty much stuck with only the MyPillow commercials despite having the best ratings. It has to be BS but its satisfying BS as he has gone scorched earth. A slightly more PC version of CasteFootball.
Scrolling through Twitter after that Gundy thing, I came across this tweet from "Mini AOC". This is the kid that imitates Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for laughs. Anyway this is a great take on the thread topic:

Mini AOC



I just beat my family in a game of Monopoly. I was supposed to go directly to jail without passing Go but I resisted arrest, sued them for excessive force & won the game. There were riots on Boardwalk & Park Place. Marvin Gardens is occupied & is now a new board game called MGAZ.
Here is an article that I saw earlier today that makes a clear distiction between "black lives matter" and "Black Lives Matter". This is helpful for folks here at CF when out and about or at work and confronted with the question, "do you support black lives matter?" The answer is "the concept or the institution?" The concept is simple enough, but the institution is something different altogether. It has nothing to do with the former, it's just a communist front group wing of the Democrat party.

“Black Lives Matter” Is Preying on America’s Belief That Black Lives Matter
Posted at 10:15 am on June 16, 2020 by Brandon Morse


Connor Lee holds a “Black Lives Matter” sign as several dozen people attend a vigil outside the apartment building of Charleena Lyles, a 30-year-old woman who was shot by police after she called them to respond to an attempted burglary, Sunday, June 18, 2017. Lyles has a history of mental illness and police say she brandished a knife during the incident. (Genna Martin/seattlepi.com via AP)
I think black lives matter and it’s very likely that you do, too. Like me, however, you probably don’t think the institutionalization of Black Lives Matter is a good thing, and when you profess any resistance or rejection of the institution, there’s uproar based on confusion.

There seems to be a “guess the cup it’s hiding under” trick that takes place and sadly, that’s on purpose.

Rest assured, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an institution. Tucker Carlson, during his latest monologue on Fox News, accurately described BLM as a political party that has achieved more support and power than any other political party today. It’s currently more popular than President Donald Trump at 62 percent compared to Trump’s 43 percent.

In fact, as Carlson goes on to inform us, it’s more popular than pretty much everyone.

The concept of black lives mattering is easy to get on board with and should be. It’s the idea that the black population is, as our Constitution highlighted, created equal along with everyone else. It’s the idea that the black community is just as important as any other community and that the problems that they’re facing should matter.

Rest assured, the majority of America does believe that it matters. They’ve been turning up in peaceful protests in astounding numbers to say so, and it doesn’t seem to matter what your race, creed, political party, etc. is.

If you’re a freedom-loving individual who wants to do the right thing and help people who need it, the idea of “black lives matter” is a great thing to agree with.

But the concept of black lives mattering has an institution attached to it that many Americans can’t get on board with. Black Lives Matter the institution isn’t looking for equality, they’re looking for support and power for the Democratic party. We know that because the official BLM donation page goes straight to ActBlue, which is tied directly to the Democratic party.

BLM the institution doesn’t seem to want to solve the problem. They are, by their own admission, not interested in coming together with law enforcement bodies to solve the problem and will reject any attempts or events that do so.

(READ: Black Lives Matter and Its Online Mob Don’t Seem to Have a Valid Purpose)

In fact, not only do they not want to solve the problem with the policing community, they want the policing community disbanded or dissolved.

The institution of BLM doesn’t even stop there in terms of insanity. Its “what we believe” webpage detailing what it believes descends into radical hard-left positions that you’d usually only find on SJW Tumblr pages. This includes dismantling the patriarchy, uplifting black trans people, and dismantling the nuclear family:

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.

We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.

We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

This is enough to turn the vast majority of America off to BLM the institution, and certainly, you’ll find many people saying so…and here is where the trap is sprung.

Your voiced disagreements with BLM the institution can easily be framed as disagreement with black lives matter the concept, and this is abused by many activist groups, media figures, and politicians. It’s effective. It not only silences a lot of dissent from the population, but it also pressures Americans to blindly support whatever BLM the institution says they should. Next thing you know, these intimidated people are voicing their support for an organization that, in truth, is support for a concept. It’s a dirty trick.

Likewise, many Americans who don’t engage in politics are completely ignorant of the difference between the concept and the institution, and their support is framed as support for the institution. It’s an equally dirty trick.

BLM the institution, along with leftist politicians and media figures, are essentially playing on the people’s fears of being isolated and ridiculed, on top of American’s natural approval for fair play and equality, to empower political agendas and promote divisive narratives that make certain groups look bad.

The faster Americans understand this fact, the faster we can separate the wheat from the chaff. The rejection of problem causing institutions that disguise themselves as common sense concepts can’t happen soon enough. The faster we do this, the faster we can actually get around to solving the problems that plague the black lives that really do matter.



That was excellent. Tucker sounding like a future president! So much truth no wonder they are trying to silence him by pulling sponsors. I'm amazed he was ever allowed a platform..
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Gentlemen, I would advise getting rid of your Tv's and reading (stay away from academia) things that are helpful to our understanding. Also, listening to good music is helpful and spending many hours outside doing certain projects. There is a vast world outdoors and it will help you use your senses that you will find invaluable in the coming struggle. Guys like this Tucker Carlson are just people who are allowed a bit of freedom for awhile and then canned. Tape a dollar to your TV and put it out for the garbage men. Things are coming to a point now when there'll be no more room for all this talk. now is the time to make yourself ready for what's coming, not listening to a guy like TC.
One thing I noticed during the rioting is how completely useless at crowd control the police are. I thought they have been spending millions on used military hardware, you hear that all the time, so where was that stuff when there was full scale revolt going on? Are they saving it for when white people start rioting. Probably will see it then.

And the stuff they are using is completely useless. You would think pepper spray and tear gas and rubber bullets would be effective but cities still went up in flames. Where is the high tech stuff they are supposed to have, like guns that shoot a hot radio frequency beam but don't burn. Can't they blanket an area with a stink bomb or high pitched squeal to make it too unpleasant to gather in crowds and riot? The whole police prescence seemed so ineffectual. I know they were ordered to be passive but damn.
Man is attacked by liberal "protesters." Defends himself with a gun. He gets arrested. Those attacking him do not.

Warning: profanity.

Man is attacked by liberal "protesters." Defends himself with a gun. He gets arrested. Those attacking him do not.

Warning: profanity.

Here is a right-on-the-money take from this ludicrous event:

Protester Shot In New Mexico Leads to Charges and It Shows the Double Standard On ‘Agitation’
Posted at 9:00 am on June 17, 2020 by Bonchie

As my colleague streiff covered yesterday, a protester was shot in New Mexico after he and a vicious mob attempted to kill a man on camera. How do I know their intentions? Because they were literally yelling to kill him.

Despite this being an obvious case of self-defense by the person who shot, Democrat New Mexico politicians took sides immediately. The mayor blamed the shooter and the governor vowed to go after the “instigator.

The man has been charged with a crime for saving his own life.

"ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico — A 31-year-old man has been arrested and charged with aggravated battery in a shooting that happened as protesters in New Mexico’s largest city tried to tear down a bronze statue of a Spanish conquistador outside the Albuquerque Museum, police said Tuesday.

Vigilantes might have started the violence that led to the shooting during Monday night’s demonstration, authorities indicated, and the governor vowed to hold the “instigators” fully accountable."

Notice the double standard here. If a protester gets in someone’s face and threatens to kill them while beating them with a skateboard, that’s not “instigating.” That’s just peaceful protest which should always be left alone. But if someone shows up to counter protest and ends up having to defend themselves after getting attacked, they are an “instigator.” It’s almost like Democrat politicians only care about the exercising of rights for causes they care about.

If the line is going to be that the NM shooter who was defending himself from a mob beating him and yelling "kill him" is that he first "antagonized" the mob, does that mean it's now ok to beat protestors who antagonize people? Or can we just use some freaking common sense here?

Ironically, that’s the line being taken by most of the left who are denouncing this shooting. They make claims such as “the man with the gun didn’t have a right to be there” or that he was “antagonizing” the crowd. But he did have a right to be there, and are we really arguing that counter protesting makes attempted murder against a counter-protester acceptable? That sure seems to be the line being drawn here and it’s nonsensical.

Nonetheless, Albuquerque Police Chief Michael Grier said in a statement Tuesday that police were looking into whether the group possibly instigated the shooting.

“If this is true, (we) will be holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law, including federal hate group designation and prosecution,” the chief added.

“I am horrified and disgusted beyond words,” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said in a statement condemning the “heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard.’ “

The men who were there trying to protect the statue, which the original protesters had tied a chain around to criminally destroy, had every right to be present. They had every right to carry weapons because New Mexico is an open carry state. We can argue about about the wisdom of being there, but that doesn’t negate someone’s rights, nor does it give the real vigilantes (those who attacked and said they were going to kill this guy) the right to respond with force without expecting to get any back.

We are living in an alternate reality where constitutional rights don’t matter and criminality is ignored via political whims. This the kind of environment that collapses countries and most are sitting idly by hoping it all just stops. It’s not going to stop.

I’m sure this man will have plenty of legal counsel, as this case will be a dream for 2nd Amendment activist groups. There’s absolutely nothing in the video that showed this was anything other than a rightful use of force to defend one’s self. If shooting an attacker in this situation, after a guy has just cracked a skateboard over one’s head, isn’t self-defense, then nothing is. Perhaps that’s the goal here for the left?

I've said for years that Civil Rights laws are our laws now, but being that conservatives basically tailgate the Left and wait to respond to the Left they just cannot make that leap. FTR I came to the conclusion when jurisdictions were charging travelers with firearms violations after basically targeting out of state plates for stops, searches and then felonies. But keep sending them checks to the NRA, such a brain trust they are.
Here is a right-on-the-money take from this ludicrous event:

Protester Shot In New Mexico Leads to Charges and It Shows the Double Standard On ‘Agitation’
Posted at 9:00 am on June 17, 2020 by Bonchie

As my colleague streiff covered yesterday, a protester was shot in New Mexico after he and a vicious mob attempted to kill a man on camera. How do I know their intentions? Because they were literally yelling to kill him.

Despite this being an obvious case of self-defense by the person who shot, Democrat New Mexico politicians took sides immediately. The mayor blamed the shooter and the governor vowed to go after the “instigator.

The man has been charged with a crime for saving his own life.

"ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico — A 31-year-old man has been arrested and charged with aggravated battery in a shooting that happened as protesters in New Mexico’s largest city tried to tear down a bronze statue of a Spanish conquistador outside the Albuquerque Museum, police said Tuesday.

Vigilantes might have started the violence that led to the shooting during Monday night’s demonstration, authorities indicated, and the governor vowed to hold the “instigators” fully accountable."

Notice the double standard here. If a protester gets in someone’s face and threatens to kill them while beating them with a skateboard, that’s not “instigating.” That’s just peaceful protest which should always be left alone. But if someone shows up to counter protest and ends up having to defend themselves after getting attacked, they are an “instigator.” It’s almost like Democrat politicians only care about the exercising of rights for causes they care about.

If the line is going to be that the NM shooter who was defending himself from a mob beating him and yelling "kill him" is that he first "antagonized" the mob, does that mean it's now ok to beat protestors who antagonize people? Or can we just use some freaking common sense here?

Ironically, that’s the line being taken by most of the left who are denouncing this shooting. They make claims such as “the man with the gun didn’t have a right to be there” or that he was “antagonizing” the crowd. But he did have a right to be there, and are we really arguing that counter protesting makes attempted murder against a counter-protester acceptable? That sure seems to be the line being drawn here and it’s nonsensical.

Nonetheless, Albuquerque Police Chief Michael Grier said in a statement Tuesday that police were looking into whether the group possibly instigated the shooting.

“If this is true, (we) will be holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law, including federal hate group designation and prosecution,” the chief added.

“I am horrified and disgusted beyond words,” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said in a statement condemning the “heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard.’ “

The men who were there trying to protect the statue, which the original protesters had tied a chain around to criminally destroy, had every right to be present. They had every right to carry weapons because New Mexico is an open carry state. We can argue about about the wisdom of being there, but that doesn’t negate someone’s rights, nor does it give the real vigilantes (those who attacked and said they were going to kill this guy) the right to respond with force without expecting to get any back.

We are living in an alternate reality where constitutional rights don’t matter and criminality is ignored via political whims. This the kind of environment that collapses countries and most are sitting idly by hoping it all just stops. It’s not going to stop.

I’m sure this man will have plenty of legal counsel, as this case will be a dream for 2nd Amendment activist groups. There’s absolutely nothing in the video that showed this was anything other than a rightful use of force to defend one’s self. If shooting an attacker in this situation, after a guy has just cracked a skateboard over one’s head, isn’t self-defense, then nothing is. Perhaps that’s the goal here for the left?


The man was a Hispano, an old order Spaniard-Mexican. They revere the conquistador's statue. Hispanos have lived in the southwest USA for centuries, mainly in New Mexico. So he will have support - and he at least resisted the rioting Red Guards which is more than regular White people or their ha ha political leaders do.
American Freedom News