2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

While there are groups of White men that will not ly down. The Proud Boys, or the kid that is shot two misguided whites to defend himself and the man in the White House. I have hope.
My buddy once told me "you know those Aryan Brotherhood guys you see on the prison shows, we are gonna need those guys sooner than later". I think he was right.
Posted this on Gab. 13likes 6reposts in less than 24hrs.. Not bad.

A pro Trump supporter might have been executed on video during the never ending chaos in Portland. Portland's beta male mayor takes no blame in this matter and instead blames Trump. Nobody in Portland's mayor's office is talking about Anitifa/BLM thugs being responsible for the shooting.....
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We should probably stop labeling them liberals too as it is a cover for what the current political far to center left are - they are all communist, Marxist, leftist agitators. Using a word like liberal paints them in a favorable light.

Yeah the old fashioned type liberal with well meant but erroneous (in my view) ideas you could agree to disagree with and coexist with is now an irrelevant relic.

These rioters and mob spawn wreaking all this havoc are not liberals.
I've read there have been 175 arrests in Kenosha, of those, 104 were from out of state. More evidence these riots are well planned and funded and not a grass Roots movement.
This seems like it’s going to keep ramping up. Unfortunately that is seen as a feature not a bug. That could mean war in the streets. Dang I wish I was younger!
Video that breaks down the planned assassination of Patriot Prayer member and Trump supporter in downtown Portland. This is an organized terrorist group that needs to be brought down using RICO laws. There should be thousands of these scumbags arrested across the country.

Sounds like the feds killed the leftist who was responsible for the murder.
Video that breaks down the planned assassination of Patriot Prayer member and Trump supporter in downtown Portland. This is an organized terrorist group that needs to be brought down using RICO laws. There should be thousands of these scumbags arrested across the country.

Here's something I'm wondering about. Whenever a person becomes inconvenient in this country, they seem to be assassinated and the assassin usually "dies" soon afterward. It started with Andrew Jackson but failed (after all, he was Andrew Jackson and the guy had to be saved from Jackson beating him to death with his cane - the would be assassin was declared nuts and put away). Then Lincoln, very inconvenient - he didn't want to grind the south down after the war. JFK - was going to pull our guys out of Vietnam and not have a war - the vendors killed him. There have been many other lesser people as well but nobody cares about them.
Look at the killer of the guy in Portland. Why were the Feds involved in the apprehension of a murderer. That's none of the business of the feds. But that's just another guy dead who will tell no tales.
I agree TomIRON361, especially the Lincon assassination. Lincon's view of blacks was well known. He definitely had planned on relocating them to Hati and Central America. While President he held meetings with freed blacks to discuss this very subject. He even spoke to congress in1862 that he strongly favored colonization. Unfortunately, JWB ended that possibility.
I agree TomIRON361, especially the Lincon assassination. Lincon's view of blacks was well known. He definitely had planned on relocating them to Hati and Central America. While President he held meetings with freed blacks to discuss this very subject. He even spoke to congress in1862 that he strongly favored colonization. Unfortunately, JWB ended that possibility.

Why put the blame solely on Booth? Other presidents could have deported the blacks but they decided to cuck and didn't.
Why put the blame solely on Booth? Other presidents could have deported the blacks but they decided to cuck and didn't.
What makes you think I blame "only" Booth? There was all sorts of other stuff going on under the surface. That's what I said.
Massive "protest" in Rochester, NY last night about some black junkie who died in jail in March. Violent, destructive of course, over 5,500 miscreants. I scan through the various mainstream "news" sites and it's crickets. Only something about an evil Trump supporter driving through a crowd of "peaceful protesters" in NYC. Seems he refused to stop, be pulled from his car and beaten like a good comrade.
Serious rioting happening right now in Louisville.

According to Foxnews, two police officers have been shot.
Serious rioting happening right now in Louisville.

According to Foxnews, two police officers have been shot.

All because the woman was dating a known drug dealer and got caught in the crossfire when the drug dealer shot at cops during the raid. Somehow this is racism? Give me a break.
American Freedom News