2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

Self defense. Is this the modern iteration of Bleeding Kansas? Again the government is setting up for a conflict to once again take more rights away from citizens who want to live free and unencumbered.

They went ahead and arrested him anyways. Ironic you mention Bleeding Kansas! Had a former buddy I played Football with in HS say the same thing to me last night.
Just watching the video he could be charged with a bunch of gun charges with his firing his gun at fleeing unarmed civilians. Once his life wasn't in danger he had to stop firing his weapon, the other charges are up to interpretation of the law as at least two men tried to disarm him violently and he easily could argue that his life was in danger and justify shooting one man and shooting at the other man. As for the homicides of the other two I don't know what Wisconsin laws are when it comes defending property. If they have stand your ground type legislation he probably is allowed to defend his property, even in a violent manner.

I know in Canada and few liberal northeastern states this is illegal and charges would apply to the two potential homicides.
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Name one third world hellhole country that allows anarchist-terrorist riots and arson to go on like this completely unchecked for months on end with no police or military interference. The US is now a failed country.
Name one third world hellhole country that allows anarchist-terrorist riots and arson to go on like this completely unchecked for months on end with no police or military interference. The US is now a failed country.

I completely agree. This is a failure of government at its most basic level. It would be embarrassing to a 3rd world country. I can’t see this current form of government lasting much longer. It has lost the desire to defend itself. That’s usually when they collapse.
Brian Urlachers thoughts

They better come out with some major hit pieces on Urlacher before attacking him in the press. Even Cuck DWF’s shut up and listen when he speaks. He’s bigger than Elvis in the Chicago area. Those fat DWF’s sporting #54 jerseys wont take kindly to the press canceling him.
Kyle Ritterhouse, in my opinion, is a man amongst boys not a boy amongst men as his age would normally indicate. I’m from south of Milwaukee roughly 40 mins west of Racine. Been to and through Kenosha many times. Have friends who live there and they haven’t slept in days with rioting all around them.

Kyle, with his big set of brass balls, decided enough is enough and people cannot get away with burning down a city-he, quite frankly, did more than the police to quell the riots. The next night was comparatively quiet - part of it due to Communists now knowing the God-fearing, country-loving Right is growing sick and tired of the racism and anarchy of the Marxist power grab through destruction and chaos.

When the coming civil war is over and we are righteously victorious again, Kyle will be remembered as the rugged man who stood up to the angry mob and said “not on my damn watch will you destroy my community and my country.”
I understand Rittenhouse has been assigned a public defender. I hope a gofundme website is set up for him and gets enough money for him to get a good attorney or he'll go the way of James Fields down in Va. We all know how are stinking courts are.
I thought I read the same lawyer/law team that got Nicholas Sandman millions from suit against CNN, WaPo etc was taking his case pro bono?

To me there hasn’t been a more clear cut case of self defense - it was kill or be killed and he decided he wanted to live - as nearly everyone would in those circumstances.
Gentlemen, I got this site (fightback.law) on a different website. I called their office (a law firm) and got a recording. you guys know more about checking things out on the computer than i'll ever know. So, please let me know if this outfit is on the up and up if you can?
Name one third world hellhole country that allows anarchist-terrorist riots and arson to go on like this completely unchecked for months on end with no police or military interference. The US is now a failed country.
The main reason these riots continue is that there is no consequence. Those arrested, are let out the same day without bail. Those charged, days later charges are dismissed. The Democrat States and Cities are allowing this. If those f*cks were arrested, held for the mandated bail, and held to answer, this would have been over in June.
The main reason these riots continue is that there is no consequence. Those arrested, are let out the same day without bail. Those charged, days later charges are dismissed. The Democrat States and Cities are allowing this. If those f*cks were arrested, held for the mandated bail, and held to answer, this would have been over in June.
You also have governors that are liberals that are fearful of having a legacy of various mayors or governors that cracked down on anarchy in various riots of the late 60's through mid 70's.

Reagan used his tough on crime legacy to launch his presidential bid in 76' and his winning bid in 80'. "Rocky" had a albatross about his handling of the Attica riot and was never a serious presidential candidate after this.

Rockefeller did become a short lived VP though under Ford.
Gentlemen, Some good news I think. L. Lin Wood is representing Kyle Rittenhouse. If you remember, L. Lin Wood represented Richard Jewell in Atlanta. The FBI was really looking to hang Jewell. So, hopefully, there'll be no James Fields type lynching like took place down in Charlottesville, Va. Lets hope Rittenhouse even gets out on bail.
We should probably stop labeling them liberals too as it is a cover for what the current political far to center left are - they are all communist, Marxist, leftist agitators. Using a word like liberal paints them in a favorable light.
There have been many instances of Whites being blatantly harassed and in some cases brutally attacked almost murdered on video, simply for being a White non-protestor. There is the one in Portland where a White Man was kicked unconscious by a ?Half?Black Man. Another in Kenosha where a White Man store owner was attempting to protect his business from being set on fire, and was knocked unconscious by a Black protestor. Another in NYC. Also there have been videos posted online where gangs of protestors have publicly intimidated White Men, Women, and Couples into Raising a Fist in Solidarity with BLM. If they refuse, they are yelled at or attacked. It's worth noting that some of these protestors attacking or ridiculing Whites are also left leaning Whites themselves.

Many of these videos can be viewed at Infowars.com.

Unfortunately at this time I do not believe there will be a diplomatic, or political solution. Have you ever tried reasoning or having a conversation with someone that is attempting to rob you?

The only thing that people respect is force. These protestors cannot be reasoned with, and an election, or discussion isn't going to stop this anti White violence in fact it is going to intensify with time.

White People would need to come together right now as a majority to change the course of things in USA. That probably won't happen, because a lot of Whites are selfhating and left leaning. So what is going to happen is attacks like these will occur more frequently and openly as time goes on and shortly Whites will lose their status as a majority in USA. At that point they would lose their majority share in power (not that Whites are exercising that now anyway, as I noted there is a large ideological divide among Whites themselves).

For those of us "Patriots" or Self Respecting White People who would never support BLM the only advice I have is to be armed and know how to use your firearms and be willing to use them. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Because USA is becoming South Africa all over again.
As a further comment, it really is discouraging to see how little collectively White People support one another in times like these. No sense of community, respect, or empathy from the majority of Whites who seem more interested in conformity. The members on this site and myself are an exception, but 80%+ of Whites today support BLM.

One thing Black People do better than us is support one another.

It's true that the media has censored a lot of these videos of attacks on Whites but I think most Whites are aware just choosing to ignore it because they think if they just support BLM and wear a mask and conform they'll be spared.

Spineless bastards, really.
As a further comment, it really is discouraging to see how little collectively White People support one another in times like these. No sense of community, respect, or empathy from the majority of Whites who seem more interested in conformity. The members on this site and myself are an exception, but 80%+ of Whites today support BLM.

One thing Black People do better than us is support one another.

It's true that the media has censored a lot of these videos of attacks on Whites but I think most Whites are aware just choosing to ignore it because they think if they just support BLM and wear a mask and conform they'll be spared.

Spineless bastards, really.
I've been saying this for a while and it's precisely the reason I will leave the US eventually. Most white people aren't worth fighting for. They ignore their coming extinction and carry on with their robot lives buying useless electronic junk, financing trendy new cars, sucking down their 8$ starbucks drinks and stuffing their fat faces with all the processed goodies from costco. Most white people can't even be bothered to even take care of their bodies or stay in decent health. They clearly don't care about future generations or their own blood lines being preserved....all they care about is having their modern conveniences so they can continue to live fat, lazy and happy.
While there are groups of White men that will not ly down. The Proud Boys, or the kid that is shot two misguided whites to defend himself and the man in the White House. I have hope.
We should probably stop labeling them liberals too as it is a cover for what the current political far to center left are - they are all communist, Marxist, leftist agitators. Using a word like liberal paints them in a favorable light.
Agreed I call the scum in the streets Marxists and their enablers the Democrat party.
American Freedom News