2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

@Leonardfan yes many will bring their idiotic views with them. Can personally attest to that living too close to Shitcago.
I don't think these companies are clueless, I think they know exactly what they are doing. They know that the demographic in the USA is changing rapidly and that pandering to minorities is going to profit much more down the stretch. They also know that half of the white people are on board with the social justice causes out there. From a purely money making stand point they are doing everything right. The dangerous part of all this is that these companies have amassed so much power that in most cases when we need goods or services we are forced to be a customer of one of them because there are no other options as the mom and pop stores are pretty much all gone at this point.

One option is to try and patronize the companies that advertise on Tucker Carlson's show. They've all been pressured to withdraw their ads from his show but haven't. My Pillow.com is a big advertiser, whose owner is a conservative Christians whose products are all made in the U.S.

Laura Ingraham is also a bit of a truthteller; her show is on after Sean Hannity's. Hannity has a following but I find him to be a repetitive motormouth whose main interest seems to be hearing himself talk. There are some other decent shows on Fox News, which of course is never going to allow anyone to go further than Carlson as far as speaking truth to power. With all its weaknesses it's the only corporate alternative to the otherwise monolith of communist hate corporations.

BTW, Jason Whitlock was on Carlson's show tonight and a couple times referred to BLM as a communist organization and took the NFL strongly to task for completely capitulating to the radicals, calling it a failure of leadership and abject cowardice as well as an abandonment of its values through the years.
Tucker hit on so many key points tonight, Im pretty sure he is reading the same stuff we see online. He mentioned the Lenin statue being safe in Seattle. All sports being “woke”. The importance of equality under the law. He made fun of “democrats are the real racists” idiots. Also mentioned the anti-white headlines being substituted with other groups. He even snuck in Protocols of the Elders of Zion for newbs to google.

What a show, something big is brewing. Don, dont forget that for almost 20 years Jason Whitlock has made a living out of whining about racism. He will say anything for a paycheck. I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire.
Tucker also mentioned how Uber discriminates against White businesses in that they will not charge black companies in CA! WTF! Outright racism against Whites. I will never use Uber again. I switched to Lyft.
Tucker hit on so many key points tonight, Im pretty sure he is reading the same stuff we see online. He mentioned the Lenin statue being safe in Seattle. All sports being “woke”. The importance of equality under the law. He made fun of “democrats are the real racists” idiots. Also mentioned the anti-white headlines being substituted with other groups. He even snuck in Protocols of the Elders of Zion for newbs to google.

What a show, something big is brewing. Don, dont forget that for almost 20 years Jason Whitlock has made a living out of whining about racism. He will say anything for a paycheck. I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire.

Strongly disagree. You must be thinking of someone else. Jason Whitlock has mostly been a rare voice of principle in a sea of corporate leftism and hive conformity.
BTW, Jason Whitlock was on Carlson's show tonight and a couple times referred to BLM as a communist organization and took the NFL strongly to task for completely capitulating to the radicals, calling it a failure of leadership and abject cowardice as well as an abandonment of its values through the years.
Whitlock has been the only notable figure in mainstream sports journalism, that I have noticed, to push back on BLM and their communist objectives. Here’s an article I read of his that came out right after the peak of these protests /riots.


I don’t agree with every point he makes but it’s pretty damn refreshing to read compared to the propagandists at espn and all the other sports cucks pushing the communist party line.
Admittedly, I forget nearly everything. Have not watched SC or any other show in damn near a decade (occasionaly watching it when they have Everett, SVP, Anderson or Melrose). Jason Whitlock might have flipped the script like a WWE wrestler. But he was the original race baiter ESPN. The Steven Smiff before Steven Smiff. When not coming on to talk about perceived racism he had a weekly internet column dealing with racism. He literally had a weekly column discussing lack of black QB’s, baseball players whatever. He was probably 10X the scumbag that Wilbon was.

I might be on crazypills and not know it. But praising Whitlock (despite some recent conservative grifting) would be like Wigger Pete receiving our praise 10 years from now after playing a different character. My sincere apology if this is not the same fat race-baiter for the last couple of decades. Big fat washed up line-man do sort of look alike.
Admittedly, I forget nearly everything. Have not watched SC or any other show in damn near a decade (occasionaly watching it when they have Everett, SVP, Anderson or Melrose). Jason Whitlock might have flipped the script like a WWE wrestler. But he was the original race baiter ESPN. The Steven Smiff before Steven Smiff. When not coming on to talk about perceived racism he had a weekly internet column dealing with racism. He literally had a weekly column discussing lack of black QB’s, baseball players whatever. He was probably 10X the scumbag that Wilbon was.

I might be on crazypills and not know it. But praising Whitlock (despite some recent conservative grifting) would be like Wigger Pete receiving our praise 10 years from now after playing a different character. My sincere apology if this is not the same fat race-baiter for the last couple of decades. Big fat washed up line-man do sort of look alike.

If you're motivated enough to do a search, you'll find that Whitlock has been mentioned favorably a number of times on Caste Football through the years. And the fact that he went on Carlson's show -- and it wasn't the first time either -- says a lot about him.

Is he Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Robert Woodson, Carol Swain or Larry Elder? No, and I read him only irregularly at best, but he's often refreshing during an era when corporate media is filled with "diversity" -- a United Nations cast of comrades who can be counted on to always parrot the latest (communist) party line. The article Freethinker linked above is excellent.
If you're motivated enough to do a search, you'll find that Whitlock has been mentioned favorably a number of times on Caste Football through the years. And the fact that he went on Carlson's show -- and it wasn't the first time either -- says a lot about him.

Is he Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Robert Woodson or Larry Elder? No, and I read him only irregularly at best, but he's often refreshing during an era when corporate media is filled with "diversity" -- a United Nations cast of comrades who can be counted on to always parrot the latest (communist) party line. The article Freethinker linked above is excellent.

Dog gone it, I got a book report assignment here to save face. I remember this guy crystal clear from around 2003 to 2005-ish having watched entirely too much ESPN back then.

Its entirely possible he has developed a new persona. I’ll be back around Wednesday with some legitimate criticisms.
Please limit your book report to 10 pages, single spaced, and of course generously footnoted.
Jason Whitlock is a reasonable voice not afraid to criticize his own race. He walked away from FS1 and the Whitlock and Wiley show. Meanwhile, Marcellus Wiley actually criticized BLM because he read their platform and one of their objectives is to “disrupt the patriarchy and the Western nuclear family.” Wiley recognizes the statistically provable fact that the disruption of the nuclear family in the black community has devastating consequences for blacks.
If you're motivated enough to do a search, you'll find that Whitlock has been mentioned favorably a number of times on Caste Football through the years. And the fact that he went on Carlson's show -- and it wasn't the first time either -- says a lot about him.

Is he Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Robert Woodson, Carol Swain or Larry Elder? No, and I read him only irregularly at best, but he's often refreshing during an era when corporate media is filled with "diversity" -- a United Nations cast of comrades who can be counted on to always parrot the latest (communist) party line. The article Freethinker linked above is excellent.
Agreed. I do remember Whitlock saying positive things over the years that we appreciated and amplified at CF. Here’s a few more recent articles by Whitlock to show that the one I posted earlier wasn’t just a one-off (in case anyone is wondering).


Jason Whitlock is a reasonable voice not afraid to criticize his own race. He walked away from FS1 and the Whitlock and Wiley show. Meanwhile, Marcellus Wiley actually criticized BLM because he read their platform and one of their objectives is to “disrupt the patriarchy and the Western nuclear family.” Wiley recognizes the statistically provable fact that the disruption of the nuclear family in the black community has devastating consequences for blacks.
You can see that a (((certain group))) is undoubtedly the brainchild behind this movement based upon those stated objectives. They want to keep the black community as dysfunctional as possible in order to have an easily manipulated and controlled chaos agent to wield at White Society whenever necessary. Destruction of Whites has always been the goal and what better army to sic on us then violent and impulsive blacks, hopped up on a steady supply of neo-Bolshevik propaganda.
Watch before ((YouTube)) censors !! Someone buy this man a beer ! :beer-toast1:


How was George Floyd's death racially motivated?

One of the cops was Asian, one Black and one White.
It wasn't racially motivated. Most things aren't, but the race pimps have developed a very profitable and successful system that need racism in order to work. For the United States to continue down it's current trajectory, it needs racism. Therefore this so called racism will be fabricated and showcased with a rainbow colored spot light in every possible scenario no matter how small or trivial. The idea is not quality, it's quantity. The race pimps know that Americans have the attention span of a dog, so as soon as we are bored with one shiny thing, it's on to the next. Basically anything bad that happens to a minority can be spun as racism somehow. The end goal is power transfer from whites to minorities. This includes a variety of things such as laws, land ownership, jobs and eventually probably something as simple as financial obligation for whites to just pay minorities money. It's a complete and utter destruction of white society. I don't think talking and voting can dig us out of this hole anymore. To be clear, I'm not advocating violence, but honestly that's probably the only way to defeat the other side now.
I see where the Portland protesters are now using their mommies to hide behind to be able to attack the police. I think it's time to go, Mayor Daily on their heads. It's past time to use major force on these commies scum. Start breaking some heads, arms. and legs. If they are really wanting to fight lets fight.
Thanks The Hock, that works for me. It would only have to happen one time and you would not see any more human speed bumps.
It looks like the Democratic governor caused the crap that went down last night. The city of Kenosha wanted 2K national guardsmen and he dispatched a paltry 250 troops who probably only guarded city hall and other government buildings and left store owners to fend for themselves and this crap happened.

This chaos reminds of the half measures speech of Breaking Bad and why you don't do them........

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All of the massive world wide psyop and nationwide here leads to them taking our freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to bear arms. They want people shooting each other. That is why so many police departments are being told to stand down.
American Freedom News