2014 Winter Olympic Gaymes

I was watching the Olympics coverage tonight and the Russians went 1-2 in pairs figure skating, while the "German" pair, a CM dream team, finished 3rd to claim the bronze:


A bit hard to believe that a country like Germany who is an elite sporting nation (winter and summer sports) cannot find a native German pair to compete in this event.
They've been competing together for 10 years and she is dating the coach. There's a white male/black female pairing also and they publically have acknowledged their hatred for each other.

Figure skating is pretty competitive and a lot of them marry other figure skaters that they don't compete with.
Don Wassall said:
Hate propaganda courtesy of the Orwellian named Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion:


That video managed to be imbecilic, immature, mean-spirited, sexually perverted, deceitful, hollow, and immoral. All hallmarks of the Sodomite Supremacist Movement.

Speaking of propaganda. Yesterday, as NBC opened their nightly 8 PM “condensed and highly edited” version of Olympic coverage, a slow-motion video of Shani Davis (glancing at his time with a watermelon grin) was shown with an announcer screaming: “Yes! It’s another gold medal for Shani Davis!” The video of Davis that they chose was indeed from the 2014 Sochi games (as he was wearing Team USA’s new, all-black Under Armor suit), but it was obtained from an earlier semi-final for the 500M or the 1,000M and not the finals, the winners of which had already been determined at that time. To the American viewer, this “teaser video” of what was to come later in the broadcast made it seem as if Davis had indeed “won” his third gold medal in the 1,000 meter earlier in the day on Wednesday. Meanwhile, in the real world, Stefan Groothuis won the Netherlands their 12[SUP]th[/SUP] of 18 medals total awarded in speed skating…


CAPTION: Davis' Dastardly Destiny Dashed by White Men

Thus far, the 31 year old Davis, the official black deity of the Sochi games, has finished 24[SUP]th[/SUP] in the 500 meters and 8[SUP]th[/SUP] in the 1,000 meters. On Saturday, if Davis is again trounced in the 1,500 meters, the Sochi games will have been a thorough bust for the gatekeepers of Cultural Marxism in athletics…barring some miracle victory for the black/mulatto/mystery meat lesbians comprising the U.S. women’s bobsled team. The little fatso making the “thug” pose with her hands on the bottom right should be a clear indication that this team shall be thoroughly drubbed in Sochi…


CAPTION: Black Bobsledding Bitches
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I just flicked on one of NBC's channels to see what was being shown, and it was an interview with figure skater Jason Brown, who appears to be a sterling representative of the US of Gay. The segment was being hosted by Uncle Al Michaels. Then they cut to the figure skating analysts, Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir. Weir has been wearing dresses and heavy makeup all during the Games.

I haven't watched much of the Games, but it appears NBC is following the same formula as it did for the 2012 London Games -- lots of coverage of women's events, don't know the percentage but it seems more than half. Women's hockey likely has about as many interested observers as the WNBA, but NBC is big on showing it along with women's curling and other must-see events. :sleepy:
but NBC is big on showing it along with women's curling and other must-see events. :sleepy:
I'm not necessarily a big fan of curling, or women's curling, but the host nation's womens curling team is most definitely easy on the eyes.

The good news is that real hockey started today. The U.S., Canada and Russia all won. The U.S. and Russia play Saturday. There are tremendous expectations in Russia for their team to win gold, much like what Canada faced in Vancouver four years ago when they came through. Should be a terrific game, especially with the pathetic "Cold War" tensions stirred up in the last few years; it's somewhat reminiscent of when the Americans and Russians clashed in Lake Placid in 1980 when the "Miracle on Ice" occurred.
Okay, you're gay, you're gay. Just shut up about it already. I'm a live and let live kind of guy. But that isn't enough looks like. They're just gonna track the holdouts down and hound us till we give 'em a big fat kiss or whatever they want. Maybe they're like woman, you just can't know what they want. I don't know what they want. But they've ruined these Olympics for me. I've watched maybe thirty minutes of them.

Not enough "people of color" in the Games for some people? Of course not. It stands to reason since there isn't much for snow where they come from. Hell my first encounter with snow didn't happen till I was 12 years old. Then I was disappointed at how cold it was.

How about this: Since the Winter Games favors white people, they should have a counterpart favoring "people of color." People who originate from further south in rain forests and jungles and such. We could call them "The Jungle Games." Right off the top of my rather large head I can think of some possible events. All would be contested in the sweatiest, muggiest most humid and miserable white people hostile jungle possible. Blowdart contests. Trail clearing by machete competition. Tree climbing races. Jungle trail marathons. And so on.

I don't know how white people would fare in The Jungle Olympics. The climate and terrain would not favor them. But then again, who re-discovered those marvelous cities in South America? Ol' Whitey. So who knows. Having observed white people for many years now, I must say I am impressed with us. We might do very well. If we did, there would be grumbles of "cultural appropriation blah blah." But if we didn't show or even show up (organization would suffer I'm sure) that would probably be okay by them. I don't see a lot of crying for "diversity" then.

By the way, I'm impressed with the fortitude of the spectators at the outdoor events. Standing around in the cold isn't easy. You won't catch me there. I did enough of that in the army.
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CAPTION: Black Bobsledding Bitches

I cant help but notice the absolute beauty of the White gal compared to her "sisters".
That video managed to be imbecilic, immature, mean-spirited, sexually perverted, deceitful, hollow, and immoral. All hallmarks of the Sodomite Supremacist Movement.

Speaking of propaganda. Yesterday, as NBC opened their nightly 8 PM “condensed and highly edited†version of Olympic coverage, a slow-motion video of Shani Davis (glancing at his time with a watermelon grin) was shown with an announcer screaming: “Yes! It’s another gold medal for Shani Davis!†The video of Davis that they chose was indeed from the 2014 Sochi games (as he was wearing Team USA’s new, all-black Under Armor suit), but it was obtained from an earlier semi-final for the 500M or the 1,000M and not the finals, the winners of which had already been determined at that time. To the American viewer, this “teaser video†of what was to come later in the broadcast made it seem as if Davis had indeed “won†his third gold medal in the 1,000 meter earlier in the day on Wednesday. Meanwhile, in the real world, Stefan Groothuis won the Netherlands their 12[SUP]th[/SUP] of 18 medals total awarded in speed skating…


CAPTION: Davis' Dastardly Destiny Dashed by White Men

Thus far, the 31 year old Davis, the official black deity of the Sochi games, has finished 24[SUP]th[/SUP] in the 500 meters and 8[SUP]th[/SUP] in the 1,000 meters. On Saturday, if Davis is again trounced in the 1,500 meters, the Sochi games will have been a thorough bust for the gatekeepers of Cultural Marxism in athletics…barring some miracle victory for the black/mulatto/mystery meat lesbians comprising the U.S. women’s bobsled team. The little fatso making the “thug†pose with her hands on the bottom right should be a clear indication that this team shall be thoroughly drubbed in Sochi…


CAPTION: Black Bobsledding Bitches

Amazing. So with basketball and football filled with blacks they managed to make a super multicultural US womens bobsled. Team. Three sistahs, a mix(Lolo Jones) who looks to be 3/4 white, and two white girls. This despite the fact that the US is only 12 percent black and I highly doubt any sistahs out there are bobsledding. It's no wonder some foreigners who come to America think this country is half black or more. You put on the tv and half the commercials are filled with negroes, every judge show on tv is a negro, every doctor is a negro. Is there anything these fantastic people can't accomplish with all this Cultural Marxism?
Amazing. So with basketball and football filled with blacks they managed to make a super multicultural US womens bobsled. Team. Three sistahs, a mix(Lolo Jones) who looks to be 3/4 white, and two white girls. This despite the fact that the US is only 12 percent black and I highly doubt any sistahs out there are bobsledding. It's no wonder some foreigners who come to America think this country is half black or more. You put on the tv and half the commercials are filled with negroes, every judge show on tv is a negro, every doctor is a negro. Is there anything these fantastic people can't accomplish with all this Cultural Marxism?

WA33, there is only one white girl, Katie Eberling (the blond-haired girl). The light-skinned mystery meat with the monster-like pie face in the photo is Elena Meyers, who is apparently black...


From a drivel-laden article about "diversity in bobsledding"...

And then Evans learned the top U.S. driver, Elana Meyers, is an African-American who had moved to the front of the sled after winning a 2010 Olympic bronze medal as a pusher.

"I would have tried it anyway, but knowing that made bobsled more appealing to me," Evans said.

Anyway, it was cool to see Germany take over the lead in terms of Gold medals (with 7) at Sochi after their domination of luge, taking 4 Golds and 1 Silver...

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WA33, there is only one white girl, Katie Eberling (the blond-haired girl). The light-skinned mystery meat with the monster-like pie face in the photo is Elena Meyers, who is apparently black...


From a drivel-laden article about "diversity in bobsledding"...

Anyway, it was cool to see Germany take over the lead in terms of Gold medals (with 7) at Sochi after their domination of luge, taking 4 Golds and 1 Silver...


I think Lolo Jones throws some people. She looks white in some pictures.

CAPTION: Black Bobsledding Bitches
Lolo Jones, who I have no issues with, could be a super-model compared to the 3 Rutgers' basketball players and Elena Meyers, who rivals Ms. Kagan for world's ugliest Elena. Apparently, Elena is the #1 driver for USgAy and is paired with one of the blacks to make up "our" best 2 woMan team. They are being called "medal favorites" but a crash in training might be an ominous sign (hopefully).


Team 2 is the White woman, Jamie Greubel, (driver) and a sista. Team 3 is a sista driving (good lord, watch out) and Lolo Jones. If Greubel were paired with Jones, I would root for them. As the teams are currently constructed, I hope they all fail to medal.
Just been doing a Russian Roulette on the Olympics. My first trigger pull landed me on some weird snowboard event that involves sliding on a rail then doing backflips, and included some guy with climbing rope dreadlocks and a baggy oversize ski outfit. Real ghetto looking. No threat for the podiuim, but he did provide some Eddie the Eagle type comic relief.

My next try I got treated to some chick and Johnny Qweir all dolled up in a to-die-for spangled outfit yakking away. A little bit of him goes a long way, so I surfed on to other things.

When I tried again they were interviewing one of the US figure skaters, and let me tell you...ah, never mind.

Its weird how when looking at Johnny Weir, a Marxists seems to think they are looking at a queer saving a bus full of Russian children, but in reality everyone sees a weirdo fulfilling stereotypes.
I actually do like women's hockey. Of course, the field of teams in the men's game has a lot more depth. Hockey in general is overwhelmingly white and hetero, and a nice break from "gay this, black that, all must glorify the gay and the black" that is the vomit-inducing theme of these Olympics. Even some Democrats are starting to say "put away the politics and just let us watch sports."
In case you didn't happen to catch any of the USSA Propaganda machine's mainstream pontifications, the American media has finally found their narrative to explain Davis's poor speed skating performances in Sochi.
It's the suits!

SOCHI, Russia -- The U.S. speedskating team is desperately trying to make sense of its miserable performance during the first week of the Winter Olympics - and much of the speculation has turned to a new high-tech skinsuit.
The secretive Under Armour suit was developed with help from aerospace and defense giant Lockheed Martin. The Americans unveiled the "Mach 39" just before arriving in Sochi, touting it as the "fastest speedskating suit in the world" and firmly convinced it would give them a big advantage over rival teams such as the Netherlands.
Instead, the Dutch are dominating, the Americans look like they're skating in quicksand, and everyone is wondering if the suit is actually a drag on performance.
By my count, of the 132 total medals awarded, only 13 Asians and one mulatto, figure skater Robin Szolkowy, have won medals. French biathlon competitor, Martin Fourcade, is racially ambiguous. Therefore, approximately 15 non-white athletes, or 11% of the total, have medaled. Hopefully, after all 200-something have been awarded, that percentage will have dropped to 5-8%.

The Hock, I also noticed that supremely-annoying Swedish wigger (Henrik Harlaut) with the massive 4-LX pants and tarantula-leg dreadlocks. After each run, he was uttering inanities such as: “Wu Tang is fo da children!” (a reference to the rap group, I assume)...


During each run, this imbecilic piece of trash had loads of trouble keeping his Negro-inspired pants from falling to his ankles…



This Negro-Doppelganger ****** was one of the few instances of an Olympic athlete acting foolishly in Sochi.
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The Hock, I also noticed that supremely-annoying Swedish wigger (Henrik Harlaut) with the massive 4-LX pants and tarantula-leg dreadlocks. After each run, he was uttering inanities such as: “Wu Tang is fo da children!â€￾ (a reference to the rap group, I assume)...


During each run, this imbecilic piece of trash had loads of trouble keeping his Negro-inspired pants from falling to his ankles…



This Negro-Doppelganger ****** was one of the few instances of an Olympic athlete acting foolishly in Sochi.

I have a new idea for a Winter Olympic sport. Combine the biathlon with one of this guys runs.

I wonder if wiggers have any idea how much actual black thugs hate wannabees like this?
from my phone's blinkfeed (basically headlines and articles popping up in form of clickable photos and articles) one could think that US Olympic effort is all about black speed skater(s)...

i trust you are going to enjoy this video, polish commentary: Zbigniew Brodka beating Davis en route to GOLD medal for Poland!

I think Lolo Jones throws some people. She looks white in some pictures.

Thanks for clearing that up Trashen. From the picture I thought she might be white. Can you answer me one question though? Is that supposed to be a woman in that picture? It might be the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
The usa vs Russia hockey game was a classic. Anyone who missed it should try to catch a replay.
After finishing 28[SUP]th[/SUP], 8[SUP]th[/SUP], and 11[SUP]th[/SUP] in his three events (500 meter, 1,000 meter, and 1,500 meter), Shani Davis, the black bell cow of the Sochi games, is officially returning home with no Olympic medals. I believe the only remaining men's event, the 10,000 meter, isn't an event in which Davis competes. USA doesn't have a prayers in the Team Pursuit event. Davis' multitude of corporate sponsors will surely be disappointed...



CAPTION: Saddened Shani Saunters Slowly

An injury to Lindsey Vonn Afrika and now the “black face of the Olympics,” Davis, drubbed by all-white foes in speed skating. At his age, his Olympics career is likely over. What a bust the Sochi games have been for Cultural Marxism.
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Thanks for clearing that up Trashen. From the picture I thought she might be white. Can you answer me one question though? Is that supposed to be a woman in that picture? It might be the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

Which picture? The dreadlocked freestyle skier's or the mugshot of the short haired mulatta?

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