2014 Winter Olympic Gaymes

Costas has severe case of pink eye, hopefully they will sideline him, but it appears as though Costas is in denial that its even pink eye let alone a severe case of it.
Costas has severe case of pink eye, hopefully they will sideline him, but it appears as though Costas is in denial that its even pink eye let alone a severe case of it.

Costas has always had a severe case of pinko politics, so it somehow seems fitting.
Costas has always had a severe case of pinko politics, so it somehow seems fitting.

I saw some of Costas interviews with two "experts" on Russia representing both sides of the political spectrum, liberal and ultra liberal. On the homo issue the experts were nice enough to admit that the vast majority of the Russian people oppose the *** agenda, which of course makes them enemies of the US of Gay, but what went unsaid was that queers are not arrested, I don't even think it's illegal in Russia, so the only real complaint that they had was that the people feel different about the issue then they do. You know, the same way people felt a few years ago here in amerika. Nothing was mentioned about those diverse people of color in africa and asia who put gays in jail or execute them. No the crime of the Russian people is merely that they don't embrace the agenda.
I saw some of Costas interviews with two "experts" on Russia representing both sides of the political spectrum, liberal and ultra liberal. On the homo issue the experts were nice enough to admit that the vast majority of the Russian people oppose the *** agenda, which of course makes them enemies of the US of Gay, but what went unsaid was that queers are not arrested, I don't even think it's illegal in Russia, so the only real complaint that they had was that the people feel different about the issue then they do. You know, the same way people felt a few years ago here in amerika. Nothing was mentioned about those diverse people of color in africa and asia who put gays in jail or execute them. No the crime of the Russian people is merely that they don't embrace the agenda.

What the law bans is every damn TV show having a gay character like the US.

Not many people realize it, but GLAAD has pressured for every TV show to have a gay characters in it unless one of the actors in it is gay, then its okay if they don't have have gay character.

Also really hoping for Torah Bright to win all 3 golds she is competing for in Snowboarding.
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An hour or so before chatting with those two Marxist “experts on Russian relations,” it took Little Bobby Costas approximately 30 seconds into the “opening monologue” of Olympic coverage to mention the distain “we” should all hold for Russian politics. He used terminology such as “human rights,” “LGBT,” and “homophobic” very prominently. He also talked about Vladimir Putin, of course implying that he’s vile because he resists the sodomite agenda in his nation, he was at KGB agent, and he once balked at the humorous notion of “American exceptionalism.” It was also highly incongruous when Costas gleefully referred to Vladimir Lenin as “Russian,” when that reprehensible God-o-Genocide was clearly the world’s most disreputable Bolshevik Jew of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] Century. Lenin is probably Costas’ personal lord and savior. “Boob” Costas also spent a few contrived, mind-numbing moments “poking fun” at his own eye ailment. His all-Jewish NBC writing staff penned a few witless one-liners, such as: “my eye is as red as the old Soviet flag!”


CAPTION: Pinko Pussy with Pink Eye Deserves Pink Slip

I don’t understand why NBC feels like any viewer tuning in to the Olympics would care to incessantly hear about Russia’s “Anti-Gay Propaganda Law” or any other political issue during an international sporting event. It felt like watching NBC Nightly News (with arch Marxist, Brian Williams), something no rational white man with attached testicles should be able to stomach. As always, the corporate media never misses an opportunity to sculpt their odious vision of the world, with the deification of sodomy being their masterpiece du jour. Like soulless sycophants, other corporations shall follow suit. Here is Google’s homepage image, which, of course, is a not-so-subtle yearning for a “Rainbow Olympics”….
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Irina Rodnina and Tretiak light the Olympic Cauldron. :)

Irina Rodnina created controversy for tweeting this picture:

The corporate media continues to cover the Games as if were still the height of Cold War tensions. Any and every glitch is sneered at, Putin is continuously dissed as too powerful, and all the security is criticized.

Because we know that the Games in Salt Lake City, Vancouver and London had no glitches, there was almost no security, and the President of the United States is never viewed as an emperor or overly powerful figure.

Western hypocrisy is beyond pathetic, but the well-trained DWF masses eat it up as they are incapable of questioning anything fed them by their masters.
Well polling apparently shows Utah being 50/50 on gay marriage.

Though the French are still protesting months later the gay marriage law with the protesters being mostly young people.

This may come as a shock to many, but anyone who identifies themselves as "gay" always could and always can "marry" another "gay" no matter what "gays" or the rest of us think. Who is any wo/man to tell another wo/man he who s/he may live with?
The corporate media continues to cover the Games as if were still the height of Cold War tensions. Any and every glitch is sneered at, Putin is continuously dissed as too powerful, and all the security is criticized.

Because we know that the Games in Salt Lake City, Vancouver and London had no glitches, there was almost no security, and the President of the United States is never viewed as an emperor or overly powerful figure.

Western hypocrisy is beyond pathetic, but the well-trained DWF masses eat it up as they are incapable of questioning anything fed them by their masters.

Couldn't agree with you more. Every day I shake my head in amazement.
This may come as a shock to many, but anyone who identifies themselves as "gay" always could and always can "marry" another "gay" no matter what "gays" or the rest of us think. Who is any wo/man to tell another wo/man he who s/he may live with?

they could live with another man in the ancient civilisations but not marry
then in recent times in france and probably other european countries homosexuality was forbidden
it was forbidden in france 30 years ago
i don't think it should be forbidden to be gay but they should be hidden and forbidden to have any important responsability

and the most incredible thing about the current law is that they allowaed homosexuals to have children
they destroyed the traditional family
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The corporate media continues to cover the Games as if were still the height of Cold War tensions. Any and every glitch is sneered at, Putin is continuously dissed as too powerful, and all the security is criticized.

Because we know that the Games in Salt Lake City, Vancouver and London had no glitches, there was almost no security, and the President of the United States is never viewed as an emperor or overly powerful figure.

Western hypocrisy is beyond pathetic, but the well-trained DWF masses eat it up as they are incapable of questioning anything fed them by their masters.

The Zionist West doesn’t hide their revulsion for Putin, as he is essentially piloting the only remaining white nation of any significance towards liberation from the Great Jewdificated Western Existence. From what I’ve noticed of the Olympic coverage thus far, NBC and their all-Jewish CEO brain trust (Burke, Greenblatt, Lazarus) seem to, in their infantile and rigidly-Marxist manner, mention Russia’s “appalling” stance on homosexuality (and “human rights”) whenever Putin or Russia are being discussed. This should be highly annoying to all viewers attempting to hear about Olympic sports, but of course few even notice, and even fewer would complain or be critical of an international news corporation and their incessant championing of faggotry.

In comparing the “opening ceremony” in Sochi last evening to that featherhead-venerating, contrived-to-be-multicultural drivel in Vancouver in 2010 (not to mention that despicable filth to open the 2012 Summer Olympics in London), I was pleasantly surprised. Among the seemingly hundreds of cast members for the lengthy ceremony last night, I only noticed a few fleeting glimpses of Asian background dancers/gymnasts and some that appeared somewhat Turkic (Tater/Bashkir). Compare and contrast…

CAPTION: Vancouver 2010


CAPTION: Sochi 2014

The only odd portion of the opening ceremony was the overwhelming use of “techno” music during the introductions of each nation.

My hope is that all European nations perform equally well, and the precious few black competitors (Shani Davis, Jamaican bobsledding, Lolo Jones and the 5/6th black women's bobsled team) along with the few Asian nations in contention (mostly South Korea and Japan) fail to medal...


CAPTION: U.S. Olympic Bobsled Team (Future Winners of 30th Place)
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From what I saw of the opening ceremony, it seemed wholesome, full of pride in Russian history, and devoid of any of the satanic, illuminati symbolism that filled the opening ceremony devised by the ultra-degenerate British power structure for the 2012 Summer games. No wonder the US of Gay's media arm is so incensed.

Little Booby Costas interviewed President Teleprompter last night. Among the softball questions he tossed the sock puppet emperor's way was one asking why neither he, nor Biden nor any high-ranking American leader of note was attending the Sochi Games. Obama proudly noted that the U.S. delegation was led by Brian Boitano, William Jean King (who cancelled due to the death of her mother), and Janet Napolitano. Boitano and King are outspoken homosexual advocates, while Napolitano, which technically still in the closet, is Janet Reno butch-like, and whose "Homeland Security" department was dominated by lesbians who openly discriminated against and ridiculed the few heterosexual White men under her command according to a lawsuit filed a year or so ago.

"US of Gay! US of Gay! Go, US of Gay, win lots of gold medals"!!
So the US delegation to the Winter Olympics is a *** and two carpet munchers? What a total embarrassment and laughingstock this country has become. Who picked this delegation? They should have included a tranny and a pedophile- I nominate Rupaul and Woody Allen.
Meanwhile, the all-out obsession with all things gay continues here at home:


Homosexuality has been understood and accepted as an abnormal activity for thousands of years. Now, in less than one generation, it has achieved this sacred cow status in the Western World. As the juggernaut continues to crush everything on its path here at home, the next step is to export this crap to the rest of the world, and anyone standing in the way will be vilified and destroyed. The good thing with Putin and Russia is that they don't appear to be fazed by any of this Western propaganda.

As for the Olympics, I do hope the host country and other white European athletes fare well. I won't be rooting much for anyone from the USofGay, that is for sure.
I hear and agree with most everyone on the gay steamroller, but will support any Amerikan White athlete in these Olympics, even White gay ones if they keep it to themselves which is pretty a impossibility.
So the US delegation to the Winter Olympics is a *** and two carpet munchers? What a total embarrassment and laughingstock this country has become. Who picked this delegation? They should have included a tranny and a pedophile- I nominate Rupaul and Woody Allen.
If the delegation that was to be a political statement wasn't so bizarre your comments would have me howling in the dark with laughter......:biggrin::frusty:
I hear and agree with most everyone on the gay steamroller, but will support any Amerikan White athlete in these Olympics, even White gay ones if they keep it to themselves which is pretty a impossibility.

LOL at the "gay steamroller"! Always a fan of your commentary Westside, and don't get me wrong, I will support some American athletes. The men's hockey team and some skiers, for instance. But if any medal winners take out a rainbow flag and start waving it, then **** 'em is what I say.
Boob Costas, Obama, Gayboitano, all the mindless talking heads...it's all nothing more than one big liberal circle jerk.

If you're a fan of blondes, you are a fan of womens skiing and snowboarding.

Rebecca Torr and Torah Bright are both great personalities unlike Billie Jean King who still to this day lives in denial that Bobby Riggs threw the match.
Is snowboarding yet another in the long line of sports that American Negroes would instantaneously dominate, should they ever become appropriately interested? Aside from a few unexceptional Asians, it’s an all-white sport, and the guys from the USA, Finland, Norway, and Canada were really impressing the fans in the new “slopestyle” event, performing some seriously dangerous, jaw-dropping runs. Check out this awesome gold medal run by American, Sage Kotsenburg. There isn’t a non-white on the planet daring enough, or athletic enough, to attempt these insane tricks…


FYI – I immediately noticed his last name, which literally translates to “vomit castle” in German.

63 medals have been awarded thus far…62 whites and 1 Asian-Canadian figure skater.
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Is snowboarding yet another in the long line of sports that American Negroes would instantaneously dominate, should they ever become appropriately interested? Aside from a few unexceptional Asians, it’s an all-white sport, and the guys from the USA, Finland, Norway, and Canada were really impressing the fans in the new “slopestyle†event, performing some seriously dangerous, jaw-dropping runs. Check out this awesome gold medal run by American, Sage Kotsenburg. There isn’t a non-white on the planet daring enough, or athletic enough, to attempt these insane tricks…


FYI – I immediately noticed his last name, which literally translates to “vomit castle†in German.

63 medals have been awarded thus far…62 whites and 1 Asian-Canadian figure skater.

Do you know if Shani Davis has been up yet? Apparently he's the new face of speed skating and blacks will soon all be record breaking speedskaters now that he has shown them it's possible.
Do you know if Shani Davis has been up yet? Apparently he's the new face of speed skating and blacks will soon all be record breaking speedskaters now that he has shown them it's possible.

Its funny how hyped blacks are in winter sports. The Jamaican bobsled team really sucks, but always have to hear about them, even if they fail to qualify for the Olympics like in Vancouver.
Its funny how hyped blacks are in winter sports. The Jamaican bobsled team really sucks, but always have to hear about them, even if they fail to qualify for the Olympics like in Vancouver.

It's shocking they even have a bobsled team. I remember back in the early 90's they had some stupid movie, Cool Runnings, which was about the Jamaican bob sled team. It was directed by a self loathing white, Jon Turtletaub.
It's shocking they even have a bobsled team. I remember back in the early 90's they had some stupid movie, Cool Runnings, which was about the Jamaican bob sled team. It was directed by a self loathing white, Jon Turtletaub.

THe 90s were full of movies like that. Cool Runnings, The Air Up There, Blue Chips, and many others. I remember thinking Cool Runnings was a great movie as about a 13 year old. I went for awhile thinking "sprinters make the best bobsledders". Which was the mantra of that movie.
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