2014 Winter Olympic Gaymes


Slashing penalty that won Canada the game. Sickening.

Slashing penalty that won Canada the game. Sickening.

What is the attraction of woman's hockey? I'm not putting anyone down who wants to watch it but other then USA USA!!! what is the lure? They play really slow, my bantam team had more speed, they don't hit and the passes and shots are not crisp or hard. It's quite possibly more pathetic then women's basketball which at least has the possibility of some scantily clad decent looking girls. And it's made all the worse by the fact that only two teams can field a team of dykes that are halfway decent--Canada and the US.
What is the attraction of woman's hockey? I'm not putting anyone down who wants to watch it but other then USA USA!!! what is the lure? They play really slow, my bantam team had more speed, they don't hit and the passes and shots are not crisp or hard. It's quite possibly more pathetic then women's basketball which at least has the possibility of some scantily clad decent looking girls. And it's made all the worse by the fact that only two teams can field a team of dykes that are halfway decent--Canada and the US.

I was mostly interested in Canada losing, but the affirmative action referees really have me mad. When they were the back referee, they literally had no sense of when they should start skating back and if they even did they were terrible skaters so they wouldn't even be able to stay with the play.

But yes its not very good. Specifically what stuck out is Hilary Knight plays a lot like Ovechkin and likes to drop behind the teammate with the puck in the hope of a drop pass, but they never came.
The US women's hockey team just always seem to choke and crack up when they play Canada. Don't know what it is but the Canadians have the US women so psyched-out its scary.

I read about it today and then watched the highlights tonight. It was indeed a major choke job by the Americans. You don't lose a hockey game up 2-0 with less than 4 minutes to go. There was plenty of drama for sure, but yes, the quality of play is not even on par with HS hockey.

The big game is tomorrow of course. I no longer get into the nationalistic "USA!USA!" BS, however I will be strongly rooting for Team USA to win this one. Luckily, I'm off work tomorrow and will be watching the game live.
I know little about Hockey, so I'm curious, what's the main reason behind cheering for USA's team over Canada's?
Sexist NBC isn't even broadcasting the Womens hockey gold medal game live, have to watch it on the internet.

Every single sports-media outlet is incessantly discussing this game…how much more coverage of the USA vs. Canada women’s hockey final will satisfy you?

I trust that the term “sexist” (against female athletics, that is) when referring to NBC, Inc. (a Zionist-owned, militantly-Marxist, globalist, anti-white, sodomite-supremacist, female-chauvinist, Israel-first international media corporation) was utilized in a tremendously facetious manner?

Anyone who’s actually watched NBC’s hand-picked, highly-edited coverage of the Sochi games would know that far more women’s events have been broadcast than men’s. I’d put the percentage at 60% women’s to 40% men’s. I believe this has occurred because NBC is indeed “sexist” (against white men), but also because American women seem to have a higher distribution among all winter sports than do American men, thus increasing the “appeal” to the American viewer.

As Old Scratch and Jaxvid mentioned, even the “best of the best” of women’s hockey features such a colossal drop-off in talent compared to men’s game…who would subject themselves to such folly? Most high school men’s hockey teams could easily defeat an all-world women’s team. If the USA men played an all-world women’s team, they’d probably win 50-0. Aside from curling and possibly figure skating, the result would be the same for every other winter sport, too. Sexual “equality,” like racial and social and cultural “equality,” is the mantra of the delusional ignoramus.
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Canada is clearly the best nation to ever play ice hockey. No other country is even close to equaling Canadian success. (Russia/Soviet Union and Sweden would be a distant #2 and #3 in ice hockey).

Canadians makeup more than 50% of the NHL, and even makeup large percentages in European leagues. Almost all of the star players in the NHL today, and in history are Canadian. We have the best players and we also have the most gold medals in Olympic hockey (8), the next closest is the now defunct Soviet Union (7).

Keep in mind that before 1998, Olympic hockey favoured the Soviets and disadvantaged Canada because NHL players (Canada's best) were not allowed to compete. This is why the Soviets tended to do well in the 70's and 80's in Olympic hockey, because Canada was unable to field it's best team.

Since 1998, in the current era where NHL players have been allowed to play, Canada has won 2 of a possible 4 gold medals (Sweden and Czech Republic winning the other two). We won in 2002 against USA in Salt Lake, and we beat USA again in 2010 in Vancouver. 1998 and 2006 were respectable campaigns even though we didn't win.

Living in Canada, there is definitely a "hockey culture" in this country and that's why we are so good at it. It is our #1 sport.
For today's match it'd hard to say who is going to win.

I admit USA has looked better thus far in the tournament, but Canada has amazingly quality players. If you go on talent alone, you'd have to say Canada has by far the best players in the tournament. The problem is USA seems to be playing more effectively and with better chemistry than Canada has been.

Tough game to call, may the best team win! I think it'll be a great game.

Have today off work so I will be watching the game live :)
The American men's team loses to Canada in hockey 1-0. Like the women, the American men seem to be psyched right out by the Canadians who always seem to know so many details about the game that they can find ways to win. The Canadians were disciplined, and checked the American top two lines tightly.
Great win by Canada! I was particularly impressed with the Canadian goaltender, Carey Price. From the Americans, I thought Phil Kessel played a great game. It was a competititve match, but Canada was clearly the better team (led in faceoff wins, shots, and possession %) and deserved the win.

Now on to the gold medal game: Canada VS Sweden. This is a great matchup of the 2 best teams in the world. Canada is by far the best nation to ever play hockey, but Sweden is likely #2 or #3. In the modern era, however, Sweden is unquestionably #2. Sweden won the gold in 2006 and also has many world championship victories.

Should be a tight match! I like Canada's chances though... ;)
Enjoyed watching the little American gal win gold in the slalom. Only eighteen years old and she weaved through the course beautifully. So wholesome and attractive looking too, as all the women skiers (and other competitors) seem to be.

Just a good positive note for me at the end of a difficult day.
Enjoyed watching the little American gal win gold in the slalom. Only eighteen years old and she weaved through the course beautifully. So wholesome and attractive looking too, as all the women skiers (and other competitors) seem to be.

Just a good positive note for me at the end of a difficult day.

Mikaela Shiffrin is an amazing skier, and could be the face of US women's skiing for many years to come. From the interviews I've seen, she's very well spoken, articulate, and mature beyond her years. And yes, she's extremely talented and very-good looking as well. I'm glad she won gold because this will hopefully propel her into replacing Lindsey Vonn Afrika as a much better representative of the sport, while the drama queen extraordinaire fades into obscurity.

Growing up in Texas I knew absolutely nothing about Ice Hockey, but I cant help but admire the amazing athleticism of those players. Just being able to skate like that is impressive. Ice hockey is pretty darn cool, and those are some elite athletes. I think I might try to get into it.
Bubble head Bob Costas declares Sochi Games a success (sort of) but still whacks Vladimir Putin. I’m sure ideologues at NBC help Costas formulate his rants. In any case, he really has turned out to be a simple-minded little human being.

Video of Costas in his bubble world: http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/ukraine-mind-costas-updates-safety-sochi
"it will help to burnish the image of a regime, which much of the world takes significant issue". He's referring to the United States and the criminals in Washington, no?

Hahaha, little Bobby Pink-eye's political rant is entirely laughable to any "awake" adult. His comment about supporting the "evil" Syrian government, while in reality the USA was supporting radical Muslim "rebels" with Al Queda ties, really had me in stitches. Why no mention of Putin brokering peace and preventing the USA from bombing Syria into the stone age? Guess that wouldn't fit the "long list" of Putin's Russian atrocities. Oh brother, does little Bobby have a lot to learn....
The women in the winter Olympics are sure a joy to look at especially compared to the black steroid-ed up he/shes we are forced to look at in the summer Olympics. Norway, a country of only 5 million leads the gold medal count. I'm very partial since I'm a Norseman. Cross-country and biathlons are my favorite.

My uncle visited the town in Norway of our long lost Norwegian relatives. They had to ski and then paddle a boat to get to school and back. Meanwhile in America if the yellow bus doesn't stop right outside the door parents are angry and kids refuse to ride. We are actually using taxi services to pick kids up who have a problem riding the bus.
It was an extremely disappointing end for the US hockey team, who ended up getting thrashed by Finland in the bronze medal game and go home without a medal. They were obviously still reeling from that semi-final loss to Canada yesterday. At least they lost to a worthy opponent, and Teemu Sellane closed out his brilliant Olympic career by scoring 2 goals and winning yet another medal.

Team Finland, not enriched by the wonders of diversity:

It was an extremely disappointing end for the US hockey team, who ended up getting thrashed by Finland in the bronze medal game and go home without a medal. They were obviously still reeling from that semi-final loss to Canada yesterday. At least they lost to a worthy opponent, and Teemu Sellane closed out his brilliant Olympic career by scoring 2 goals and winning yet another medal.

Team Finland, not enriched by the wonders of diversity:


I don't know if you can call it disappointing. Realistically the US team is not that good. The US has very little elite hockey talent. US kids suck at the game compared to the rest of the world. The problem is the US system is basically suburban hockey moms shuffling kids to weekly games and the limited time they get at expensive indoor rinks. The rest of the world has kids that play on the local pond for hours at a time.

Heck many of the current US players actually developed elsewhere, usually Canada, which has a crazy highschool level of competition that is the equivalent of trade school for the sport of hockey.

There is no reason to expect the US to medal in the Olympics. They have only won 3 medals in the last 34 years.
Team Canada played the confused Team Sweden today. Team Sweden could not figure out whether they should win, tie, or lose. Their indecision lead to the resolute Team Canada deciding for them as Canadian man used his skills, discipline, and predatory instinct to win 3-0.

Note to Americans (U.S.): That was an ice hockey game.
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