2010 Miami Hurricanes

I wonder who is more idiotic, Jack Lambert or Hurricane with his "Christian values and morals."


Glad to know I(we) made a point these guys can't give a legitimate response to. Maybe if you respond with a valid point, I'll take you seriously, but when you just hurl insults at me, I can't take you seriously.

Oh, by the way, we don't kickers and long snappers in our previews if you're wondering.Edited by: Jack Lambert
The comments on that board are ridiculous, but of course they are made out of gross ignorance.

The one comment that actually appeared to have merit was by internationalcane one page 1 of their thread, but he doesn't realize the way we do previews here. For those of you who are reading this, and I know you are, we don't count special teamers. We only count the 22 full time positions, 11 on offense and 11 on defense. The bottom line is we were correct about the number of White starters as being 2/22. If you think that is a fair representation of the White talent Miami could get then you are even more ignorant than your posts indicate.

They actually thought DWF meant Dumb White effs!? Since I think it bears repeating (due to their limited mental capacity), DWF=Drunk White Fan(s).

B Meriweather 19 thinks that NFL football has been mostly White dominated since the merger in 1970. Wow, what ignorance! The NFL has been majority black since 1985 at the latest. That's no more than 15 seasons after the merger. That means the NFL has been majority black for at least 25 years now. 25 years is over 1 and 1/2 times as long as 15 years. Opposition destroyed!

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I tried to get a few trolls to read my post in the Southern Miss thread...don't think very many saw it.

Miami & Jimmy Johnson started this trend...

Off the top of my head; these teams start "No White's" on Defense...
North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida State, Clemson, Ole Miss, Georgia, Alabama, LSU, Louisville, South Florida, Southern Miss, Marshall,Troy, FIU, UTEP, ULM, Middle Tennessee...did I miss any more??

Not to mention plenty of teams that start just 1 or 2 whites on defense...sorry trolls...not all of us are gonna bury our head in the sand and not be concerned!!

*last year's NFL All-Rookie Team debunks this myth will all 3 LBers being white...Cushing, Matthews & Laurinaitis
Twentytwo, the only one I think you missed is Auburn.

A few more teams of the top of my head that start 1-2 whites on defense.... Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, Arizona State, Florida, Illinois, UConn, California, USC, Thug U (a.k.a. Miami
,) Kansas State, Virginia Tech, UTEP, Houston, Baylor, and NC State.
Ok, this quote got me laughing.

First and probably only time that I have to agree with Robo. Take heart in the fact that most of those types could not get into Miami, nor could their families afford the tuition if they could.

First of all, I'm sure you have people still reading this. MdCane says this as if Miami is actually a prestigous university acidemically. As if any of us on here would actually want to go to Miami. Besides, if todays "scholarship" athletes can get into Miami, any person with an average IQ of 80-90 could.
TimWise said:
Jack Lambert said:
First of all, I'm sure you have people still reading this. MdCane says this as if Miami is actually a prestigous university acidemically. As if any of us on here would actually want to go to Miami. Besides, if todays "scholarship" athletes can get into Miami, any person with an average IQ of 80-90 could.
http://everitas.univmiami.net/2010/08/06/um-head-football-coach-randy-shannon-leads-bcs-in-coaches%E2%80%99-apr-rankings/Explain this away fellows.

I couldn't get the page to load properly, probably the result of those scholors that run the UMiami website, however this kind of blurb is one of those announcements that is meant to sound like it means more then it should. In this case all it measures is progress towards graduation. In other words a school that can cheat it's students through classes or set the ceiling really really low can get a good grade. Considering the level of thug that has traditionally gone to Miami they undoubtably have an efficient method for getting illiterate "student athletes" through the system.

Also the "announcement" was made by the "Sport in Society" group headed by the notorius Richard "Dick" Lapchick. The most anti-white creature in all of the anti-white sports world.

(from their website)
The flagship organization located in the heart of Boston, Mass. was founded in 1984 by Dr. Richard Lapchick and touts a branch in Baltimore, Md. Through research, education, and advocacy the center promotes physical activity, health, violence prevention, and *diversity among young people and college and professional athletes.

*diversity = the less white the better

No doubt they choose to reward the U of Miami due to their appreciation at the "diversity" on the football team (virtually no whites ever see the field).Edited by: jaxvid
It's kinda sad reading their posts, actually. What ticks me off is not that they disagree, but the fact that they are unwilling and maybe even incapable of grasping our message. Their apathy represents the plight of America quite well, in fact. Their minds are so deeply infected, so heavily indoctrinated; they simply cannot grasp concepts beyond what a television or university tells them is acceptable. It isn't that they hate white people, they just don't know.
In addition to the site Jack Lambert found, the same DWF started anti-CF threads on an ESPN board and another Thug U site, but neither gained as much traction among the anti-White haters. Brought this thread over 3,000 views yesterday, but given the football program they worship probablyabout zeroenlightenment, though as Football Dad noted they turned on each other in the primary thread in an entertaining way.
I wonder if they ever ask themselves why their team is basically a blacks-only team. Do they really think the coaches at Thug U give non-blacks an equal shot at making the team? Do they ever wonder why it is that all-white or mostly-white high school teams win Florida football championships yet few get to play for Miami, Florida or Florida State?
jaxvid said:
I couldn't get the page to load properly, probably the result of those scholors that run the UMiami website, however this kind of blurb is one of those announcements that is meant to sound like it means more then it should. In this case all it measures is progress towards graduation. In other words a school that can cheat it's students through classes or set the ceiling really really low can get a good grade. Considering the level of thug that has traditionally gone to Miami they undoubtably have an efficient method for getting illiterate "student athletes" through the system.

Also the "announcement" was made by the "Sport in Society" group headed by the notorius Richard "Dick" Lapchick. The most anti-white creature in all of the anti-white sports world.

(from their website)

The flagship organization located in the heart of Boston, Mass. was founded in 1984 by Dr. Richard Lapchick and touts a branch in Baltimore, Md. Through research, education, and advocacy the center promotes physical activity, health, violence prevention, and *diversity among young people and college and professional athletes.

*diversity = the less white the better

No doubt they choose to reward the U of Miami due to their appreciation at the "diversity" on the football team (virtually no whites ever see the field).

1. One of the most basic functions that a caveman can perform on a computer - cut&paste. You should try it sometime.
2. It is spelled "scholars."
3. Its not "it's"
4. Etc, etc etc...........The list goes on too long for me to continue.

Somehow, I suspect this post is a joke. At least I hope it is.

As for the content, I assume the blind will continue to lead the blind. You do not read the article, but then make up content to fill in info that suits your desire.
Wow it took you an entire day to find a few mistakes on a message board. Congratulations! You get a cookie! Those that have to resort to pointing out spelling/grammatical errors usually don't have any real argument.

Edited by: snow
"Damn, the racism is strong in this board."

Not as strong as the racism on the U. of Miami football team.
Troll Boy said:
1.  One of the most basic functions that a caveman can perform on a computer - cut&paste.  You should try it sometime.2.  It is spelled "scholars."3.  Its not "it's"4.  Etc, etc etc...........The list goes on too long for me to continue.Somehow, I suspect this post is a joke.  At least I hope it is.As for the content, I assume the blind will continue to lead the blind.  You do not read the article, but then make up content to fill in info that suits your desire.

Yes cut and paste how is that done? They didn't teach that at my engineering school, should have went to Miami...

BTW the site finally loaded and I did read the article, pure fluff to try and shore up an AA football coach.

Hey great that you found a spelling error, and I missed an apostrophe too! How unusual for that to happen on an internet chat site. Is that the extent of your argument? Typos?
jaxvid, this guy is clearly a schmuck. If he was a Miami grad genius wouldn't he be able to create a hyperlink? Cutting and pasting a link? How primitive.

As far as I know The University of Miami is best known for beer funnels, bong hits, "girls gone wild" and criminals competing in the game of football.
That's a swell article in regards to the fantastic "student athletes" at Thug U. But what difference does it make if the student-athletes are doing well in dumbed-down curricula? I know that the DWF's (and DBF's) on the Thug U fansite probably scoff at USC(SoCal) and the "student athletes" there, but you are looking in the mirror! Very similar private universities.

For more fun, check out this Forbes report on universities around the country, Miami (FL) ranks at NUMBER 479, out of 600, in regards to curriculum strength and post-graduate success for students there. On the other hand, the football program graduates 75% of its student-athletes, which is commendable, as that way they can be themost edumencatedthugs in the ghetto when they go home
FootballDad said:
On the other hand, the football program graduates 75% of its student-athletes, which is commendable, as that way they can be the most edumencated thugs in the ghetto when they go home

That's funny I don't care who you are!!!

It probably also makes the State Prisons in southern Florida highly edumencated!
I'm not grasping the point of this "quarrel?"Â￾

Do any of the people (assuming it's not simply the same person) who decided to randomly create a multitude of screen names in the past 24 hours even have a position with concern to the American Caste System"¦that is, other than the much-clichéd "you guys are racist and xenophobic?"Â￾ When did you plan on presenting facts, articles, videos, studies, anecdotes, etc? Before posting again, please make an effort to communicate some semblance of an argument.

Isn't it embarrassing to know that you are the spitting image of everything that buffoonish corporate media desires? Don't you feel "used"Â￾ whenever you do and say all the things they ask of you? Anyone who challenges their totalitarian "authority,"Â￾ anyone who disagrees with their "accepted"Â￾ belief system, is made into a pariah. Well, as long as I'm not forced to agree with the Mantra-of-the-Moron, that contrived "role"Â￾ suits me well.

You have every right to loathe, mock, and degrade your own race"¦and I have every right love, respect, and cherish it.Edited by: Thrashen
I have to think back to the days when I was a DWF. They most likely have the attention span of a gnat and would never care to hear our position or take the effort to understand what the caste system is. Im sure the only argument they could regurgitate would be "they only recruit and put the best players on the field", period.

Its amazing how one google search "Kevin Curtis white wide receiver" led me to this site and has completely changed my perspective on American sports. A little advice to any lurkers, take the time to at least digest the vast amount of information and evidence provided here. We are not all "racists" that want all white teams. We just want to see white athletes given a fair chance to compete.
Rise said:
I have to think back to the days when I was a DWF. They most likely have the attention span of a gnat and would never care to hear our position or take the effort to understand what the caste system is. Im sure the only argument they could regurgitate would be "they only recruit and put the best players on the field", period.

Its amazing how one google search "Kevin Curtis white wide receiver" led me to this site and has completely changed my perspective on American sports. A little advice to any lurkers, take the time to at least digest the vast amount of information and evidence provided here. We are not all "racists" that want all white teams. We just want to see white athletes given a fair chance to compete.

I found this site by typing white running back. I still remember the day I first found the site. I was a bit buzzed
and started reading all the articles on the homepage. I think I must have read almost every article that night. I then checked out the discussing forum.
So what is being suggested here? An Affermative Action type movement for white prospective CFB players? I see alot of finger pointing but I don't seeany suggestions for rectifying this problem. I'm talking about a fair resolution. Thoughts?
Clayton Bigsby said:
So what is being suggested here? An Affermative Action type movement for white prospective CFB players? I see alot of finger pointing but I don't seeany suggestions for rectifying this problem. I'm talking about a fair resolution. Thoughts?

Get lost you troll. I see you are another DWF from the negrophile Miami Hurricanes board. The issue is really you. Do you like being a wigger and supporting blacks that don't give a damn about you?
Clayton Bigsby said:
So what is being suggested here?  An Affermative Action type movement for white prospective CFB players?  I see alot of finger pointing but I don't see any suggestions for rectifying this problem.  I'm talking about a fair resolution.  Thoughts?

LOL! Just the opposite, I am against affirmative action of all sorts. If the best argument you "scholars" can think up is the "best players see the field no matter what because America is run by white people," then it's clear you just feel uncomfortable when your bubble is busted. The point of all the lies in today's "America" is to make it impossible to let go of the fakeness and see reality for once. I don't understand how the most staunch Republicans and Libertarians cannot see that "professional sports" is just as anti-white as any other institution in America. It's ridiculous to assume pro sports is truly color-blind in a world getting closer and closer to a NWO (Zionist/ Jesuit/ Luciferian/ whatever), where pride and nationalism, as well as competition, will be frowned upon.
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