2010 Miami Hurricanes

Clayton Bigsby said:
So what is being suggested here?  An Affermative Action type movement for white prospective CFB players?  I see alot of finger pointing but I don't see any suggestions for rectifying this problem.  I'm talking about a fair resolution.  Thoughts?

The suggestion is for a more fair and balanced treatment of white athletes at all levels. What has to happen is the cultural preferences for blacks over whites in every instance has to end. Furthermore the attitudes of white fans, coaches, and GM's has to change. Until the sterotyping ends the anti-white racism won't. Until white athletes are given the same opportunities to play the situation will not change.

White running backs and recievers at the high school level who rack up big numbers against the same level of competition as blacks must be given some Div I scholarships and chances to play. There is no reason for them to be prohibited from ever getting chances. That is unfair. It is not a question of "Affirmative Action" which we oppose here in every instance, but a question of fairness.
Clayton Bigsby said:
So what is being suggested here?  An Affermative Action type movement for white prospective CFB players?  I see alot of finger pointing but I don't see any suggestions for rectifying this problem.  I'm talking about a fair resolution.  Thoughts?

That's because there are no short term solutions. A class action lawsuit would have no clear target. The recruiting services, racist though they may be, don't actually do the 'hiring' (giving scholarships). College football is just one big bigoted amoeba.
This website is the only solution, and it can only be effective in the long term. We will continue to reveal the hypocrisy and bias for as long as we are able. Whenever someone new shows up, they'll look around and either accept the truth or remain indignantly ignorant. But each new convert will increase the spread of information, opening new eyes and bringing their own stories of prejudice to add to the mountain of evidence already collected here.
If you're not just a troll, I recommend you check out this thread. It's a good starting point. The high school -> college transition is where the bulk of the bigoted racial culling begins. There are too many cases to mention over the years of superior white players who could not get D1A scholarships, even though far inferior (in every quantifiable way) black players at the same position had multiple scholarship offers. Look back through the old posts in the High School Football forum. You'll see players who set statistical records, who have NFL-worthy measurables, who were champions in track and field, all at the highest levels of competition in their states. Yet they were blackballed by Division 1 college football.
After that, watch these highlights of the best high school runningback of the past decade and try to figure out why he couldn't get a D1A scholarship.
Just for the sake of shock factor I thought I'd put my "white men can't jump" update in here. In 2010, the 7 highest high jumps in the world were all accomplished by white men. 2.34 meters by Ivan Ukhov, who has a 2.40 PB. In the long jump (which requires both jumping ability and a high top speed), the top lists are roughly 50/50, with the farthest jump again jumped by a white man (Christian Reif 8.47 meters). In the triple jump blacks are slighly overrepresented this year, although we have the world record in that event. I'd also add discounting drug cheat Javier Sotomayor we still have the WR high jump, as well as the vast majority of the highest jumps ever. As far as getting high off the ground goes, nobody has ever outjumped sweden's Stefan Holm.

Do you guys know what this means? We need to get more inner city track clubs! ASAP!!! Help stop affirmative action of racist white people who run America, LOL.Edited by: StarWars
I didn't go to the Hurricanes thread, but some of the posts that were made on this site ring true, like the mentioning of more and more Haitian affletes on the Hurricanes team and how certain elements of their fanbase is turned off by that. I checked out a couple of 'Canes games last year and there were many empty seats, and even the announcers brought up the empty seats.

Speaking of Haitians, the average one is either skinny or fat. I'm getting this really strong vibe that Haitians might be even more likely to roid-up compared to Afro-Americans, in their quest for NFL millions. People used to talk about the big roiding scene in SoCal, but my bet is that "this scene" is now in South Florida...

Edited by: Deadlift
The cream usually rises to the top. If it's chocolate then so be it. If these white affletes were as good as you claim then they'd be able to beat out these superior black athletes and EARN a starting position. Not be handed one which is being suggested here.

Perhaps someone needs to entertain the thought of starting a workout thread so these prosepctive white affletes can get themselves in better position to win a starting job.
Wrong you wigger troll! White players are constantly discriminated against and the weeding out starts at the high school level. Many of the best athletes don't get scholarships to Div 1 schools. We have mountains of evidence on this site.
Clayton Bigsby said:
The cream usually rises to the top.  If it's chocolate then so be it.  If these white affletes were as good as you claim then they'd be able to beat out these superior black athletes and EARN a starting position.  Not be handed one which is being suggested here.
<div>Perhaps someone needs to entertain the thought of starting a workout thread so these prosepctive white affletes can get themselves in better position to win a starting job.</div>

You're a dick, not just because you come on our site telling us how to think but because we told you that we don't want whites "handed" a starting position, we don't want "affirmative action" for white players, we want a level field. And what do you come back with? White players should earn a postion "Not be handed (a position) which is what is suggested here." Which we have insisted is not the case. Loser!
Pay no attention to the embittered blind former White supremacist negro.
Clayton Bigsby said:
The cream usually rises to the top.  If it's chocolate then so be it.  If these white affletes were as good as you claim then they'd be able to beat out these superior black athletes and EARN a starting position.  Not be handed one which is being suggested here.
<div>Perhaps someone needs to entertain the thought of starting a workout thread so these prosepctive white affletes can get themselves in better position to win a starting job.</div>

Workouts, eh? Right, because the utterly obese, big-breasted weakling blacks who play offensive and defensive line are surely "workout kings."Â How many chubby black piggies couldn't even pass their annual physical this season alone?

Dear God, even young black "skill"Â players like Jet's rookie RB Joe McKnight can't seem to complete a simple conditioning test or avoid vomiting during his "professional workouts." To even hint that "these are the world's greatest athletes"Â is so radically and completely untrue it warrants no rebuttal.

I really don't think you want to argue against the existence of the American Caste System in sports by suggesting that blacks are "hard-workers."Â You'll certainly bite your tongue if CF members began posting shirtless photos of Jamarcus Russell, Albert Hanesworth, Gilbert Brown, Pat Williams, Shawn Rodgers, Andre Smith, Terrance Coady, etc.

You have proven that you aren't interested in actually arguing the facts"¦you just keep parroting the corporate mantra, taught to you by the MSM. You seem like a "good little boy" who does and says everything he's told. Assuming you're actually a white male"¦I can assure you that you don't deserve the DNA bestowed upon you, you weak-minded little turd.Edited by: Thrashen
Yeah! Thrashen "thrashed" him!
Why are you guys so offended that Miami starts mostly black players?

Shannon stresses academics more that anything. He makes sure players go to class and pass classes, or else they sit out of practice or get dismissed from team. We have only had 1 arrest the last 3 years, less them some team with majority whites. Also Miami is not a college town, so the athletes do not get brakes. Of course Shannon doesn't force all athletes to have all A's but what coach does?

Miami is ranked as one of the 50 best colleges in America. Miami students dont have a great post success rate after college but that could be for many reasons. I would guess one of the reasons is many of the students at Miami are rich kids from wealthy families in southern Florida. Im a Miami alumni.
Well GB Packers, that explains the excellent use of grammar in the above post. What the heck, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and blame it on you having the first post jitters.

The question you should be trying to answer is why aren't you offended by so many teams starting hardly any White players. Or better yet, why is it that often the best talent (White players) gets blatantly overlooked and "Caste" aside in favor of less talented blacks? We're offended at the system that openly discriminates against White athletes in all sports. Its not that we dislike Miami any more than we dislike New Miss or any other rabidly anti-White team. We abhor the system that allows and encourages these teams and coaches to discriminate against Whites the way they do.
My grammar is avg, I type fast and dont re read my post. If my grammar offends you, then please say so and I will pay more attention to it.

I don't think baseball, hockey, soccer, racing, wrestling, and track &amp; fields have a huge difference in white/ black participants. Basketball and football seem to be the two sports that have a huge difference in white &amp; black participation. In football I think QBs,OL, and DL are pretty equal in terms of white and black participation. I think you see a huge unbalance of white and black starters at RB, WR, and CB/S. I think the biggest reason for this is black are better athletes. They are faster, better jumpers, better agility and have better agility. Of course this is not the case 100% of time but I think if you were to take 5 white WR and 5 black WR from high school and have them run a 40. The blacks would be in top 5/6. At running back this is not always the case because some coaches prefer power back instead of speed backs. However the NFL and CF seems to be shifting towards speed back instead of power back. Thus you see much less white RB then 20 years ago.
Almost forgot LB. I think LB is 60/40 ratio, leaning towards blacks. Thats not a huge difference.
"I think the biggest reason for this is black are better athletes. They are faster, better jumpers, better agility and have better agility."

The perfect definition of the racist caste system mentality. Read this site for a while to learn why this is a pathetic myth. Here are a few items to ponder:

Why do whites dominate blacks in MMA, wrestling and boxing where the combination of speed, power, stamina and quickness is most needed?

Why do all-white or mostly white high school football teams usually defeat all-black or mostly black teams in state football championships?

Why do all-white teams usually win both the soccer World Cup and international basketball competitions?

There are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of other examples that disprove black athletic supremacy.

Again, keep reading this site and get educated about racism in American sports.
I really believe that the trolls and DWFs who visit this site from time to time (as well as those we encounter on other message boards) have not only reached the point of no return, they have gone past it. There's simply no hope to change their minds. I forgot who, but we have a poster here with the following quote in their signature:

"You cannot defeat an ignorant man in argument. - William G. McAdoo"

This quote is tailor made for these fools. So any efforts to reason with them is a complete waste of time in my opinion. The moderators should ban them right away, instead of any one of us trying "educate" them thru facts and figures. The ESPN and other media talking points of "The coaches put the best players on the field" and "Blacks are better athletes, faster, stronger, quicker" has been thoroughly ingrained in their brains and it cannot be undone.

You see, in order for there to be any hope of converting a DWF, the said DWF must possess at least a certain percentage of non-DWF DNA in them. This then opens the door for us to present our arguments with the potential to help them see the light. I can present myself as a good example.

I was never really a DWF, but I was also not at all aware of the caste system in sports. It always bothered me that there was a glaring lack of white RBs, WRs, and CBs in college and the NFL, not to mention the lack of whites in the NBA. So, when I typed "lack of white NFL running backs" in Google 2 years ago and ended up on this site, I already possessed a healthy dose skepticism and curiosity about the whole thing. After spending a couple of days reading the articles and lurking in the forums, it was all that I needed to join and the rest is history.

The trolls who come here and start insulting veteran posters and ridiculing the site simply aren't worth our time. One thing I've noticed over the last few weeks is that nearly every new member who's joined (because of the World Cup, Lemaitre, etc) has been on the same page with the CF philosophy from day one. So, it's not hard to tell the posers apart from the genuine folks. Edited by: foobar75
It's unreal that some people truly believe the things they are saying like, "I didn't know that Whites wanted to be college/pro Point Guards. I didn't know that Whites wanted to be college/pro Running backs."

And, what are they going to be saying next?... that Whites don't want to be OTs, DEs and DTs?

Essentially, they are pushing "the blacks have more drive" argument. Or, if blacks "want" something, like to be a multi-millionaire "professional" athlete, they should simply be handed it even if they don't deserve it. That's absurd! Look at how out of shape the Andre Smiffs, Terrence Cody's, Trent William's, Vladimir Ducasses (ETC) are. They already know that they will be rewarded, so, to them, there's no need to break a sweat and be in shape. They know "the score."

That's the irony of all this... the blacks can see that the "pro" leagues are filled with blacks, and many of them must certainly know (by now) that "the system" is pandering to them. The whole apparatus, from the recruiting sites to Kiper to ESPN to the "pro" drafts to the ridiculous contracts, is set-up to make blacks look like athletic giants. Why can't White people see what many low-IQ blacks can see?
Great points, foobar75. I agree that we do waste time explaining the Caste System to the trolls, but with some it just might be the planted seed that comes to fruition later on down the road. You never know if it will, but it doesn't hurt anything to try. Plus it keeps our skills sharpened. Many times I too am for immediately banning trolls, but sometimes it might be best if they were around long enough to at least read the truth even if they don't immediately accept it.
Hey foobar75 and Col Reb, I agree that the trolls are sometimes a nuisance, and the great majority of them are uncontrovertable, but the answers that we give and the arguments that we use to defeat the DWF and MSM mantra and line of thinking isn't necessarily for them. It's for the countless other folks who find the site much like you and I did. If a troll spews garbage, like GB Packers and others do, well, that's what the lurkers have been taught as well, but often times they are looking for the counter arguments to back up what they know to be true deep down.

So I always say to counter the trolls when they pose a often ignorant supposition, like the others that have posted here, ban the ones that are just being belligerent. It's easy to tell the two apart.
FootballDad, I agree with you 100% and have mentioned that in the past as well. Lots of people who peruse this site are looking for validation of their own beliefs, much like myself. I still don't understand how I didn't find the old CF site in 2003, but when I finally found it, I was glad to find others who also knew what I had discovered on my own.
Just to add for clarification that the vast majority of trolls are immediately banned and their posts deleted, and the others are sooner or later, usually sooner. I've spent a lot of time banning trolls,many hundreds of them if notthousands by now.
The perfect definition of the racist caste system mentality. Read this
site for a while to learn why this is a pathetic myth. Here are a few
items to ponder:

Why do whites dominate blacks in MMA, wrestling and boxing where the
combination of speed, power, stamina and quickness is most needed?

I dont watch a ton of boxing but I do know many MMA fighter and boxers are Latin American, South American, Asian, and Russians (some Russians are white but other have ancestors from the Stans, like Kazahstan, thus not making them 100% white). So I dont think whites own boxing.

Why do all-white or mostly white high school football teams usually
defeat all-black or mostly black teams in state football championships?

Most of this happens in Florida and Texas. The all white teams are usually private schools that have huge funding, thus giving the players the best coaches, equipment, facilities. I think in high school O and D coordinators are huge. I remember in 07 or 08 Miami Northwestern (all black) beat Texas Southlake Carrol (mostly white) in the most anticipated high school match ever. So show me some more evidence.

Why do all-white teams usually win both the soccer World Cup and international basketball competitions?

50% of World Cups have been won by South American teams, so you need to watch some soccer. Plus Pele (greatest soccer player ever) said an African team should win a cup by 2000 during his carrer. He said this mainly because he noticed African are more athletic. Of course this has not happend, mainly because Africa is chaotic and no stability is present. If African teams had as much funding as European teams, Pele would have been right.

Other then US, whats another black team that plays at worlds? Of course Latin American teams play but those nations care about soccer million times more then basketball. In Asia basketball is gaining popularity but baseball, cricket, swimming and soccer are still much more dominant. Plus education is much more important then sports. So other then US, European nations are the only other serious basketball teams.

There are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of other examples that disprove black athletic supremacy.

Again, keep reading this site and get educated about racism in American sports.

I read a few articles. Of course there is slight racism in football and basketball but their is racism in EVERYTHING. Sports, jobs, clicks in school, etc. Get over racism in sports and focus on something more important like your job, wife, kids. Some of you have over 10,000 posts on a topic that does not affect you.
GB Packers said:
The perfect definition of the racist caste system mentality. Read this
site for a while to learn why this is a pathetic myth. Here are a few
items to ponder:

Why do whites dominate blacks in MMA, wrestling and boxing where the
combination of speed, power, stamina and quickness is most needed?
I dont watch a ton of boxing but I do know many MMA fighter and boxers are Latin American, South American, Asian, and Russians (some Russians are white but other have ancestors from the Stans, like Kazahstan, thus not making them 100% white). So I dont think whites own boxing.
Why do all-white or mostly white high school football teams usually
defeat all-black or mostly black teams in state football championships?
Most of this happens in Florida and Texas. The all white teams are usually private schools that have huge funding, thus giving the players the best coaches, equipment, facilities. I think in high school O and D coordinators are huge. I remember in 07 or 08 Miami Northwestern (all black) beat Texas Southlake Carrol (mostly white) in the most anticipated high school match ever. So show me some more evidence. Why do all-white teams usually win both the soccer World Cup and international basketball competitions?
50% of World Cups have been won by South American teams, so you need to watch some soccer. Plus Pele (greatest soccer player ever) said an African team should win a cup by 2000 during his carrer. He said this mainly because he noticed African are more athletic. Of course this has not happend, mainly because Africa is chaotic and no stability is present. If African teams had as much funding as European teams, Pele would have been right. Other then US, whats another black team that plays at worlds? Of course Latin American teams play but those nations care about soccer million times more then basketball. In Asia basketball is gaining popularity but baseball, cricket, swimming and  soccer are still much more dominant. Plus education is much more important then sports. So other then US, European nations are the only other serious basketball teams.

There are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of other examples that disprove black athletic supremacy.

Again, keep reading this site and get educated about racism in American sports.I read a few articles. Of course there is slight racism in football and basketball but their is racism in EVERYTHING. Sports, jobs, clicks in school, etc. Get over racism in sports and focus on something more important like your job, wife, kids. Some of you have over 10,000 posts on a  topic that does not affect you.

Your post is an example of why you need to educate yourself. First lets start with why do peole have so many posts. The main reason is that they care about what is happening in the world around them and what is happening to the people and culture they love. I think it's infinitely better to have a lot of posts on a site that covers important topics like the continued survival of white (Western) society then it is for someone who just cheers on their team.

I'm sure there are hundreds of people with 1000's of posts on the Green Bay Packers fan boards which is truly pathetic. It's just a sports team while we are talking about society.

You are wrong on everything else too. White boxers hold more titles then any other group especially in the heavier weight classes. Russians are as white as you can get. Get lost if you think otherwise.

50% of World Cup soccer titles have NOT been won by South American nations, Pele was 100% wrong about africans winning anything (I don't know why you even brought that up?)

White high schools win over black high schools in all areas of the country not just in the South, and football success should have nothing to do with funding or coaches. And anyway inner city schools have the highest per capita funding in the nation. Why aren't inner city coaches any good if they have such good athletes to coach?

Your post is typical brian washed nonsense easy disprovable with even a cursory look at the data. Wake up DWF!!!!
Your post is an example of why you need to educate yourself. First
lets start with why do peole have so many posts. The main reason is that
they care about what is happening in the world around them and what is
happening to the people and culture they love. I think it's infinitely
better to have a lot of posts on a site that covers important topics
like the continued survival of white (Western) society then it is for
someone who just cheers on their team.

Where in America do you see Western Society dying?

I'm sure there are hundreds of people with 1000's of posts on the Green
Bay Packers fan boards which is truly pathetic. It's just a sports team
while we are talking about society.

1000's of posts on a GB Packers fan blog is pathetic. Just like 100's of posts on Tim Tebow, Sam McGuffie, Sumo Watch (wtf), NFL combine, NBA playoffs, Dirk N, etc

You are wrong on everything else too. White boxers hold more titles
then any other group especially in the heavier weight classes. Russians
are as white as you can get. Get lost if you think otherwise.

When the USSR was around the Stans and Mongolia had great Soviet influence. After 91 many of those people moved to Russia. Lets just drop this discussion. Here is a list of boxing champs by all major organizations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_world_boxing_champions. 22 out of 85 champs are white. That's only 25%. If you decide to do the math, remember that not all people with an American and British flag are white.

50% of World Cup soccer titles have NOT been won by South American
nations, Pele was 100% wrong about africans winning anything (I don't
know why you even brought that up?)

Pele made that comment because he saw Africans are better athletes when he played. If African nations had stability, solid government, no ethnic conflicts, water, food, opportunity for educations (which Pele assumed would happen sometime between 1960's-2000). They would have much better teams and more of a soccer tradition. US gave up two goals against Ghana, both times a black ran past a white.

50% of World Cups have been won by European teams. Why? Because European teams have many soccer youth programs, fantastic funding, best coaches, governments that support soccer.

Right now many nations in Europe nations and teams go into Africa to look for prospects. Why? Because they have higher potential, get over it.

White high schools win over black high schools in all areas of the
country not just in the South, and football success should have nothing
to do with funding or coaches. And anyway inner city schools have the
highest per capita funding in the nation. Why aren't inner city coaches
any good if they have such good athletes to coach?

Football should have nothing to do with funding or coaches, I agree but unfortunately it has everything to do with success. Better coaching=better game plan, better preparation, better in game adjustments. Funding= better/lighter equipments, better weight room, better tools to study opponent, more coaches, more scouts.

Even if inner city schools have more funding then private (I highly question that because private schools offer more opportunity but at a much, much higher price and you need great funding to offer smaller classes, more tutors, better technology, etc) that does not mean those schools use that money towards football programs. Public schools are much bigger then private schools, so public schools need more cash for food, technology, security systems, teachers. If a school with 100 students gets $100 of funding, its still more than a school with 500 students that gets $300 of funding.

I think private and public schools have a equal amount of talent. Many parents that can afford private make their kids go to private schools, so the kid doesnt waist his potential, doesn't get in trouble and/or graduates high school so he can pursue a professional career.

Your post is typical brian washed nonsense easy disprovable with even a cursory look at the data. Wake up DWF!!!!

Does it help your self esteem every time you call someone a DWF, it sure seems like it.

Edited by: GB Packers
Colonel_Reb said:
FootballDad, I agree with you 100% and have mentioned that in the past as well. Lots of people who peruse this site are looking for validation of their own beliefs, much like myself. I still don't understand how I didn't find the old CF site in 2003, but when I finally found it, I was glad to find others who also knew what I had discovered on my own.
I don't know, I think there is hope for some of these trolls (very few though, most seem obnoxious and beyond reach). I don't think some of them would be so persistent at trying to convince
us that there is no caste system if they truly believed that. I think deep down inside they know something isn't right, and they are
really trying to convince themselves. I just wish they would take the time to read just one or two articles before posting.

Other times it is hopeless. Some people just don't want to accept the truth. My dad is like this. He works about 50 hours a week and just wants to enjoy football on the weekends. He doesn't want to think about guys getting screwed over and not having the best players play. He has stated in the past that he believes there is some unfair treatment going on after I have talked to him about it, but other times he says he just doesn't want to think about it and then goes back to saying "well coaches want to win, they are going to play the best players." It is much more complicated than that.

Edited by: snow
American Freedom News