I know what you mean snow. I have a similar problem trying to convince my friends of the caste system.
snow said:I don't know, I think there is hope for some of these trolls (very few though, most seem obnoxious and beyond reach).Colonel_Reb said:FootballDad, I agree with you 100% and have mentioned that in the past as well. Lots of people who peruse this site are looking for validation of their own beliefs, much like myself. I still don't understand how I didn't find the old CF site in 2003, but when I finally found it, I was glad to find others who also knew what I had discovered on my own.
celticdb15 said:Miami is a joke. Jacory Harris sucks, I do not know how he would even be able to sniff the top 20 QB's coming out of high school without affirmative action. I can't wait for Boston College to have their way with the Canes this year.
GB Packers said:The perfect definition of the racist caste system mentality. Read this
site for a while to learn why this is a pathetic myth. Here are a few
items to ponder:
Why do whites dominate blacks in MMA, wrestling and boxing where the
combination of speed, power, stamina and quickness is most needed?
I dont watch a ton of boxing but I do know many MMA fighter and boxers are Latin American, South American, Asian, and Russians (some Russians are white but other have ancestors from the Stans, like Kazahstan, thus not making them 100% white). So I dont think whites own boxing.
Why do all-white or mostly white high school football teams usually
defeat all-black or mostly black teams in state football championships?
Most of this happens in Florida and Texas. The all white teams are usually private schools that have huge funding, thus giving the players the best coaches, equipment, facilities. I think in high school O and D coordinators are huge. I remember in 07 or 08 Miami Northwestern (all black) beat Texas Southlake Carrol (mostly white) in the most anticipated high school match ever. So show me some more evidence. Why do all-white teams usually win both the soccer World Cup and international basketball competitions?
50% of World Cups have been won by South American teams, so you need to watch some soccer. Plus Pele (greatest soccer player ever) said an African team should win a cup by 2000 during his carrer. He said this mainly because he noticed African are more athletic. Of course this has not happend, mainly because Africa is chaotic and no stability is present. If African teams had as much funding as European teams, Pele would have been right. Other then US, whats another black team that plays at worlds? Of course Latin American teams play but those nations care about soccer million times more then basketball. In Asia basketball is gaining popularity but baseball, cricket, swimming and soccer are still much more dominant. Plus education is much more important then sports. So other then US, European nations are the only other serious basketball teams.
There are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of other examples that disprove black athletic supremacy.
Again, keep reading this site and get educated about racism in American sports.I read a few articles. Of course there is slight racism in football and basketball but their is racism in EVERYTHING. Sports, jobs, clicks in school, etc. Get over racism in sports and focus on something more important like your job, wife, kids. Some of you have over 10,000 posts on a topic that does not affect you.![]()
Jack Lambert said:celticdb15 said:Miami is a joke. Jacory Harris sucks, I do not know how he would even be able to sniff the top 20 QB's coming out of high school without affirmative action. I can't wait for Boston College to have their way with the Canes this year.
To be fair, Jacory wasn't that bad last year, but wasn't that good either. Harris did have his moments last year where he looked decent. (24 TDs) He also had moments where he looked like a backup (17 INTs last year.)
But the 'Canes do play Pittsburgh and Ohio State this year, both half-white teams.
snow said:Colonel_Reb said:FootballDad,Other times it is hopeless. Some people just don't want to accept the truth. My dad is like this. He works about 50 hours a week and just wants to enjoy football on the weekends. He doesn't want to think about guys getting screwed over and not having the best players play. He has stated in the past that he believes there is some unfair treatment going on after I have talked to him about it, but other times he says he just doesn't want to think about it and then goes back to saying "well coaches want to win, they are going to play the best players." It is much more complicated than that.
I have some friends with this type of attitude. Usually though it has to do with their ingrained "team following" mentality. They don't want to wake up to the fact that the NFL or college tm they root for is part of an overall body of sorts that panders to black players while ignoring the good white ones and letting them get screwed over.
Basically its like telling a little kid that Santa Claus is not real. It very difficult, I am being 100% serious, to get most of these fans to wake up to the reality that is going on around them. They may believe the fact but they cannot fully change their attitude as that would cause a major shift in how they must view their team (league as a whole). I find the same thing with hardcore Democrats/Republicans. They'll never get their heads around the fact that although there may be true ideological differences of the two parties at the grass roots level; they are one in the same at the top of the food chain (federal level).
celticdb15 said:Because there 90% black, right?
They're a joke because even with all that "Southern Speed" they couldn't beat the white stiffs Wisconsin in their bowl game.
FootballDad said:Alright, the Thugs just hired Al Golden away from Temple U to be their head coach. Any thoughts on how the model student/athletes at Miami will respond to this pasty-faced new coach? I haven't followed Golden at all, so I don't have much of an idea how this may affect the racial demographics of the Hurricanes. Considering that it's Miami, I wouldn't think much.
Toby Hillis said:<div></div>FootballDad said:Alright, the Thugs just hired Al Golden away from Temple U to be their head coach. Any thoughts on how the model student/athletes at Miami will respond to this pasty-faced new coach? I haven't followed Golden at all, so I don't have much of an idea how this may affect the racial demographics of the Hurricanes. Considering that it's Miami, I wouldn't think much.
<div>He took over a1 win, pitch black Temple team and turned them into a winning, even pitch blacker team (which I didnt think was possible...the getting pitch blacker part). He will fit in quite well at da U.Al "Coal"-denmakes Randy Shannon look like a white supremacist.</div>