Search results

  1. Flint

    Canadian wildfires

    There are apparently some large forest fires raging in Quebec. So bad that the ballgame in Philly was postponed. What’s going on? Is this the first time there were fires in Canada? I’ve never heard of this kind of thing before. Even in Michigan they have been pumping out the fear porn: “worst...
  2. Flint

    Tina Turner

    Speaking of black icons passing, Tina Turner has died at 83. Turner was another famous black entertainer that came out of the sixties. I’ve heard lots of claims that she was “heroic” and overcame great odds to be a star. Of course those odds turned out to be overcoming the poor treatment by the...
  3. Flint

    Jim Brown Passes

    I didn’t see anything on the site about Jim Brown’s passing. Brown, of course was one of the best, if not the best running backs ever. He was a great player. The complete dominance of the running back position in the NFL by black players started in earnest when Brown became a star. At that...
  4. Flint

    Big George

    I just saw the new movie BigGeorge, the life story of George Foreman. Not a bad movie. Almost all black cast as would be expected about the life story of a black man. Very little “racism” is portrayed in the movie which made it palatable to me. Also the movie focuses on Foreman’s conversion to...
  5. Flint

    USC, UCLA to join Big 10

    USC, UCLA moving from Pac-12 to Big Ten in 2024 What a joke. The conference’s don’t make any sense anymore. No geographic sense, no historical sense, just an endless pursuit of more money. With pay for play coming and players getting...
  6. Flint

    Aidan Hutchinson

    Hopefully Aidan Hutchinson has a long and prosperous career with the Lions. His family made more news today as his beautiful sister was crowned Mrs. Michigan. Good luck to her at the next level too!
  7. Flint

    NFL getting rid of the Wonderlic test

    Here’s a link to discussion of the NFL ending the Wonderlic test because it discriminates against the leagues chosen ones. Good clip of Cooper Cup at the end. As part of the Not So Great Reset, the National Football League is stopping giving its hugely entertaining 12 minute Wonderlic IQ test...
  8. Flint

    The Other Coronavirus Thread

    While I appreciate the views of the members that post frequently in the other Coronavirus thread I think it would be helpful to have a thread that approached it from a different perspective. I have a lot of questions and am curious to know what some other posters might feel. The other thread...
  9. Flint

    Flint's Fantasy Football Forum

    Since my only reason for following the NFL is for Fantasy Football purposes I thought I would start a thread discussing it from a Caste Football perspective. I have created a league of 4 teams and stocked one of them exclusively with white players. We can see how "our" guys do against the rest...
  10. Flint

    Happy opening day!

    "For, lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone The flowers appear on the Earth The time of the singing of birds is come And the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." Ernie Harwell, Tigers HOF baseball announcers season opening quote.
  11. Flint

    2018 Memorial

    I'm surprised there hasn't been any talk here of Tiger's win at the Memorial, well he hasn't actually won yet but he's playing great, and if those racist putting greens relent on Sunday he'll be back on top like the whole Golf media has been hoping for.
  12. Flint

    The Trump era ends?

    Unfortunately the election of Donald Trump brought with it a hope that the suicidal direction the country was in might change. That hope is getting dashed almost daily. It seems that some people were right about the guy. He's a good bullsh*tter that got lucky. Well, thanks for the ride anyway...
  13. Flint

    Oscar Gamble passes

    Oscar Gamble, he of the huge fro and a symbol of baseball in the 1970's passed. His passing is notable to me because I am reminded that in his day you could goof on a dumb black athlete. Today of course, any comment that indicates a black person is not a super genius is a sign that you hate all...
  14. Flint

    Russia banned from 2018 Olympics

    "Citing “systematic manipulation” of anti-doping rules, the International Olympic Committee announced Tuesday it has banned Russia from the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. An 14-person panel had been mulling a confidential IOC report that detailed Russia’s official doping program during the...
  15. Flint

    2017 Seattle Seahawks

    There's absolutely nothing worth writing about the Seahawks from a CF perspective. They are coached by a truly repugnant man, have a number of openly anti-white, racist, black supremacist players who aren't shy about expressing their non-football views (Bennett, Baldwin, Sherman, Avril, etc)...
  16. Flint

    2017 Detroit Lions

    The Detroit Lions of 2017 feature white players from A to Z, Jared Abberderis to Anthony Zettel and Zach Zenner. And that's about it. The Lions are one of the worst run professional franchises in sports history, having not won a title since 1957, and winning one post-season game since then. They...
  17. Flint

    Obama and Israel

    Ok so my head is ready to explode over this UN resolution thing with Israel. Someone is finally getting tough with Israel and it's the Democrats?!?! I never thought I'd see the day when the Democrats thought it was a good idea to cross the joos. I guess Obama really is a muslim. SOS Kerry...
  18. Flint

    The Trump Era Begins

    I think it would be fun to make a list of people Trump should have in his new administration. Here is a list of possibilities below, but I think CF'ers should have their own favorites. DNR: Ted Nugent Office of Equal opportunity and Diversity: David Duke Secretary of Defense: Clint Eastwood...
  19. Flint

    ENTIRE Russian team banned from Olympics

    ENTIRE Russian team of 387 athletes will be banned from competing at the Rio Olympics The...
  20. Flint

    Tim Tebow to speak at Republican convention

    Tim Tebow is getting on the Trump bandwagon. And boy is it pissing off the sports liberals. The Sporting News website, one of the most liberal sport sites around, ironic because the Sporting News magazine was known for a conservative take on sports back in the day, has posted an article: Tim...
  21. Flint

    2016 MLB All-Stars

    The ethnic composition of the two leagues has become extreme as the American league has become the Central American League and the National League could be called the White Nationalist League. This trend has been going on for a few years and it seems to have reached it's peak. A look at the...
  22. Flint

    Ichiro Suzuki Breaks Pete Rose's Hits Record!!

    Another hallowed record has fallen as Ichiro Suzuki breaks Pete Rose's once thought unbreakable career hits record. Also Cool Papa Bell has been declared the new holder of best batting average in a season for his average of .747 in 1938 (estimated) breaking Rogers Hornsby .424 in 1924, and...
  23. Flint

    Cassius Clay

    Prepare the airsick bags and get ready to be nauseated. The culty marxies favorite hero is soon to go to his eternal reward. I expect it to be exceptionally warm. For the rest of us we will have to endure the kind of celebration that happened when that other POS of african fame shuffled off this...
  24. Flint

    Faggiest sports stories of the day

    Capitializing on the great popularity of the Lesbian Basketball League and the Koren Professional Golf Womyn is the Fat Dyke Softball League. Somehow a league that draws a couple of dozen people to it's games can find a way to pay some woman $1 million dollars? I've never heard of this league...
  25. Flint

    Crazy Idea

    Who's up for a Caste Football meet-up in Cleveland on July 18-21? It's going to be historic one way or another and we could be ring side for one of the defining moments of the era. The protests alone, not to mention riots will be epic. PM me if you are interested, maybe we can get a deal on...