white women with no shame

Futuregohan30 said:
Oh, but wait: there's more. You can live better in Jamaica than you can in Estonia, Latvia, Albania, Serbia, Georgia or Macedonia. And all of those countries are worse off than Trinidad and Tobago.

Gohan, what the hell are you doing here then? Why don't you live in the Botswana? You claim that one can live better in Jamaica? Interesting choice of words. Even if you're right, you won't live very long.

<H6 align=left ="date">Monday, January 9, 2006</H6>
KINGSTON, Jamaica (UPI): Dubbed last week the murder capital of the world, Jamaica recorded its 13th murder in the first four days of the year, the Jamaica Gleaner said Thursday.
Three double shootings happened within nine hours beginning Tuesday night through Wednesday morning, the newspaper said.
The murder capital designation was made earlier last week by the BBC, which said Jamaica has now been classed the murder capital of the world, after 2005 saw more than 1,600 people killed; a tally of at least five people murdered a dayEdited by: Bart
I have 1 word for you all.......RAP.....RAP, RAP, RAP, RAP, is KILLING our culture, society, and brainwashing our women, and belittling white men and an unbelivebly high rate. I think that planetoftheapes made a lot of good points... I understand that he was a bit harsh...but thats the way we have to be or we wont stand a chance...now that being said...I do think that 80-90% of white women stick with white men, partly because alot of whites live in the suburban and rural areas and dont have alot of contact with blacks.

Now my from my personal experience...the white girls who date blacks are the ones who dont have parents that teach her better...I knew a girl in High School named Jessica...absolute BOMBSHELL of a blonde...cutest face I ever seen, beatiful legs, nice ass, perky tits, the whole 9 yards, kinda had a young jessica simspson look to her. I had a class with her, and always had a crush on her, so did this little black kid, but she never gave him the time of day, even though he tried to get at her as hard as he could...but she never even looked in his direction, now to be fair she didnt end up with me either, instead she went out with my friend Billy (white guy) and they dated and went to the dances and parties and what not, but after they broke up, yet again another black kid tried to get with her...this time it was a corner for the football team...but the same thing again...she almost had a disgust for him just because of him trying to sit next to her...one day I finally asked her why she didnt like him or the other guy, AND LOW AND BEHOLD the truth at last!!!! she looked at me and simply said "my DAD told me it was wrong" hmmmm....WOW there it is, a gorgeous white girl in a mixed race school, with absolutely no disire to date a black, despite hordes of ******** around and all this hip hop brainwash bullsh*t. Now I think should all learn a lesson from what she said. Her dad said it was wrong, and that was the end of the story, if more fathers had that little talk with their daughters, and kept them from all that black bullsh*t, their would be ALOT less of this crap going on. That being said, I do think that you have to start at an early age.

Another thing I would like to talk about from my high school experience, is the fact that 3 of the best looking black girls tried to go out with me. Now im not trying to brag about this, because im sure that most of you arent attracted to black girls, and im not either anymore...but there was a time I am ashamed to say that I was, for the reasons I stated above such as being partily brainwashed by that bootyshaking hip hop bullsh*t, but fortunitly I was somewhat racialy aware, and proud of being who I am...

Anyways back to my experiences with these 3 black girls...one of them was dark skinned, had a long black weave, and was about as attractive as a girl that dark could get...she told her friends she liked me, then asked me out at lunch one day...I told her id think about it...then for the next year and a half she said hi to me every single time she saw me on the bus or in the hall...it even got to the point were I had to figure out were she was going to class so I could go a different route. The second girl was a girl that I had gym with. She was about 5'6 125 pounds and was the typical black girl with braids and a big booty that you see in all those videos. She could have had any black guy in that school but instead she chose to pursue me. The way she did it was truely shocking...keep in mind that I had never met this girl and didnt even know her name, I was standing with a friend agianst the wall next to the gym door waiting for class to dismiss, when all of a sudden she walks across the basketball court, gets right in front of me...and says "hey, can I rape you?". I just stood there...didnt say anything and left when the bell rang... The third girl was friends with the one I just talked about, and she basiclly just smiled at me, and waved and all that bullsh*t, and I didnt pay any attention to her at first, until she started grabbing my ass, which I didnt like, but I guess she couldnt help her self, haha...anyways the reason I told the story about those black girls is because I dont want anyone here to get the idea that black boys are the all disireable supermen ultracool blah blah blah sh*t that the media makes them out to be. There are ALOT and I do mean ALOT of the most attractive black women who pursue white guys...espiecally the well educated, upperclass types, the only difference is that white men arent suckered in the way that weak ass white women are... All we gotta do is educate our kids from an early age, and things will start to change...

P.S. bigunreal, what state and city do you live in?
Bart said:
Gohan,  what the hell are you doing here then?  Why don't you live in the Botswana?

My family is jamaican. I was simply born here. That's "what I'm doing here".

Bart said:
You claim that one can live better in Jamaica?  Interesting choice of words.  Even if you're right,  you won't live very long.

Jamaica also has the 2nd highest Murder rate in the world, primarily having to do with the drug trade in the poorer parts of the country. Another major issue for the country to overcome.

And it is still ranked with a higher living standard than those other countries despite these facts. Must say something about those other places as well then, am I right?
Gee, Botswana sounds like a swell place. I wonder why???? Oh yeah, it's a government and culture set up completely by the British. Those evil white guys sure do help out once in a while. Britian kept close watch over that country even after they cut it loose. But the real reason the country is not the hell-hole every place else in Africa is? Diamonds. Yep, the DeBoer family runs the place like a family business.

Notice how no one from Russia is rushing to Botswana to "improve" their standard of living? Yet the white lands of the world are struggling to keep native Botswanans from immigrating. Why? Cause Botswana has an estimated 40% HIV infection rate. Kinda reduces the "quality of life" a bit don't you think?

Nice stats, by the CIA I see. And a lot of that stuff is objective i.e. standard of living, and corruption. But I bet the place is better then some considering the strong British presence and culture that was sown there, the same reason Hong Kong, and New York, for that matter are in good shape.

So let me amend my point, 99% of the black populated places on the planet are sh!t holes, but occasionally a former white colony not yet decimated by black behavior finds itself in better shape then former Communist countries and current Muslim societies. WHOOP-DE-DOO!!
Gohan, I'm a little surprised at you. You've been on the boards a while, so I thought you'd have picked at least a few 'white' countries with Caucasian peoples that members here would accept as white.

Half the members of this site do not accept Turks, 'istanis' or any of the other people you mentioned as 'white.' Hell, even Albanians have been looked at askance!

Having said that, how much foreign aid do Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Botswana, and all those other nations you mentioned, receive in foreign aid compared to Albania? Or any of those 'istans? How much of their income is foreign generated or based on tourism? How many of those countries would fall apart without foreign aid, foreign medicine, foreign charity?

Do you REALLY think you would live better in Jamaica? Come on, man. I appreciate your attempt at making a point in the debate but that's ridiculous. Or do you mean, Jamaica, New York?

As for the miscegenation argument.. IMO there are a multitude of factors at work, but first and foremost it is the emasculation of the white male, both psychologically and socially. This is accomplished by unfavorable media portrayals of white men vis a vis black men, and through laws and policies that unfairly mute and criminalize white men who speak out in defense of themselves and their race.
jcolec02 said:
I do think that 80-90% of white women stick with white men, partly because alot of whites live in the suburban and rural areas and dont have alot of contact with blacks.

Bingo. Do you know what else this may mean?

jcolec02 said:
Now my from my personal experience...the white girls who date blacks are the ones who dont have parents that teach her better...

You mean the ones who don't have parents who are racist? Dating within your race is not necessarily better, it's simply a choice one can make with their life. That's fine for them, and their choice is ok, but it's not fair to look at people who choose to do otherwise and call them the scum of the earth.

jcolec02 said:
Another thing I would like to talk about from my high school experience, is the fact that 3 of the best looking black girls tried to go out with me. Now im not trying to brag about this, because im sure that most of you arent attracted to black girls, and im not either anymore...but there was a time I am ashamed to say that I was, for the reasons I stated above such as being partily brainwashed by that bootyshaking hip hop bullsh*t, but fortunitly I was somewhat racialy aware, and proud of being who I am...

You're sayng that to date outside of your race you have to be brainwashed?
I will not doubt that media influence does play a part in interracial dating as it breaks some of the established racial barriers by saying that it's ok to date someone of another race(and to be fair, rap really is only a partial source of this attitude. Other forms of media are promoting it just as much).

However, I don't think it's really fair to say that you must be brainwashed to date outside of your race. If you do date outside of your race, chances are you are attracted to that person of another race. That's the main reason people date to begin with.
Lots of black guys date white women to get back at whitey. It isn't always about being attracted to a person of another race.

Gohan, how would you explain the much lower numbers of white men (or any other race for that matter) dating black women?
Futuregohan30 said:
Jamaica also has the 2nd highest Murder rate in the world ...
And it is still ranked with a higher living standard than those other countries despite these facts. Must say something about those other places as well then, am I right?

What was the name of the boxer that was killed in Jamaica a short time ago? You know, the one killed in an axe attack? Great place to live. Reminds me of Marion Barry's logic.


These are actual quotes taken from Mayor Marion Barry, of Washington, D.C.

"If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"The contagious people of Washington have stood firm against diversity during this long period of increment weather." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"I promise you a police car on every sidewalk." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"First, it was not a strip bar, it was an erotic club. And second, what can I say? I'm a night owl." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"Bitch set me up." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where's Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. The law of gravity is racist." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"I am making this trip to Africa because Washington is an international city, just like Tokyo, Nigeria or Israel. As mayor, I am an international symbol. Can you deny that to Africa?" -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"People have criticized me because my security detail is larger than the president's. But you must ask yourself: are there more people who want to kill me than who want to kill the president? I can assure you there are." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"The brave men who died in Vietnam, more than 100% of which were black, were the ultimate sacrifice." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"I read a funny story about how the Republicans freed the slaves. The Republicans are the ones who created slavery by law in the 1600's. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was not a Republican." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?" -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"People blame me because these water mains break, but I ask you, if the water mains didn't break, would it be my responsibility to fix them then? WOULD IT!?!" -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC

"I am a great mayor; I am an upstanding Christian man; I am an intelligent man; I am a deeply educated man; I am a humble man." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC Edited by: Bart
jaxvid said:
Gee, Botswana sounds like a swell place. I wonder why???? Oh yeah, it's a government and culture set up completely by the British. Those evil white guys sure do help out once in a while. Britian kept close watch over that country even after they cut it loose.

Yeah, European governmental values are still put forth in botswana...just like they are in Nigeria, Niger, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Somalia, Zambia, Swaziland, and Sierra Leone among others.

As you can see, these other countries are all just as super successful as Botswana, all thanks to the British and their influence.

*Ending sarcasm right here*

European influence was present in almost every colony they were in previously. European colonizers in many cases remained in the colonies after independence.

European influence does not guarantee a successful government. All the examples I gave you right up there in that last paragraph are countries that range from not so great, to just plain bad. ALL have had strong European influence, and all of them use forms of government with some basis in Europe.

And yet, some are successful and some are not. Did you REALLY think that just by having European influence a black country can automatically gain success?
No, you didn't. You aren't silly enough to believe that.

Do you know why some African countries have gotten somewhere? Their government has been responsible, while others have not. Botswana's history of solid leadership is the reason it did not turn into another Zimbabwe.

This is basic history, you should know that.

jaxvid said:
But the real reason the country is not the hell-hole every place else in Africa is? Diamonds. Yep, the DeBoer family runs the place like a family business.

Again, same story. Nigeria has LOTS of oil. Zimbabawe has at least as many diamonds as Botswana. The Sudan is also rich in oil.

Going by your logic("They're only rich because they have diamonds!") this should make those countries just as successful.
They are not. Do you want to know why?

They have not governed themselves properly. These countries are governed and run by blacks, just like Botswana. But Botswana has been responsible. Nigeria has most definitely not been(corruption abounds over there).

jaxvid said:
Notice how no one from Russia is rushing to Botswana to "improve" their standard of living? Yet the white lands of the world are struggling to keep native Botswanans from immigrating.

Wrong again. Botswana is not one of those countries that has a problem with emigration.

In fact, it's a lot like America in that it has a lot of trouble keeping immigration in control. Zimbaweans, Zambians and Angolan's pour in.

http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?R...thern_Af rica


Try again.

jaxvid said:
Why? Cause Botswana has an estimated 40% HIV infection rate. Kinda reduces the "quality of life" a bit don't you think?


And yeah, it does lower the standard quite abit. Botswana would be even more successful economically were it not for this.

Yet despite the infections, they still manage to rank at 52, ahead of Russia and others.

jaxvid said:
Nice stats, by the CIA I see. And a lot of that stuff is objective i.e. standard of living, and corruption. But I bet the place is better then some considering the strong British presence and culture that was sown there, the same reason Hong Kong, and New York, for that matter are in good shape.

Yeah, just the same way Uganda benefitted from that super british influence.

You are aware that the british colonized A LOT of African lands, right? And you are aware that many of them are quite unsuccessful today, right?

Because right now it just looks like you have no idea what you're talking about. You can throw the "Yeah, it was the fact that they were a European colony that makes them successful" but that does not work when I can throw at you facts like Uganda, Swaziland, lesotho, Niger, etc, etc, etc.

It's plain to see that colonialism is not a significant factor of success...at all. In fact, it could be argued that colonialism is part of the reason for problems.

Hve you done your research? Because if you had, you'd know this as well as Ido.

jaxvid said:
So let me amend my point, 99% of the black populated places on the planet are sh!t holes, but occasionally a former white colony not yet decimated by black behavior finds itself in better shape then former Communist countries and current Muslim societies. WHOOP-DE-DOO!!

Once again...you're completely incorrect. 99% is really quite far from accurate anyway, just another exaggeration.
Secondly, your former white colony argument makes no sense considering the fact that every black country today has been colonized at one point or another. All countries in Africa have been, save for Ethiopia and Liberia, and even they have been occupied for long periods of time.

All the colonies are formerly white ones. All of them have had blacks running them at the beggining of their independence.

So are you saying that Sudan should be successful now because it's a former white colony?
Again...you make no sense. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

Furthermore, i don't want to hear that "well, those countries were formerly communist!" talk. Those people are still whites, and the fact is that their supposed superiority could not getthem ahead of some of these blacks here. Besides that, Africa has suffered through autocracy and communism the same way eastern europe has.
The real question is how attractive any of these blacks would be without
AA--no money, no chicks. Anyone who dates a person of a different race
that supports discrimination against their own group is a moron, and is
brainwashed--how could they be doing that otherwise?

I tell you what--I'll grant you equal footing and not squabble about the
interracial thing if you all drop AA. I have a feeling you won't, because
once that happens, the whole illusion falls apart. It'd be like black society
collectively falling through a trapdoor. And it would be even worse today
than in the past because of all the mexicans and the worldwide
competition for cheap labor. Where are all the good-paying maufacturing
jobs?They're all heading east--far east.

If you're going to make the argument that people should be free to do as
they choose, take it all the way guy. Free association--no forced
"integration", the freedom of businesses to hire whomever they want, etc.
You seem to stop at that line. So I don't buy the rest. You're a liar. You
say freedom, then cry for tyranny over others. Pathetic. Once AA goes
away, a lot of this crap goes with it. And its coming sooner than you
think. The outsourcing of jobs and the insourcing of foreign labor will
see to that. And I can't wait until liars like you who speak out of both
sides of their mouth get what they so richly deserve--the full brunt of
shouldering the burden of their own incompetence. You won't look too
good then. And no amount of lipstick will put the shine on that pig.
White Shogun said:
Lots of black guys date white women to get back at whitey. It isn't always about being attracted to a person of another race.

Gohan, how would you explain the much lower numbers of white men (or any other race for that matter) dating black women?

Have you looked at black women lately? Come on Shogun, get with the program, playa.
Just the thought of waking up next to some "weave-wearing ghetto queen" after a night of drinking, is enough to make my little soldier go limp.

But in all seriousness, black women do rank at the bottom of the pile as a far as general beauty. Exceptions to the rule are black women who are mixed, such as Halle Berry (who is half White, and I still don't see what all the fuss is over). Aside from their already unattractive exterior, is the unattractive INTERIOR. They have attitudes on them like theres no tomorrow. I don't like my females to have any attitude what-so-ever, and black women just take it to a whole new level.
By the way, everybody knows that African wealth is basically what is pulled
out of the ground--the human capital there is practically worthless. The
same is true of Carribean tourist economies--its the natural wealth (climate,
location) that people want, not anything created by blacks. Also, almost all
of the mining and other business expertise in these countries is decidedly

Look, we have all interacted with blacks and we know how smart, inventive,
and hard working most of them are (n't). So spare us all the BS about what
great places black-run contries are to live in. Why are you here? Why not
there? Why didn't your parent move there? Wew all know why, and so do
you. Well, actions speak louder than words, don't they, fella?
White Shogun said:
Gohan, I'm a little surprised at you. You've been on the boards a while, so I thought you'd have picked at least a few 'white' countries with Caucasian peoples that members here would accept as white.

Half the members of this site do not accept Turks, 'istanis' or any of the other people you mentioned as 'white.' Hell, even Albanians have been looked at askance!

That'stoo bad for you guys then. The fact of the matter is that racially, they are not much different from you.
Racially they are white. Facts are facts. Whether you choose to see them as white or not is up to you, but in reality, they are cuacasians.

White Shogun said:
Having said that, how much foreign aid do Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Botswana, and all those other nations you mentioned, receive in foreign aid compared to Albania?

Namiabia, Botswana, and Barbados, among many others, all have lower foreign debt than Albania, which owes more money than any one of them.

https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rankorder/2079 rank.html

White Shogun said:
How much of their income is foreign generated or based on tourism?

In jamaica tourism is about 50% of the economy.
in Switzerland, the primary source of income comes from trading, banking and investing. in other words, that means they sustain their economy through trade with other parts of the world, the same way the caribbean does with tourism. That money comes from other places through trade and investing.

White Shogun said:
How many of those countries would fall apart without foreign aid, foreign medicine, foreign charity?

I don't think any of them would fall apart without foreign AID, as these really are not the biggest AID recipients that I'm talking about here.

White Shogun said:
Do you REALLY think you would live better in Jamaica? Come on, man. I appreciate your attempt at making a point in the debate but that's ridiculous. Or do you mean, Jamaica, New York?

I'm stating a fact. I could live better in Jamaica than I could in russia due to a higher overall quality of life rating.
Facts are facts.

White Shogun said:
As for the miscegenation argument.. IMO there are a multitude of factors at work, but first and foremost it is the emasculation of the white male, both psychologically and socially. This is accomplished by unfavorable media portrayals of white men vis a vis black men, and through laws and policies that unfairly mute and criminalize white men who speak out in defense of themselves and their race.

The same way you unfairly criminalize those who choose to date outside of their race?
White Shogun said:
Lots of black guys date white women to get back at whitey. It isn't always about being attracted to a person of another race.

You're right, it isn't always about that. However, I would be willing to bet that much of the time, at least more often than not, it is about some sort of attraction.
I think you're all forgetting that part.

White Shogun said:
ohan, how would you explain the much lower numbers of white men (or any other race for that matter) dating black women?

It's interesting actually how things have flip flopped in the last century. Go back to the late 19th century and it was primarily white men and black women. In fact, it was openly known that white men at the time had a thing for black women.

But society has somehow changed, and now it's white women and black men who are the top combo. I still haven't figured out quite why yet, but I'll get back to you when I get it.
Bart said:
What was the name of the boxer that was killed in Jamaica a short time ago? You know,  the one killed in an axe attack? Great place to live. Reminds me of Marion Barry's logic.

All your post has told me so far is that Marion Barry is a few eggs short of an omellete.
As for the boxer, his name was Trevor Barbick, i think. Yeah, he got attacked and killed. Here in upstate New York, this one guy named Porco killed his own father and maimed his mom.

Yeah, upstate new your is a terible place to live.

Now please explain to me why a country with such issues can still have a better quality of life ranking than Russia. I am anxious to hear this explaination, because right now you just appear to be dodging it.
futuregohan, at least you admit that nearly all african countries suck even though they have had the benefit of white help. I guess your point is that Botswana is the one place that the native black population hasn't been able to screw up after whites gave them a head start on civilization. Congradulations! That's one

C'mon, Botswana would be living in the dark ages if not for British colonialization. The only credit you can give the place is that unlike the other mentioned crap holes Botswana hasn't (yet) screwed it up. But give them time. I live in Detroit, it was a nice place for a while even with a lot of blacks, but,,,,,,

Yes former communist white countries are generally in bad shape but they will get better, unlike the former commie places in Africa, and when they do it will not be from generous international welfare from places like the US,they will have to do it on their own.

Personally I would rather live in the worst white country in the world then the best black one. Not to hate on blacks but just because I would feel more comfortable with my own people.

We have probably beat this to death but if you want to keep on I will move this to a new subject as there is another discussion going on in this same thread.

Appreciate your hanging around on white nationalist sites engaging in debate. I imagine you sense at some level that white people and culture are superior and you are trying to be a part of that. Good for you. I visit some of the black chat boards and it's like talking with ignorant children (with really bad grammer and attitudes).
Futuregohan30 said:
Did you REALLY think that just by having European influence a black country can automatically gain success?

It In fact, it could be argued that colonialism is part of the reason for problems.

The truth is simple. TheONLYreason black countries achieve or have achieved any measure of success at all is ENTIRELY due to white influence.Nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise. YOU know it , we know it, the wholeflipping planet knows it!
Futuregohan30 said:
Now please explain to me why a country with such issues can still have a better quality of life ranking than Russia. I am anxious to hear this explaination, because right now you just appear to be dodging it.

Who decides "quality of life" for a place? That's so subjective. I have visited both Jamaica and Russia, they are such different places! Russia is a world superpower with ancient history and tremendous wealth and poverty, it's unbelievably huge, and friggin' cold. Jamaica is an tourist island. It's unbelievably humid, tiny, no natural resources, sure it's a nice place to visit, but to live there.....? And do what, work as a waiter?

It's apples and oranges and whoever makes those phony ratings is crazy.
PitBull said:
By the way, everybody knows that African wealth is basically what is pulled
out of the ground--the human capital there is practically worthless. The
same is true of Carribean tourist economies--its the natural wealth (climate,
location) that people want, not anything created by blacks.

If the people weren't any goo, then nobody would want to go there at all.
And don't make me get started on Europe and natural wealth. Yes, Europeans have created quite a lot, and kudos to them for it, I am not taking this from them. But the fact is that a whole lot of the wealth seen in some parts of Europe now does come from other parts of the world.

Understand that before you go on insulting black countries for capitalizing on their natural wealth.

BTW, people do seem to like the human wealth present in barbados. Foreign countries were attracted to the very well educated Bajan populace, which has led to extremely high emigration rates.

PitBull said:
Also, almost all
of the mining and other business expertise in these countries is decidedly

The people running these countires, and the people managing the enterprises in these nations are black.
If there were no black expertise at all, then chances are the businesses would not be there to begin with.

PitBull said:
Look, we have all interacted with blacks and we know how smart, inventive,
and hard working most of them are (n't).

Good for you, Mr. Racialist. You have interacted with blacks. Nice credentials.

Now, here are mine. I AM Black. I come from an ACTUAL caribbean family. I have LIVED in these countries(I'm 15 now, earlier on in my life I lived in jamaica). I've seen all of this first hand.

So, while you can sit on your racially superior "I'm white, and all black people suck because they're inferior and a bunch of savages" high horse and talk about these places as if you actually know them, I can come in here and counter it because unlike you, I really know what I'm talking about when it comes to my ancestral home.

Now, I will be happy to debate with you respectfully pertaining to this subject, but I will not stand here and be told how my home is supposedly "really like" by some guy who clearly has a strong dislike for blacks and has nothing to base his opinions on the carribean on other than his perceptions about black people and our inferiority.

PitBull said:
Why are you here? Why not
there? Why didn't your parent move there? Wew all know why, and so do

My parents moved here because they had a strong education and they could pregress here easily. They divorced when i was 3 months old, I went to live in jamaica again for 5 years, and then i came back to live with my mother and stepfather.
My actual biological father is from St vincent. He came here on a sprinting(track and field) scholarship.

I have other family memebers(tons of cousins, aunss, many uncles, etc, etc) here to. Most of my family is, however, in jamaica and England. My grandparents emigrated there in the 1950's, had my mother and aunts, and then when my mom was about 12 or so, they came back to Jamaica. Mother grew up there, then came to America.

Some of my other family members have remained in England. There aren't a whole lot of family members in the US, but there are a significant number. Most are in England or Jamaica. I have cousins in Germany and Austria(one is married to an Austrian). I have a cousin in Japan. I have relatives from trinidad and Tobago.

As far as my ethnicity, I consider myself primarily Jamaica, but biologically I would also be part St. Vincentian. Culturally, i'd also be American and English.

So, there you have it in a nutshell: my family is all over the place really. Why? Because we can. I dunno, tell me why the irish came over here in such large numbers. Or how about the Dutch, German, or Italina immigrants? How about the eastern European immigrants who've been showing up here in fairly significant numbers recently?

Why are they here? Did you even bother to ask yourself that?

PitBull said:
Well, actions speak louder than words, don't they, fella?

You'd do well to take your own advice, because right now you're just talking down to me and getting no place.
jaxvid said:
futuregohan, at least you admit that nearly all african countries suck even though they have had the benefit of white help. I guess your point is that Botswana is the one place that the native black population hasn't been able to screw up after whites gave them a head start on civilization. Congradulations! That's one

You can now then Explain why Gabon, Namibia, and most of the caribbean haven't screwed up either.

I never said anything about Botswana being the only black nation that hasn't screwed up. In fact, if you read my post carefully, you would have seen that I said Botswana was not even the best example of a black nation tat hasn't screwed up.

jaxvid said:
C'mon, Botswana would be living in the dark ages if not for British colonialization. The only credit you can give the place is that unlike the other mentioned crap holes Botswana hasn't (yet) screwed it up. But give them time. I live in Detroit, it was a nice place for a while even with a lot of blacks, but,,,,,,

That's like saying that Chad would be licing in the Dark Ages were it not for European colonization.

Oh, wait a sec: they kinda still are!

British colonization is not the main reason for this countries economic and social success.

jaxvid said:
Yes former communist white countries are generally in bad shape but they will get better, unlike the former commie places in Africa, and when they do it will not be from generous international welfare from places like the US,they will have to do it on their own.

There are obviously going to be former commie places in Africa who will get better as well. That is obvious.

jaxvid said:
Personally I would rather live in the worst white country in the world then the best black one. Not to hate on blacks but just because I would feel more comfortable with my own people.

Ok, you can have fun in Montenegro or Kyrgyzstan while I go to Barbados or the Bahamas to live.

Do you even know what you're saying? Race isn't everything, dude.

jaxvid said:
Appreciate your hanging around on white nationalist sites engaging in debate. I imagine you sense at some level that white people and culture are superior and you are trying to be a part of that.

No, but that was a nice effort there. I wouldn't be debating with you if i believe white people to be superior. That'd kinda defeat my whole purpose.

Valiant effort, but try again.
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:

 Did you REALLY think that just by having European influence a black country can automatically gain success?  It In fact, it could be argued that colonialism is part of the reason for problems.

The truth is simple. The ONLY reason black countries achieve or have achieved any measure of success at all is ENTIRELY due to white influence.  Nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise.  YOU know it ,  we know it,  the whole flipping planet knows it! 

Yes, that's why Nigeria, with all that British influence, is so successful.

Again, I ask: Do you know what you are talking about?
Futuregohan30 said:
Yes, that's why Nigeria, with all that British influence, is so successful.

Again, I ask: Do you know what you are talking about?

What would they be doing without the Brits?Sending space craft to Mars? What is the old saying? "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."
Futuregohan30 said:
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:

 Did you REALLY think that just by having European influence a black country can automatically gain success?  It In fact, it could be argued that colonialism is part of the reason for problems.

The truth is simple. The ONLY reason black countries achieve or have achieved any measure of success at all is ENTIRELY due to white influence.  Nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise.  YOU know it ,  we know it,  the whole flipping planet knows it! 

Yes, that's why Nigeria, with all that British influence, is so successful.

Again, I ask: Do you know what you are talking about?

You keep making this point as if it helps your case. It does not. We are saying blacks are not succesful. You are arguing that they are. You cite Botswana as an example and I guess Jamaica (which I don't think much of, but they do have some really good ganja there). When we point out those places are only decent because they had a helping hand from British culture you reply "that has nothing to do with it, look at all of the other black countries that have had British help but really suck."

So you are conceding that most black places suck, which is OUR point. What is significant about Botswana or Jamaica, are those blacks in some way different then the blacks that live in the neighboring places that suck so bad (as you agree)?

In your attempt to win the micro debate (Botswana) you concede the macro debate (black places suck). That is a "loss" in an organized debate. Ask your debate teacher if they agree.
Africa is a complete mess without the foreign aid and the pulling of
minerals out of the ground, most of which is done by white led mining
engineers and businessmen. What temporary wealth they have is gobbled
up in corrupt regimes. Almost all of the highways, modern buildings, and
other infrastructure in these countries is built by foreign aisan, european,
and white engineering and construction consortiums. These people are
completely dependent upon european, american, and asians for any
advancement in their civilizations beyond the stone age, including the
international markets and economies for those minerals and oil.

As far as Russia having more HIV than Botswana, Russia has a huge
population compared to that small country. Another ridicuous
comparison. Kind of like saying a country of 1 billion people who have a
net worth of $15 each is a richer country than one of 15,000 millionaires.
Whose standard of living is better?

Jamaica has plenty of income from tourism. But don't think for one
second that blacks are in charge of that industry. I guarantee they aren't
making the majority of money there. I will bet any amount of money that
most of the people who live there don't do very well at all.

Comparing Jamaica to Switzerland is another laugher. Switzerland and
the swiss are so much better than jamaicans--smarter, harder working,
far more honest and civil--that I can't really comprehend the comparison.
Being the best international bankers iin the world is no mean feat. Being
imported into a Caribbean island and having whites build up a tourism
industry for you is not much of an accomplishment. As far as standard of
living, well Russia is now swimming in cash, due to the oil price and the
bull market in commodities in general. And that won't end soon. Maybe
in a couple of years, black Jamaica will get passed up, ya think? I think
so. Then what comparison do you make?

Unlike Africa, which has nationalized a lot of its mining, and seen
production fall as black hands try to steal the mineral wealth and profits,
Russia has white hands. Both are corrupt, but Russia has far better minds
working in its industry than the now nationalized black commodity
industries. The asians are starting to make their move into Africa. If you
think whites are bad, wait for the asians--you will never see one teardrop
of pity from the communist chinese. The golden age of Africa is now
gone, and it leaves with the whites.

Same question as before--if Jamaica is such a good country, then why did
your parents leave? If they love it so much, then why did they leave?
Actions speak louder than words. We all know why. They left to live in a
predominantly white country--lots more money (read: productive people)
swimming around. Lots more handouts. Cut off the handouts, and
Jamaica looks a whole lot better to these people. Hopefully they leave or
never come here in the first place. You should go back. Better living
there, evil white people here. See FG30, finally something we can agree
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