white women with no shame

Blitz said:
 Force you to agree??? What the hell is that all about? I don't expect you to agree with me, even though I agree with most of what you say. It's just a matter of degree. Jaxvid very cleverly guarded his reputation in this clan by distancing himself from my statements, albeit it in a very gentlemanly fashion. I get the group dynamic but I'm just not a follower. I'm not a troll either. To tell the truth, I'm really not so sure what a troll is. If you or this site can't take a dissenting voice, in some matters, then ok........................but I have to tell you, I would miss the place. I don't take any of this stuff personally (Shogun. time for you to lay down the law), it's just fun, informative and a great way to blow off steam.

Done for tonight.





I'm not trying to pick a fight. For Gods sake, lets not be "keyboard commandos" here.
Let me just explain something to you. You see, if I were to go to an exclusively black website, and discussed such things relating to "racism against Whites", "the high black crime rate" and other things of that nature, I would be deemed a troll. A troll is someone who disrupts the natural flow of a website. This site celebrates White athletes and White people, while also trying to fight the savage racism that we experience everyday, both on the playing fields and in daily life. We don't want to have discussions about the (few) blacks who do positive things, when there are millions who contribute negatively to society. Thats just my feelings.
My final post on this,

I'm not so sure the guy isn't a black troll. If you read his posts about us
attacking "black sentiments", his reference to the size of his his package,
and his references to Spike Lee movies ( I don't know about you, but the first
reference out of my lips ain't all-black movies) it tips it that way for me. But
I probably stepped over the line calling him Rodney King. Sorry about that
and it won't happen again. But I won't apologize for keeping the focus pro-
white. Done.
PitBull said:
My final post on this,

But I probably stepped over the line calling him Rodney King.

George Jefferson would be more accurate.
Blitz said:
Let me aks you this my brutha.

What is this?

Blitz said:
Come on. You guys need me. As my college baseball coach used to say, "If you can't take a little constructive criticism then you're not fit to play the game."

Blitz said:
To tell the truth, I'm really not so sure what a troll is.

You're admitting that you have an agenda - to be the voice of constructive criticism. If you're purpose here isn't to support white athletes - you're a troll. It's that simple, really. I have already provided you with a definition of troll, both by PM and on the boards. If you are here to engage in debate, add 'constructive criticism,' support black athletes, or have some other agenda than to support white athletes, you are a troll.

Jaxvid very cleverly guarded his reputation in this clan by distancing himself from my statements, albeit it in a very gentlemanly fashion. I get the group dynamic but I'm just not a follower. I'm not a troll either.

I can't speak for Jaxvid, but I highly doubt he had in mind to 'very cleverly guard his reputation in this clan by distancing himself' from your statements. I don't believe Jax is worried for a minute about your opinions or finding himself in agreement, or disagreement, with any of them. Despite your perception, and as I pointed out to you in PM, not every one in this group agrees with each other on every issue. There may be a 'group dynamic,' but it is certainly not monolithic in nature.

(Shogun. time for you to lay down the law)

I'm nobody here, Blitz. I'm a member, plain and simple. I'm not the owner, administrator, or a moderator for this site. In fact, I think you are more than aware of such and are perhaps deliberately trying to cause friction between the experienced members of this forum by showing undue deference to me in this regard.

I personally think that some of your posts in this thread are trolling. You appear to be deriving some pleasure from fomenting arguments and making deliberately incendiary remarks (constructive criticism?) designed to elicit rebuttal commentary. That's why some are accusing of being nothing more than a troll.

But I think you know that, Blitz.
I can't remember if it was in this thread that I read something about white women who are raised in primarily nonwhite countries rarely ever date outside their race because even the strongest of media propaganda can not off set what they see every day in the real world. I know that is probably not exactly how it was written but I am going of memory.

I agree 100% with that statement. We have a couple from South Africa that live four houses down from us and over the last year or so we have become pretty good friends. Our children are within a few months apart in age and often go to the park together with their mothers.(My wife, and his wife who is also South African) And from some of the off hand remarks she has made I have no doubt that interacial relationships are an abomination in her opinion. I say that only because whoever made the remark above is spot on.

Problem is I think in say countries like England, or Canada, or even the U.S. is that white girls view black culture through the eyes of hollywood. They see the shukkin, and the jiving, the tap dancing, and the whatever else as being so very cool. They admire this portion of so-called black culture while living under the security umbrella of WHITE infrastructure, WHITE planning, WHITE agricultural methods, and WHITE technological advancement. I know I am preaching to the quire here but as you know the media (hollywood) has built up the black boy to almost superhuman status, through the entertainment industry, and athletics. In nations like the present day South Africa black culture is out in the open for all to see. There is no hiding it, there is no way to successfully portray it any other way. On a positive note, I do believe that it is only a matter of time before these deceptions, and lies become common knowledge to all of our kinsmen, and kinswomen.
90% of relationships in this country are same race...so 10% percent are interracial...most of these occur between white men and asian women...so I definetly dont think we should be too discouraged...however...it is undoubtably up to us to change opinions of our friends, family, and neighbors, so that we can preserve our people...
I sincerely didn't mean to act as a troll here guys but I think that my good buddy,Shogun is correct when he states that by definition, I have become one.It took me a while to fully comprehend that this site is for people who want their beliefs about blacks reinforced but never questioned. Fair enough but not for me.I am with you on the destructive nature of black gangsta culture in the NFL but whenterms such as subhuman are used and when it is said that a blackMarine should not be supported(and no one dares object) then it is time for you guys to be open to some questions. Not a lecture, just an observation.

I'm outta here. No hard feelings, onlythanks for allowing me to participate for a time. BTW - some of the conspiracy theoriesthat popped up about me werehysterical!

Blitz said:
I sincerely didn't mean to act as a troll here guys but I think that my good buddy, Shogun is correct when he states that by definition, I have become one. It took me a while to fully comprehend that this site is for people who want their beliefs about blacks reinforced but never questioned. Fair enough but not for me. I am with you on the destructive nature of black gangsta culture in the NFL but when terms such as subhuman are used and when it is said that a black Marine should not be supported (and no one dares object) then it is time for you guys to be open to some questions. Not a lecture, just an observation.

I'm outta here. No hard feelings, only thanks for allowing me to participate for a time. BTW - some of the conspiracy theories that popped up about me were hysterical! 


I thought the marine example was inappropriate as a comparison and anyway you are wrong that no one objected, I thought Groundfighter summed it up nicely in his post which needed no further elaboration.

Ground Fighter said:
Blitz said:
Let me aks you this my brutha. Should we root against a black American Marine fighting In Iraq?
-No, just against the ones tapdancing in the playing field every Sunday.
-And the ones who spit out filthy, racist, blatant, Anti-White propaganda in their music,
-And the ones that sell crack and other drugs to kids.
-And the ones who (in ridiculously large numbers) rape White women at alarming rates.
-And the ones that assault White people on the street for no other reason than the color of out skin.
-And the ones who, because of affirmative action, take the places of many qualified White men in job-placement.
-And the ones who bring unnecessary gang violence into neighborhoods.
You want more reasons? I can go all night Blitz.
Blitz said:
..but I think that my good buddy, Shogun...

LOL. Still flying fast and loose with your definitions I see.

Blitz said:
..that by definition, I have become one [troll].

If you want to hang out, just stop trolling. Stop trying to correct everybody's opinions. Stop posting with the idea that you need to be some kinda savior for everyone having a politically incorrect opinion. If you genuinely want to lament the state of affairs for white athletes in America today, stick around. Be supportive. That's all.
jaxvid said:
I thought the marine example was inappropriate as a comparison and anyway you are wrong that no one objected, I thought Groundfighter summed it up nicely in his post which needed no further elaboration.

Thanks Jax. Hey it's what I do.
Boy, and I thought I had seen some complex threads about trolls before.
One time the house next door to my parents' house was up for sale in a homogenius swath of land in New Orleans of all places (now a waste land-yes contrary to CNN many whites are now homeless too). I talked to the realator outside by chance one day and in a calm yet serious manner worked into the convesation the simple statement: " Don't sell it to a black."

The old white man still sitting in his station wagon looked at me in a state of shock and horror and quickly drove off without another word being uttered between us. My point was established.

Like many cities, in New Orleans once blacks move in property values plummet regardless of how nice the homes are, how convenient the location or how beautiful the trees and scenery may be. The first blacks are what I consider pioneers, usually very amicable and non agressive but their presence paves the way for other blacks to feel comfortable to start moving in. Once they have enough of them, not even 50 % let's say, they begin taking "liberties" and feeling more confident in doing things that considerate people may not do normally, they become biased in supporting each other with no regard for a sense of "fair play." The criminal element comes in and everyone is at a much higher risk of being vicitmized in any of a number of ways, whites however being at a much higher risk as whites are invariably the highly favored victim of choice for black's. Whites are targetted regardless of whether or not financial gain is possible from the crime and we are made to feel unwelcome and are indeed unwelcome in our former enclaves. Oh but CBS,CNN,NBC, and ABC make us out to be "snobbish" in our "white flight" to the suburbs.
Rather than turning it around with their pious egletarian spin they should communicate it as it is: Whites moving from their beutiful convenient neighborhoods and community roots fleeing for their very lives and their children's lives and safety to enjoy their lives with out the very real constant emminant threat of barbaric prejudical actions of African Americans. Want examples, I have dozens first hand not to mention all the ones I haven't personally seen with my own eyes or heard of first hand. Come to New Orleans even now I say to the doubters' of Black bully tactics against whites and all other non ********- I invite them to try their luck with their white and yellow and brown faces against the merciless black man. They're bastards literally and figuratively.
I have known first hand the effect of property values declining in majority minority neigborhoods, but the question I often wonder about is what makes the real-estate agents devalue property in these areas.
Sean Carlisle said:
Oh but CBS,CNN,NBC, and ABC make us out to be "snobbish" in our "white flight" to the suburbs
di·as·po·ra (n)
a dispersion of a people, language, or culture that was formerly concentrated in one place

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Whites should not use the term "white flight" anymore. White Diaspora is a more appropriate term.
Thanks, "white diaspora", I am going to use it and even correct egletarians and status quo neo cons when they try to sneak in the other term. Similar to the way a friend of mine insistes, to my liking, on calling a celebration in town, Christmas in the oaks instead of its newer politally correct name, Celebration in the oaks.

I think realators who sell to blacks are thinking of the short term bucks they can make on making a sale to a black (we are the minority in New Orleans and world wide). They do this disregarding the ultimate devaluation of the area properties because they don't give a sheat and they figure they can just find where the whites flee and make future big ticket sales there. They also love to use the pretense that they have to sell to blacks due to the Feds but that is bs because there is always a way to kill a deal descretely. Cheesey realators could pull that off. The problem is that eventually if a ******* is persistant enough and financed as many are they can find a realator who will close the deal.
Sean Carlisle said:
One time the house next door to my parents' house was up for sale in a homogenius swath of land in New Orleans of all places (now a waste land-yes contrary to CNN many whites are now homeless too). I talked to the realator outside by chance one day and in a calm yet serious manner worked into the convesation the simple statement: " Don't sell it to a black."

The old white man still sitting in his station wagon looked at me in a state of shock and horror and quickly drove off without another word being uttered between us. My point was established.

Like many cities, in New Orleans once blacks move in property values plummet regardless of how nice the homes are, how convenient the location or how beautiful the trees and scenery may be. The first blacks are what I consider pioneers, usually very amicable and non agressive but their presence paves the way for other blacks to feel comfortable to start moving in. Once they have enough of them, not even 50 % let's say, they begin taking "liberties" and feeling more confident in doing things that considerate people may not do normally, they become biased in supporting each other with no regard for a sense of "fair play." The criminal element comes in and everyone is at a much higher risk of being vicitmized in any of a number of ways, whites however being at a much higher risk as whites are invariably the highly favored victim of choice for black's. Whites are targetted regardless of whether or not financial gain is possible from the crime and we are made to feel unwelcome and are indeed unwelcome in our former enclaves. Oh but CBS,CNN,NBC, and ABC make us out to be "snobbish" in our "white flight" to the suburbs.
Rather than turning it around with their pious egletarian spin they should communicate it as it is: Whites moving from their beutiful convenient neighborhoods and community roots fleeing for their very lives and their children's lives and safety to enjoy their lives with out the very real constant emminant threat of barbaric prejudical actions of African Americans. Want examples, I have dozens first hand not to mention all the ones I haven't personally seen with my own eyes or heard of first hand. Come to New Orleans even now I say to the doubters' of Black bully tactics against whites and all other non ********- I invite them to try their luck with their white and yellow and brown faces against the merciless black man. They're bastards literally and figuratively.

Wow. Amazing. People like you are probably exactly the reason my mother had to work so hard last year to get the house we now live in.
Black Tactic: "The Face"
It's tried and true on the East Coast.

First, a very white neighborhood is targeted for infiltration. Second, a very "nice" black family or couple, with as muted ******* features as possible ("The Face") eel their way into a neighborhood, hoodwinking realtors and residents. They set up shop ... then in a year or so, invite hordes of much coarser Africans to work on buying more houses in the neighborhood. Before too many more years, the whole development goes to @&#%.

Very occasionally an alert neighborhood recognizes "The Face" tactic. Extremely angry confrontations result, between local Whites trying to protect themselves (who have uncovered the scam) and the Zionist real estate agent who identified the neighborhood for The Face

Been going on for decades, folks
In retrospect a friend of mine had an idea that may have made some progress in preventing some of the anti white or so called "civil rights" legislation passed in the 1960s.He said a well funded group could have moved ******** into districts of Congressmen that were at the time overwhelming white and aloof from the realities of issues they were legislating for others and later for them to suffer from. In other words plant blacks in the hypocritical self righteous egletarian senators' and congressmen's own back yard.

The goal would have been for the constituents to quickly get the "not in my back yard" wake up call and drop their support of volunteering others to do something (ie live under constant fear of black on white viloence) that they would not be willing to do themselves. The voters seeing their own safety and lives at stake would strongly influence their senators and congressmen not to support such genocidal legislation to be passed against whites.

Could you imagine lilly white 1960s egletarian areas in parts of states like Washington , Colorado, Vermont, Maine etc all of a sudden having new black neighbors raping their daughters, and killing their loved ones. Civil rights would have been shot down in its immoral tracts just like Robert Kennedy was. Let's see some negroes in Marthas Vinyard while were at it. The only reason the Kennedys got to power is because the old man got rich off organized crime during prohibition.
"Thats precisely why intelligent goodlooking white women with options are less likely to date Black men."

You're fooling yourself. White women don't function off of intelligence. They function off of The National Enquirer, MTV, VH1, People Magazine, Vogue, etc. They have no logic and have no problem being with a subhuman as long as they're likeness is portrayed in the media.

In addition white women are sheeps of the worst kind. If they see one of their female peers with a subhuman, they all want one of their own.

To them a subhuman creates drama by playing her and making her his bitch and havingmultiple stupid white womengetting more sexually excited because she so stupidly feels that the subhuman she has is creating "excitement" because so many stupid white females are calling him.Conflict andproblems are theonly thing that gets a white female's blood circulating. Being logical with them creates boredom and no drama which white women so stupidly crave. The white female of today is the lowest form of vermin there is.

Think about it. She'll sleep in bed with a subhuman and carry their baby to term for 9 months and then she'll raise the mongrels herself while Taqueef goes off and does the same with your women.

I'll tell you the fastest way to stop this. STOP worshipping subhuman athletes. Stop your ESPN sportscenter, FOX News, College games, NBA which are all overwhelmingly black.

White males set an example. When all they do is worship black athletes all day this gets virtually ALL white females wet and they want to bed whoever is receiving this idol worship.
Nothing disgusting about it. The situation is disgusting. And you're truly a sad sack for calling anyone a trollwho doesn't share your ultra-liberal views. A baboon and a white woman don't mix.
Planet, please read the posting guidelines. Those of us who post here are all pro-white and concerned about a lot of negative things going on around us, but we express ourselves without using phrases like "baboons" and "subhumans." Also, most white females do not miscegenate and referring to them as the "lowest form of vermin" and that"virtually all get wet" and want to mate with blacks is highly inaccurate.
Okay the language can be masked to sound more politically correct if that's what you require. However, you can shoot the messenger all you want, yet WHITE WOMEN are the biggest problem in this situation.

No one wants to admit it for fear of not being on the same team, moving in the same direction nonsense. White women left the team in the early 90s. There is an enormously increasingly huge population of white women ACTIVELY PURSUING lowlife blacks.

And NO they are not some fat loser who have no teeth. Many are extremely attractive, well spoken, educated brought up with all the best white society has to offer.

I've been all over the country, EVERYWHERE I'm seeing moron white females carry ing their illegitimate babies. I was in Boise, ID. One of the whitest cities in America. I saw 15 white females with their half breeds. Thruout the once proud deep south, white women on every corner aggressive toward their thug black man.

Go to a public attraction. White well-bred suburban girls with those stupid corn rows actively going after black thugs.

Why is everyone so scared to go after the real problem-- white women? They're certainly not doing anything for our cause!!! Before this started happening in the 90s, white males would would put their boot up the white female who dare go with a lowlife. Not now. Now it's always people saying, white women aren't like that, they don't do that, you're talking bad about your own, etc.

You know what? I went thru a white public school system. I learned as 99% of my white male peers that going black is 99% disaster. White females are exposed to the same and they do the exact opposite. They're just in a completely different zip code. It's time to call a spade a spade.
There's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. We talk about any and all issues here -- but we do it according to a certain approach. Using the kind of language you did in your first post is not going to appeal to many white people. You may of course disagree and there is no shortage of boards out there where that type of language is accepted and sometimes is the norm. But it's not acceptable here. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt as you may have a lot to say, but you have to decide if you want to fit in the community here. I'm not changing the posting guidelines just for you.

Also, 15 white women in Boise with half-breeds does not incriminate the entire white female population of that city. And don't these girls have fathers as well as mothers? There aremany differentfactors involved, and calling white women "vermin" is not real illuminating. I have been around too and know that inter-racial couples have been on the rise for a number of years. But to issue a blanket condemnation of all our girls and women is plain inaccurate and counter-productive.Edited by: Don Wassall
I don't need to be on your forum. And your pc approach doesn't appeal to many white people. That's the REASON why we're in the situation we are today. You dance around issues without directly attacking them. Your "well, kinda sorta, say this don't say that creates LOOPHOLES that a 747 jet can pass thru. So white females and blacks take advantage of it.

And I will go where freedom of speech is lauded. Your site is not a holy grail of anything. In fact it's just a watered-down weak site where racists try and act like they're not. And who said ANYONE asked you to change the guidelines? I certainly didn't. So leave your delusions of grandeur at your keyboard.

I was all over the city and all over the country and all I hear and see white women doing are trying to be black. I see them actively pursuing black thugs. In a city with a 1.8% black population that's a disgusting figure.

"Also, 15 white women in Boise with half-breeds does not incriminate the entire white female population of that city"

Maybe you didn't go to school. Maybe you didn't take statistics. All you need is a fair sample population and you can have an accurate figure. I was in about 10 key areas of the city at different times, different days. All polls, surveys, statistics are done this way. I'm not changing the rules of statistics JUST FOR YOU.

You can keep denying. All over the deep south it's the same. Keep denying, keep calling the hard-liners untouchable bigotsand you'll be posting on your pc website ad nauseam to no avail.

Also keep watching your ESPNSportcenter all day and FOX sports. Keep worshipping themajority black athletes while Lil Sis sees this and wants to get her own black thug. YOU are to blame. You probably walk around the mall with a Reggie Bush jersey.

The white female population is one who comes thru everything unscathed. Most people, including yourself think of white women as being incapable of creating the huge problem we're in. You'd rather blame blacks for coming on to them when in fact it's the other way around. You'd rather say it's peer pressure, when white women are just afteranything in the media spotlight and dollar and don't care who their getting it from.

It's not counter-productive to pinpoint where a problem is coming from. If a white female is actively looking for and going where the black man is, why are you blaming the black man? You're so scared that you won't have access to your high-horse white women, who by the way don't want you, they want a black man, that you'll say any criticism is counter-productive. Utterly ridiculous.

White women are responsible for creating more black babies in the past 20 years than everyone but blacks! Do you care to deny this! Do you care to deny that white women go thru the same school system as white males and still choose to be with a low IQ thug? Do you choose to deny that despite the fact that they have access and knowledge of a 70% delinquency rate among black males that they still choose the black man?

Then once their thug leaves they try and move their half-breed into white neighborhoods on my tax dime? No you don't. Mr.Chivalry. While you're putting on your shining armor Taqueef is banging your girl.

Good Riddance.
American Freedom News