white women with no shame

Goldfinger said:
I have 2 younger sisters 22 & 17 and a brother 23, none of them will EVER date outside of our race as long as I am around to do something about it.

Handle your business bro. If more White people were like us, we wouldn't have these problems in society.
Good for your family Goldfinger.

My mom is one of those ardant zionist Christian types that proclaim jews as God's chosen people. And has made it her mission to get me fixed up with a jewish girl.Edited by: Deacon
Deacon said:
Good for your family Goldfinger.

My mom is one of those ardant zionist Christian types that proclaim jews has God's chosen people. And has made it her mission to get me fixed up with a jewish girl.

I hope you have deep pockets.
Ok, come and get me. Do any of you actually know a black man/white woman couple? I do. We've been friends for 8-years now. While I do not necesarily like the idea, it is not repugnant to me and I do not view the woman as anything less than a woman who married a white guy. Their kids, by the way, are gorgeous. Think Halle Barre and Sidney Poitier. But I guess I should assume that any black person in the majority of your opinions is not atttractive. Fair enough. It's a subjective thing. I don't find Asians attractive and I don't think I have ever seen a good looking Greek woman.

I ask if anyone knows a mixed couple because I think you might find it hard to refer to the black man as subhuman and the woman a lowly slut if you did. I try to treat people as individuals first without rejecting them out of hand because of their race I hear the vomit bags coming out but too damned bad. Then again, I walk on the other side of the street when I see a group of gangsta looking blacks walking towards me so in the eyes of many, I am a racist.I think I can make a pretty good case that I am a realist though.

What Ilike about this site is the intelligent, upfront, no apologies opinions about some of the negative effects black culture has on our society.But someof the not so thinly veiled hatestrikes me as counter productive.
Yeah, what's not to like about black guys who abandon their own women,
kids, neighborhoods, steal jobs illegally from other citizens who are
smarter, harder working, and more competent, who try to tear down
white people, men specifically, and their culture, and then play victim and
demand that we shove their faces and worthless, garbage culture in TV
shows, movies and music? Why shouldn't other races be happy when
black guys try to steal their white, hispanic, and asian women, and give
us in return the fine opportunity of dating their women, who are so
desirable that these guys abandon them in droves? And yes, we have to
give charity job subsidies and lie about black male incompetence and
behavior in order so that they can look good enough to do that.And
also, those fine black women, facing a severe shortage of decent men,
decide to have a few kids of their own, bastards at that, whom everyone
else has to subsidize. Also, all the other races must send police into their
neighborhoods to protect these single women and bastard kids from the
fine black males who inhabit the area, and make it so dangerous that it
resembles a war zone. That's quite a deal. I know I personally would like
to thank Mr. Rodney King for joining the forum and making such fine,
intelligent points about our multi-racial society.

I just bet you do love those fictional neighbors of yours. Why, we should
be so proud of these women, who managed to bag a guy who hates their
brothers and fathers, and who support open racial discrimination against
them by their government and businesses! And who hate the white
culture, and this country! What fine men these are, who can't compete
and have to rely on charity jobs! And who then have kids who think of
themselves as black and continue this anti-white culture of hate. How
lucky we whites are to have this!

What the hell does "nice" mean, really? I think it means that someone just
has some social skills, that's all. But you don't really know what people
are like by chit-chatting with them. You have to look at their actions.
What would you think if the tables were turned, and white guys started
going en masse into black neighborhoods and running after their women?
How do you think the black guys would think about that? How do you
think the black guys would feel if they had to pay the white guys to do it
as well? Its all so ridiculous. These people are a joke.

Once the black quarterback jobs end, 95% of this stuff goes away. Thanks for trollin'
here Rodney. Get that car of yours tuned up for another midnight ride,
brother. I hope it turns out like the last one.
That's hysterical fellow newbie, Pitt Bull, if only it wasn't so freaking sad. I KNEW I was going to be called Rodney. Would you like me to send you a picture of my "mythical neighbors?" They are real and actually work, pay taxes and take care of their house and property. Funny thing though. I discussed my post with my white wife and she pointed out how the wife married a successful black guy and how she flaunts it in a kind of white trash way. I agree with that and I will admit that I don't really care for her. But damn, she looks fine in her valour get ups! But the guy is someone I can really respect. He worked his ass off to become successful, starting in the mail room of an insurance company and working his way up to VP. He is an incredibly gifted speaker and a lot of fun to be around. Still, he is not someone I consider a close friend. But he is a neighbor and I enjoy his company.

My point is that I agree with many of the criticisms of black culture but I DO NOT agree that just because someone is black that they are worthless and not worthy of respect.
Pitbull I think you're being too hard on Blitz. Of course there are good black people, lots of them, we all know that. It's just a numbers game. The bad percentage, whatever it is, is just so high it negatively effects our world.

Sure there are individual black guys or gals that are allright, but they have relatives and friends somewhere that will absolutely destroy the neighborhood.

Don't confuse the individual with the group. They are different things.

I have black acquaintences too. You have to live in the world as it is not as how you would like it to be.

And Blitz, it's not the purpose of the site to attack any positive black sentiments expressed by people, but we are here to have a place where we can celebrate our own, and sometimes that means saying bad things about the other guys. No apologies necessary for that.

On this site it's important for us to express the anger we feel about what it happening to our culure and our people. We should try to be as rational and as well mannered as possible about it. Let's try and stay civil and keep after each other to express ourselves in a manner that would have made our ancestors proud.

Your reply embodies everything thatI like and appreciate about this site. I don't think this site's purpose is to attack any black sentiments expressed by people. Ok, I was starting to feel that it was. It was just the subhuman crack that got me going and it does make a difference when you can picture playing golf with a black guy who you respect and then think of him being attacked as less than human. I think that you and other members of this community hit the nail on the head when you express a strong desire to maintain our culture and not give in willy nilly to the pressures of political correctness..................sickenly championed by elitist white, so called intellectuals.
Please remember the views expressed by the posters are not necessarily those of management.

And everyone gets a wild hair up their butts once in a while. I don't mind an occasional insulting rant. I sure have done it a few times myself. Especially after watching the 11:00 news from Detroit.

I know a couple of posters started here as real hard asses and now they're writing some good stuff.
No one said that ALL black people are worthless and not worthy of respect. No one said kill all n.iggers. Let them do their thing we'll do ours.

As for knowing any black male white female couples yea i know a couple. The majority are dumb airheads walking around with their negro in tow.

Funnily enough there is a blonde that lives in my apartment block with her mulatto daughter (the father of course is nowhere to be seen). Anyway there a couple of black girls in their early twenties who live next to her.

They always have young black males coming in and out at all times night and day. Anyway there is always some drama with them and sometimes they refuse them entry. So when this sh*t kicks off they try to get entry into the property anyway they can. So they often ring the blondes bell over theintercom at 3 am and other ungodly hours. Usually they shout abuse 'open the door you white bitch, we'll f**k you up if you dont open the door you white whore. It got so bad that her brother who is a martial arts experthad to move in to protect her and provide security.

The only reason i know this is because my mother is friendly with her and she told me all this in the style of isnt this terrible. I told her she got what she deserved. Thats the price you pay for race treason
You mean the pictures you downlaoded off of Corbis? Maybe from the
latest Nike commercial? From the mail room to VP, huh? I bet there was
no AA in that move! I'm sure he was far more competent than all the
guys who started out as salesmen, claims adjusters and actuaries, or
MBA's, white guys with college degrees and lots of ability. I wonder how
far he would have gotten without his charity promotions? No money, no
white chicks, that's for sure! Funny how he ran after the white woman
instead of all the successful, college-educated single black women (most
of whom also started out in the mail room) who would be dying for a date
with a decent black guy. Pat your pal on the back for me Rodney! Tell us
about his nice house that he bought with his illegal promotions that he
stole from other, more competent whites, because he just can't cut it!
Having to be taken care of, like a baby! I bet he is fun to be around, until
you ask him why he supports racial discrimination against whites because
he can't compete with them, or you (wink, wink)! Funny how he doesn't
mind that. That's not so nice, is it?

He's such a nice guy! Why, because he says hi to you? Are you so
desperate for friendship that you'll befriend someone who thinks you
should be treated like a second class citizen, just because they say hi?
How pathetic! Now, that's REALLY sad!

Rodney, most black culture is built around white hatred. In fact, buddy,
I'lll make you a bet. Find me one, just ONE article in any mainstream
black publication that praises whites, especially white men. Just one. I
won't hold my breath. I never said that all black people are worthless, or
that they should be treated poorly. But for God's sake, demand the same
back from them, why don'tcha! You could start with by demanding that
they don't take anything that doesn't belong to them. So goodbye AA.
You could also demand that they tell the truth about low black
intelligence and ethical behavior, so goodbye PC. You could also demand
that they uphold high standards, so goodbye diversity and dumbing
down. And last, but not least, you could demand that they respect other
people's culture, so goodbye multi-culti. If you don't pander to these
people, and tell the truth about them, they will fail miserably, and we all
know it.

How I laugh, laugh, laugh, at all the Rodney's iin the world--people so
naive that they can't be bothered to think for themselves and see reality
for what it is. I'm sorry to break the bad news to you, but all this stuff is
played out on a personal level. That means we all have to make personal
decisions to end it. Nobody's gonna do it for us. So keep smiling at your
racist black neighbor while he sticks a knife in your back, steals jobs and
women from your group, and laughs at you with his black buddies until
his sides hurt. When the welfare state money runs out, when all the good
jobs are shipped overseas or to invading foreigners, and the tables finally
turn on AA, he'll get what he and his buddies so richly deserve. Its
coming, and its coming faster than he (or you) thinks. That's when the
smiling ends.

BTW, if you are so desperate for positive affirmation, I would suggest
taking the knife out of your back and buying a dog. They are far more
affectionate and loyal. And the affection is real. Also, get busy on finding
that pro-white show or article written up in a mainstream black
publication. I'm waiting to be proved wrong.

You're probably right. I'm gonna get busy and put some posts in the other
sections, sports related. Troll arguing is fun, but I get too worked up. I
treat everybody with respect, but that doesn't mean that I like 'em.
sometimes far from it.

Also, I don't know why these guys can't do well by their own women and
clean up their mess of a society. Why should I support these people who
openly promote anti-white discrimination and smile about it? And then stick
their middle finger in my face? My inclination is to give it right back.
Blitz, I think you're on the wrong website. Blackplanet.com is that way >>>>>>.
Pitbull that was one HELL of a rant! There is not an aware white man in the world that wouldn't agree with you on that one. (although I don't think Blitz is a troll) Glad you got it off your chest. Now let's talk some sports.
Yeah, I don't think he's a troll either. I was just busting his balls when I told him that "blackplanet.com is that way >>>>>".

We can't have all this "White-On-White" violence and animosity.
Pithy Bull:

You sound like the whiteversion of "Hehate me," but I appreciate some of thepoints you have made.I pretty much doubt that I could find an article in the mainstream press celebrating the white athlete. That's what this site is for. I see a lot of posts about rooting for the white athlete and I do, if he is worthy or my respect and not a jackass. I am more prone to root for white athletes, especially in the NFL (I don't watch the NBA) but I really liked Jerome Brown when he played for the Eagles and I root for McNabb. Call me a well hung Rodney! Oh yeah. you already called me Rodney.

Let me aks you this my brutha. Should we root against a black American Marine fighting In Iraq?
Ground Fighter:

Come on. You guys need me. As my college baseball coach used to say, "If you can't take a little constructive criticism then you're not fit to play the game."
Blitz said:
Let me aks you this my brutha. Should we root against a black American Marine fighting In Iraq?

-No, just against the ones tapdancing in the playing field every Sunday.

-And the ones who spit out filthy, racist, blatant, Anti-White propaganda in their music,

-And the ones that sell crack and other drugs to kids.

-And the ones who (in ridiculously large numbers) rape White women at alarming rates.

-And the ones that assault White people on the street for no other reason than the color of out skin.

-And the ones who, because of affirmative action, take the places of many qualified White men in job-placement.

-And the ones who bring unnecessary gang violence into neighborhoods.

You want more reasons? I can go all night Blitz.
Blitz said:
Ground Fighter:

Come on. You guys need me. As my college baseball coach used to say, "If you can't take a little constructive criticism then you're not fit to play the game."


Constructive criticism? Is that what we're calling trolls these days? I'll listen (or actually, read) to what you have to say, but you cannot force me to agree. For every one positive thing you say about them, there are a hundred negative ones. I previously listed some of those negatives. Whold you like to read more?
I don't think we celebrate the black marine here. He serves. Great. We
celebrate the white marine here. That's what this site is for. If you want to
pump up the black, why tune in here? Why not just go to the million other
sites or turn on the TV? See, we have a focus here different from yours.

And also, how did you ever work a refernce to your penis into a post? Are
you looking for a date? Uh, well, then, I REALLY think your focus is different
from ours!
Blitz said:
I don't find Asians attractive and I don't think I have ever seen a good looking Greek woman.

You post stuff like that and still have the cajones to lecture us?
Force you to agree??? What the hell is that all about? I don't expect you to agree with me, even though I agree with most of what you say. It's just a matter of degree. Jaxvid very cleverly guarded hisreputation in this clan by distancing himself from my statements, albeit it in a very gentlemanly fashion. I get the group dynamic but I'm just not a follower. I'm not a troll either. To tell the truth, I'm really not so sure what a troll is. If youor this site can't take a dissenting voice, in some matters, then ok........................but I have to tell you, I would miss the place. I don't take any of this stuff personally (Shogun. time for you to lay down the law), it's just fun, informative and a great way to blow off steam.

Done for tonight.


Blitz,why do Black men persue White women so much?Its in no way an aggresive question,i was just wondering with the experience you have of living next too and knowing your neighbours whether you could add some extra insight.

I have a female cousin,i hav'nt spoken too her for a couple of years,she's about 20,21 so she's at that experimental dating sort of stage and for a laugh she decides to register her profile on a large dating site.I learned about this from a secondary source,but within a matter of days the overwhelming amount of responses to her mail box were from Black men.Their was nothing about her profile,in the way she dressed,looked, wrote,specified that would even remotely suggest the possibility of interacial dating.But that did'nt stop the tidal wave.It was a real eye opener as i think many of these guys did'nt even bother to read the profile,they just respond to any and every white chick until they eventually score.If its that bad on the internet,then you can only imagine what these girls are subjected to in the real world of bars and clubs. They work in ratio's and percentages,you keep trying and its gonna happen eventually,no matter how much your blown out,its the law of averages.Ugly dudes opperate this way aswell.When you have millions of men who think this way, living in your community's with your daughter or female family member a potential target,then it becomes a problem and you can then surely understand how pissed off and frustrated many men feel,its irrelevent how nice the guy is.
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