white women with no shame

Ground Fighter said:
White Shogun said:
Lots of black guys date white women to get back at whitey. It isn't always about being attracted to a person of another race.

Gohan, how would you explain the much lower numbers of white men (or any other race for that matter) dating black women?

Have you looked at black women lately? Come on Shogun, get with the program, playa.
Just the thought of waking up next to some "weave-wearing ghetto queen" after a night of drinking, is enough to make my little soldier go limp.

But in all seriousness, black women do rank at the bottom of the pile as a far as general beauty. Exceptions to the rule are black women who are mixed, such as Halle Berry (who is half White, and I still don't see what all the fuss is over). Aside from their already unattractive exterior, is the unattractive INTERIOR. They have attitudes on them like theres no tomorrow. I don't like my females to have any attitude what-so-ever, and black women just take it to a whole new level.

I realize that. That's why I directed my question to the resident 15 year old black kid instead of the rest of the adult male white members of the board. I wanted to know what he thinks is the reason for this, since he has so many other explanations for why black men like to date white women.
Futuregohan30 said:
Bart said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Did you REALLY think that just by having European influence a black country can automatically gain success? It In fact, it could be argued that colonialism is part of the reason for problems.

The truth is simple. The ONLY reason black countries achieve or have achieved any measure of success at all is ENTIRELY due to white influence. Nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise. YOU know it , we know it, the whole flipping planet knows it!

Yes, that's why Nigeria, with all that British influence, is so successful.

Again, I ask: Do you know what you are talking about?

Nigeria succesful
Why are they along with other Western African country's like Senegal,Ghana importing huge numbers of refugee's, asylam seekers into Europe,but not only Western Europe but even some of the poorer country's in Eastern Europe and the Arab world,all trying to get away from the chaos,crime and corruption that is Nigeria.Wealth dos'nt equate with civilisation or civility for that matter,your missing that point.Economically speaking,many Eastern European country's are poorer aswell as country's like China than a ghetto in some American city like Detroit or a Western European country like Britain,France for that matter yet despite all the wealth,orportunities and rescources bestowed on these community's they still have worse schools,higher per capita crime,illegitamacy and moral dysfunction than even the poorest country's in Europe.Your far more likely to get jacked or murdered in L.A than Moscow.The Black homicide rate per population in Britain and the U.S exceeds Russia and Syria despite the wealth of the nations in question.Wealth can never paper over genetic factors in the creation and maintenance of civil society.And the only reason why Jamaica is not another Haitti is due wholly to the fact that its a former British colony which is still part of the Commonwealth,therefore benifiting from favourable trading policy's with Britain aswell as substantial British investment.Do you know its British financing that builds Jamaica's prisons?As for Barbados,its benefits from a vibrant White tourist economy with many of the islands tourist infrastructure,hotels,resorts etc owned by American ,European investors which employ the local Blacks.
Another tangent that may dispel this notion that White chicks somehow chase everything Black,which the majority of Black dudes smuggishly believe is that their women particularly the more intelligent types that don't conform to the steoretypes,people like condoleza Rice for example are far more open to dating White men than their equivalent White female counterparts to dating Black men.Thats something you see if you peruse a dating site like match.Far more Black females specifying White as a potential match than the prolicivity of White females doing the same with Black.
White Shogun said:
I realize that. That's why I directed my question to the resident 15 year old black kid instead of the rest of the adult male white members of the board. I wanted to know what he thinks is the reason for this, since he has so many other explanations for why black men like to date white women.

Yeah, I know, I'm just busting your chops.
jaxvid said:
You keep making this point as if it helps your case. It does not. We are saying blacks are not succesful. You are arguing that they are. You cite Botswana as an example and I guess Jamaica (which I don't think much of, but they do have some really good ganja there).

Along with most of the caribbean, and including gabon, the Seychelles, and Ghana.

jaxvid said:
So you are conceding that most black places suck, which is OUR point. What is significant about Botswana or Jamaica, are those blacks in some way different then the blacks that live in the neighboring places that suck so bad (as you agree)?

It's simple, really.
I've already proven that the stereotypical "All black countries are just way worse than whites ones" and the "all black countries suck" argument is moot. That was what you originally came out with, and it was easily thrown out the window. Now you have backed up a bit. Instead of saying "All black places suck" you're saying "most black places suck".

I never denied the major issues facing much of the black world today. Thus, telling me that most of Africa is in turmoil will do nothing for you, since I never argued against that point in the first place.

In this way, however, I can also disprove the "black people naturally suck" theory as well.

The fact is, I am quite aware that the black community, worldwide, has many, many issues. however, I do not believe that it is quite correct to say that we're all stupid genetically, so there it goes.

I believe that the reasons run far deeper than that. By showing the countries which have done well, I also show that we as black people are indeed capable of creating stable societies. I can also show this by pointing out past examples of black success.

However, at the same time, i can say that the main reasons for Africa's troubles are as follows:

1. Communisim and autocracy
2. Brutal dictatorship by some crazy leaders
3. Lack of infrastructure and proper development
4. Corruption.
5. Ethnic turmoil(which does have something to do with colonialism, but I'll explain that later).

It's not simply "Black people are dumb, so that's why they suck". Such an explaination is not even close to correct. The fact is that these are the reason for African problems, and in many cases these are the reasons for problems in other parts of the world to.

Relieve these issues, and things will get better. The black countries I have shown you have been able to do that.

So, basically...

jaxvid said:
In your attempt to win the micro debate (Botswana) you concede the macro debate (black places suck). That is a "loss" in an organized debate. Ask your debate teacher if they agree.

...I haven't really lost anything. The fact is that I never said that all of the black world was peachy keen. I acknowledge the major issues in the black world. When you presented me with the info about Jamaica's murder rate, i took it and accepted it because it was fact: Jamaica has issues.

However, this does not make you correct. You are arguing that 99% of black countries suck, that this is just an inherent trait of black nations, and you also doggedly refuse to give any credit to blacks when they actually are successful.
Also, while Jamaica does have issues, you have to simply face facts and give it, and other black countries, the credit they rightfully deserve for getting where they are.

All I've been arguing up to this point was:

1. Black issues are not genetic, and none of the issues you're outlining are a worldwide constant(high crime, etc, etc)
2. There are more than just 2 or 3 examples of successful black nations, and I think we should talk about them a little more rather than simple saying "blacks suck, etc, etc"
3. The reason some modern day black countries are successful is because of the fact that they have been run well by the black government.

The fact that they were once colonized does not make a difference, and I don't get why you don't see this. I'm saying that the reason these countries have been able to come up in this modern economy and succeed is because they know what the heck they are doing: they know how to manage an economy, they keep corruption low and they know how to keep things in order.

That's not because of colonialism.
KG2422 said:
I'm convinced. Everyone is doing it. I'm moving to Botswana!

I've noticed this as a typical trait among WN. Why is it that whenever someone comes and proves conclusively that a black country is doing well you all have to begin sarcastically talking about moving to Botswana?

I'm not telling you to move there. All I've said is that the place has done better than you want to admit. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
this isnt the international trade topic...the topic is called "white women with no shame" lets not shy away from the issue
PitBull said:
Africa is a complete mess without the foreign aid and the pulling of
minerals out of the ground, most of which is done by white led mining
engineers and businessmen. What temporary wealth they have is gobbled
up in corrupt regimes.

Corrupt regimes?


You do know that botswana is the 36th least corrupt nation on Earth, right? You also know that itlay is actually more corrupt, right?

Did you even pay attention to the rebuttals I've posted? Or are you just now trying to lie?

PitBull said:
Almost all of the highways, modern buildings, and
other infrastructure in these countries is built by foreign aisan, european,
and white engineering and construction consortiums. These people are
completely dependent upon european, american, and asians for any
advancement in their civilizations beyond the stone age, including the
international markets and economies for those minerals and oil.

No. indigenous firms are created by their governments to construct a number of projects. Seriously, if you actually thought there were no black architects, engineers, and constructors on these projects then you're just ignorant. It's not simply just a bunch of whites building these things.
Botswana has a modern infrastructure because it's government knows just how to run a country, not because whites and asians are there to take pity on it.

PitBull said:
As far as Russia having more HIV than Botswana,

I never even said this. Russia does not have a higher AIDS infection rate than Botswana. It has as high a rate of infection as a couple of other countries, but Botswana is definitely not one of them.

Stop putting words in my mouth. You're just creating strawmen with which to do battle, and it simple makes you look like a fool.

PitBull said:
Whose standard of living is better?

According to the actual statistics, quality of life in ghana is better than in Russia.

PitBull said:
Jamaica has plenty of income from tourism. But don't think for one
second that blacks are in charge of that industry. I guarantee they aren't
making the majority of money there.

Are you joking now? Blacks are very much involved in the tourist industry in Jamaica. They do not own the major hotels that set up shop there(like Sandals, etc, etc). But they run all the departments that manage the entire tourism industry. All the planning is done by the government to assure that as much money as possible can be made off of the industry, and they also decide ways in which they can better the profits as well.

To say they're not involved is...well...just plain stupid, I'm sorry.

PitBull said:
I will bet any amount of money that
most of the people who live there don't do very well at all.

Poverty is a problem in Jamaica...but only about 17% of the populance is actually below the poverty line, and the economy is improving.

So, basically, I would advise you against that bet. Most Jamaicans are doing ok.
And you're talking to an actual Jamaican here. Don't bother sitting there and making bets when you have no actual facts.

PitBull said:
Comparing Jamaica to Switzerland is another laugher. Switzerland and
the swiss are so much better than jamaicans--smarter, harder working,
far more honest and civil--that I can't really comprehend the comparison.

I love it. Really, I do.

You have no factual basis for what you say at all. No facts to back it up, nothing. It's just simply "The Swiss are just better in every way. Arguement finished".
It's mind boggling.
Your statement has no arguementative value, and is simply subjective. You got nowhere with that bit of literary excrement.

PitBull said:
Being the best international bankers iin the world is no mean feat.

Being some of the best international hosts in the world is no mean feat either.

More double standards: What the swiss do is just super hard, and super awesome because it's on an international scale. What Jamaica does sucks, becuase they're just a bunch of negroes on an island.


PitBull said:
imported into a Caribbean island and having whites build up a tourism
industry for you is not much of an accomplishment.

More examples of literary excrement.

The tourism industry in much of the carribean truly did not begin thriving until after these countries gained their independence. It was the leaders of these countries(the black ones) that began implementing strategies to increase tourist trade on the islands in order to increase profits.
Some islands, such as St Kitts, Dominica, etc, etc, have only recently become successful tourist destinations. Their tourism industries only began to receive grooming in the late 80's. Places like Jamaica have been doing this since the late 70's.

In other words, this idea is the work of blacks.
Also, this comparison is far from laughable. Your main complaint was that the blacks in the carribean don't count because most of their funds come from overseas through foreign trade(tourism). However, the fact is that the EXACT same thing happens in places like switzerland.
Thus, we have two countries who's economies depend heavily on foreign exchange. It's a perfectly reasonable comparison.
if you are going to have the gaul to sit there and say that jamaica and the caribbean sucks because they get their money from overseas, then you can also say the same about Switzerland, who also get all of their cash from other places(and a little bit of tourism as well).

Your willingness to give whites credit for every little thing they do, and then in the same breath criticize blacks for doing the same thing is simply another sign of why your argument is incorrect, vile, and why nobody likes to sympathize with your movement. It's a lie, and it's unfair. Pure and simple.

PitBull said:
As far as standard of
living, well Russia is now swimming in cash, due to the oil price and the
bull market in commodities in general. And that won't end soon. Maybe
in a couple of years, black Jamaica will get passed up, ya think? I think
so. Then what comparison do you make?

They still have a long way to go to catch the rest of the carribean and Botswana.
First of all, if all you have to say now is "Well, you're winning now, but you'll see later!!!" then you've already lost the debate. All of that is conjecture on your part.

Furthermore, you're also assuming that these black countries will not improve at all. That's a problem for your argument.

PitBull said:
Unlike Africa, which has nationalized a lot of its mining,

Namibia and Botswana actually have not doen so to any sort of significant extent. In fact, much of the reason for their success is in the privatization they have been doing.

PitBull said:
Both are corrupt, but Russia has far better minds
working in its industry than the now nationalized black commodity

You're only saying that because Russians are white.

BTW, Russia is more corrupt. A lot more corrupt. I don't know how much "better" their minds are going to be.

PitBull said:
Same question as before--if Jamaica is such a good country, then why did
your parents leave? If they love it so much, then why did they leave?

Why did the irish, italian, and German Immigrants leave Europe for the US?

If Europe is so great, then why did so many of them die to come over here? And what about all the Eastern European immigrants coming here now?(Armenians, corations, poles, among others).
Why did their parents leave?

Heck, chances are, your parents are descendants of some of these people. Why did your ancestors leave to come to America?

PitBull said:
Lots more handouts. Cut off the handouts, and
Jamaica looks a whole lot better to these people.

We do not get handouts.

PitBull said:
Hopefully they leave or
never come here in the first place. You should go back.

Hey, sure! And you and all of the other German/Dutch/Irish/Italian/French/British/Polish/Croatian/Ar menian/Romanian/Ukrainian/Lithuanian/Russian immigrants to the US and their descendants can go back to!

Sounds like a plan!

PitBull said:
Better living
there, evil white people here.

I never said Jamaica's standard of living was better than the US.
I never said anything about evil white people.
And I'm not leaving just because you said so.

PitBull said:
See FG30, finally something we can agree

Not really. You're just talking a lot and making very little sense. But do continue, it's quite amusing.
jcolec02 said:
this isnt the international trade topic...the topic is called "white women with no shame" lets not shy away from the issue

I don't run away from battles when they come up. That is dishonorable.

This battle has started, I have been challeneged, and I will finish it.
well I must say...it is refreshing to speak to a black person who can carry on a decent intelligent conversation and actually has some of the same interests as me such as anime...
The part of this thread that has to do with discussion of black countries/societies has been moved to a thread of the the same name. Any discussion on that issue should occur there.
Ground Fighter said:
White Shogun said:
I realize that. That's why I directed my question to the resident 15 year old black kid instead of the rest of the adult male white members of the board. I wanted to know what he thinks is the reason for this, since he has so many other explanations for why black men like to date white women.

Yeah, I know, I'm just busting your chops.


On a side note: when discussing the participation of the black population of Jamaica in that island's tourist industry, one might recommend being redirected to the thread about white women seeking male prostitutes on that island for 'dread sex.' With condom use almost nil and the HIV infection rate hovering around something like 60%, it brings a whole new meaning to the idea of 'adventure travel!'
Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
On a side note: when discussing the participation of the black population of Jamaica in that island's tourist industry, one might recommend being redirected to the thread about white women seeking male prostitutes on that island for 'dread sex.' With condom use almost nil and the HIV infection rate hovering around something like 60%, it brings a whole new meaning to the idea of 'adventure travel!'

Is that the threat entitle "BLACK BAMBOO"? If it is, I've already expresses my hostile opinions there on numerous occasions.
Ground Fighter,
Yes, indeed - dat 'be de tr'ead, mon!
Thought I'd bring back a classic thread. I found this article on the web and thought this was the best place to put it.

Key facts: Africa to Europe migration

Thousands of Africans try to make the journey to Europe each year as illegal migrants - risking people smugglers, deserts, sea crossings and the possibility of being sent home, all for the dream of a better life.

A must read.
Bronk said:
Even Spike Lee noted that the only white women the average black gets tend to be the bottom-of-the-barrel type.

But look at it from the black male's perspective: would YOU want the average black female? Good God, no! They tend to be slovenly, whorish and manly. What man (even a black man) wants THAT?

However, I have seen some of the pig-ugliest black women pregnant by normal looking black males, who would "hit" anything, so it seems.

Good post. When I was a young guy (age 18 or 19) I turned down a black girl who wanted to have sex with me. I knew one of her brothers, a boxer. She was physically fit and a nice enough person, but was just too masculine-looking, and reminded me too much of an ape, so I couldn't bring myself to kiss her or even touch her.

I've never found full-blooded black women attractive, yet all the black men I've ever known preferred white women. I've talked to white women who've been in relationships with black men, and without exception they've been disappointed by the way they were treated. Black men tend to be more promiscious by nature than white. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 90% of families are one parent families.

Black men tell me they have more success with teenage white girls than women in their 20s. Many a women has had a bad experience with a black man - who has sex with her, then abandons her - and will never go back to black men again!

As far as penis size is concerned, black men being larger is largely a myth. Studies have shown there is simply more variability in penis size among white men, with a higher percentage of white men than black men having either very large penises or having very small penises.

However, blacks do seem to have a stronger sex drive than whites. Many blacks seem very focused on sleeping with white women, and like with everything else, persistance pays off.
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JD1986 said:
Many blacks seem very focused on sleeping with white women, and like with everything else, persistance pays off.

You have more time for that when you're not working.
Another thing I've noticed over the past 10 years, (besides just White girls dating epidemically outside their ethnic group).. is the aesthetic of self-abuse.
Young White girls getting covered in stupid tattoos, all the trappings of Goth, etc. Even 20 years ago, you hardly ever saw a girl with visible tattoos.. Now I'm seeing 15, 16 year old kids covered in ink. Stupid sh*t too, giant koi, Chinese characters (that could be sayin' anything, the kids don't really know), dumb ass dollar bills & dollar signs. Full sleeves of anime' & video game characters.. (stupid).

And I've always liked some of the gothic look, but it was a marginal clique.. Now I'm seeing large numbers of White girls with full black on, trying to downplay their beauty, and or ability to be happy. It's a lot of unhappy, nihilistic kids being formed in our lost, pessimistic society at large.
Another thing I've noticed over the past 10 years, (besides just White girls dating epidemically outside their ethnic group).. is the aesthetic of self-abuse.
Young White girls getting covered in stupid tattoos, all the trappings of Goth, etc. Even 20 years ago, you hardly ever saw a girl with visible tattoos.. Now I'm seeing 15, 16 year old kids covered in ink. Stupid sh*t too, giant koi, Chinese characters (that could be sayin' anything, the kids don't really know), dumb ass dollar bills & dollar signs. Full sleeves of anime' & video game characters.. (stupid).

And I've always liked some of the gothic look, but it was a marginal clique.. Now I'm seeing large numbers of White girls with full black on, trying to downplay their beauty, and or ability to be happy. It's a lot of unhappy, nihilistic kids being formed in our lost, pessimistic society at large.

I'm sure the Judeo-Bolsheviks are behind the (manufactured) glorification & popularity of that trashy (so-called)"body art". I see alotta women (& men) down here sporting nasty tats. I'm no blue blood snob, but would'nt desecrate myself like that. Even if I did, it'd be CSA or Viking "art"..... not f@990ty stuff, weirdo anime or z1pperhead "writing", etc. It's one thing for bikers & service men, but totally inappropriate for these gals.
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I'm no blue blood snob, but would'nt desecrate myself like that. Even if I did, it'd be CSA or Viking "art"..... not f@990ty stuff, weirdo anime or z1pperhead "writing", etc. It's one thing for bikers & service men, but totally inappropriate for these gals.

Yeah, I don't think it's snobby to find a young woman covered in ink to be strange.. I think that was a normal, well-adjusted attitude/response until about 10 years ago. I don't think there is a single instance in Western civilization where so many women have been so disfigured. When I take a walk thru the mall, I feel like I'm on a trip thru Micronesia. Women covered from head-to-toe in metal & ink.
Stretching out body parts & (moronic) tribal tattoos is direct from the 3rd world.
I mean, if you're an adult more power to you.. But the deeper question is why are so many women gleefully disfiguring themselves, and the parents so indifferent.

I live in a major metro. area, but even when I'm stopping in smaller towns.. most girls in their teens looks like this (to varying degrees). Throw in all the mudfish (@ a mall) into the mix, and I swear I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. It's every poor girl basically screaming, 'look at me daddy'. (it's sad)
Seems to me all these tattoos are a "look at me! Really, please look at me!" thing. They get them with the intention of increasing the amount of attention they get. Part of this is because they don't get enough attention from parents who are either absent or disinterested. The other part of this is because so many other girls have done this, they feel they have to do it to compete for this attention.
The caste system's war on White QBs has lead to tatooed freaks like Kaepernick taking over QB position.
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The caste system's war on White QBs has lead to tatooed freaks like Kaepernick taking over QB position.

Yo player, you need to put out your blunt before you start posting on CF. The thread is about shameless White girls.. not quarterbacks.
If you're old enough to remember natural gender roles; young girls walking around looking like male convicts might strike you as strange.. but maybe not, who knows.
American men have been getting inked for a couple generations now, but those guys understood they didn't want their daughters walking around with Chinese characters, samurais, and pentagrams tattooed on their necks. I think it's an explicit signal of our breakdown in parenting & standards. But again, who knows ~
American men have been getting inked for a couple generations now, but those guys understood they didn't want their daughters walking around with Chinese characters, samurais, and pentagrams tattooed on their necks. I think it's an explicit signal of our breakdown in parenting & standards. But again, who knows ~

It's far, far more widespread now than it was before the 1990s among males. It used to be relegated to genuine tough guys and rebels, now it's the norm, which means all of whatever mystique used to exist around tattoos is long gone, not to mention genuine old time tough guys have nothing but contempt for the many geeks and freaks sporting them today.

As for the females having them, I agree with everything that's been written. There's not enough negative adjectives to describe this degenerative, deracinated trend.
American Freedom News