white women with no shame

The caste system's war on White QBs has lead to tatooed freaks like Kaepernick taking over QB position.

"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord."
Leviticus: 19;28

I believe Kaepernick, (as well as others) have Biblical quotes tattooed on his arm, it's contradictory to what the Bible teaches. I don't get those guys. Maybe he just doesn't know, or care.
Yo player, you need to put out your blunt before you start posting on CF. The thread is about shameless White girls.. not quarterbacks.
If you're old enough to remember natural gender roles; young girls walking around looking like male convicts might strike you as strange.. but maybe not, who knows.
American men have been getting inked for a couple generations now, but those guys understood they didn't want their daughters walking around with Chinese characters, samurais, and pentagrams tattooed on their necks. I think it's an explicit signal of our breakdown in parenting & standards. But again, who knows ~

It's just our pal Matty Gianone on one of his multiple screen names.
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord."
Leviticus: 19;28

I believe Kaepernick, (as well as others) have Biblical quotes tattooed on his arm, it's contradictory to what the Bible teaches. I don't get those guys. Maybe he just doesn't know, or care.

I've thought about (& researched) that same passage. Biblical interpretation is always kind of subjective, but my best understanding is that the Leviticus admonition was designed to prevent Israel from imitating a specific pagan mourning tattoo ritual.
I guess some locals (pagans) cut and scarred their skin as a display of mourning. But the mourning tattooing wasn't in the same spirit as modern decorative tattooing. I understand the straight ahead admonition 'nor print any marks', but I want context (& intent) when I study Biblical times, customs.

So, to me, it's not necessarily an affront to God (or un-Christian), to decorate your skin (outside of a forbidden mourning tradition).. But for me, obnoxious, disfiguring tattoos are more of a reflection of how a lot of modern (White) women feel about themselves. They don't appreciate their natural beauty, and feel societal pressures, to look as extreme, promiscuous, and menacing as possible (?)
I've thought about (& researched) that same passage. Biblical interpretation is always kind of subjective, but my best understanding is that the Leviticus admonition was designed to prevent Israel from imitating a specific pagan mourning tattoo ritual.
I guess some locals (pagans) cut and scarred their skin as a display of mourning. But the mourning tattooing wasn't in the same spirit as modern decorative tattooing. I understand the straight ahead admonition 'nor print any marks', but I want context (& intent) when I study Biblical times, customs.

So, to me, it's not necessarily an affront to God (or un-Christian), to decorate your skin (outside of a forbidden mourning tradition).. But for me, obnoxious, disfiguring tattoos are more of a reflection of how a lot of modern (White) women feel about themselves. They don't appreciate their natural beauty, and feel societal pressures, to look as extreme, promiscuous, and menacing as possible (?)

Without going in to too much detail, I agree, just because you have a tattoo doesn't mean your not Christian and the meaning isn't exactly the same as today's tattoo although some Bibles' interpretation teach that it is similar. However, God gave us these laws for our own protection. Getting a tattoo can be dangerous to our health in general. The ink under the skin can cause an assortment of problems.

I guess it's like having sex out of wedlock, drinking too much, etc. To me it's still a contradiction to purposely damage oneself with Biblical scriptures inked into ones skin.

The truth of Christianity as I'm sure you know is not what we do wrong(sin), it's what Christ did for us on the cross and his death, burial, and resurrection from the grave for us.

Thanks, AA, good stuff. Like the discussion.
CS & AA,

I agree having tats or not on salvation, but it's a defiling of the temple of God (our bodies)...wherein dwells the Holy Spirit. I believe it's sinful, but we're ALL sinners...it's a matter of who's accepted the free pardon of salvation thru Christ.
I have to agree with all you guys' sentiments about tatoos, especially on females. As a fellow Christian, I know its not a salvation issue, but our bodies are the temple of God and we should care for them accordingly. He has given instructions to do so. Especially, we should care for them being under His grace and not under Law.
I wanted to tell you guys about my trip to Wet n Wild in Orlando a couple days ago with my daughter and my father-in-law. I live here in Florida. School has started here in all counties but my daughter is home-schooled so we took the day off to see my wife's parents. In the morning hours there were a LOT of European Whites there, as I could hear their accent, languages, etc. Most all of the young women were attractive and at least wholesome looking, even though I know most Europeans are liberals and not many are Christians now. The good thing was, besides them almost ALL being White, was that the European females had NO TATOOS!!! I'm serious. I was amazed at that, especially in the later afternoon hours, you could see when the "Americans" showed up. Our females of "America" had all these discusting tatoos and the vile piercings. I was depressed to see how far removed our "women" are even compared to their own generation across the Atlantic. The Juden media masters and our culture's acceptability and peer influence is just beyond words...:angry:
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I'm not a religious person, but for me, tattoos look ugly. I've noticed it's mainly people of lower intelligence who have them.
I have to agree with all you guys' sentiments about tatoos, especially on females. As a fellow Christian, I know its not a salvation issue, but our bodies are the temple of God and we should care for them accordingly...

I wanted to tell you guys about my trip to Wet n Wild in Orlando a couple days ago.. Our females of "America" had all these discusting tatoos and the vile piercings.

The truth is, a lot of these waterparks should have gigantic arches @ their entrances, with the park's name and then underneath, 'Welcome to Mudfish Country.'

It's a sea of sloppy, inked up mudshark (single) moms & their children. My feelings kinda vacillate between frustration & sympathy when I'm seeing it. I feel bad for the girls, knowing them & their parents are usually raising the kids without any help from baby-daddy.. but after seeing all the obnoxious behavior & tattoos from these women, my empathy fades & I just enjoy the ride down the slides ~
Miley Cyrus is the newest coalburner

Is Miley Cyrus Dating Her Producer Mike Will Made It?


Interesting discussion, thought I'd take a minute and write some of my own thoughts;

First of all, everyone is different, we all go through life differently, and are at different places in life. I'm not a fan of judging people. That being said, personally I have no tattoos. My older brother has a few small tattoos (he has 3, all very small, 2 on arms, 1 on leg). Of course I love my brother and support him, but you know, he is a bit left-leaning and "liberal" if I'm being honest.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the most part, it seems people with tattoos tend to be liberal and left-leaning. Here in Toronto, I see so many white males and even more white females who live downtown and are "artists" with all kinds of tattoos on their body.

Nowadays, for the white youth and 20's crowd, it seems the majority are getting tattoos. So, it's no longer an "independent" or "rebelious" thing to do because, most people are doing it.

On the subject of white women with black men, all I can say is, I'm a white male and Ive had 15+ Middle Eastern Asian Muslim females, so you know, I can basically just laugh in their faces!

Eurasian is a much better looking, sexier, more cultured mix than black and white
. Black and white is the ugliest mix of them all and it makes the worst looking children.
Interesting discussion, thought I'd take a minute and write some of my own thoughts;

First of all, everyone is different, we all go through life differently, and are at different places in life. I'm not a fan of judging people. That being said, personally I have no tattoos. My older brother has a few small tattoos (he has 3, all very small, 2 on arms, 1 on leg). Of course I love my brother and support him, but you know, he is a bit left-leaning and "liberal" if I'm being honest.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the most part, it seems people with tattoos tend to be liberal and left-leaning. Here in Toronto, I see so many white males and even more white females who live downtown and are "artists" with all kinds of tattoos on their body.

Nowadays, for the white youth and 20's crowd, it seems the majority are getting tattoos. So, it's no longer an "independent" or "rebelious" thing to do because, most people are doing it.

On the subject of white women with black men, all I can say is, I'm a white male and Ive had 15+ Middle Eastern Asian Muslim females, so you know, I can basically just laugh in their faces!

Eurasian is a much better looking, sexier, more cultured mix than black and white
. Black and white is the ugliest mix of them all and it makes the worst looking children.

As an observer of this twisted phenomenon I have to agree with you. The offspring of this mix is a morbid result. Of course we know the black males sex drive is off the charts so they have nothing to lose. I'll never figure out what these women are thinking.
I disagree about the Eurasian point

Theres a reason East Asians are allowed into our country (see Vietnames refugees after Vietnam war) and Whites are not.

They want Whites to mix with anyone but other Whites. Eurasians just happen to be smarter so they prefer mulattos.
PHillisfan, Sir, women don't think as much as they feel. That's why men (usually their fathers or brothers) have to watch out for them. Left to their own devices, they always get themselves into trouble. It doesn't matter if they're parking a car or picking a mate. They have to be led along. Take your eye off them for one minute when they're young and you've got a mess. There was an article in the NYPost just the other day of a woman who was 18yrs old and she married a muslim and got herself in as big a mess as she could. If they get past their youth and don't louse up big time, they've got a fair chance of turning out okay.

lQUOTE=joegoofinoff;284310]PHillisfan[/url], Sir, women don't think as much as they feel. That's why men (usually their fathers or brothers) have to watch out for them. Left to their own devices, they always get themselves into trouble. It doesn't matter if they're parking a car or picking a mate. They have to be led along. Take your eye off them for one minute when they're young and you've got a mess. There was an article in the NYPost just the other day of a woman who was 18yrs old and she married a muslim and got herself in as big a mess as she could. If they get past their youth and don't louse up big time, they've got a fair chance of turning out okay.



Protecting your daughter gets you jailtime in the "new" UK.
lQUOTE=joegoofinoff;284310]PHillisfan[/url], Sir, women don't think as much as they feel. That's why men (usually their fathers or brothers) have to watch out for them. Left to their own devices, they always get themselves into trouble. It doesn't matter if they're parking a car or picking a mate. They have to be led along. Take your eye off them for one minute when they're young and you've got a mess. There was an article in the NYPost just the other day of a woman who was 18yrs old and she married a muslim and got herself in as big a mess as she could. If they get past their youth and don't louse up big time, they've got a fair chance of turning out okay.



Protecting your daughter gets you jailtime in the "new" UK.[/QUOTE]

Disgusting teenagers.....on the next Dr phil
Low Class, Fat White Chicks And Black Men, Perfect Together!

Dat post title… I’m such a steenker!

White women are kinda, sorta… most definitely raciss n sheeeeiiit. But what about those righteous, morally superior goodwhite women who throw off the burden of white privilege and happily date black men?

Unfortunately for branding purposes, these moral paragons aren’t exactly the classiest or thinnest ladies. From an earlier draft of a paper referencing the same Yahoo Personals internet profile data, researchers discovered (likely much to their chagrin):

Body type, political views, and religion are also related to the exclusion of blacks or Asians. Among white women, one of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates as women who describe themselves as thick, voluptuous, a few extra pounds, or large. [ed: :lol: ] For white men, body type has no effect on their likelihood of excluding blacks or Asians. While political views also have no effect on racial exclusion by white men, white women who describe themselves as liberal or very liberal are less likely to exclude black men as dates than women who are not political, middle of the road, or conservative. Surprisingly, liberal white women appear more likely to exclude Asian men as dates, although this finding only borders on significance. Finally, religion affects black exclusion, and Asian exclusion among white women. Specifically, we see that whites who identified as Jewish were dropped from the analysis of black exclusion because it was a perfect predictor; that is, all white men and women who identified as Jewish excluded blacks as possible dates; all white women who identified as Jewish also excluded Asian men as possible dates. Further, white men who do not state a religion or who state their religion as “other†are far more inclusive of black women as dates than those who describe themselves as not religious. Likewise, white women of “other†religions are more likely to include Asian males as dates.

What a cluster bomb of hatefacts!

Now the only question remaining is whether fat white chicks settle for black men because those are the only men who’ll have them, or that black men try but fail to get sexy white chicks and decide to shoot for the easy prey because even a fat white girl is more feminine than the typical black girl? Same difference, I suppose. My limited knowledge of the mating rituals of matricentric cultures is that it’s a bit of both; fat chicks are stuck choosing between a steel-reinforced dildo and a black man, and black men hone in on fat white chicks because they love can tolerate grotesque booties and they learned from experience that sexy white chicks want nothing to do with them.

These findings are perfectly in line with the CH observation — heck it’s in line with just about everyone’s observations except that no one wants to bring it up at the company picnic — that the white women who date black men are often fat, gross, and classless.

Probably unsurprising to most, the kind of white women willing to dance by the dusky coonlight? Fat liberal white women with sanctimony issues.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that fat liberal white women are just about the most unappealing dating prospects for any white man with options and a working set of nads. So… good riddance.

And wazzup wit da Eskimos? Man they talk a big game about breaking down race barriers, but when the rubber hits the ho, it’s “Blacks?! Are you meshuggina??â€.

Let’s end this journey through the human hindbrain on a hopeful note. Dear NOWAGs, if you want a white woman (and who doesn’t?), date a Wiccan. I’m sure you have the psychological tools to stoically endure her kookiness.

It hardly needs clarifying to regular visitors of Le Chateau, but CH has no problem with racial dating preferences. Racism is natural, evolved, and a part of what makes us human. Racism expands the diversity in the world by creating and sustaining group aesthetics that would otherwise get swamped into oblivion by a one-world ****fest.

Great post Don, the Heartiste is always an entertaining read.

Skimming the thread I saw a classic post by Joegoofinoff (Tom Iron), I hope he finds his way back here.

joegoofinoff PHillisfan, Sir, women don't think as much as they feel. That's why men (usually their fathers or brothers) have to watch out for them. Left to their own devices, they always get themselves into trouble. It doesn't matter if they're parking a car or picking a mate. They have to be led along. Take your eye off them for one minute when they're young and you've got a mess. There was an article in the NYPost just the other day of a woman who was 18yrs old and she married a muslim and got herself in as big a mess as she could. If they get past their youth and don't louse up big time, they've got a fair chance of turning out okay.

Great post Don, the Heartiste is always an entertaining read.

Skimming the thread I saw a classic post by Joegoofinoff (Tom Iron), I hope he finds his way back here.

joegoofinoff PHillisfan, Sir, women don't think as much as they feel. That's why men (usually their fathers or brothers) have to watch out for them. Left to their own devices, they always get themselves into trouble. It doesn't matter if they're parking a car or picking a mate. They have to be led along. Take your eye off them for one minute when they're young and you've got a mess. There was an article in the NYPost just the other day of a woman who was 18yrs old and she married a muslim and got herself in as big a mess as she could. If they get past their youth and don't louse up big time, they've got a fair chance of turning out okay.


LOL indeed. They needs remain in the "safe confines" of the kitchen (or laundry room). ;-)

LOL, this "devout Muslim" was one of seven that inspired installation of a separate prayer room within the Newcastle stadium facilities.


These are not the "good Christian boys" of some post-Anglican missionary circlejerk. They are openly invaders and competitors, and England (among other countries) can't import them fast enough. That base animals like this one are paid millions to enjoy a dream lifestyle and plunder the local women at will should turn the stomach of every 1980s foot soldier. It's nauseating and enraging to behold.

As for the women, they obviously hold no regard for the family unit nor their native religion, let alone the concept of "race" outside of bad things white people do.

Sad as it seems but this is not just about race here. Women are different to men. We go for looks more than they do. If there was a millionaire Lady but looked Serena Williams and a poor Russian that looked like Sharapova, out of 100 men i bet at least 98 percent would go for the Sharapova looking women despite her being poor and Serena being rich.

Its the complete Opposite for women, they judge wealth extremely highly despite this Papa Cisse being that just horribly ugly and intellectually inept, he prob gets paid 100 k a week minimum. Shes from a poor White trash part of England called Newcastle despite her "beauty contest". Shes probably extremely working class and comes from a white trash background. So the White people round her would be very poor in general.

So if you had someone who looks like Michael Fassbender but is extremely poor, and someone who looks like Papa Cisse but is extremely rich, sad to say a higher than should be percentage would pick Pappa Cisse despite being completely illogical to us guys.

Throw in the fact that women has a biological clock, which makes there decisions of who they go with very rushed and you will get percentage of White women making terrible mistakes.

Throw in the continual bombardment of racial mixing in the media in Adverts etc and you get this.

What is key though is despite of ALL this, White women are actually very loyal to white men, and i would hazard a guess that us white men date outside the race equal to if not more than white women. I think in the US, More white men marry inter-racially than White women.

Lets be honest white women often make terrible choices within our own race. They are some horrendous white guys that get some attractive white women, thats life unfortunately.
you make some good points but if this were 50 years ago it wouldn't matter how rich this pitch black negro were, very few white women would ever find him attractive because they would be so repulsed on an intrinsic biological level. The effect of all the jewish racial propagabda we're bombarded with is that it makes us betray our natural instincts and do things we don't really want to. There are many white women today who don't find blacks attractive and they think that there's something wrong with themselves because of it


I agree, but then tbf 50 years ago how many blacks would there be in White trash sections of the UK.

In the UK( which is thankfully being reformed mind by the conservative goverment) we have a horrendous benefits system that enables uneducated people who failed at school to breed, the more they breed the more money they get from the government.

Now alot of these white women in large mixed ethnically council estates actually dont care about who the man is, they dont care about who the child is, as long as she keeps knocking the kids out it becomes some form of Salary, they can get literally tens of thousands of pounds from this.

This plays right into black males hands who otherwise would get very little play. Although they are some white trash males that are game for being breeders with them,
black males in general has terrible habbits of not sticking around. which ironically is perfect for the white trash mum who wants no interest in the male counterpart regardless of back ground. As long as she gets her child with little ground work she gets her council home and her benefits. The cycle continues.

The point i am saying is we need to get back to basics. I am a failure tbh as i am a single early 30's male that is afraid of commitment, so in effect ill be honest i am art of the problem atm not the solution. However in my defence they really are alot of awful western women, that throw themselves at me but are just not viable partners in marriage.

The sad thing is White males are by far the most desired out of ALL the demographics, male or female, black, white, light skinned etc.

So in short i fel we need to go back to basics, good Christian principles which in turn teaches good family morals about togetherness. And that would throw blacks out of the equation all together.

But i feel whats alarming is how many white males i see outside the race now, in fact thats growing at a faster rate than ever...
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