white women with no shame

Mr. Taqueef would be dead if he were banging my girl. None of these men are politically correct or they wouldn't be here. We're trying to reach the unconverted.
While I have seen an increase in inter-racial couples in recent years, I am sure it isn't an exponential increase as Roddy McDowall here is claiming. Clearly, Cornelius, if you knew anything about race and sports you would know that this site is unique, the only one that supports white athletes. Why is it the only one? Because it isn't politically correct. By just existing we prove your rantings false. The influence of Caste Football is growing slowly, but growing nonetheless. I suggest that if you think you can convince anyone of anti-white discrimination in sports, found your own website, keep using the ideas and terms you have in this thread, and see how many posters you have in 2 and a half years. The only thing you will convince people of is that you lack any credibility whatsoever.
Let me put on my reggie bush jersey on it just came back from the cleaners.
The white female population is one who comes thru everything unscathed. Most people, including yourself think of white women as being incapable of creating the huge problem we're in. You'd rather blame blacks for coming on to them when in fact it's the other way around. You'd rather say it's peer pressure, when white women are just after anything in the media spotlight and dollar and don't care who their getting it from.

It's not counter-productive to pinpoint where a problem is coming from. If a white female is actively looking for and going where the black man is, why are you blaming the black man? You're so scared that you won't have access to your high-horse white women, who by the way don't want you, they want a black man, that you'll say any criticism is counter-productive. Utterly ridiculous.

White women are responsible for creating more black babies in the past 20 years than everyone but blacks! Do you care to deny this! Do you care to deny that white women go thru the same school system as white males and still choose to be with a low IQ thug? Do you choose to deny that despite the fact that they have access and knowledge of a 70% delinquency rate among black males that they still choose the black man?

Then once their thug leaves they try and move their half-breed into white neighborhoods on my tax dime? No you don't. Mr. Chivalry. While you're putting on your shining armor Taqueef is banging your girl.

Good Riddance.


I really dont think it's as bad as your making out.I'll try and make this short,but from what i ever see,the standard link between Black male/White female dating is the intelligence of the female in question.You mention the steoreotypical Black thug which validates the point i'm making.If you have a White female,been through college,lots of intelligent friends,has an interest in things of an academic nature outside of work,hobbies if you like which may be an extension of her education,could be classical music,art,archetecture etc then i honestly cant see how some low IQ Black hip hop thug would have any currency with such a girl.Low IQ thugs are not only going to have more problems in life but they'll also treat their women worse.I think theirs a deffinate correlation between a mans intelligence and how he treats his woman.And Black men dont treat their women too well by all accounts,Black women are the biggest man haters out their.Why would an intelligent white woman put herself through that crap.

Thats not to say it dos'nt happen,but most White females these guys do hold sway with are Wiggers,degenerates or girls with other types of personality dysfunction like bad attitude etc.I can tell a racemixer by looking at her face.If they were mating with the best and brightest White women,well that would deffinately be a threat no doubt, as the European race's ability to produce the leading Scientists,engineers and other academics,people who make a real difference to our lives will be in serious jeopardy.
White women are responsible for creating more black babies in the past 20 years than everyone but blacks!
Duh! Who is supposed to be? Asian women? I would venture to say that white men are responsible for most black babies after black men. Its just a numbers thing.

Women (white women in particular) love bad boys. In today's hip-hop culture, black men are portrayed as the ultimate bad boys. Many white women who date black men also would date the "whigger" type white boy also.

The only color women really like is green. [LOL]

I laughed when I saw the quote: "Once you go black, don't bother coming home." [LOL]
planetoftheapes said:
You're fooling yourself.  White women don't function off of intelligence.  They function off of The National Enquirer, MTV, VH1, People Magazine, Vogue, etc.  They have no logic and have no problem being with a subhuman as long as they're likeness is portrayed in the media. 

In  addition white women are sheeps of the worst kind.  If they see one of their female peers with a subhuman, they all want one of their own. 

This sound suspiciously similar to one of MY posts. Is that the new "troll trend" here...copying members posts?
JoeV said:
I laughed when I saw the quote: "Once you go black, don't bother coming home."

LOL...JoeV, it was I who made that statment. Just thought I'd point that out.
This whole concept of White trash dating blacks started towards the end of the civil rights movement. This was when all our (White men's) power was stripped from our very hands. As far as today's standards go, White men cannot protect their own women, stand up for themselves, or voice their opinions. In others words, we are just supposed to stand here and watch while Leroy and Tyrone gangbang our women. Its kind of like this whole "we owe blacks something" attitude. Not me, though.

When my father was a kid in Brooklyn, if a black kid made a move on his sister (my aunt), it was lights out, period. No questions asked. But now-a-days? Forget it, if you do so much as tell Sambo to not grope your girl in a bar, you're labeled a racist and such. We, as a race, have been all but totally emasculated to the point of humiliation. White women see that most (not all) White men will not stand up and defend them, so they figure, "oh, well, I guess Tyrone is a real man, so I'll go out with him." Women are basicaly idiots, and they believe everything they see on t.v. or read in Cosmo, so they are easily persuaded. Therefore, if the media portrays White men as "weak" and "sexually impotent", they will believe it, and date a black. This is why I don't trust women, especially our own.
But how many attractive white women do you see with black men? I don't see that very often. They usually go after the fat white chicks because that's all they can get. The good-looking white men don't want the fat, ugly chicks and the hot white women don't want the blacks. So, fat, ugly white women and black men seem to find each other. It's pretty discusting.
Goldfinger said:
But how many attractive white women do you see with black men? I don't see that very often. They usually go after the fat white chicks because that's all they can get. The good-looking white men don't want the fat, ugly chicks and the hot white women don't want the blacks. So, fat, ugly white women and black men seem to find each other. It's pretty discusting.

Such a scenario exists, indeed, but not all of these white women are unattractive. In fact, a number of them are at least average looking, or better.
Iron said:
I really dont think it's as bad as your making out.I'll try and make this short,but from what i ever see,the standard link between Black male/White female dating is the intelligence of the female in question.You mention the steoreotypical Black thug which validates the point i'm making.If you have a White female,been through college,lots of intelligent friends,has an interest in things of an academic nature outside of work,hobbies if you like which may be an extension of her education,could be classical music,art,archetecture etc then i honestly cant see how some low IQ Black hip hop thug would have any currency with such a girl.Low IQ thugs are not only going to have more problems in life but they'll also treat their women worse.I think theirs a deffinate correlation between a mans intelligence and how he treats his woman.And Black men dont treat their women too well by all accounts,Black women are the biggest man haters out their.Why would an intelligent white woman put herself through that crap.

And to this commonly perpetuated rhetoric, I shall respond with one query: What happens when the black person in question is not a thug?

What happens if the two individuals, white and black, are both above average intellectually and both happen to be smart people with similar interests?

What happens then? I anxiously await your responses.

Iron said:
Thats not to say it dos'nt happen,but most White females these guys do hold sway with are Wiggers,degenerates or girls with other types of personality dysfunction like bad attitude etc.I can tell a racemixer by looking at her face.If they were mating with the best and brightest White women,well that would deffinately be a threat no doubt, as the European race's ability to produce the leading Scientists,engineers and other academics,people who make a real difference to our lives will be in serious jeopardy.

Couple of problems here.

1. You're assuming that all interracial marriage is somehow degenerative to the white race, and that any black by marrying a white person is contributing to the downfall of the white race.

That would assume that all blacks in interracial marriages are unintelligent, or that they are at the least much less intelligent than their white partners.

This is not the case.

2. If you think that only degenerate white girls marry black men, then you really badly need to think again for the sake of your own argument. There are plent of attractive or at least somewhat attractive white girls with black men, and vice versa.

You're missing the bigger picture, and that's not good for your argument.
Ground Fighter said:
White women see that most (not all) White men will not stand up and defend them, so they figure, "oh, well, I guess Tyrone is a real man, so I'll go out with him." Women are basicaly idiots, and they believe everything they see on t.v. or read in Cosmo, so they are easily persuaded. Therefore, if the media portrays White men as "weak" and "sexually impotent", they will believe it, and date a black. This is why I don't trust women, especially our own.

This is not entirely the reason, although you are correct to a small extent.

White girls, and all girls in general actually, are attracted to "bad boys", first and foremost.
The reason they date black men has nothing to do with white men appearing weak, or anything like that. It has more to do with the fact that the media portrays black men as the ultimate bad boys, and this is the image that many women(especially white or suburban ones) look for when they see a black guy.

If you are a black guy, and you do NOT fit this image, you will not get the same attention. That is a true life social dynamic, and being in high school, I experience and see it first hand.

White girls do not simply ignore white guys for being portrayed as weak, or whatever. White girls love white bad boys as much as they love the black ones. By that, I'm talking about the skaters, the punks, the clowns who go to summer school and never take anything seriously, or the rocker guys, etc, etc., I could go on.

Generally, they like white guys as well, and not just the wiggers(although they do get tons of attention). A lot of the white guys they like are the ones thatdon't treat them the best, and don't respect them all that much. That is the equivalent to a bad boy.

This does not apply to all white relationships, but I have noticed it as a VERY common trend.
Futuregohan30 said:
White girls, and all girls in general actually, are attracted to "bad boys", first and foremost.
The reason they date black men has nothing to do with white men appearing weak, or anything like that. It has more to do with the fact that the media portrays black men as the ultimate bad boys, and this is the image that many women(especially white or suburban ones) look for when they see a black guy.

I'm not so sure I buy the whole "bad boy" routine anymore. Because when you say badboy, "Black bad" and "White bad" are two different things. I would hardly consider a skater (as I was in high school), a "badboy". However, a black kid who wears Phat Farm and Pure Playaz clothing and sells weed in gym class IS, in fact, really "bad". If you're going to make this argument that White females are attracted to this type, then "criminal" would be a better fitting term than "badboy".

Also, I forgot to mention one my most prominent theories on why why White females chase blacks: Thats right people ... pissing off daddy. This practice has been commonplace since the dawn of time, but only until recently has it been used with the twist of dating a brotha (which makes it that much worse).
Ground Fighter said:
I'm not so sure I buy the whole "bad boy" routine anymore. Because when you say badboy, "Black bad" and "White bad" are two different things. I would hardly consider a skater (as I was in high school), a "badboy".

You've not paid close enough attention, then.

I'm describing them with the term skater to label that group of white guys(common, I might add) who skip school, like skateboards, listen to rock music, have a piercing or two, maybe a tattoo, and who smoke.

I've seen them carry weed. I've seen them skipping. I've seen the way they act. That's just one group. There are other ones who are less punk rocker skater like, and more like wiggers in their demanor. They don't all dress outright like wiggers, but they tend to act like them. They smoke, they skip, they could care less about school, etc, etc.

I am going to tell you this because I see it everyday: these kids are bad. And the girls, especially the really pretty types, love them. Most of these guys are a little older(juniors or seniors) and they're dating all of the best looking girls in my class(I am a sophomore).

These girls hang on to them, they ask them for rides, go to all their parties, and when they want to skip school, they run to these guys who gladly take them off to go party somewhere while skipping 4th period(I overhear many conversations of this type between these girls and their older friends). Most often, they go off to get drunk, or party, or just do whatever someplace away from school. It's a VERY common attitude, more common than it should be.

And that's just one type of bad boy. Besides those types, you have the slightly dimmer types, the ones who don't smoke too often(they drink, but no weed) and who aren't as serious, but are in fact incredibly daft. They go to summer school, they can't pass their classes, and 90% of the time all they do is screw around.

But, for whatever reason, this non conformist behavior attracts girls. These same boys dress like preppys typically, and might play one or two sports, and they are far more concerned with social aspects than they are with schoolwork.

If this guy is an upperclassman, he can have his pick of the lower grades. They'll all be smitten with him.

Bad boys are bad boys wherever you go, and girls dig them no matter who they are. If you are not a bad boy, or if you do not at least carry some non conformist traits, and if you are too nice or too decent or whatever, it won't matter what race you are, you simply won't get a girl, or you'll have a much harder time finding one.

That is a fact of modern high school life.

Ground Fighter said:
However, a black kid who wears Phat Farm and Pure Playaz clothing and sells weed in gym class IS, in fact, really "bad". If you're going to make this argument that White females are attracted to this type, then "criminal" would be a better fitting term than "badboy".

The "types" I see on a regular basis are no more thanbadboys of the general sense. They are the equivalent of the other types I outlined above, and many a time, they mingle with those types together.

Let me also give you context: there aren't a whole lot of black guys in my school. In my grade, there are possibly 5 or 6, and altogether there might be about 20 in the whole school. There are about 5 latinos who hang around them out of a total of maybe 10 latinos in the whole school.

Of the black kids, I'd say maybe 5 of them were true gangsters in the fashion sense, and add to that about 5 of the latinos. There are also at any given time, a number of white kids who hang around them frequently and act the same way. They smoke before school, they did drugs, etc, etc.
But no more so than any of those other groups of white kids who I outlined above.

There was one kid in my school who recently got taken into juvenile detention for selling drugs and taking them into school. He, however, was white. He was also my teammate on the football team in 8th grade and 9th grade(not this year in 10th grade because I played varsity and he stayed on JV). He was my partner at linebacker, and we were friends.
He might not even get to play football again now, which sucks, because he was good.

Anyway, I'm not trying to say that black kids are in reality safer than white kids or whatever, but I will say that these black/latino and white gangstas(who are completely fake, by the way. We live in a wealthy suburb, they aren't real thugs, just posers) are no more "bad" than these white kids, some of whom I outlined above.

Ground Fighter said:
Also, I forgot to mention one my most prominent theories on why why White females chase blacks: Thats right people ... pissing off daddy. This practice has been commonplace since the dawn of time, but only until recently has it been used with the twist of dating a brotha (which makes it that much worse).

That's true, but when a girl brings home a guy with a billion piercing and a tattoo or two, I think dad will be just as frightened.
And to this commonly perpetuated rhetoric, I shall respond with one query: What happens when the black person in question is not a thug?

What happens if the two individuals, white and black, are both above average intellectually and both happen to be smart people with similar interests?

What happens then? I anxiously await your responses.

I am not saying it dos'nt happen.My posts were imput from a defensive position regarding the problem of interacial dating which always raises the old blood pressure.I was putting things into persective from what i see with my own eyes and basically saying its not as big a problem as some people make out.The opperative words i use are 'much less'I dont say this to put you or anyone down,just stating some facts that are relevent to what we're discussing here,but the performance of Black males in contemporary society,a staggering homicide rate and incaceration rate,high rates of illegitimacy,school exclusions,drug abuse,poor economic performance and a rampant culture that's gone mainstream that promotes violence,promiscuity and disrespect for authority .Not to mention a culture of victimhood that see's fit to exploit everything before it by way of reparations for slavery,affirmative action propelled by aggresive Blackcentric politics which is nothing but anti White hatred.Hating Whitey is almost part of Black culture,so rampant its probably genetic.Black men cant have it both ways,they cant expect to partake in White hating rabble rousing,in the guise of their brand of politics which is the most ethnocentric out of all the ethnic groups,beat White people up on the streets yet expect White women,especially the intelligent ones to love them,who happen to be the daughters of White men.For this reason,i think intelligent White women are less likely to date them which is the point i was making in my orriginal posts.
I think the white guy question is more interesting. What motivates a
guy like this?
C Darwin said:
I think the white guy question is more interesting. What motivates a
guy like this?

I don't understand.

Besides the fact that she is black, where is the issue here? She looks just fine.
Iron said:
Hating Whitey is almost part of Black culture,so rampant its probably genetic.Black men cant have it both ways,they cant expect to partake in White hating rabble rousing,in the guise of their brand of politics which is the most ethnocentric out of all the ethnic groups,beat White people up on the streets yet expect White women,especially the intelligent ones to love them,who happen to be the daughters of White men.

The problem with your entire theory is that you assume all blacks to, at least generally, be the same.

You forget that many of those traits(the rabble rousing, illegitimacy, etc, etc) happen in certain parts of the world.
If you're going to generalize, you'll have to research a little more. Black people are not the same worldwide. There are populations of black people who are more well known for such behavior than others.

Did you ponder any of that? Did you consider the fact that there are in fact a number of black groups on earth who don't adhere to your policy?

And I am not talking about small associations. I'm talking about entire types of people. Black AMERICANS are the ones you happen to be referring to. They are only one type of black person, defined as unique by their culture and experiences.

Can you even name other black groups? And can you learn something abot them before you go on generalizing all black people with one broad brush?
Haiti, Somalia, and South Africa. Three disparate places of black populations on the globe, all with similar pathologies to the ones here in America. I think you should have to name a black population with crime, violence, and economic levels equal to the white areas of the US, Canada, Europe, Australia.
The picture got cut off! She's rockin' Air Force Ones on her feet! But
they are pimped out to match her green dress, gold purse and fur.
I wish it were true that only the most desperate and unattractive white trash females hook up with black guys. That was the case for a long time, but no more. Hollywood, especially since the "kid" channels (Disney and Nickelodeon) became available in all homes, has had a tremendous impact with their persistent propaganda. All those years of watching white girls on TV ogle black boys, and absorbing the constant theme that those boys are just like white boys (in fact, they are usually shown to be physically, mentally and morally superior to the often wimpy, unathletic and unmanly white males on those shows) has caused even the most attractive of white girls-who have always been driven by looks at that age- to ignore their senses and somehow perceive black boys as being cute or "hot". My son, who is in 11th grade, tells me how many "hot" girls at his school have black boyfriends. My daughter, who is in 7th grade, has told me about two girls in her class, both of whom I have coached in soccer. These girls are really cute, and they both apparently already have black boyfriends. Not that long ago, I was in a restaurant and saw a table full of young black couples, who were obviously going to their school prom. There was only one white in the group, an absolutely stunning blonde girl, who was the date of one of the black boys. I see this kind of thing all too often now, and it bothers me a lot. I don't want to be pessimistic, but I have to at least partially agree that white women in general have become totally brainwashed and reliant on celebrities to tell them what to wear, what to like and how to think. Of course, all too many white men are like that now, as well (how many of us who have worked with a good number of blacks over the years can possibly ignore the obvious negative group characteristics we've experienced first hand?) Still, white women are definitely more susceptible to the "diversity" propaganda and thus far more likely to take that to the ultimate extreme and get into a romantic relationship with a black. One point that was made by the poster/troll was a great one- we all do need to stop worshiping these black athletes. Now, I don't think many of us who frequent this web site do that, but still that was an accurate assessment. I try only to root openly for my favorites (who are invariably white), but I can try to do better.
I have lived in Australia for a few years now but I remember clearly what it was like living on the south side of chicago where I was born and raised. That one pollster (I disagree with much of what he said) did make a few good points. In the late 90's I remember coming home on leave from the Marines and going to the occasional club downtown. I did notice that many attractive white women went places where they were most likely to meet a Black man. I did not like the idea one bit to be honest but it was what I saw. Many (not all) seemed it enjoy rubbing it in the face of the white males who were present. Gloating is a more proper term I suppose. In fact this may sound silly but seeing that with such frequency in the chicagoland area was bad for moral lol. I certainly do not want to bore any members here with stories but I remember asking this white girl to dance at a night club while on leave and I will never ever forget the look of complete disgust that she levied my way as she replied "I don't dance with white boys". Needless to say I felt about as low as could be.(When your 20 you tend to have an ego if your a healthy male)What I seen in her eyes could only be described as hatred against me. Now I am no Brad Pitt but I stand 6'0 190pounds, in shape (at the time in tip top shape) and there was nothing feminine about me. Somehow I knew then and there that there was no place in that city for a guy like me. Did a pump to Australia, fell in love, and never looked back. I will always be concerned about the United States because I have my loved ones there. (mother,father,aunts,uncles etc.)That being said, I have been to alot of countries, and if I am to rate the white American women (Based on my own experiences and what I have witnessed) I would have to say that generally speaking they are the lowest of the low. Mabye white women from england would give them a run for their money but that's about it.Are their good white women out there in America? Of course there are, I have met many in my life. But that does not change the fact that there are literally millions of white female dogs in the States that have no love for there men. When I say love I am not speaking of anything sexual either. I mean a love that is deeper than that. A love of their culture, art, music, history, their peoples accomplishment's.

Australia is the greatest nation on earth, and I am greatful that this nation has taken me in and has treated me like a native son.
Futuregohan30 said:
I've seen them carry weed. I've seen them skipping. I've seen the way they act. That's just one group. There are other ones who are less punk rocker skater like, and more like wiggers in their demanor. They don't all dress outright like wiggers, but they tend to act like them. They smoke, they skip, they could care less about school, etc, etc.

I am familiar with the kind of person you are describing. I don't know how much into skateboarding you are, but you just described pro-skater Chad Muska. He's White, smokes weed, listens to rap, speaks thug, wears pants hanging off his ass, and is equipped with tattoos, especially the one across his stomach. This particualar breed of White person, is killing our race as well as the sport itself. He's a disgrace as far as I'm concerned. I don't care how good he is or how many videos hes in. Just my two cents.
jaxvid said:
Haiti, Somalia, and South Africa. Three disparate places of black populations on the globe, all with similar pathologies to the ones here in America. I think you should have to name a black population with crime, violence, and economic levels equal to the white areas of the US, Canada, Europe, Australia.

Very well, then.

Alright, let's begin with economical stats.

Per Capita GDP:

Botswana has a percapita GDP of $10,700.

Comparing that to several ethnically white nations, Botswana's per capita GDP is higher than: Uruguay, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Romania, Turkmenistan, Macedonia, Blarus, Ukariane, Azerbaijan, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovnia, Aremenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Georgia, Kyrgistan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Botswana's GDP per capita of $10,700 is right below that of Russia($11,000).

Moving on to unemployment rates.

Botswana's unemployment rate(23.80) is in fact better than: Montenegro, Armenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovnia, and Turkmenistan.

It's right on par with the nation of Monaco, and not too far away from Poland(18.20).

Moving on to GDP power purchasing parity. Botswana ranks higher than: Cyprus, georgia, Macedonia, Armenia, Iceland, Kyrgistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Malta, and Montenegro, among others.

Moving on to GDP real growth rate.

Botswana's economy is growing faster than: Bosnia and Herzegovnia, Croatia, Romania, Norway, Slovenia, Macedonia, Cyprus, and Greece, among others.

Botswana's infant mortlity rate is better than Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan, and on par with others.

Now for the "Botswana owes everybody because it gets so much darn AID" argument. Botswana's external debt is in fact the 40th lowest in the world. That places it in better straights than: Tajikistan, Albania, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Macedonia, turkmenistan, Bosnia and Herzegovnia, Belarus, Estonia, and Lithuania, among others.

If they are getting "way too much AID", they sure do a good job paying it back.

All of that info came from here: https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications...rderguide.html

Moving on to world corruption.


Botswana is the 37th least corrupt nation on Earth. This puts it above: Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland, croatia, Moldova, Serbia, Armenia, the Ukraine, Macedonia, Albania, Kazkhstan and Russia. There are others as well.

Yes, you heard me correctly. The leaders of Botswana(The BLACK leaders) are less corrupt than the Greek, Italian, and even the Polish governments, among others.

Moving on to Quality of life.

Botswana is ranked somewhat low in this survey. The reason? AIDS. People die really fast, and that is a major component in this survey. However, despite the epidemic, Botswana at place 52 overall. That puts it on par with or higher than: Russia, Uruguay, turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukariane, Moldova, Belarus,Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Bosnia and Herzegovnia, Macedonia, Albania and Kazkhstan.

These are all ethnically white nations. Quality of life is based on Material well being, health, job security, family relations, gender equality, and social and community activity, among other things.

With all these factors in mind, Botswana (A black country)betters each and every one of those white nations listed above.
That means you will mostlikely be better off in Botswana than you would in Russia, for example.
I should add that Botswana is within 10 rankings behind Latvia, Lithuania, Argentina, Poland and Croatia.

Now, finally, to crime rankings.

*Note: I don't want to hear anything about unreliable statistics. Botswana's corruption rate, as I've shown, is on par with most of those other nations, if not higher. It is one of the few nations in Africa from which reliable criminal statistics can be obtained.

In other words, these stats are reliable. If anything, they are more reliable than the stats of some eastern European nations, who have been proven to have higher corruption rates.

Moving on. Look at murder rates for the world.


Note that Botswana is not even on the list. You'll see some other black nations near the top of that list, but not Botswana. Why? because it's murder rate is simply too low. Look at each and every white nation on this list. They are automatically more prone to murders than botswana(per 1000 people).

Analyzing some more here: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cr...ers-per-capita

Manslaughter rates are higher in Romania, Italy, Turkey, Estonia, Bulgaria, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal and Poland.

I'll stop right there.

Would you like me to compare other black countries as well? Because Botswana isn't even the most successful. let me know if you do.

*Note: I did include nations such as Turkey, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and others on this list. The reason? The people in these nations are indeed racially caucasoid/cuacasian.

If you really also want me to go purely by racial classification alone, I can include much of North Africa and the middle east, most of whom are racially Caucasoid. But for the sake of this post, I shall leave it at this.

Let's also look at corruption:


The Barbados is ranked ahead of places like Portugal, and it's barely even behind Spain. Botswana is ranked 32nd, far ahead of a large number of ethnically white nations (note that the higher you're ranked on this list, the better)

Heck, even Burkina Faso is ranked right on par with Poland in terms of corruption. Who would expect that?
Keep analyzing that list for more info.

Also, let's look at quality of life a little bit more: http://www.economist.com/media/pdf/QUALITY_OF_LIFE.pdf

Scroll down, and find Barbados. You'll notice that it's just a couple spots behind Britain on the list.
It's ahead of places like Hungary, Argentina, Czech republic, Poland, and Croatia. it's ranked 33rd, btw.
Ghana is rather low on this list. however, it is ahead of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and a couple of other white nations.

You can live better in Ghana than you can over in Russia. Go figure.

Oh, but wait: there's more. You can live better in Jamaica than you can in Estonia, Latvia, Albania, Serbia, Georgia or Macedonia. And all of those countries are worse off than Trinidad and Tobago.

Do you want me to keep going?
American Freedom News