White man and black women in hollywood/media

lightskinned blacks often think they are not mixed and say my both pareent are black LOL, when they are just multi generation mulatto.from 400 years being minorty you get admxiture of course.the jews that came to europe 2000 years ago where semitic, and their are a lot of jews that often have4 jew granparents but are in dna like the average jew in europe is 70% of european ancestry and 30% semitic to some even 100% who just turned jew.
There's some fine ones there, some really manly ones too, i think some of those sistahs look pretty f*ckable.......IMHO.
Some of these cheerleaders like to "tan" themselves, so sometimes it's hard to determine how many Latinas are on these NFL squads..
Why refain from black women?

I will offer several reasons.

First in my opinion it is deviant behaviour. If mother nature wanted race mixing she would have only made on race to begin with. The fact that mother nature made whites, blacks, asians, & Inidans is because she wanted different ethnicities and she intended them only to reproduce within their own ethnicity. If you look visually whites were meant to reproduce with whites, black with blacks, etc. To me it is not racist to say their should be no interracial mixing it is common sense. Not so long ago that was considered mainstream thinking.

Second, god has given white men the most beautiful women in the world (white women) why would you need to look anywhere else.

Third, it is insulting to your female counterparts (white women) when you parade around with non-white women. I know even though I am married to a beautiful white women, I have a look of disgust at these young white girls parading around with black guys ( by the way I have the same look of disgust when white men do it as well). Just because white girls do it, doesn't mean we should in retaliation (even thou a lot of them derve it).

What I find particular disturbing is a lot of white women/blak man dating do not go the distance (marriage). Which means to me that when these white girls are done whoring around with black man, they find a stupid gullable white guy who winds up marrying them.

Just my two cents.
Vanessa Williams - Blue eyes show she's part white

Rae Dawn Chong - Name sez it, she's part Asian

I agree with FootballDad and whiteathlete33, I find it difficult seeing 100% black women attractive. The only attractive black women I know are those who aren't purely black. I find Latin women (whites included) are quite attractive, and a considerable number get hooked to white guys.

East Asian women (affluent especially) can really look beautiful, and are often the target of many misguided white men. Just ask John Lennon, Marlon Brando, and Nicholas Cage.

I like guest301's statement about saving sex for marriage. Sadly, not many follow such practice anymore. It takes iron will, and some common sense to pull such a thing. It's one major reason reason why abortions were legalized, to allow people to enjoy all the sex they want with little refrain. If only people practice such freedoms more responsibly, then so many potential life's (fetuses) wouldn't be so wasted.

That's what I find about Roe v. Wade very wrong!
Edited by: j41181
I thought blue eyes would take several generations to reappear again. Also does anyone know if there are blue-eyed people in Africa. This thread has me researching genetics and i read on one site that there are certain tribes in Africa where blue eyes are very common. Can anyone here confirm this? Also if a black and white have a child how long does it take for all ******* features to go away, and for light colored hair to come back?
Maybe i think differently than a lot of you, take my brother for instance, his wife is 100% El Salvadorian, drop dead gorgeous, and a complete b*tch.<div>Cannot stand her and her latin pride attitude, he has a little girl with her, who is definitely browner than white, i love her she is extremely cute but when i look at her i dont see much of my brother i see a little mexican looking kid.</div><div>I really don't know how i were to feel if he was to have a son with her.</div><div>It probably won't happen as they are headed for a divorce quickly.</div><div>He is unfaithful all the time as i believe she may be, which by the way is a trend i have noticed with the latin women, ( there's a ton of latinas in florida) point being, i think that one of the worst things that can happen to a parent or even worse some of these old white grandparents because they couldn't stop it is to look at your lineal descendants and not see you!</div><div>Just the other day i was driving through a really nice neighborhood and i see an ole</div><div>" Florida Cracker " outside enjoying a saturday or so it seemed until i looked a little closer, i saw what looked to be his daughter and then 2 little halfricans running around, his eyes met mine and there was shame in his eyes.</div><div>Sad situation.</div>
White women are the best without a doubt. Ive never looked at a girl of another race and thought that id want her as a girlfriend. Only attractive white girls can make me think that.
L'dOL at the pic, FootballDad. It may have been the second time I saw it but I L'dOL anyway.

What is the insanity that has infested this board?

gatorprideFL said:
Rihanna, Halle Berry, Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks


Negro DNA can't be undone in one generation. It takes many. All the "attractive" black women that you think you see are frauds. The famous ones either have tons of plastic surgery or use smoke and mirrors (and skin-lightening cream) to deceive you.

I find this thread to be disheartening.
newguy said:
Why refain from black women?

I will offer several reasons.

First in my opinion it is deviant behaviour. If mother nature wanted race mixing she would have only made on race to begin with. The fact that mother nature made whites, blacks, asians, & Inidans is because she wanted different ethnicities and she intended them only to reproduce within their own ethnicity. If you look visually whites were meant to reproduce with whites, black with blacks, etc. To me it is not racist to say their should be no interracial mixing it is common sense. Not so long ago that was considered mainstream thinking.

Second, god has given white men the most beautiful women in the world (white women) why would you need to look anywhere else.

Third, it is insulting to your female counterparts (white women) when you parade around with non-white women. I know even though I am married to a beautiful white women, I have a look of disgust at these young white girls parading around with black guys ( by the way I have the same look of disgust when white men do it as well). Just because white girls do it, doesn't mean we should in retaliation (even thou a lot of them derve it).

What I find particular disturbing is a lot of white women/blak man dating do not go the distance (marriage). Which means to me that when these white girls are done whoring around with black man, they find a stupid gullable white guy who winds up marrying them.

Just my two cents.

Well said! Pride and respect to bloodlines & forefathers should compel (non racially castrated & spayed) Whites to steer clear of any/all miscegenation.
I dont think f*cking their women makes you racially castrated.<div>BTW our forefathers were down in them cabins making all kinda mullatto babies back then.</div><div>All for keeping my German, Irish, and Norwegion bloodlines just as pure as they are now.</div><div>All my children will have blue eyes and so will theirs i will see to it.</div>
Dixie who said anything about parading around with em.<div>im not talking about wining and dining.</div><div>just getting a quick one.</div>
Read how high (government statistics) the STD's rates are among black and latino women and it's even higher for minority men compared to Whites. Getting a "quick one" may not be as quick as you think.
Hey Riddlewire Halle Barry is half white, raised by her white mother. Her negro father left them (shocking) when she was an infant. She is obviously attractive. Like some say I would never have one as a girlfriend let alone a wife. But all the attractive black females are part white.

The biggest negress suitor all of recent times is the great actor Robert DeNiro. I always scratch my head when I see him with these common looking negresses all the time. I have never heard of him having a white woman as a girl friend.
green fire317 said:
I thought blue eyes would take several generations to reappear again. Also does anyone know if there are blue-eyed people in Africa. This thread has me researching genetics and i read on one site that there are certain tribes in Africa where blue eyes are very common. Can anyone here confirm this? Also if a black and white have a child how long does it take for all ******* features to go away, and for light colored hair to come back?

no not very cummon only one tribe in Cape verdia who date only within their own tribe and keep their white admixture high( they also talk their a mixed language) but also in that tribes it's just like 2 % , outside it's less then 1/1000000, epacially far from the coast where they don't have 1-2% viking blood.
sometimes they show to prove that blacks have blue eyes too, and then they show a sub saharan girl from the coast and it is always the same girl in the picture LOL.
JReb1 said:
Read how high (government statistics) the STD's rates are among black and latino women and it's even higher for minority men compared to Whites. Getting a "quick one" may not be as quick as you think.

That's right. How about close to a 50% herpes infection rate for black women. That should give pause to anyone thinking about having sex with one.
1/3rd of all sexually active people have herpes.<div>yeah good points guys, just was saying that every time i see a fine white woman with a screet thug</div><div>it pisses me off.</div><div>So if i get a chance to piss off one of those thugs, im gonna take advantage of it.</div><div>How old is everybody on this thread?</div>
Wow just did some research, you guys are convincing me.<div>I rescind some of my ealier comments.</div><div>
</div><div>Disturbing news, this week, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The federal agency reported that 48 percent of black women between the ages of 14 and 49 have herpes simplex virus type 2, or HSV 2 as it's called. Overall blacks and women were much more likely to be infected. The prevalence among all women was almost 21 percent compared to 11 percent for all men. Thirty nine percent of blacks were infected, compared with roughly 12 percent of whites.For more on this, we turn to Dr. Hilda Hutcherson. She is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University, and she joins us from New York. Welcome, Doctor.Dr. HILDA HUTCHERSON (Clinical Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University): Thank you.NORRIS: What explains the very high rate of infection for women overall but for black women, in particular?Dr. HUTCHERSON: Well, for all sexually transmitted infections, it's much easier for women to become infected, and that's because our tissues are very delicate. And that makes it easier for bacteria and viruses to then be transmitted to women.NORRIS: Now that explains the higher rate overall for women, but why is the rate so much higher for African-American women?Dr. HUTCHERSON: Well, I think what has happened over the years is we have developed this increased incident of this virus. And then once the virus is within your community, it makes it much more easily transmitted and for those numbers to increase for African-American women. So, I think that the way to reverse this, which is what we want to do, is to break that cycle by educating younger people and over time, our overall incidents and prevalence will decrease.NORRIS: It has been suggested that one factor that might help to explain the high rate among African-American women is the high rate of women who have never been married. Just over 40 percent of black women have never been married, which means that they may over their lifetime have more sexual partners which may make them more vulnerable.Dr. HUTCHERSON: I don't think that there's any evidence that there's more promiscuous behavior, that we have as significant number of sexual partners over a lifetime. So, I would not agree that that is the case. I do think that what I've seen in my practice is that young women often don't protect themselves in the way that they should protect themselves. I find that there is lot of guilt and shame when it comes to sex and talking about sex.NORRIS: One of the other things that the CDC found is that many people, 80 percent, don't know that they are infected.Dr. HUTCHERSON: And that's true. Unfortunately with herpes and some other sexually transmitted infections, there may be no symptoms. And so, people may not be aware. In fact, most people are not aware that they do have the virus. And, of course, if you're not aware that you have it, then you don't practice safe sex then it becomes easy for you to transmit it to someone else.
Another extremely convincing argument here.<div>
</div><div>The rate of HIV and AIDS in the Black Community is startling. African-Americans, who only make up 12 percent of the U.S. population, account for nearly half of those living with HIV. More specifically, black women represent 61 percent of the new HIV cases among all women. The popular suspicion has been that many infected black women have contracted the virus from their black male companions, who secretly have sex with other men</span></div>
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