We Are Living In A Cartoon

For the second year in a row, Sports Illustrated has put a transgender person on its cover. Plus, for us older gents they blessed us with a lay out of 81-year-old Matha Stewart.
There’s little downside to Sports Illustrated doing these kinds of stupid woke stuff. No one buys the rag anymore, is it even available in print other then these special issues?

Getting on the trans band wagon assures support from the rich liberal advertisers that long ago replaced readers subscriptions as their source of income.

This kind of controversy creates some interest in what would otherwise be a non-news event. What's the point of a few pictures in a magazine of sexy girls In swimsuits when you can access gigs of pics of fully naked woman with a few clicks?
Remember the whole Starbucks hysteria several years back when two black "businessmen" (LOL) were denied use of the restroom because they hadn't bought anything, and they turned it into a huge race hustle issue, and Starcucks caved completely and went full woketard?

A rather interesting (and comical) development has come out of that whole clown show, a story involving everything you would imagine when dealing with wokeness - intersectionality, self-righteousness, a giant scam, black greed, white liberal hubris, an inevitable betrayal, and one of the most epic and well-deserved karmic retributions of all time.


P.S. I know Steve Sailer is a huge cuck when it comes to sports and race but his take on this is humorously entertaining.

Maybe it was just coming of age and becoming more aware of the world but I must say that the homeless epidemic (that seems to be rising with the fetanyl epidemic and legalization of drugs) really found it’s footing with the 2008 market crash. I can recall seeing homeless in greater numbers around 2010 and has grown exponentially since then. The correlation between drug legalization/lack of enforcement and homelessness can easily be made when you look at formerly decent cities like Portland and Seattle which have turned into shitholes over the past decade. Apologies for the rant but it seems like more social engineering going as planned. The legalization and ending the stigma around hard drugs has done so much damage to society.
Maybe it was just coming of age and becoming more aware of the world but I must say that the homeless epidemic (that seems to be rising with the fetanyl epidemic and legalization of drugs) really found it’s footing with the 2008 market crash. I can recall seeing homeless in greater numbers around 2010 and has grown exponentially since then. The correlation between drug legalization/lack of enforcement and homelessness can easily be made when you look at formerly decent cities like Portland and Seattle which have turned into shitholes over the past decade. Apologies for the rant but it seems like more social engineering going as planned. The legalization and ending the stigma around hard drugs has done so much damage to society.
Yessir going as planned! They’re clearing out the host population with fentanyl to be replaced by 80IQ Brown Hordes.
California has about 12% of America's population, but half the homeless people in America live in California. They know where they'll be coddled.
Maybe it was just coming of age and becoming more aware of the world but I must say that the homeless epidemic (that seems to be rising with the fetanyl epidemic and legalization of drugs) really found it’s footing with the 2008 market crash. I can recall seeing homeless in greater numbers around 2010 and has grown exponentially since then. The correlation between drug legalization/lack of enforcement and homelessness can easily be made when you look at formerly decent cities like Portland and Seattle which have turned into shitholes over the past decade. Apologies for the rant but it seems like more social engineering going as planned. The legalization and ending the stigma around hard drugs has done so much damage to society.
I think it's a perfect storm of rampant drug use among the working classes who have drifted down to the welfare class and affordable housing being nearly non existent in expensive coastal cities.

It used to be if you rented at market rate you were either saving for a down payment on a property or blue collar renters who were lifers at renting. Now many of the blue collar renter types are being pushed out as people that would qualify for mortgages are now renters and many blue collar type apartments are being cleaned up and rented for outrageous rent. This is nothing new in NYC as Manhattan less Harlem and a few neighborhoods near it have been scrubbed of blue collar renters for 35+years but Brooklyn lost these people in the last decade plus less a few remote neighborhoods. Other cities like Boston and Washington it's happened too. Only cities without economic pressure like Filthadelphia and Baltimore has this not happened(yet).
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Get a load of this embarrassing interview with Pete Buttigieg. I had trouble telling whether it was satire at first, but it appears to be genuine. Somewhat surprisingly, other liberal outlets are clowning on Wired for this absurdity.


"Sure, the US secretary of transportation has thoughts on building bridges. But infrastructure occupies just a sliver of his voluminous mind.

The curious mind of Pete Buttigieg holds much of its functionality in reserve. Even as he discusses railroads and airlines, down to the pointillist data that is his current stock-in-trade, the US secretary of transportation comes off like a Mensa black card holder who might have a secret Go habit or a three-second Rubik’s Cube solution or a knack for supplying, off the top of his head, the day of the week for a random date in 1404, along with a non-condescending history of the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

As Secretary Buttigieg and I talked in his underfurnished corner office one afternoon in early spring, I slowly became aware that his cabinet job requires only a modest portion of his cognitive powers. Other mental facilities, no kidding, are apportioned to the Iliad, Puritan historiography, and Knausgaard’s Spring—though not in the original Norwegian (slacker). Fortunately, he was willing to devote yet another apse in his cathedral mind to making his ideas about three mighty themes—neoliberalism, masculinity, and Christianity—intelligible to me."
Wonder if Virginia Heffernan got an personally autographed portrait from her hero so she can surround it with candles at the altar by her dining room table?

It all started with women voting. Then women in the work place. Then Feminism which turned into hating men and
making women more masculine and men more feminine. The people that are behind this are very smart. Go back
to the old ways. It will probably never happen unless we have a mass shifting in society.

Not a muslim and I don't want to be but I must say they don't allow women rulers, sodomy or usury. You can learn from
anyone. I don't condone many other things but even if you started with getting rid of the sodomy and usury
we would have a more level playing field. Especially in the financial world. The interest rates cripple individuals almost every
business outside of banks, credit unions or loan stores. Just my two cents. It would be great if neighborhoods created their
own systems to help each other out with loans interest free and everyone get get 1 loan every so many years. I know it's a
pipe dream but it is what it is.
This thread is for posting links to actual absurd news events and then commenting on them if posters want to. There's already a long existing thread for cartoons and memes.
Was this taken from Mark Dice? He has been displaying his textbook definitions of black privilege and anti whitism regularly. If anyone hasn’t caught his YouTube channel, it is highly recommended.

Yes it was. I watch so many videos and love listening to podcasts too. Mark Dice is a good watch. Trying to wake people up.
Why would anyone dare to question "the science," especially since the beginning of the plandemic? After all, "science" is always neutral and objective and never used for political and ideological ends, right?

Why would anyone dare to question "the science," especially since the beginning of the plandemic? After all, "science" is always neutral and objective and never used for political and ideological ends, right?

This highlights maybe the most frustrating part of the whole Covid scam. We were lectured about “science” by the segment of the population who by and large does not accept basic human biology. Out of all the sciences, this is one of the most clear cut and easy to understand. Yet the dogmatic propaganda of the deviant alphabet cult somehow seamlessly merged with the “science religion” of mainstream lefties. Now any nonsensical trans BS peddled by some small hat with a PHD is immediately taken as gospel by these people. It’s peak clown world.
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