We Are Living In A Cartoon

How did you know I lived in the projects ? I am nonplussed as if you are religious you would tell me to shoot the frigging umpire. So much for tolerance. I believe in a creator I just think it's very foolish for humans to think we have any idea of what that creator (s) is all about. I feel like a theology debate is about to break out. Please prove me wrong.
I’ve picked up on your subverting ways is all I’ll say.

You mention Minnesota’s honkeys in the secondary in another thread. Then double down on gay marriage. Claim “gays are just born that way”. Then come here to stir the pot on religion.

Lol there is no debate necessary.
You don't choose your sexuality. Kind of funny that a very high percentage of gay men are very effeminate and most gay women have very manly features. It's just a belief here but no real proof that lipstick lesbianism are just confused or possibly had some serious sexual abuse growing up. Don't know. I love our honkeys especially at corner and rb. Some posters here should be more worried about the constant paranoid schizophrenia displayed by a few here. It probably turns potential new casters away. Hope not.
All I know is the queers and lesbians have destroyed the UMC. There have been over 2,000 churches left the UMC Conferences since 2021 and I am sure that many more will leave in June. They are leaving for the simple reason our leadership has failed to enforce the rules of the Book of Discipline about ordaining queers as Pastors and Bishops. In the past 10 years, the Methodist church has lost 1.4 million members.
People who want truth, get truth. People who don't, won't.

Anyway, here's what's going on in the Netherlands. The satanic scum buckets are pulling the strings all over the world, even regarding food for people. Mass resistance and defiance is getting to be the only answer now. They have pushed us in a corner and they better expect a fight because it's coming if people want to survive against this onslaught from the elites:
The truth about gays, lesbians, bisexual, transexual, etc. etc. is that the majority of them have been groomed to be that way. That is
why they must go after the kids so todays kids can switch over too. When things happen to you at a very young age it confuses the
young mind and you don't know wrong from right. The overall majority of sodomites had things happen to them when they were
younger. I've seen far too much evidence of this. The Most High God would not have babies born gay when he hates it in my honest
opinion. Little babies and little kids don't even think about sex at such a young age unless they are groomed & molested.
The truth about gays, lesbians, bisexual, transexual, etc. etc. is that the majority of them have been groomed to be that way. That is
why they must go after the kids so todays kids can switch over too. When things happen to you at a very young age it confuses the
young mind and you don't know wrong from right. The overall majority of sodomites had things happen to them when they were
younger. I've seen far too much evidence of this. The Most High God would not have babies born gay when he hates it in my honest
opinion. Little babies and little kids don't even think about sex at such a young age unless they are groomed & molested.
Yes indeed. And the academia and media know this but hide these facts. False narratives are offered by them but even they know the truth so they just double down.
the notion that homosexuality is an innate, inherited genetic trait is laughably and obviously false.

the primary objective of EVERY organism is to reproduce, and any innate, inherited genetic trait that inhibits reproduction of said organism is undesirable. such undesirable traits would appear less and less frequently over time as those organisms that possess it fail to reproduce (or reproduce less).

so, if the premise that sodomites are “born that way” were true, there would be far fewer sodomites now than there were in ages past. ergo, the premise is demonstrably false.
I had promised myself I would never tell that I had been in prison again on this site but I have got to tell this story. I spent about 1/4 of my life in prison. I have seen grown straight as an arrow men having homosexual sex and on visitors' day go meet their wives and kids. The state of N.C. has no conjugal visits policy or no touching on visitor day. When they get out they go to their wives and start their life like nothing ever happen. Out of sight out of mind.
I had promised myself I would never tell that I had been in prison again on this site but I have got to tell this story. I spent about 1/4 of my life in prison. I have seen grown straight as an arrow men having homosexual sex and on visitors' day go meet their wives and kids. The state of N.C. has no conjugal visits policy or no touching on visitor day. When they get out they go to their wives and start their life like nothing ever happen. Out of sight out of mind.
Thanks for your honesty booth. I wonder how confused they would be for the rest of their lives. Hopefully those men can put it in the past and get on with enjoying the rest of their lives.
I had promised myself I would never tell that I had been in prison again on this site but I have got to tell this story. I spent about 1/4 of my life in prison. I have seen grown straight as an arrow men having homosexual sex and on visitors' day go meet their wives and kids. The state of N.C. has no conjugal visits policy or no touching on visitor day. When they get out they go to their wives and start their life like nothing ever happen. Out of sight out of mind.
For hardcore criminals going both ways in jail isn't viewed as true homosexuality. This scene in the Sopranos talks about getting a pass for AC/DC behavior in jail...

That said I would hope I would have the strength to resist frog sex and I'm pretty much certain I could resist it these days but in my young buck days it would have been much harder serving 15 to life...
I dont buy that "gay for the stay" BS. How could you even get aroused by something that disgusting? There's something wrong with guys who do that. Just jack off if you're that horny.
I dont buy that "gay for the stay" BS. How could you even get aroused by something that disgusting? There's something wrong with guys who do that. Just jack off if you're that horny.
Flint, if my hands were sandpaper, I wouldn't even have a penis.
Here it goes. A higher power exists. I guarantee it. What I also guarantee is every religion on the planet is a bunch of bs. Not angry ...just right.
Ben Sharp Arrow. You are correct about one thing. Religion is BS. I agree. Because, every religion says what YOU have to DO to get into heaven. However, Christianity, a relationship with Jesus Christ, says what God DID for You. I have a question for you? When someone steals from you, or if someone murdered your loved one, wife, mother, father, etc. You want justice, right? That's what God demands when we sin. Because he's perfect. Homosexuals and Lesbians are no different than adulterers, murderers, etc. It doesn't really matter if they were born that way. What matters is that they were born Sinners, just like you and I were. If you've ever lied, stolen something, hated someone, committed adultery, etc., you've sinned. As I said God demands justice when we Sin against him, however instead of punishing us, he provided a way out. Jesus Christ paid your fine when he went to cross died and resurrected for anyone who repents and trusts him as Lord and Savior. There is no other Religion ever where this happened. Only Christianity. My friend, I urge you to pick up a Bible read it, and ask God to show you the only way to Heaven.
Jesus said, " I AM THE WAY, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." John 14: 6. Think about that for just a second. There's only two things you can say about that statement. Either Jesus is the way to Heaven or he's not, and if he's not, he's the biggest liar that walked the face of this earth. Are you sure there's "no higher power"? What if you're wrong?
Wouldn't you like to know the one who died for you and wants you to spend eternity in Heaven?
I think the lesson they will take away from this is that they did not do enough to promote LGBTQZXXX values. And as soon as they receive their bailout from the taxpayers they will restaff the bank completely with queer people of color.
Furthermore I don’t believe she had great risk management credentials. She may have been a total diversity hire with nothing to back it up. Ridiculous
American Freedom News