We Are Living In A Cartoon

Nice overview of the Frankfurt school and the beginning of cultural marxism in the West.

Idiot social media influencer got his minions to rush to a public park in Manhattan for free useless video game systems. What could go wrong from this...
Idiot social media influencer got his minions to rush to a public park in Manhattan for free useless video game systems. What could go wrong from this...

Yes, this was a chimpout that was somewhere in the “tropical storm” category. They needed 1,000 police officers to calm the storm. The liberal 5 o’clock fake news reporter I saw was even perplexed why it was happening. He said something along the lines of “the George Floyd unrest had a noble cause and this was just pointless violence and destruction of public property”. I had a good laugh.
Yes, this was a chimpout that was somewhere in the “tropical storm” category. They needed 1,000 police officers to calm the storm. The liberal 5 o’clock fake news reporter I saw was even perplexed why it was happening. He said something along the lines of “the George Floyd unrest had a noble cause and this was just pointless violence and destruction of public property”. I had a good laugh.
Yeah this was a "noble cause"...
I wonder if we have any posters here who are actually bots:

I'm asking (again) to hold off on the flat earth narrative. We had a very long thread that discussed it thoroughly from different points of view and that's sufficient for those who wish to peruse it. This is primarily a sports site and it's going to stay that way.
I'm asking (again) to hold off on the flat earth narrative. We had a very long thread that discussed it thoroughly from different points of view and that's sufficient for those who wish to peruse it. This is primarily a sports site and it's going to stay that way.
A lot of good men have to settle for garbage in an era when this pig with over a million Instagram followers is "hot" and "makes men cry":

Those nations had better check their testicular fortitude and drop out of the anti-white EU.

I could see several nations giving a fat middle finger to this but time will tell.
I don't believe (for 1 second) the Lord meant for people to become mongrelized. He confounded the languages & split the people at the tower of Babel. The Word is full of examples of segregation (tribes, races, believers vs. the carnal world, etc.). The only unity should be in Christ (spiritually). Most of these churches pushing the "social gospel" are apostate & (salvation thru) works based. As Christians, we're not to be "respecters of persons" but winners of souls to/for the Lord.
Well said, and I would also add that God commanded us to Honor our Fathers and Mothers.

Now, how can anyone honor their parents if they hate their own race / mongrelize with another race / have nothing but hatred for their own cultural heritage? But that is exactly what the communists in charge of the media and culture are pushing on whites non-stop. We are living in a satanic culture with satanic 'leaders'.
American Freedom News