We Are Living In A Cartoon

My buddy's Dad lives in McKinney, TX in a small (but real nice) sudivision in a very nice house & property. He's a self made millionaire & a very giving person. However, he's also highly intelligent & most certainly wouldn't want those cretinous vermin anywhere his subdivision.
mark levin and and michael weiner are not "good Jews". They pretend to be conservatives so they can sucker in Whites to go die for Israel. Jews are notorious for trying to play both sides of the fence so they can control their opposition
Lew, I was making the point that I have not heard a White conservative commentator nor radio host say that White men are under verbal assault by the government and media like they have. Both have been saying this since 2011. That is a pretty big deal today. Not sure they want Whites to die in the middle east though. I do not agree with everything they say nor what everybody posts here. Just making a point that they stated the truth where others remain silent.
Lew, I was making the point that I have not heard a White conservative commentator nor radio host say that White men are under verbal assault by the government and media like they have. Both have been saying this since 2011. That is a pretty big deal today. Not sure they want Whites to die in the middle east though. I do not agree with everything they say nor what everybody posts here. Just making a point that they stated the truth where others remain silent.

You are not going to hear a white pundit advocate for whites on a nationaliy-syndicated radio show, because whites don't own any! They don't operate them, they don't fund them, and they don't even squeal when their mandates come in! Plenty may even operate at a loss!

What a shame that "honest" jews like Weiner and Levin never advocate for any actual measure like racialism or separatism! We blame the other coin side instead, who just need to be fair! I like chuckling at these nasally heebs when I come across them accidentally, but boy oh boy they are taking their time waking up "fellow whites" to our imminent peril. Michael Savage warns us that Democrats could cause another Holocaust!
This is the theory behind “broken windows†policing, the very tactic now being targeted by the #BlackLivesMatter protests. Since crime is already skyrocketing in Baltimore and other cities, we can see what happens when the police back off. The brutal reality and unspoken (except in the comment sections) assumption is that many Whites don’t care about the death of black “thugs†because we know their removal from society makes our lives better. After all, much of our way of life is built around trying to avoid them.

Here, no one was killed, or even injured. But let’s look to what will happen next. The police officer in question has already resigned and the next step will presumably be a payoff of some kind. The pool, having learned its lesson, will be less eager to call the police the next time a group of loud, feral blacks shows up. And as the clientele is “enriched†by diversity, families will stay away.

In a larger sense, this is what will happen to the community. Police are less likely to intervene in dangerous situations, Whites (and some non-Whites) will be unwilling to tell young degenerates to stop, those who can afford it will move away, those who can’t will be stuck, and within a few years, you’ll have another Ferguson with only those trapped in underwater mortgages remaining. Another triumph for diversity.

The hunt for more White scapegoats will continue. A White woman grappling with one of the teens in the video has lost her job. Another woman who posted on Facebook that black people were causing racial tension and should be kept away “almost to the point of waning them all segregated†is now the source of national news, even after she deleted it. (It should be noted she ended her call for almost-segregation with the hashtag #imnotaracist.)

Success in the current American environment relies upon skillfully navigating racial hypocrisy. You can’t be stupid enough to act like you believe in equality, even if you tell yourself you really do. A landlord or employer who believes “race doesn’t matter†will find his diverse tenants destroying his property or diverse employees stealing from his business. But you also have to be smart enough to fake it, lest you fall under the Eye and be targeted for destruction.

The model American city of today is Montgomery, Alabama, a once proud Southern metropolis, now an economic ruin featuring a depressing string of empty buildings—except for cash advance scams, pawn shops, dollar stores, and of course, the opulent headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Everyone wants to be the one living in the Palace, even if you are surrounded by a desolation that they call Equality.

And this is the great trap for the respectable Right. If middle class, bourgeois, responsible Whites wanted to preserve their communities, they’d support race realist organizations that provide a rationale for opposing black crime, state-driven desegregation, and enforced multiculturalism. But they don’t because the same temperament that makes you want to live in a nice suburb and raise well-behaved, successful children also makes it difficult for you to endure public criticism, suffer economic punishment for your beliefs, or stand up to threats of violence, intimidation, and character destruction, not to mention condemnation from your local noodle-armed, jeans-wearing pastor or priest.

A superb article, Don, thanks for posting. His descriptions of the inevitable “progressive changes†(police standing down, white business owners not calling the police during future incidents, white flight) are the factual, time-honored sequence of events that always seem to occur.

I really liked his explanation of one’s success in Western society being reliant upon “skillfully navigating racial hypocrisy†and the “punishment for your beliefs†that inexorably occurs if The System’s paradigm is not shown due respect. It’s bitten me a few times…

In elementary school, I can recall being sent to the principal’s office many times for the use of racial slurs. The spineless a-hole principal, Mr. Mueller, was an intimidating guy and after multiple offenses, he forced me to apologize to my entire (5[SUP]th[/SUP] grade?) class. It was humiliating, I felt like a total p-ssy, and it was the final time I apologized for my beliefs.

Despite holding an academic class rank of #4 in high school, they tried to suspend me for 3 days for giving a pro-white speech in English class. In art class, I was in hot water with my Marxist teacher for painting a portrait of Adolf Hilter and his German Shepherd, “Blondie.†The painting was to be removed from the school (it's currently in my garage) and I had to make another one. I was told to remove “insensitive†decals from my car in the school parking lot…so I covered them with masking tape until the school year was over.

At my United Methodist/Marxist church, where my dad is a high-ranking trustee, I was in trouble as a teenager for defaming Jews and opposing their malevolent “mission trips†to the Turd World. They told my dad and although he agreed with me, he was royally pissed that I embarrassed our family in the church.

In college, I was thrown off the track team for a physical altercation with a black teammate in the weight room. I had a partial scholarship for football, but did track to stay in shape, so it didn’t matter to me! After transferring to a larger college, it was more difficult to get caught.

Last year, I made a thread at CF detailing the large, pro-white signs I erect along roadsides around my community a few times each year…


Apparently, I told too many people and word got around. My local township supervisor told me not to operate in his municipality in case someone causes a major stink or contacts the local news. No big deal, I told him, there are plenty of other municipalities!

Would a non-white boy/teenager/man have ever been in trouble for any of these activities? No, he’d be universally encouraged, lionized, and government funded.
Here is an example of not being able to "skillfully navigate racial hypocrisy" - a former McKinney elementary school teach who was fired for posting her thoughts on the officer in the incident resigning:


The hyper-sensitivity of speaking out against Amerika 2.0's chosen race is reaching ridiculous proportions. This is the third white person to suffer from the actions of irresponsible black teens - the police officer and a resident of the private neighborhood have also lost their jobs.

The black entitled mentality has permeated down to the young generation - it has enabled them to act out, attack, disrespect and destroy without fear of any sort of punishment. They know no matter what they do the media and cultural-marxist community leaders will always find an innocent white person to paint as the devil. It's predictable as ever, very formulaic and hopefully more and more white people are catching on to the scheme.

White people are in a difficult spot. I feel a great majority see what's going on and know that it's total BS. In time their will be an uprising IMO as white people finally get totally fed up. Unfortunately, their is no support system or media outlet to fight back with and expose the truth. The small minority that owns the major media outlets and stirs up the black community hold so much power in creating this false narrative.

The black problem in this country has been going on since the end of the civil war. It was recognized back than that most blacks did not have the mental capacity to learn/assimilate into western society. I always believed that if blacks adopted the Booker T. Washington philosophy of hard work, racial solidarity, helping themselves and accepting discrimination for a time until they were accepted into society (just like every other group in American history has) than the black race would be much better off. Instead the WEB DuBois philosophy was accepted and is still in action today - what a complete and utter failure.

As for me - I have to navigate racial hyprocrisy in certain areas of my life but with friends and family I do discuss the nonsense in this country. I also have no problem calling out black affletes in all sports and telling those around me that they suck and are overrated as well as cheering on white athletes.
Just like Phall said the reason you don't hear white pundits saying similar things is because they're not allowed to. Weiner and Levin are only allowed to say these things because their jewish privilege allows them too . And they absolutely are trying to get Whites to go fight and die for Israel . They both strongly support Israel and want the US to go to war with Israel's enemies such as saddam's Iraq and Iran. Michael Weiner especially tries to get on the side of semi racially aware conservative Whites only to then lobby on behalf of his true nation at the detriment of the US

In my opinion, it's better than nothing to have someone like Savage call attention to these racial issues and not pull any punches. He really does tell it like it is and has ripped many black callers to shreds. The average person/listener doesn't see a Jewish man, they see a white man and if that helps turn more people racially aware, I'm all for it. We sure as hell won't be getting any leadership from the Vannitys or Limbaughs of the world.
In my opinion, it's better than nothing to have someone like Savage call attention to these racial issues and not pull any punches. He really does tell it like it is and has ripped many black callers to shreds. The average person/listener doesn't see a Jewish man, they see a white man and if that helps turn more people racially aware, I'm all for it. We sure as hell won't be getting any leadership from the Vannitys or Limbaughs of the world.

CrazyFinn you more eloquently explained the intent of my posts. Thanks and welcome to CF!
We are living in a cartoon...

and increasingly it looks like the Captain Sweden cartoon: (viewer discretion advised:icon_smile:)

I try not to be an alarmist as I've been around long enough to see endless claims of imminent catastrophe not be fulfilled, but this is as dangerous a time as there's been in my lifetime.

A global financial crisis worse than that of seven years ago is quite possible, as the banksters and their puppet politicians have only thrown more trillions of dollars of debt into the system instead of dealing with the systemic problems that caused the meltdown in the first place.

The U.S. continues to maneuver very aggressively against both Russia and China. There now seems to be a pretty decent chance of the once unthinkable occurring, namely a nuclear war.

The Middle East is as much of a tinderbox as ever.

The communists have totally triumphed in the one-sided culture war in the U.S., with the Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage and the White House bathed in the colors of the homosexual revolution reflecting the victory. Traditionalists have completely rolled over and capitulated because of their cowardice in talking about social and racial issues honestly.

The Jade Helm military exercise about to take place in the Southwest is ominous for several reasons.

The system is intensifying the one-sided race war seemingly every day.

The passage of TPP is a huge milestone on the road of total corporate control of most of the world's economy.

Did I leave anything out?

Again, I'm not an alarmist but even an alarmist is right occasionally. What Alex Jones says in the video on this linked article should be taken seriously because the subverters of humanity appear to be moving in on all sides.

I try not to be an alarmist as I've been around long enough to see endless claims of imminent catastrophe not be fulfilled, but this is as dangerous a time as there's been in my lifetime.

A global financial crisis worse than that of seven years ago is quite possible, as the banksters and their puppet politicians have only thrown more trillions of dollars of debt into the system instead of dealing with the systemic problems that caused the meltdown in the first place.

The U.S. continues to maneuver very aggressively against both Russia and China. There now seems to be a pretty decent chance of the once unthinkable occurring, namely a nuclear war.

The Middle East is as much of a tinderbox as ever.

The communists have totally triumphed in the one-sided culture war in the U.S., with the Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage and the White House bathed in the colors of the homosexual revolution reflecting the victory. Traditionalists have completely rolled over and capitulated because of their cowardice in talking about social and racial issues honestly.

The Jade Helm military exercise about to take place in the Southwest is ominous for several reasons.

The system is intensifying the one-sided race war seemingly every day.

The passage of TPP is a huge milestone on the road of total corporate control of most of the world's economy.

Did I leave anything out?

Again, I'm not an alarmist but even an alarmist is right occasionally. What Alex Jones says in the video on this linked article should be taken seriously because the subverters of humanity appear to be moving in on all sides.

And there wouldn't be a "Jade Helm" exercise in this country if the skids weren't greased by the treasonous passage of the 2011 NDAA. My understanding of "Jade Helm" was that it was supposed to be a secret operation until word leaked out about it somehow and Alex picked it up and ran with it. That's right a "secret" military option on American soil.

It's interesting how Texas and Utah (along with the only Conservative area of California) were listed as potentially "hostile". I was thinking why this would be the case and the best answer I could come up with involved gold, silver, and other bullion. A few years ago, Utah passed a law that allowed the use of gold and silver in retail transactions. Just a couple of weeks ago (but in the works for many months), the Texas legislature passed a law that was signed by the Governor that creates a Bullion bank. My guess is that if it gets real ugly, even far worse than 2008, the Feds are going to try to pull another FDR-like confiscation of all gold, silver, and other bullion. The new Texas law:

- Creates a state gold depository – bringing gold home from New York Fed
- Move to remove gold from Federal Reserve highlights distrust
- Legislation will prevent Federal government from confiscating gold
- Includes provisions that may lead to return to using gold as currency in the U.S.
- New gold electronic payments system protect from "national financial or currency crisis"

A funny side note about the whole deal is that Governor Abbot used the word "repatriate" to describe the move of the gold out of the Federal Reserve and and into Texas. "Repatriate" involves two countries, not two states. I wonder if it was a slip-of-the-tongue from him or if he really meant that. Classic talk, nonetheless.

"The move is being widely perceived as a vote of no confidence in the privately owned, bank owned central bank and the federal government."

"The law will go into effect immediately and the new Texas Bullion Depository – soon to be built- will cater to businesses, state agencies and citizens."

"It is highly significant therefore that a powerful state from within the U.S., such as Texas, should display such apparent distrust of the Federal Reserve."

The legislation even seeks to protect the state’s gold from confiscation by the Federal government. Section A2116.023 of the bill states: "A purported confiscation, requisition, seizure, or other attempt to control the ownership … is void ab initio and of no force or effect."

"Also significant is a provision which may lead to a return to sound money as proposed by Article 1, section 10 the constitution, i.e. gold and silver. In one section the bill states: "depository account holder may transfer any portion of the balance of the holder’s depository account by check, draft, or digital electronic instruction to another depository account holder."


"But the truly game-changing aspect of this proposal … lies in the "system" part. This would be an advanced, state-owned and operated system of electronic payments and settlements, denominated in ounces of precious metals, barred from engaging in lending, leasing, speculative or derivative transactions, and always maintaining a 100% ratio of bullion reserves to account balances. At full scale, not only could it sustain state and local government operations, it could potentially sustain large swaths of the Texas economy, even in the face of a national financial or currency crisis.


Heck the USSA/Amerika/Agent of Israel has been invading, bombing or otherwise subverting or overthrowing other countries that aren't part of the central banking scheme, I doubt they are going to take kindly to Texas trying to do the same thing.
Thank you Don and Heretic for those posts.

I think it's prudent to "sound the alarm". Better to be safe than sorry. I feel a catastrophic event is coming soon. I've had a weird feeling in my gut the last month or 2....
Thanks for the head's up...have been discussing with my brother and a few friends....it's all like a giant jig-saw puzzle that's slowly been coming together...but now seems to have accelerated into overdrive. And with the recent events headed toward a cliff...it's not a matter of "if"?...but "when"?

Denmark going to cashless society; Greece chaos; China etc. etc entire public school kids in U.S. getting free lunch...just stick your "thump-print" into the little Red-light circle when passing thru line

Imperative to be vigilant in dark times like these...

BTW are the sodomites the "true bigots"...when they oppose your view?
Illegal alien scum disrupt a book signing by Ann Coulter. Back before the communist takeover of America, the idea of non-citizen criminals doing such an act was unthinkable and would have been instantly smashed, not by police, but by red-blooded American men before the police were even called or needed.

I somewhat admire Ann, just as I somewhat admire Pat Buchanan. She appears to be taking the torch from the aging Buchanan (nearly 77 years old) and is pushing the boundaries of "respectable" establishment thought when no one else is. But it's not nearly enough at this late stage, and it's telling that it's a woman showing more backbone than any "conservative" men leaders in the U.S. of Gay.

Many of those present at the event seemed to sit or stand in place, peering through their magical "smart" phones attempting to conjure the mythical Great Kazoo or record their own pusillanimity, rather than respond to the rioters with equal fervor.

This is an embarrassing indicator of a big problem relating to the conditioned passivity in our culture.
Just watched the first 5 minutes of NBC's "national news." A black female was substituting for the usual host, black male Lester Holt -- amazing isn't how a group which is 1/8 of the population is everywhere on television yet is always being "oppressed" by a country supposedly filled with White racists.

The first story was about how the police state is doubling down for the 4th -- because ISIS is hiding behind every bush, always ready to strike. Various militarized police forces were shown, ready to "protect our freedom" according to "reporter" Peter Alexander, who concluded by repeating the hallmark phrase of totalitarian systems -- "if you see something, say something." Didn't East Germany patent that 60 years ago? But clearly the terrorists haven't won since 9/11. You have a better chance of being killed by a lightning strike than by a terrorist.

But wait -- the next story was, believe it or not, about the danger posed to the country on the 4th by lightning strikes. Yes, the "danger posed by lightning strikes" was the second most important story in the U.S. today according to NBC. The "reporter" ominously noted that 26 Americans were killed by lightning strikes in 2014, and 15 so far in 2015.

26 killed in a country of over 300 million? How many were killed by snake and insect bites, by falling in the bathtub, in work accidents? 26 is nothing, but of course the audience is not supposed to think, only absorb the message. Terror, whether man-made or nature-made, is everywhere according to our masters. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave indeed. So effortlessly is a once free country psychologically enslaved.
Just watched the first 5 minutes of NBC's "national news." A black female was substituting for the usual host, black male Lester Holt -- amazing isn't how a group which is 1/8 of the population is everywhere on television yet is always being "oppressed" by a country supposedly filled with White racists.

The first story was about how the police state is doubling down for the 4th -- because ISIS is hiding behind every bush, always ready to strike. Various militarized police forces were shown, ready to "protect our freedom" according to "reporter" Peter Alexander, who concluded by repeating the hallmark phrase of totalitarian systems -- "if you see something, say something." Didn't East Germany patent that 60 years ago? But clearly the terrorists haven't won since 9/11. You have a better chance of being killed by a lightning strike than by a terrorist.

But wait -- the next story was, believe it or not, about the danger posed to the country on the 4th by lightning strikes. Yes, the "danger posed by lightning strikes" was the second most important story in the U.S. today according to NBC. The "reporter" ominously noted that 26 Americans were killed by lightning strikes in 2014, and 15 so far in 2015.

26 killed in a country of over 300 million? How many were killed by snake and insect bites, by falling in the bathtub, in work accidents? 26 is nothing, but of course the audience is not supposed to think, only absorb the message. Terror, whether man-made or nature-made, is everywhere according to our masters. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave indeed. So effortlessly is a once free country psychologically enslaved.

All true. They've also been promoting shark attack fear on beach goers with a couple fake shark attack drill/stories, "shark week" and Jaws marathons on TV. They used the fake shark attack to usher in drones on the beach in San Diego, allegedly to assist the life guards in monitoring sharks.
Yes, shark attacks was the third or fourth story after the two I mentioned above. It's a constant promotion of fear and paranoia, combined with unwavering faith in the government and "the system," which is never allowed to be seriously critiqued.
If you have some free time, I would highly encourage you to listen to the July 9, 2015 broadcast of the Savage Nation:


Ideally, you can spare the 90 minute to listen to the entire show, but if not, at least try for the first 30-45 minutes. It is as if a bunch of folks from Caste Football, Paul Kersey's SBPDL, and several other "hate" sites got together and send him his talking points. I have never heard anyone else in the media say the things that Savage discusses on his show, and this July 9 edition might be one of the best ever.

I know some folks don't like "Wiener" very much and he has been mentioned as being controlled opposition among other things. But at this point, I have to say he's just about the best friend and only voice of reason and sanity we've got among a sea of fakes, lunatics, and other assorted vermin who are true enemies of this country.
If you have some free time, I would highly encourage you to listen to the July 9, 2015 broadcast of the Savage Nation:


Ideally, you can spare the 90 minute to listen to the entire show, but if not, at least try for the first 30-45 minutes. It is as if a bunch of folks from Caste Football, Paul Kersey's SBPDL, and several other "hate" sites got together and send him his talking points. I have never heard anyone else in the media say the things that Savage discusses on his show, and this July 9 edition might be one of the best ever.

I know some folks don't like "Wiener" very much and he has been mentioned as being controlled opposition among other things. But at this point, I have to say he's just about the best friend and only voice of reason and sanity we've got among a sea of fakes, lunatics, and other assorted vermin who are true enemies of this country.
I just happened to listen to him last night, the first time in a very long time. I agree, it was a very good broadcast...he was very p*ssed off. He didn't hold back talking about blacks and illegals from south of the border and their criminality, as well as their "White" liberal enablers. He eviscerated the local San Francisco politicians and their "sanctuary city" stance. He took off the gloves against the mainstream media, MTV and their new "White People" show, tearing them a new one. But, of course, his condemnation of the mainstream media stops just short of calling out the Jews behind the curtain that control the narrative and propaganda as well as Sumner Redstone, the Jewish owner of Viacom that airs MTV. Still, there's plenty of baby with that bathwater to maybe start listening to him more regularly again.
Synthetic Terror Spectacle

by Daniel Spaulding

Following a wave of terrorist attacks in late June in France, Tunisia, and Kuwait, the narrative that ISIS is on the march has been dusted off by Western governments and media, though that particular fairy tale has never been allowed to collect dust for very long. While it’s entirely unclear what, if any, ties the alleged perpetrators of the aforementioned attacks had with ISIS fighters based in Iraq and Syria, the media ran with the tale of ISIS expansion, and Americans spent another July 4th threatened by their national security establishment with jihadists planning to attack their summer barbecue and pool parties. (Naturally, nothing happened.)

The beheading “attack†in France, already on high alert after January’s massacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices, was immediately cited by Europe’s security “experts†and politicians, including Britain’s Teletubby-totalitarian prime minister David Cameron, to justify expanding Europe’s already massive surveillance apparatus. The suspect in France was already known to the DST, French domestic intelligence, and the individual he beheaded was his employer, with whom he apparently had a hostile relationship. But the fact he had some nominal relationships with other Islamic radicals was enough to depict the murder of his boss as an ISIS-connected attack.

Last year in the American state of Oklahoma, a black Muslim prison convert with sympathies for radical Islam beheaded a co-worker at the meat-packing plant from which he had been fired. The media toyed with the notion that the beheading might have been ISIS-inspired or an act of “lone-wolf†terrorism, but quickly moved on to other items. The similar event in France has now established that disgruntled workers of a radical Islamic persuasion who seek violent revenge on employers or coworkers can now officially be cast as nefarious foot soldiers of ISIS. (Apparently any resentful office gnome that fantasizes about taking out his boss is a potential ISIS recruit.)

Meanwhile, in Tunisia a young jihadist (with possible accomplices) infiltrated a beach frequented by foreign terrorist and murdered almost 40 people. Tunisian authorities had been warned the month before that a terrorist attack in that area was likely, but apparently did next to nothing to prevent the attack.

The Tunisian suspect was allegedly trained by a jihadist faction in neighboring Libya.[1] Western powers – Britain, France, and the United States – deliberately destabilized Libya and armed jihadist brigades there, a fact continuously glossed over by the politicians and media, and now they demand action be taken in the wake of the Tunisian beach massacre. The violent NATO intervention in Libya in 2011 and subsequent overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi has led to a significant proliferation of terrorism across North and Central Africa, with waves of Africans fleeing across the Mediterranean to Europe to escape the civil and sectarian strife unleashed in their countries. Yet none of the Western leaders who ignited the crisis have been held to account. Indeed, those who wrecked Libya, and Syria, along with unleashing ISIS upon the Middle East, have done quite well for themselves.

In this vein, after the recent shooting at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, allegedly by a mentally imbalanced white supremacist, former Secretary of State and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton came out to decry gun violence and call for further gun control. The hypocrisy of her stance was completely ignored by the establishment media, which allowed her to self-righteously pontificate, never calling her out over her policy of Secretary of State of arming vicious jihadists in Libya and Syria. It should be further remembered that while Clinton feigned moral outrage over Charleston, she cackled with joy over the vicious torture and murder of former Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi by her pet Libyan mujahideen.

But of course Hillary can laugh, because she knows that the population that she aspires to soon rule doesn’t have the slightest clue about her role in helping generate the synthetic terrorism of ISIS, which has been a boon to the national security establishment and surveillance societies in North America and Western Europe. The threat posed by elusive ISIS, allegedly present in all 50 American states and across the border in Mexico, is enough to keep American television consumers perpetually on edge. The bizarre events in Garland, Texas and further sectarian tensions have only served to maintain this elite-induced heightened state of paranoia.

Add on top of this an unending flow of slick, high quality ISIS videos allegedly showing beheadings, mass executions, and other nasty items. These conveniently timed and well-produced videos, eerily similar to plot elements of the popular Iron Man movies, as some commentators have pointed out, have helped serve the agenda of manufactured consent that “something must be done.†With the American presidential election cycle coming into full swing, we should expect more of the same, as recently observed by 21st Century Wire columnist Shawn Helton:

The public mind is not able to think beyond the dualistic and cartoonish notions that it has been fed by the mass media. Shadowy terrorists, be it ISIS or Cobra Command, are out to destroy our freedoms and way of life, which nowadays consists of little more than waving rainbow flags as one plays Candy Crush on an iPhone at the local Starbucks, and it’s up to G.I. Joe and the military-industrial complex to save the day. That G.I. Joe runs and funds Cobra Command never occurs to them; they’ll just vote for Hillary or another globalist sock puppet, deluding themselves that she’ll make everything better. Although a growing number of people have adopted a jaded and dismissive attitude in response to the ceaseless flow of terror propaganda, they sadly remain a minority.

Synthetic terrorism and the endless media spectacle that surrounds it is a necessary and essential component of the control grid that the Atlanticist oligarchs need to maintain hegemony over the societies they own. Just as well, it serves as a pretext to subvert any remaining states and cultures that dare defy them. The totalitarian nature of the liberal globalist order demands such actions, as the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin correctly noted:

… liberalism is a totalitarian and violent ideology, a means to direct and indirect political repression, to educational pressure and ferocious propaganda, self-proclaiming to be non-totalitarian, that is, concealing its very nature. This is a scientific fact. [Liberal] totalitarianism is entirely coherent with the whole perspective of its political concept.

McBabylon needs an enemy as its excuse for world conquest, and while geopolitical opponents like Russia can certainly be cast in that role, in order to make the fear more close to home, sometimes the enemy has to be constructed and stage-managed for maximum effect.

The Real Wrong Side of History

A common tactic employed by leftists is to accuse their enemies of being on “the wrong side of history.†When I toured UC Santa Cruz around 9 years ago, I recall seeing a mural juxtaposing old school Jim Crow bigotry with current conservative hostility towards homosexual marriage. The image must have caught on, because I could easily find it online.

The implication is that history will harshly judge opponents of homosexual rights, just as we passionately denounce Jim Crow racism. Such logic is now being applied to transsexual rights; check out this segment from John Oliver – the newest liberal comedic cult figure – where he asserts (skip to 16:15) that history will not be kind to those of us who oppose this newest civil rights movement.

In so many words, if we don’t enthusiastically embrace the left’s agenda, then people like us will be reviled for all eternity.

Will we? The arrogant leftist notion that the arc of the universe bends towards justice (i.e. what they want) is predicated on the belief that Western liberalism will remain hegemonic. However, I suspect that this dominant liberal narrative will erode as China and other Asian nations continue to rise. We already know that Asian countries have no use for the kind of bizarre identity politics running amok in the West.

In fact, given how pervasive intense nationalism is in Asia, I suspect that Asia’s ascendancy – combined with the West’s demise – will alter the way we view history. Such a paradigm shift will not be kind to the likes of John Oliver. Future Asian historians will be nonplussed upon learning that Americans placed a higher premium on transsexual rights than nationalism or a strong economy. They will also shake their heads and chuckle when reading about how historical white figureheads such as Joe Biden celebrated the impending minority status of their own people. They’ll wonder why the most dominant group in human history threw it all away in the name of quixotic ideals.

They will, with amusement and contempt, consign the Western left to the wrong side of history.

Synthetic terrorism, indeed. Interesting how Hillary was part of that synthetic terrorism that happened in Libya and Syria (via the Benghazi incident, shipping arms to the Syrian rebels to help depose Syrian President Assad) and then just happened to campaign with Clementa Pinckney, the black South Carolina State Senator, the same day he was shot at that Charleston Church. She then uses that tragedy to deride the Confederate flag and call for more gun control, paralleling the narrative of the mainstream media. Just a "coincidence", I'm sure.

Either way, it's highly hypocritical due to her gun-running operation in Benghazi. But I personally have no doubt that she knew Clementa was a "dead man walking" when he was campaigning with her earlier that day.
Redskins, Confederate flag, now the New Orleans Saints symbol is “racistâ€

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The “it offends me therefore it must go†movement is now eyeing the fleur-de-lis. The fleur de lis, a French symbol used by royal families dating back to the 13th century and emblazoned on the New Orleans Saints helmet, is now being called a symbol of slavery, drawing comparisons to the recent uproar against the Confederate battle flag.

“As an African I find it painful, and I think people whose ancestors were enslaved here may feel it even harder than I do as an African,†said slave historian Dr. Ibrahima Seck to New Orleans news channel 4 WWLTV. He connects the usage of the fleur de lis, to “code noir,†or black code, which was adopted in Louisiana in 1724, and used to govern to state’s slave population.

Seck said a slave caught running away, “would be taken before a court and the sentence would be being branded on one shoulder and with the fleur de lis, and then they would crop their ears.â€

The popular symbol is widely used by Saints fans throughout the state and region and also adorns the state flag. A history professor at Tulane University (a school within New Orleans’ city limits) Terrance Fitzmorris piled onto the notion adding that the fleur-de-lis was clearly a symbol of supremacy, “It was a brutal way of scarring someone.â€

Seeing as the symbol is on state flags and buildings around the Bayou State much as the confederate flag was in South Carolina, could the symbol be the next target of the “don’t offend me†thought police? Don’t bet against it.
Read the complete report filed by the Big Easy Believer.
American Freedom News