We Are Living In A Cartoon

Not sure if this belongs here but I watch History and History 2. History 2 is becoming viceland in a few weeks - Vice is the uber liberal hipster new media source. They have been playing commercials for their programming - one is a series pushing "hip-hop" and the other is called gaycation where it appears the show goes around the world to talk about the plight of gays throughout the world. Bad move by the history channel as H2 provides some decent programs as compared to the main History channel which has become reality shows.

History Channel has been declining for years now. One of the main reasons is they choose to be pop culture and push reality tv shows instead of showing history. Growing up I remember they had war documentaries, battles in history, famous historic figurines. Now they offer Pawn Stars.
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History Channel has been declining for years now. One of the main reasons is they choose to be pop culture and push reality tv shows instead of showing history. Growing up I remember they had war documentaries, battles in history, famous historic figurines. Now they offer Pawn Stars. I'll have to look into H2! Those new programs are going to flop.
Dont bother checking out H2 - it's going to be gone in a few days and replaced with Viceland lol
Dont bother checking out H2 - it's going to be gone in a few days and replaced with Viceland lol

Lol misread your post ! Those new programs are going to flop.
Local White news anchor stirs up the professionally offended by offering a realistic opinion about the perpetrators of the recent mass murder in Wilkinsburg, a slum that borders Pittsburgh:

WTAE-TV’s Wendy Bell takes down controversial Facebook post, apologizes


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Meanwhile, at Emory University in Atlanta, black students were terrified and in fear for their life after encountering "vote Trump" written in chalk on a sidewalk. From the article linked below:

That afternoon, a group of about 50 students protested in front of the school's administration building, saying "we are in pain," and claiming that the Trump chalkings were meant to be divisive and hateful. Some students even said they felt afraid for their safety.

"I legitimately feared for my life," Paula Camila Alarcon, a freshman at Emory who identifies as Latino, told The Daily Beast. "I thought we were having a KKK rally on campus."

"It was deliberate intimidation. Some of us were expecting shootings. We feared walking alone," freshman Jonathan Peraza added.

"I'm supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here]," one student told the Emory Wheel Student Paper. "But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well ... I don't deserve to feel afraid at my school."

Buchanan is spot on, as usual. What happens with/to Trump as a very unique and contrary member of the traitorously-run GOP will determine how much longer things will carry on as now, or if Trump and his brain trust (who seem to be more than competent) can slow down the shameless onslaught of the elites to destroy us...
Meanwhile, at Emory University in Atlanta, black students were terrified and in fear for their life after encountering "vote Trump" written in chalk on a sidewalk. From the article linked below:

That afternoon, a group of about 50 students protested in front of the school's administration building, saying "we are in pain," and claiming that the Trump chalkings were meant to be divisive and hateful. Some students even said they felt afraid for their safety.

"I legitimately feared for my life," Paula Camila Alarcon, a freshman at Emory who identifies as Latino, told The Daily Beast. "I thought we were having a KKK rally on campus."

"It was deliberate intimidation. Some of us were expecting shootings. We feared walking alone," freshman Jonathan Peraza added.

"I'm supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here]," one student told the Emory Wheel Student Paper. "But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well ... I don't deserve to feel afraid at my school."


Cultural Marxism is driving these people insane.

Quite fitting. Only difference in actuality is they are about 3 or 4 feet taller, hateful, wilfully living outside of reality, irreverent, swearing, violent, and in massive debt for brain-washing loans...............
I don't believe for a minute any of these pussies at Emory is being honest about any "hurt" or "pain" they are experiencing. It's all an act to launch a drama queen style protest in an attempt to gain something from the school administration or at least get them to grovel. In fact it is the opposite of being a victim and is instead is a pure power ploy to exercise their non-white privilege over the white power structure. I pray for the day there will be a school president who is close to retirement or suffering from a terminal illness that will say the hell with it and tell these PC crybabies to man up and stop being such whiny bitches.
Some good news from the Cultural Communism front:

'Empire' Flops Overseas as Foreign Viewers Resist Hollywood's Diversity Push

Driven by the ratings success of shows with mainly nonwhite casts — Empire, Black-ish andFresh Off the Boat — along with political pressure to make shows better reflect their diverse audience, American TV outlets increasingly are greenlighting series that feature black, Asian and Latino leads. Fox's 24: Legacy, a reboot of the Kiefer Sutherland series, stars Corey Hawkins, famous as Dr. Dre from Straight Outta Compton. CBS has Rush Hour, based on the action movie franchise, starring Jon Foo and Justin Hires, and has cast Sarah Shahi, a former NFL cheerleader of Persian and Spanish ancestry, as Nancy Drew in its reboot of the lily-white mystery franchise.

"It's color-blind casting," says Sony Pictures TV casting director Dawn Steinberg. "There used to be a time when it had to be written that way to look for an actor with a specific ethnicity. Now it's just who is the best actor for the role."

But when trying to sell overseas, American shows are finding the color barrier is still there. Why? Insiders say it's because international audiences have yet to truly embrace diversity on the small screen. "These shows are a reflection of our society, but [they are] not a reflection of all societies," says Marion Edwards, president of international TV at Fox.

full article: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/empire-flops-overseas-as-foreign-879109

That quote from Dawn Steinberg is a beauty, a perfect example of Orwellian doublethink. Hollywood has been obsessed for decades with racial casting; it's just that now they ratcheted up non-White casting considerably, reflecting the America they and the rest of the cultural communist/corporate fascist ruling regime fully expect to see in 25 years.
Anyone with an iota of intellectual integrity knows full well that contrived forced,"entertainment diversity" should be soundly rejected in favor of (true) personal preference & taste.
Anyone with an iota of intellectual integrity knows full well that contrived forced,"entertainment diversity" should be soundly rejected in favor of (true) personal preference & taste.

What I like about entertainment is even the veriest fool understands they don't have to buy what they don't like and its not so easy to make people like crap because it stinks so much.

Not enough time in a day for children to learn math, reading, writing, and oral communication but time to kneel down, kiss the floor, and utter gibberish to the winds. This is why I prefer private education.
Local White news anchor stirs up the professionally offended by offering a realistic opinion about the perpetrators of the recent mass murder in Wilkinsburg, a slum that borders Pittsburgh:

WTAE-TV’s Wendy Bell takes down controversial Facebook post, apologizes


Wendy Bell did the thought criminal perp walk of making a cringing apology and was still fired. The silver lining is that it's set off a firestorm of anger in Pittsburgh. Wendy Bell was a popular, long-established news anchor; her Facebook post that resulted in her persecution was filled with common sense and empathy for the dead black victims of a mass shooting that made national news, their families, and the black neighborhood it took place in. But that wasn't good enough for the professional black militants and their corporate enablers, who found her post "insensitive" and reflecting "White privilege."

Many thousands of viewers of local station WTAE are vowing to not watch the station anymore, but that's a meaningless gesture because they'll merely be watching the other corporate stations in the city that are just as intolerant and are pushing the exact same agenda. Far as I can tell, not one single prominent person or entity in Pittsburgh has criticized Bell's firing, while a good 80% or more of Pittsburghers think it was wrong, very familiar dynamics.

My only hope is that this makes more people realize that far from being "conservative," large corporations are in fact the number one enemy of Americans in general and Whites in particular. "Diversity" is about imposing a stifling ideological conformity presented by people meeting the appropriate black quarterbacks of colors and backgrounds. "Affirmative action," "racial sensitivity training," "open borders," "free trade," outsourcing and the rest are all promoted with relish by Big Business. There is nothing remotely "conservative" about Big Business, it works hand-in-glove with cultural communists to transform and plunder the U.S. from within.
This brings up the old question do crazy people know they are crazy? Or, do otherwise sane people know they are being taught by crazy people? Makes me down on younger people but then I realize a lot of the questioning of this insanity is being done by younger people. The sickening thing is they can get in trouble nowadays for questioning these bizarre doctrines. And doctrines they are.
University/College Students With Minds of Pine Cones and Telephone Poles

Communist drones, knowing they are on camera, and thus spouting the correct current Party line. Colleges and universities are toxic environments for White men. White men should be pursuing IT degrees, medical degrees and MBAs, and the traditional trades such as plumbing, electrician, iron worker, carpenter, etc. College is useless, and mentally and psychologically harmful, for the vast majority of White men, not to mention the huge amounts of student loan debt most accrue that ensures they start off their adult life as a debt serf.
Communist drones, knowing they are on camera, and thus spouting the correct current Party line. Colleges and universities are toxic environments for White men. White men should be pursuing IT degrees, medical degrees and MBAs, and the traditional trades such as plumbing, electrician, iron worker, carpenter, etc. College is useless, and mentally and psychologically harmful, for the vast majority of White men, not to mention the huge amounts of student loan debt most accrue that ensures they start off their adult life as a debt serf.

Good points there Don, I would add pure and applied science to that list as well. One of my lads is studying physics (without the debt). We Whites have a long history of innovation; the world depends on us.
University/College Students With Minds of Pine Cones and Telephone Poles

Pathetic collection of gutless, weak minded lemmings with zero backbone or intellectual integrity.
Bill Nye the pseudo science guy thinks its reasonable to jail those that doubt man-made climate change:

They may be able to pull this kind of nonsense off in Civil Code countries but on our common law lands (U.S., Can., U.K., Ire., Aust., N.Z. , etc.,) its not possible to successfully prosecute. What a dope that Nye is. Canada has a dope like him also known as David Suzuki.
American Freedom News