We Are Living In A Cartoon

Why don't they just skip the small stuff and get to the real heart of the matter: "You're White and and you offend me and we hate you, and we need to make it a crime to be White and eradicate all of you".
I wish they'd just go ahead and get to their agenda and say what they really have in mind, out in the open for even the sheep DWF to comprehend, maybe having them hear it from Oprah and Dr. Phil for pete's sake, with the "duh" response so then I can lock and load with a sign by my door saying, "Bring it on!"
Putin continues to patiently outmaneuver the neo-con madmen:

Putin Leads BRICS Uprising

by Mike Whitney

There’s been a virtual blackout of news from this year’s seventh annual BRICS summit in Ufa, Russia. None of the mainstream media organizations are covering the meetings or making any attempt to explain what’s going on. As a result, the American people remain largely in the dark about a powerful coalition of nations that are putting in place an alternate system that will greatly reduce US influence in the world and end the current era of superpower rule.

Let’s cut to the chase: Leaders of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) realize that global security cannot be entrusted to a country that sees war as a acceptable means for achieving its geopolitical objectives. They also realize that they won’t be able to achieve financial stability as long as Washington dictates the rules, issues the de facto “international†currency, and controls the main levers of global financial power. This is why the BRICS have decided to chart a different course, to gradually break free from the existing Bretton Woods system, and to create parallel system that better serves their own interests. Logically, they have focused on the foundation blocks which support the current US-led system, that is, the institutions from which the United States derives its extraordinary power; the dollar, the US Treasury market, and the IMF. Replace these, the thinking goes, and the indispensable nation becomes just another country struggling to get by. This is from the Asia Times:

“Leaders of the BRICS… launched the New Development Bank, which has taken three years of negotiations to bring to fruition. With about $50 billion in starting capital, the bank is expected to start issuing debt to fund infrastructure projects next year. They also launched a foreign-exchange currency fund of $100 billion.

The two new endeavors are statements that the five largest emerging markets are both looking out for each other and, simultaneously, moving away from the western financing institutions of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

“The BRICS states intend to actively use their own resources and internal resources for development,†Putin said, according to Reuters. “The New (Development) Bank will help finance joint, large-scale projects in transport and energy infrastructure, industrial development.â€â€¦..Birthing the two initiatives in Russia had been Putin’s top priorities.â€

(“Russia’s Putin scores points at Ufa BRICS summit“, Asia Times)

Can you see what’s going on? Putin has figured out the empire’s vulnerabilities and he’s going straight for the jugular. He’s saying: ‘We’re going to issue our own debt, we’re going to run our own system, we’re going to fund our own projects, and we’re going to do it all in our own currency. Kaboom. The only thing you’re going to be doing, is managing your own accelerating economic decline. Have a good day.’ Isn’t that the gist of what he’s saying?

So can you see, dear reader, why none of this is appearing on the pages of US newspapers or on US television. Washington would rather you didn’t know how they’ve bungled everything by alienating the fastest growing countries in the world.

The Ufa conference is a watershed moment. While the Pentagon is rapidly moving troops and military hardware to Russia’s borders, and one bigwig after another is bloviating about the “Russian threatâ€; the BRICS have moved out of Washington’s orbit altogether. They are following the leadership of men who, frankly speaking, are acting exactly like US leaders acted when the US was on the upswing. These are guys who “think bigâ€; who want to connect continents with high-speed rail, lift living standards across the board, and transform themselves into manufacturing dynamos. What do America’s leaders dream about: Drone warfare? Balancing the budget? Banning the Confederate flag?

It’s a joke. No one in Washington has a plan for the future. It’s all just political opportunism and posturing. Check this out from The Hindu:

“China and Russia have described BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) as the core of a new international order…

Russian President Vladimir Putin said… “There is no doubt — we have all necessary premises to expand the horizons of mutually beneficial cooperation, to join together our raw material resources, human capital and huge consumer markets for a powerful economic spurt.â€

Russia’s Tass news agency also quoted Mr. Putin as saying that the Eurasian continent had vast transit potential. He pointed to “the construction of new efficient transport and logistics chains, in particular, the implementation of the initiative of the Silk Road economic belt and the development of transportation in the eastern part of Russia and Siberia. This may link the rapidly growing markets in Asia and Europe’s economies, mature, rich in industrial and technological achievements. At the same time, this will allow our countries to become more commercially viable in the competition for investors, for creating new jobs, for advanced enterprises,†he observed.â€â€¦.

The summit also acknowledged “the potential for expanding the use of our national currencies in transactions between the BRICS countries.†(“BRICS, SCO, EAEU can define new world order: China, Russia“, The Hindu)

The dollar is toast. The IMF is toast. The US debt market (US Treasuries) is toast. The institutions that support US power are crumbling before our very eyes. The BRICS have had enough; enough war, enough Wall Street, enough meddling and hypocrisy and austerity and lecturing. This is farewell. Sure, it will take time, but Ufa marks a fundamental change in thinking, a fundamental change in approach, and a fundamental change in strategic orientation.

The BRICS are not coming back, they’re gone for good, just as Washington’s “pivot to Asia†is gone for good. There’s just too much resistance. Washington has simply overplayed its hand, worn out its welcome. People are sick of us.

Can you blame them?

Even Wichita Kansas Is becoming a third world cesspool!! Disgusting these Christians importing all these war refugees deserve the whole wrath of ISIS such weakness is not tolerable..



They're likely modernist 'neo-evangelicals' who follow a false, non-Biblical "Jesus" (aka antichrist). There's MANY of these types in the USSA.

***Here's a good sermon from Baptist Pastor Jason Cooley on "Counterfeit Christians"...

They're likely modernist 'neo-evangelicals' who follow a false, non-Biblical "Jesus" (aka antichrist). There's MANY of these types in the USSA.

***Here's a good sermon from Baptist Pastor Jason Cooley on "Counterfeit Christians"...


It's crazy. 81 languages spoken at an elementary school. Talk about Diversity overkill.

Counterfeit Christians is the perfect term for these people. Or race traitors/delusional.
It's crazy. 81 languages spoken at an elementary school. Talk about Diversity overkill.

Counterfeit Christians is the perfect term for these people. Or race traitors/delusional.

If you read His Word (KJB/AV), you'll plainly see that God is more of a divider than a "unifier". The primary 'unity' is to be via the Holy Spirit, under Christ. God created the races (from the sons of Noah) & each had their designated lands. Based on His actions at the Tower of Babel, I believe The Lord wouldn't have the races & peoples "merge" (except in the Spirit via His Son). These counterfeit "Christians" would deny & reject this (obvious) nature of the TRUE God of the Bible.
a street named after these great martyrs :madgrin:



Read this article:

Jumping Off A Sinking Ship Just To Beat The Rush

by Jim Goad

A study published last Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that between the years 1999 and 2014, white Americans aged 45-54 were the only demographic to show a consistently higher mortality rate. American whites of all other age groups experienced a decline in their mortality rate, as did blacks, Hispanics, and all demographics in every other “rich country†on Earth.

The increased mortality rate was almost exclusively confined to whites aged 45-54 who had only a high-school education or less. Including dropouts, this comprises about 40% of all whites from this age group. From 1999-2014, deaths per 100,000 among low-educated whites spiked by 134. While everyone else’s mortality rates were going down, this group’s death rate climbed 22% over the fifteen years documented in this study. According to the Washington Post, the only other large demographic group to experience an increased mortality rate over the past few decades were Russian men after the Soviet Union crumbled.

The study was conducted by a husband-and-wife team of Princeton economists, Angus Deaton and Anne Case. Last month Deaton was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Science. The data they analyzed was gleaned from Centers for Disease Control stats and other sources. Deaton and Case claim that their study was initially rejected by both the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association.

“Poor, middle-aged whites aren’t dying from disease—they’re killing themselves.â€

Deaton said that he was initially startled by the study’s results. “Half a million people are dead who should not be dead,†he says. “You’re getting up there with HIV-AIDS.â€

“This is a vivid indication that something is awry in these American households,†says University of Pennsylvania sociology professor Samuel Preston.

“Seldom have I felt as affected by a paper,†says Berkeley economics professor Ronald D. Lee. “It seems so sad.â€

Dartmouth economics professor Jonathan Skinner says, “This is the first indicator that the plane has crashed.â€

When adjusted for inflation, aging working-class whites experienced nearly a 20% decline in income during 1999-2014. They found themselves to be the expendables and castaways in our gloriously diverse economy that’s receiving endless infusions of younger nonwhite workers.

What’s perhaps most remarkable about the study, though, is the researchers’ conclusion as to what has caused the increased mortality rate. Across the board—including this demographic—people are succumbing to fatal illnesses less frequently, so it’s not that. Deaton and Case conclude that low-educated whites aged 45-54 were dying off from an increased suicide rate as well as the slow, grinding suicide that comes from binging on alcohol and painkillers. In other words, poor, middle-aged whites aren’t dying from disease—they’re killing themselves.

People don’t tend to kill themselves unless they feel hopeless. These middle-aged “rednecks†have become the modern version of the “drunken Injun†stereotype—a vanquished and hopeless caricature that is aggressively numbing itself out of existence.

We are told—constantly, unless we forget for even a half-minute—that the world’s “browning†will be a good thing, even for the poorest whites who are being the most severely browned-out by it. We are encouraged to shriek with triumphantly moralistic joy at the fact that from 1900 to 2050, this planet’s quotient of whites will have shrunk from 25% to 7%. We are ceaselessly lectured that although the numbers show that whites are losing wealth and power, it’s mentally healthy to celebrate this trend and a sign of the utmost evil to be “paranoid†about it.

But who in their right mind would think that a loss of power and numbers is a good thing beyond those who’ve been brainwashed and beaten down to the point where they equate masochism with virtue?

The endlessly maligned poor cracker class finds it has no voice in modern discourse. If they even make a peep about their plight, they are smeared as racists and xenophobes and retarded inbred hillbilly cretins who deserve every last bit of their accelerating extinction.

They are forced to listen as black billionaire Oprah Winfrey says the nation may finally be healed when older white people die off.

They see no media outrage when a Hispanic college professor makes the following genocidal statement to an enthusiastic crowd:

We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It’s a matter of time. [laughter] The explosion is in our population.

They occupy a world where a genocidally anti-white Jewish putz named Tim Wise is feted for telling old white people he can’t wait for their “hearts to stop beating†and that “the sound of your demise is beautiful.â€

They are openly mocked, disparaged, degraded, and gleefully told that racial karma will eat them alive, and then when they start killing themselves, it’s to the sound of a loud laugh track and thunderous applause.

The sick punch line is that wealthier and younger whites seem absolutely assured that if they keep making a big stink about how much white people and “whiteness†suck, somehow they’ll magically be spared in the coming purges. They’re actually naïve enough to believe that if they chant “Black Lives Matter†loudly enough, nonwhites won’t view their white skin as the indelible tattoo of an enemy gang.

But don’t be surprised if someday soon you see them all shoved out of their jobs and posh neighborhoods in the name of racial justice and diversity, cursing their fate as they guzzle whiskey and overdose on Vicodin.

Sad indeed. Where is the outcry for this within mainstream society? Sadly it is not there and this is probably being celebrated more than anything by the racist minorities and sick self-hating whites out there. The past 50 years have been a total psy-op on innocent white people - either be indoctrinated and follow the rest of the lemmings off the cliff, question what is going on and be marginalized and outcast or just end your life.

Amerika has been fed a steady stream of pharmaceuticals along with the sickening and ever growing propaganda of cultural Marxism being forced upon us. It takes people of strong will and the correct mindset to deal with this bull**** on a daily basis. It's a shame half a million white people did not have that mental fortitude to deal with it to some degree within their personal lives.
The anti-White commie, pencil-necked losers at Rotoworld vigorously applaud the latest lunacy:

The NFL is instituting a "Rooney Rule" mandating teams interview women for executive positions. "We believe in diversity," commissioner Roger Goodell said Thursday. There are vanishingly few women in executive positions around the NFL, though the same is true for every major American sport. It's an admirable initiative from a league that's made a habit of bungling just about everything else.
Elementary school in Minnesota bans Valentine's Day, along with every other holiday for the sake of "diversity" and "inclusion"...


A Minnesota elementary school is banning Valentine’s Day and other “dominant holidays” for the sake of inclusiveness.

Principal Scott Masini of Bruce Vento Elementary School, whose student body is overwhelmingly nonwhite, explained in a letter to parents that he is ending the school’s celebration of dominant holidays until “we can come to a better understanding of how the dominant view will suppress someone else’s view,” the Star Tribune reported.

“One of the concerns that I have,” Mr. Masini wrote, “… is whether or not this practice is encroaching on the educational opportunities of others and threatening the culture of tolerance and respect for all.”

He concluded that the school needed to find a way to celebrate holidays that’s “inclusive of our student population.”

The ban includes Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mr. Masini acknowledged that the decision might be unpopular for some and said school administrators would be happy to discuss the decision with concerned parents, the Star Tribune reported.

“Because Saint Paul Public Schools is a diverse district that is filled with families from around the world we strive to respect all cultures and all students,” a statement from St. Paul schools said Thursday. “We recognize that not every student celebrates or participates in some or all holidays. We have a board policy that discourages programs and festivities that celebrate observances unless they are required by law.”

Bruce Vento school is 52.3 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, 35.4 percent black, 6.9 percent Hispanic, 4.3 percent white and 1 percent American Indian/Alaskan Native, the Star Tribune reported.

If white students are the extreme minority, shouldn't they be catered to instead of the Asian/Black majority? Oh, wait, that sort of ridiculous pandering and minority-worship is only common when those evil, racist, bigoted white people are running the show. Funny how that works. If 4 out of every 100 kids at this disgusting school is white, then I welcome this banning of all "white people" holidays, as they don't deserve to celebrate them anyway. Why would a bunch of Asians, Polys, Negroes, and Hispanic kids want to celebrate Pilgrims on Thanksgiving, European Pagan traditions such as Halloween, the European saints/martyrs named Valentine, or any other major Christian/former Pagan holiday (Christmas and Easter)?

If I know anything about Minnesota's changing racial demographics, it was likely the boundless idiocy of the local Marxist, Zionist white Christians that ushered in the parents/grandparents of these future white-hating Democrats in the first place...

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That dominant view stuff quoted above is straight out of the Cultural Marxist playbook. I would like to advise White parents not to send their children to schools like these but they already know it. Only the very poor whites remain and that can't be helped (there are poor whites living homeless in Detroit for example). A white bulwark to Marxist creep is property value.
"Plus-size" model on front cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue:
I think it's more about "enabling" and "empowering" young fatties.
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White Stupremacy
Not sure if this belongs here but I watch History and History 2. History 2 is becoming viceland in a few weeks - Vice is the uber liberal hipster new media source. They have been playing commercials for their programming - one is a series pushing "hip-hop" and the other is called gaycation where it appears the show goes around the world to talk about the plight of gays throughout the world. Bad move by the history channel as H2 provides some decent programs as compared to the main History channel which has become reality shows.
Not sure if this belongs here but I watch History and History 2. History 2 is becoming viceland in a few weeks - Vice is the uber liberal hipster new media source. They have been playing commercials for their programming - one is a series pushing "hip-hop" and the other is called gaycation where it appears the show goes around the world to talk about the plight of gays throughout the world. Bad move by the history channel as H2 provides some decent programs as compared to the main History channel which has become reality shows.

I've never understood America's fascination with so-called reality shows. I wish someone would explain it to me. About the only one I've ever watched regularly is Bar Rescue for a few episodes and it's obviously scripted to the point that it's little different than a traditional "fictional" television show.

All networks seem to eventually succumb to reality shows. MTV started the trend, and every other channel that showed music videos eventually did the same. The once respectable Weather Channel has lots of them now, and apparently History is on the bandwagon. I guess it's The National Enquirer-ization of all of mass culture.
American Freedom News