We Are Living In A Cartoon

Indeed. Nathanael is on target here as usual. I wish more of my fellow Christians saw the truth as he states it concerning world jewry in the political crisis we are in and why. However, some of us are awake and telling others, even having the boldness to tell them the truth for their own good and whatever loved ones they have. We are being and have been conditioned for many years to accept being under assault 24/7/365. I refuse to be silent. Christ is my King and He called these snakes on the carpet boldly. If you guys suddenly see me no more on here, you can guess that I was "taken care of" for having a spine and speaking truth to someone who didn't like it.

Wow. Just wow. What a contrast in so many ways.
Also, I consider Jacqueline the last First Lady, since her husband was the last President... who wasn't a mere puppet of ZOG. We see what happens...

I forgot about those tapes until you guys reminded me. I even wrote Solomon (can't recall his last name but he was Jewish) as the Lead Editor of the Jew York Times when those tapes came out. He was crying, whining, and writing how evil and racist Nixon was for saying such things. I wrote him and listed facts of his ludicrous double standards and dared him to debate me on the whole issue and basically called him a spineless twit. I challenged him to point out even one thing in those tapes with Nixon and Graham that wasn't true or prophetic. The godless chump never touched the issue and never contacted me of course. Typical. I'd love to meet him in person...
Wow. Just wow. What a contrast in so many ways.
Also, I consider Jacqueline the last First Lady, since her husband was the last President... who wasn't a mere puppet of ZOG. We see what happens...

That's the truth. JFK was the last president to stand up to Israel. He demanded that Dimona be opened up for inspection. Two months later he was dead. Now anyone who wants any higher political office in the colony must first travel to Israel and swear allegiance.

As for the grotesque "Michelle" - Barry calls "her" Michael in private - but the zogmedia called "her" "Stunningly gorgeous in her new gown", paid for, incidentally, by what's left of the working class in the former USA - it isn't even a female, it's a transexual.


The USSA's First Tranny.

Michael-Michelle was also removed as a lawyer, same as his-her homo husband, Barry, and just like Barry her records are sealed up tight so we can't see why, and if you think it's easy to get disbarred as a lawyer in the totally corrupt city of Chicago with all the political connections those two have you are mistaken. Also, another little thing the zogmedia doesn't like to talk about is that Michelle was on the executive board of the Council of Foreign Relations, a very very secret society of the high and mighty, our "lords and masters", dedicated to the destruction of all the white nations.
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Nixon wasn't a Jew puppet. He's on record saying a lot of "anti-semetic" things.

There are countless private phone conversations in which Nixon was recorded freely using the N-word, saying that blacks are “straight out of the trees,” telling the truth about the greed and influence of Heebs, among other taboo and humorous topics. One such recording…


The guy seemed to know the score. It must have pained him to work as the Vice President under that virulently-Marxist, honorary Jew-boy, Dwight Eisenhower, who mass-murdered millions of Europeans during and (most notable) after World War II just for the fun of it. Also, Nixon having to “clean up” the mess made by one of the most thoroughly-corrupt, Negro-loving, gun-grabbing, socialism-promoting politicians in modern America (Lyndon Johnson) must’ve been a futile task.
"The guy seemed to know the score."

Many of these whore politicians know the score in private, and yeah compared with the total sub-humans that they inflict on us now, each one worse than the one before, like gay little Barry and his smirking sidekick Joey, and Ark. Murder Inc. Bill 'n Hillary - but even Slick Willy was scared in private - like when he told Monica Lewinsky that he was afraid to talk to her on his own White House phone because it was bugged (!), and retarded bisexual little Dubya, and his even more malevolent CIA daddy, crooked politicians like Nixon ("he did more to desegregate southern schools than any president in history" - and don't forget the pointless mass murdering Vietnam war) and his VP Spiro Agnew can be looked back upon with nostalgia.

"honorary Jew-boy, Dwight Eisenhower"

Maybe not so "honorary". The mass murderer was called "the terrible Swedish-Jew" in the West Point yearbook of 1915. Arch traitor L Johnson was also reputed to be a secret marano jew. There's more to this than meets the eye. All of these scumbag presidents, with the possible exception of Van Buren, including the present monkey-in-chief, seem to be interrelated with each other and with the British monarchy.

"All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king"
"The guy seemed to know the score."

Many of these whore politicians know the score in private, and yeah compared with the total sub-humans that they inflict on us now, each one worse than the one before

Correct, Nixon was as liberal and globalist when it came to policy as any Democrat president, worse in some ways because he set the template for so-called "conservatives" to follow. Affirmative action dramatically expanded under Nixon, the third world invasion unleashed by the Immigration Act of 1965 continued, he removed the U.S. from the gold standard (setting the stage for today's debt madness), ran up large deficits, favored "free trade" and unthawed U.S.-China relations (a huge event at the time), continued the Vietnam War, and in all ways expanded the Washington monstrosity and was the loyal servant of the welfare-warfare state. And oh yes, he saved Israel's ass in '73 when they were reeling in the early days of the Middle East war.

Some private conversations doesn't change the reality that Nixon was an establishment globalist through and through, and to refer to him now as some kind of "racist, anti-Jewish" exception to the rule when it comes to what Americans have had forced down their throat beginning with FDR by both wings of the Republicrat permanent regime is to be misguided to put it mildly.
Flicked on the CBS evening news just to see what the lead propaganda story was, and it was a semi-hysterical warning about a "polar inversion" threatening some two-thirds of the country. I waited for a map showing how many inches of snow would be hitting my area, but alas all the near-panic was about high temperatures about 10 or 15 degrees below average for a large part of the Midwest and East for a couple of days. Where I live the Weather Channel is predicting a high of 76 tomorrow and 79 on Thursday, several degrees below average, before the humid stuff kicks back in on Friday. In other words a typical variance in summer weather, hardly cause for alarm.

Oh, and footage of some heavy rains was also shown, and some bolts of lightning too, as if heavy rain and thunderstorms aren't routine summer weather events in the parts of the country being affected by the "polar inversion." Absolutely ridiculous, part of the ongoing agenda to infantilize Americans and have them on edge about anything and everything. . .
My local "news" station reported that 100mexican kids could be shipped to Milwaukee from the retention camps at the border. People are protesting in Arizona,not so sure about here.
Colin Liddell is a superb writer, up there with Paul Craig Roberts.

Orwell's Quad and the New World Disorder

by Colin Liddell

George Orwell, in 1984, described a chaotic world of perpetual warfare: a large part of the planet was forever fought over and constantly changing hands, with the lives of the inhabitants assigned minimal value.

“Between the frontiers of the super-states, and not permanently in the possession of any of them, there lies a rough quadrilateral with its corners at Tangier, Brazzaville, Darwin, and Hong Kong, containing within it about a fifth of the population of the earth. It is for the possession of these thickly-populated regions, and of the northern ice-cap, that the three powers are constantly struggling. In practice no one power ever controls the whole of the disputed area. Portions of it are constantly changing hands, and it is the chance of seizing this or that fragment by a sudden stroke of treachery that dictates the endless changes of alignment.” 1984, Chapter 9

Due to the decline of both moral and pragmatic qualities caused by the West's dominant ideology of Universal Liberalism, our "geopolitical organs" are now creating a similar zone of chaos and anarchy to the one envisioned by Orwell. This has been dramatically driven home by the recent rise to prominence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) across a large and geographically ill-defined sector of the Middle East, at a time when many other parts of Orwell's quad – Gaza, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Mali, and Yemen – are also deep in chaos.

The great flaw of Washington and its allies in recent years has been a tendency to start things without finishing them. This is a tendency that has accelerated in recent years and is driven by the following factors:

•Increasing geopolitical ignorance caused by a growing misunderstanding of how the world actually works
•A drastic decline in political pragmatism because it is viewed as inconsistent with a new Western morality infused with narratives of feminism, gay rights, and anti-racism
•A steep decline in the West's original moral qualities of courage, honour, loyalty, masculinity, moral fiber, and commitment

The West feels 'morally' driven to destabilize or depose the natural power elites of various Third World states, often with an unacknowledged economic back story, but it now lacks the qualities that enabled it to succeed in the past.

Liberal elites, unlike the old Conservatives or the 'rednecks’ and 'flyovers' they so detest, are unable to fulfill the duties their actions assume. For the liberal ruling class, it is enough to make the moral gesture, get the buzz, and then sidle away from the mess they have created and look for the next humanitarian interventionist thrill.

Rather than imposing "totalitarian humanism," as some fear, this irresponsible attitude has instead created a toxic brew of "hegemonic anarchy," characterized by chaos, civil war, massacres, mutilations, religious insanity, and growing contempt for the West. Boko Haram, the group in Nigeria that hit the headlines earlier this year when it kidnapped over 200 schoolgirls, expresses this contempt in its name, which literally means "Western education is sin." Iraq and Afghanistan, the scenes of the West's greatest commitments and sacrifices, are clearly being lost to any semblance of order; while the hashtag offensive "Bring our Girls Back" that was supposed to bring Boko Haram to its knees is struggling even to make an impact on social media.

Against this background, some countries in the danger zone, like Algeria, Egypt, and Thailand, have found temporary reprieve by reverting to old-style military dictatorships with a bit of PR – the promise of "free elections," a high-profile female appointment, etc. – to keep the liberal commentariat from becoming too interested in their affairs.

Iraq is a classic example of the kind of country that either requires pragmatic or principled treatment, but which in Western interventionist hands just turns to mush. Like most Third World countries, it has badly-drawn borders that do not correspond to organic cultures and nations, but instead throw together diverse and antagonistic thedes.

Thanks to the former predominance of the Turks in the region, the natural ruling elite has been rooted in the Sunni Arab part of the population. This group also occupies a relatively central position, with the numerically superior Shiite Arabs to the south and the non-Arabic Kurds to the northeast.

Despite its inherent flaws and weakness, Iraq, with the right kind of strong and pragmatic leader, could be relatively stable. Although Saddam Hussein was clearly deeply flawed, he may well have been an optimum solution for the country in a way that the present underpowered 'strongman,' Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, clearly isn't.

A well-managed partition of the country into three separate sections, corresponding to the three main groups in the population, may have been another option at one time, but that moment has clearly passed. Whatever new borders arise will now have to be drawn in blood, while any strongmen that arise to keep the country united are likely to get on the wrong side of Western Liberals at some point and meet the same end as Saddam or Gaddafi.

The truth is that "humanitarian" Western liberals prefer anarchy to a convenient tyrant: anarchy says "we tried" rather than "we connived," and, as the somewhat Orwellian phrase "humanitarian intervention" hints, it helps them to feel better about themselves. But rather than orderly humanism, what the Liberal West is pioneering is a form of hegemonic anarchy.

Just another example of backwards priorities and absurdity. I shudder to think of the effects of technological addiction that what's left of this society will reap over the next two generations.

Woman escapes from house fire, dies attempting to retrieve cell phone


By WEEK Producer

July 29, 2014

BARTONVILLE, Ill. -- A Bartonville woman is dead, following a fire Tuesday morning.

Authorities say the victim, 44-year-old Wendy Rybolt, had escaped from the house, but went back inside to get her cell phone.

Police say crews were called to a house fire at 319 Harrison where one resident was reported to still be inside.

Bartonville police said an officer attempted to rescue the woman, but had to retreat when they were overcome by smoke.

When firefighters arrived, they were able to retrieve the victim.

Earlier, police say the woman and her daughter were out of the house, when she made a fateful decision to retrieve her cellphone, and was overcome by smoke.

"Material things can be replaced. You never want to go back in to retrieve anything. In this, there was heavy smoke. Carbon monoxide will get you, and you may not even know it," Chief Brian Fengel of the Bartonville Police Department.

The woman was taken to OSF where she was pronounced dead shortly before 4:30 a.m.

An officer was also taken to OSF for smoke inhalation and observation.
Just another example of backwards priorities and absurdity. I shudder to think of the effects of technological addiction that what's left of this society will reap over the next two generations.

Woman escapes from house fire, dies attempting to retrieve cell phone


By WEEK Producer

July 29, 2014

BARTONVILLE, Ill. -- A Bartonville woman is dead, following a fire Tuesday morning.

Authorities say the victim, 44-year-old Wendy Rybolt, had escaped from the house, but went back inside to get her cell phone.

Police say crews were called to a house fire at 319 Harrison where one resident was reported to still be inside.

Bartonville police said an officer attempted to rescue the woman, but had to retreat when they were overcome by smoke.

When firefighters arrived, they were able to retrieve the victim.

Earlier, police say the woman and her daughter were out of the house, when she made a fateful decision to retrieve her cellphone, and was overcome by smoke.

"Material things can be replaced. You never want to go back in to retrieve anything. In this, there was heavy smoke. Carbon monoxide will get you, and you may not even know it," Chief Brian Fengel of the Bartonville Police Department.

The woman was taken to OSF where she was pronounced dead shortly before 4:30 a.m.

An officer was also taken to OSF for smoke inhalation and observation.

Oh my goodness gracious! People are so addicted to their cell phones its sickening. I see these zombies everywhere. Just staring at their phones while life passes them by. Poor woman lost her life for hers.

She called Barry a *** and Michael-Michelle a tranny - and two months later she's dead!

Who Killed Joan Rivers?


Writing for Breitbart.com, John Nolte showed more perspicacity than almost anyone I’ve seen relative to the unexpected death of comedian Joan Rivers. Nolte wrote:

“With the death of Joan Rivers at 81 Thursday, we lost one more icon in a dwindling breed: the comedian who does not seek the good opinion of the powerful media and entertainment elite.

“Just two months before her death, Rivers mocked President Obama as ‘gay’ and First Lady Michelle Obama as a ‘tranny,’ and caught hell for it from the likes of the Huffington Post. Those servants to power chided: ‘Rivers took her “jokesâ€￾ too far yet again this week, when she hurled a trans slur at the first lady.’â€￾

Nolte continued: “Now Rivers is gone and outside of a handful of comedic insurgents like Don Rickles, Dennis Miller, and Adam Carolla, we're stuck with Politically Correct Palace Guards like Jon Stewart, Sarah Silverman, Stephen Colbert, Tina Fey, Will Ferrell, Lena Dunham, Ricky Gervais, the cast of ‘Saturday Night Live,’ and pretty much everyone associated with Funny or Die--all big government-loving cowards desperate to fit into a comedic class that believes political correctness is a virtue and those who buck it should be held up to ridicule.â€￾

Nolte again: “Joan Rivers attacked everyone--from Michelle Obama to Sarah Palin. Whether you enjoyed her style or not, it was nice knowing that someone--someone!-- was out there with the courage to invite the kind of outrage that causes a Huffington Post to accuse you of going too far.â€￾

Nolte concluded his column saying, “Now Rivers is gone, and any up-and-comer who wanted to take her place, who dared call Michelle Obama a ‘tranny’ during open-mic night at the legendary Comedy Store, would be booed off the stage and blacklisted until she publicly recanted.

“No one will ever call Michelle Obama a ‘tranny’ again, and that is not a good thing, nor is it progress.â€￾

See Nolte’s column here:

RIP Joan Rivers: No One Will Ever Call Michelle Obama A ‘Tranny’ Again

I wholeheartedly agree with Nolte on this one. I have said much the same thing many times. America’s political correctness knows neither left nor right. Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, Christians and secularists equally share the political correctness disease. But the media and entertainment industries are not only infected with the disease; they are carriers. And, with very few exceptions, they will even turn against their own in a heartbeat should someone touch the politically-incorrect “third rail.â€￾ If you don’t believe that, just talk to Mel Gibson or Alec Baldwin.

That most of Joan’s peers did NOT crucify her for her statement that Michelle Obama is a transvestite makes me tend to believe that they all know Joan told the truth and just didn’t have the courage to say it. Plus, she was JOAN RIVERS: the quintessential icon of the entertainment left.

My question is, what if Joan Rivers actually told the TRUTH about the Obamas? What if it’s true that Barack and Michelle (Or is the name Michael?) really are homosexuals, that Michelle really is a man, and that they have pulled off the greatest political hoax in the history of the United States? The timing of Rivers’ death is an incredible coincidence, if it’s not true. That is for sure.

Rivers went in for what would be regarded as simple out-patient surgery. How many millions of Americans have gone through this, and similar surgeries, without a hitch? Granted, she was 81. But she was a healthy 81. Granted, fluke deaths do sometimes happen during “simpleâ€￾ surgeries. But what a coincidence! The most iconic female comedian in the entire country accuses Michelle Obama of being a transvestite, and less than two months later, she is dead.

I realize that my good Christian brethren don’t like to think about this, much less discuss it, but there is absolutely no doubt that our federal government assassinates untold numbers of people all of the time. And I’m not talking about ISIS terrorists. I’m talking about American citizens. Can I prove it? Of course not. No one can--at least, not without risking becoming the next victim.

Think about it: if people inside our government could successfully carry out the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (and I’m sure they did), how difficult would it be to kill an entertainer, a political activist, or even a congressman? And what if the “darkâ€￾ side of our government did have a hand in the events that occurred on this day back in 2001? Who inside the political and media establishments would dare to say anything about it--much less investigate it? Yes, this is another one of those politically incorrect “third railâ€￾ issues that no one wants to discuss. No one wants to believe that their own government--OUR own government--could be capable of the most despicably evil acts known to man.

But I am personally convinced that our CIA uses, not only their own agents, but highly secretive “darkâ€￾ ops military personnel--even foreign assassins such as those who might be found in Israel’s Mossad and Great Britain’s SIS--to murder innumerable people whom they would consider “nuisances.â€￾ Yes, I said “darkâ€￾ ops as opposed to “blackâ€￾ ops. “Darkâ€￾ ops are highly-trained military troops or government agents who are either totally void of morals and scruples--or who are completely drugged out of their morals and scruples--and who are used by the “darkâ€￾ side of government for the worst kind of murderous conduct.

For example, only the most gullible truly believe that Lee Harvey Oswald, and then the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby (and how many others surrounding the Kennedy assassination), died in a sequence of spectacular “coincidences.â€￾ And I will always suspect that Congressman Sonny Bono’s skiing accident was no accident.

Does anyone not suspect that Marilyn Monroe was the victim of foul play? And if she was, the only people who had a motive to kill her were politicians in the highest places. And is there anyone who really doubts that Princess Diana was murdered by the “darkâ€￾ side of the British Crown? I don’t.

Furthermore, I am thoroughly convinced that Gordon Kahl was the target of government assassins. And I suspect that the recent death of Edgar Steele may have been orchestrated and engineered.

Then there is Mary Jo Kopechne and Vince Foster. Anyone who believes the “officialâ€￾ reports on the deaths of these two people is intellectually challenged, to say the least.

The list of people who may have been killed by government assassins-or even by politicians themselves--is a very, very long one.

Then there are the deaths of people whose murders were so cleverly concealed they would not even make the “suspicious deathsâ€￾ list. Truthfully, only God knows just how many American citizens have been assassinated by their own government.

But even worse than the probable killings of untold Americans by our own government is the fact that the vast majority of the American people (including Christian people) have no interest in knowing the truth. The vast majority of us are willfully ignorant. What was that that Edmund Burke said?

So many Americans (including Christians) have the Caesarean philosophy “might makes right.â€￾ As long as America is the world’s mightiest empire (we haven’t been a constitutional republic for a long time), we can do no wrong. The end justifies the means. Yeah, I know: Pastors preach against that philosophy in every other area of life--just not in politics. Most of them seem to believe that when it comes to government killings, there is no such thing as unjustifiable homicide. Plus, pastors and Christians haven’t given a second thought to “Just Warâ€￾ since World War II.

The only part of Wisconsin Senator Carl Schurz’s historic statement most Americans--including most pastors and Christians--seem to remember is, “My country, right or wrong.â€￾ They seem to have totally forgotten the rest of the statement: “If right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.â€￾

There is no doubt in my mind that our government is getting away with murder--well, at least until the monsters meet God, that is. Was Joan Rivers the latest victim? We will never know. If you think the so-called investigation into her death will get to the truth, there is this bridge for sale you should know about.

Yes, Mr. Nolte, you are probably right: no one may ever call Michelle Obama a “trannyâ€￾ again. But I wonder if there is more to it than the fear of being politically incorrect. I wonder if it’s the fear of being politically assassinated. If so, we have lost more than an iconic comedian; we have lost our country.

© Chuck Baldwin
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She called Barry a *** and Michael-Michelle a tranny - and two months later she's dead!

Who Killed Joan Rivers?


You forgot to mention she was a JEWW!! Doesn't that fit into the conspiracy narrative somehow?

I do enjoy how those old jews like her and Rickles use their jew privilege to say things white people can't. But she was a nasty old liberal shrew, who looked scary with all of her facial surgery. RIP
"She called Barry a *** and Michael-Michelle a tranny - and two months later she's dead!"

Telling the truth is about the worst possible crime you can commit in the USSA.
American Freedom News