We Are Living In A Cartoon

ABC's "Good Morning Amerika", paraded the kid on their show, with the enthusiastic applause and support of the live audience. Incredible demonic possession of the people going on.

Every single producer, executive, host and all that are responsible including sponsors should be criminally prosecuted along OF COURSE with the night club that initially did this act of literal child abuse. The poor kid needs serious mental help. The "parents" should be in jail with all the said above demonic dirtbags. After a guilty verdict is read they should all be executed publicly.

Americans are idiots if they continue to put up with the satanic agenda of powerful Jewish communists.
Love is Now a Hate Crime

by Jim Goad

On December 9 at about 4AM, a student at Columbia University filmed another student committing the unpardonable sin of declaring that he loves being white. The video lasts less than a minute as a clearly intoxicated and upset scrawny white boy flails about while screaming:

Europeans built the modern world. We built the modern world. We invented science and industry, and you want to tell us to stop because oh my God, we’re so bad….We saved billions of people from starvation….White people are the best thing that ever happened to the world. We are so amazing. I love myself and I love white people. **** yeah, white people. **** yeah, white men. We’re white men, we did everything. I don’t hate other people, I just love white men, I love white men.

The reaction to this “racist incident” proves that we have reached Peak Doublethink. It mattered not a whit that the idea white men invented the modern world is true, because as you should know by now, truth is no defense against allegations of hate.

The white-lovin’ student in question is sophomore Julian von Abele, a physics major who has already published books called Physics Reforged and Time and the Multiverse.

Abele faced the predictable hyper-moralistic scorn but did not buckle.

“Anti-racist activist” Tim Wise, who actively displays racist hatred toward white people and is famous for wishing that old white people’s hearts would stop beating, called on his cohorts to “wreck” Abele:

Time to wreck this little ****. The irony of his rant is that once we make his ass famous for this, he will never accomplish anything, his white male-ness notwithstanding…Columbia should expel him. His future should be bleak…Good luck Chip…

As he did with the “hearts stop beating” blog entry, Wise deleted this tweet after his genocidal anti-white glee became too obvious for him to continue posing as a man motivated by racial tolerance. He then struggled to convince people that urging people to “wreck” Abele was in no way intended to encourage them to harass Abele and it was ridiculous that he’d even have to spell it out for all you white-supremacist mouth-breathers.

Throwing reality to the wind, NBC News wrote that the video showed Abele “berating a group.” In truth, Abele didn’t insult anyone. In fact, one woman put her hands on his face during his spiel, which technically constitutes assault. Another gives him the middle finger. Another calls him a “degenerate.” Another screams in his ear. Throughout the video, they consistently mock him.

But to the mainstream press, Abele was the harasser and insulter. They appear to believe that a man was harassing a mob, rather than what you see on the tape, which is a mob harassing a man and the man responding. Again—we’ve reached Peak Doublethink. It’s to the point where whenever they say anything, you should probably assume the polar opposite is true.

Columbia’s numerous black and Latino students’ unions—I didn’t hear anything about a white students’ union, likely because one doesn’t exist in this white supremacist society, which is really weird when you try to process it—talked about feeling threatened and unsafe. In truth, though, Abele threatened no one. Instead, he claims he has been repeatedly threatened since the incident.

That’s all well and good, white boy, but if you didn’t want to be threatened, you shouldn’t have made people worry about feeling threatened by, er, saying that you loved your race.

Columbia University’s student newspaper repeated the lie that a lone scrawny man “harassed” a mob—seriously, when does that ever happen?—and cited a quote by University Senator Alfredo Dominguez that may win this year’s award for Supreme Unawareness:

You can have arguments all you want about free speech and people being entitled to say what they want….But when that bubbles [into] assaulting black or brown people with that and then stalking them … you’re getting into levels of hate crime and your speech being directly related to violence…There needs to be more dialogue.

Meanwhile, back in the real world…

1) The only person who was technically assaulted in the legal sense was Abele when the woman put her hands on his face.

2) The only person being “stalked” is Abele, who is now the target of a coordinated campaign to destroy his life.

3) “There needs to be more dialogue”? The fact that this incident is even a news story is proof that egalitarian dogma is incapable of tolerating dialogue, attempts to enforce their monologue on everyone, and will “wreck” anyone bold enough to so much as attempt starting a dialogue.

Cementing the upside-down anti-reality thinking, Columbia University Executive Vice President for University Life Suzanne Goldberg said:

Against this backdrop, it is also important to restate in the strongest terms Columbia’s deep commitment to a community and a living and learning environment free from discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender and other aspects of identity.

That sounds nice, but where did Abele harass anyone based on race? According to Abele, the near-riot began when he chanced upon a group of students saying that Trump and his supporters encourage sexual violence:

I explained that I am a Trump supporter and I do not in any way encourage violence, sexual or otherwise….A large group of students gathered around me and told me that I had no right to share my views on women as I’m a white male with ‘white privilege.’ I was offended for being held personally responsible for the historical actions of people with the same skin color as me, and I was tired of the divisive rhetoric that blames all the ills of society on white men.

Ah, OK. So the first person or persons to mention race—and to demean someone based on their race—was whomever allegedly told Abele to shut the hell up because he’s a white male. So exactly nothing happened as it was reported.

Fiercely impenitent, the skinny-yet-scrappy physics student opened a Twitter account and demonstrated that he was not willing to concede an inch:

I feel like Western civilization is the greatest thing that has happened to this species, and that its basic principles, and the very identity of the West, is under attack in the Academy, the Media, and cosmopolitan American culture.

And although his enemies will not believe them because part of their entire world view consists of dictating what is in their opponents’ heads before they blow out their opponents’ brains, Abele insisted that he was motivated by love rather than hate:

I believe that every single person should love themselves and love their culture, and we should all be allowed to be proud of our heritage. As such, I would like to have my views be fairly considered in the public discourse, and not dismissed solely due to my race and gender.

So it’s official: If you don’t hate yourself for being white, you are guilty of a hate crime.

A good thing coming out of this continuing anti-White tirade trend is normies are waking up. Some of have been provoked and pushing back. One of us becomes two, then four...

Whites are pushing back. Whites take a lot of ****, then there comes vengeance like no other... It's coming.
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Regarding that transgender bank employee a few weeks back whom I called "man" after "she" finished with my transaction, as in "thanks, man"...

Good thing "she" didn't react like this.
Soyboy Neckbeard Millenial Working at Georgia Vape Shop Goes Off on Client Wearing Trump Shirt

Thanks for posting got a good laugh out of that! Best part soyboy was fired on Friday.

These snotnose snowflakes are such babies. First of all, the SJW ilk are brainwashed lemmings incapable of indepent thought (due to low intelligence). Secondly, they (like their beloved ********) lack impulse control & self discipline. Thirdly, they’re entitled idiots with no grasp on reality. I (certainly) don’t “vape” (or smoke), but had that pantywaist millennial taken any kind of swing at me...he’d have gotten a ‘free’ ride on Life-flight...guaranteed.
The actions of the vape shop employee were insane. That's not surprising.

Many young whites have been driven insane by the racially motivated abuse and brainwashing they've been subjected to over a period of many years. White children are subjected to racially motivated child abuse and are psychologically tormented during school hours starting when they first step foot into a school. The insane behavior of the vape shop clerk is one of the results.

We've got to find a way to stop this racially motivated child abuse of white children.
Soyboy Neckbeard Millenial Working at Georgia Vape Shop Goes Off on Client Wearing Trump Shirt

No man would ever get triggered like that and screech like a banshee. That is an arrested development “child” in an adult body, “nourished” by soy and high fructose corn syrup. That sack of crap has bought the anti-White propaganda hook, line and sinker. Probably no saving someone so brain damaged.
No man would ever get triggered like that and screech like a banshee. That is an arrested development “child” in an adult body, “nourished” by soy and high fructose corn syrup. That sack of crap has bought the anti-White propaganda hook, line and sinker. Probably no saving someone so brain damaged.
Well, the vape shop employee and his ilk will be useful when the sh*t hits the fan in this country. Once the minorities go apesh*t crazy, these anti White jerks will run towards the minorities professing deep love for them. While the minorities are busy annihilating them, good white people will gain time to prepare ourselves/yourselves (we're too old now but we do mean to do whatever we can - my wife and me) for the final battle with the minorities and their handlers.
I wonder how the presence of the black guy may have influenced the vape clerk.

I suspect it may have helped kick his virtue signaling into those hilarious hysterics.
I wonder how the presence of the black guy may have influenced the vape clerk.

I suspect it may have helped kick his virtue signaling into those hilarious hysterics.
Good point. It’s all about that dopamine hit these SJW types get from showing everyone (he was being recorded) and minorities (negro customer) how “virtuous” they are.

That black guy looked like he just wanted to get outta there. Seemed very uncomfortable which is funny because it’s the same look White folks have when blacks do the public chimpout.
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I wonder how the presence of the black guy may have influenced the vape clerk.

I suspect it may have helped kick his virtue signaling into those hilarious hysterics.
Ironically, the confused and mind-controlled victim behind the counter called the Trump supporter a "n****r" right at the beginning of the video.
Good point. It’s all about that dopamine hit these SJW types get from showing everyone (was being recorded) and minorities (negro customer) how “virtuous” they are.

That black guy looked like he just wanted get outta there. Seemed very uncomfortable which is funny because it’s the same look White folks have when blacks do the public chimpout.

I think Blackie realized Whitey could drop the soy boy (and Blackie if it came to that) in a matter of a few seconds had there been a real fight. The man that filmed the lunatic was quite restrained but was obviously the kind of White man who's methodically disparaged but who is fit, alert and ready for an encounter should one become unavoidable.

The soy boy commie, like his kind in general, are sadly unopposed in Amerika, starting from the top with our President who tweets a good game but who continues to let Antifa have a free run, while young White men who went to Charlottesville continue to be persecuted.
DWF of the year candidate...winner?

In a K.C. Starcucks coffee shop, wearing a Tyreek Hill jersey, preventing a black man wearing a red MAGA cap from entering. Truly Bizarro World!
The Normalization Of Ugliness Inevitably Becomes The Denigration Of Beauty
January 2, 2019 by CH

You will read the following thinking it a biting satire of Down’s World. And, once again, you will learn never to assume, in this day and age of raging insanity, that the unreal can’t be real.

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Dr Shawn Baker @SBakerMD


This is insane! Being in shape is now considered offensive? We are normalizing being sick and it’s truly disturbing


1:09 PM - Dec 31, 2018 · Laguna Hills, CA

3,733 people are talking about this

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The censorship and TOS violation warning come from Facebook.

Excuse me, Faceborg.

No wait, Facecock.

One more try, Fakespeak.

You get the idea.

Look at this Faceschlock warning again. Revel in its malice, soak in its abject nonsense, imbibe its assault on truth and common sense, and TREMBLE at the thought of our future under the rule of propagandists like those at Faceberg.


As CH has prophesied, giving The Fuggernaut an inch would inevitably lead to a mile of Fuggernaughtiness.

When the ugly, defomred, and repulsive are “accepted”, we are only a few short societal hops to their glorification, and finally to the demonization of Truth and Beauty.

The Ugly and Demented can’t rest being merely tolerated. The very existence of universal truths and beauty belies their agitprop, so they must destroy that which mocks them silently but powerfully. It was always going to end this way: Uglies in Power outlawing the true and the beautiful, and gaslighting a world into believing **** is chocolate ice cream and pearls are poison pills.

Objective standards of beauty — as timeless as the cosmos — are now deemed “hate speech”, because “hate speech” has come to mean anything which makes a Fugnut feel bad.

It’s past time to turn back the clock on the encroaching dementia gripping the West.

That's ok. She'll bow the knee one day to the Lord she hates (Phi. 2:9-11). Too late of course, but she'll bow the knee.
Worse yet. She identifies as bisexual and will NOT inherit the kingdom of GOD. I Corinthians 6:9-10. Unless, of course she gets miraculously saved between now and we she dies!
American Freedom News