We Are Living In A Cartoon

How can she say that with a straight face. Oh that's right it's made of plastic.
The snow/sleet/rain storm brought NYC and it's environs to its knees during yesterday evenings rush hour. We are slowly seizing up in every facet of living these days. It seems we have less and less coping ability as time passes. This from the nation that put a man on the moon - very sad.
Victoria’s Secret Exec Apologizes for Comments About Not Casting Transgender Models

In an interview with Vogue, Razek said that such a move would spoil the “fantasy” of the performance.

“It’s like, why doesn’t your show do this? Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should,” Razek said. “Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy. It’s a 42-minute entertainment special. That’s what it is.


Razek’s comments were criticized by social media users, including Australian trans model Andreja Pejic, many of whom accused him of transphobia.

“It’s really sad when you see powerful people in our industry holding such backward views and being so comfortable in expressing them on a public platform,” Pejic wrote on Instagram.

Update on this article...the Exec has now been forced to resign.
Victoria’s Secret Exec Apologizes for Comments About Not Casting Transgender Models

In an interview with Vogue, Razek said that such a move would spoil the “fantasy” of the performance.

“It’s like, why doesn’t your show do this? Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should,” Razek said. “Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy. It’s a 42-minute entertainment special. That’s what it is.


Razek’s comments were criticized by social media users, including Australian trans model Andreja Pejic, many of whom accused him of transphobia.

“It’s really sad when you see powerful people in our industry holding such backward views and being so comfortable in expressing them on a public platform,” Pejic wrote on Instagram.

Update on this article...the Exec has now been forced to resign.
Never grovel, apologize or ask for forgiveness from the sick degenerates on the left. If you don't want some ugly manly tranny in your show then be honest. I'm sure he would have still been forced to resign but at least he would have maintained his dignity. Another example of a white person who has no backbone.
There's primarily one group of people, one cabal responsible for ALL of Western society's perversions every single time they are forced on us. How long are we going to put up with this from them? It's not going to get any better, only worse. 109+ countries took action. Why is the greatest nation in history putting up with them??
There's primarily one group of people, one cabal responsible for ALL of Western society's perversions every single time they are forced on us. How long are we going to put up with this from them? It's not going to get any better, only worse. 109+ countries took action. Why is the greatest nation in history putting up with them??
Because if you say anything against the tribe it's (((anudda shoa!!!!)))
Imbecilic, unthankful snowflakes at U of ”(m)Oronogan” claim Thanksgiving is ‘raaaaycyst’. :rolleyes: These brain dead vermin are such vacuous garbage.

Well, today was the scheduled start of the railroading/guilty verdict ahead of time/kill the evil White Nazi trial of James Fields beginning with juror selection today.

The person who died wasn't even hit by his car nor the car Fields hit, but he's a person who went to Charlottesville and wasn't a Leftist who hates White people so he's just an evil Nazi who is guilty of existing and breathing, so we can't have that now, can we?

Here’s a “daily dose” of cultural marxist idiocy...

- More outright apostasy as “theologians” publish a “women’s” Bible


- College blocks Chick Fil A as a dining option citing “values”

Looking forward to the Leftists trying to force their agenda on us real American people. They must think we are going to roll over. Boy, are they in for a bad hair day.
Maybe I should have posted in the Charlottsville thread, but I am curious about you guys' thoughts on James Fields trial. No one has replied to what I stated above; that I think he'll be railroaded straight to prison. This is where we are. The system in that town is corrupt and the bought and paid for Fed scum are coming after him too. No way he gets a fair trial imho.
Maybe I should have posted in the Charlottsville thread, but I am curious about you guys' thoughts on James Fields trial. No one has replied to what I stated above; that I think he'll be railroaded straight to prison. This is where we are. The system in that town is corrupt and the bought and paid for Fed scum are coming after him too. No way he gets a fair trial imho.
Let's wait a bit on this. From what I read so far, it seems the defense counsel is going with self defense. If they do that, they'll be opening up a real can of worms that the local and state authorities don't want opened - as in their hand in instigating the disturbaces. Still very early. I've got my eye on it.
Maybe I should have posted in the Charlottsville thread, but I am curious about you guys' thoughts on James Fields trial. No one has replied to what I stated above; that I think he'll be railroaded straight to prison. This is where we are. The system in that town is corrupt and the bought and paid for Fed scum are coming after him too. No way he gets a fair trial imho.

The mere fact that the coroner’s report will clearly establish that the chain-smoking, megafauna-sized “female” who died at the scene actually passed away from a heart attack and was never actually struck by Fields’ car should’ve been proof enough that this was a total accident (caused by AntiFa aggression). I wish him the very best and I actually think that no impartial jury will convict him of anything close to murder.

The fact that he’s been sitting in jail for the past 1.5 years is highly enraging stuff. If I were Trump, I’d call for his immediate release.
They've got four jurors so far. They need 28 and from them, they will pair down to 12 sitting jurors and 4 alternates. This is going to be an interesting case. If Fields is found guilty there'll be an automatic appeal just on the matter of there being no change of venue that could very well have the entire trial thrown out and bring in a double jeopardy issue if they attempt to retry him.
I hope for the best for him, but his goose is cooked. In N.C. if someone dies even by a heart attack while a crime is being commited you are charge with homcide. It might be different in Virgina I know laws differ from state to state. The mear fact that he was speeding is a crime. I strongly support my white brother, but this is why they charged him with ever crime they could, so if they can't convict him on ever charge, they can convict him of a lesser charge. I have had friends sit in jail for up to 4 years waiting trial and then have the judge throw the case out. Double jeopardy only applies if he is found innoncent except when the federal government can investagate it as a hate crime. His biggest crime is he's white.
I hope for the best for him, but his goose is cooked. In N.C. if someone dies even by a heart attack while a crime is being commited you are charge with homcide. It might be different in Virgina I know laws differ from state to state. The mear fact that he was speeding is a crime. I strongly support my white brother, but this is why they charged him with ever crime they could, so if they can't convict him on ever charge, they can convict him of a lesser charge. I have had friends sit in jail for up to 4 years waiting trial and then have the judge throw the case out. Double jeopardy only applies if he is found innoncent except when the federal government can investagate it as a hate crime. His biggest crime is he's white.
And to add to that, these so-called "hate crimes" are an absolutely insane Pandoras Box sliding into Orwellian Hell. As White, not Black, WE are going to be the ones charged, and the only ones capable of being charged with such a crime. The rats in power positions knew exactly what they wanted to implement...
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The Corner

Hate Crimes, Thought Crimes, Double Jeopardy

By David Freddoso

May 1, 2009 9:23 PM

Conservatives have pointed out several problems with the hate crimes bill named after Matthew Shepard, which passed the House Wednesday (249-175) and awaits action in the Senate. Several attorneys and lawmakers have pointed out deficiencies and vague language in the bill, but it is important to note up front that some concerns are spurious. The specter of preachers being arrested for sermons against homosexuality appears to be one of them. (Unless, perhaps, the preacher happens to be committing a federal crime and using firearms to threaten someone in a protected class with violence at the same time he gives his sermon.)

But the two classic arguments against hate-crime legislation still apply to the Shepard bill, which expands the number of protected classes to include particular genders, sexual orientations and “gender identities,” without precisely defining all of the terms involved. The arguments are (1) hate crimes laws effectively place society’s valuation of some victims’ lives and well-being above that of others and (2) they create opportunities for prosecutions based on a defendant’s attitudes or opinions rather than his acts, effectively violating freedom of speech and thought.

Another problem with this particular bill is that it explicitly encourages federal prosecutors to try defendants twice for the same crime, even if the first trial results in acquittal.

After the state of Virginia is through with fields one way or another, the federal double jeopardy phase of "Hate Crime" will kick in.

People usually think of hate-crimes bills as sentence-enhancers – and indeed, many state hate-crime laws take that format. The Shepard bill does not. In addition to providing financial help for local prosecutors for hate crimes, it creates a new federal charge, with a ten-year prison sentence, that can be used against those who commit “crimes of violence” with firearms or explosives, or which cause serious bodily harm, motivated by hatred toward certain groups.

Among other things, the bill permits the U.S. Attorney General to initiate federal hate-crime prosecution in cases where

“the verdict or sentence obtained pursuant to State charges left demonstratively unvindicated the Federal interest in eradicating bias-motivated violence.”

If someone is acquitted of an alleged hate crime at the state level, this bill allows federal prosecutors to haul him into federal court for the same alleged act, based only on evidence that “hate” motivated the crime that the jury says the defendant didn’t commit. This makes use of a loophole in the constitutional protection from double jeopardy.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R, Wis.) discussed this provision on the House floor when he urged that the bill be re-written simply to enhance penalties for hate crimes. As he put it:


At the first trial, the person is acquitted of the violent crime, and at the second trial the person is convicted of the hate crime, meaning what the defendant says during the commission of that crime. And that ends up criminalizing free speech, because the actual act of violence the jury determined that the defendant was not guilty, but because of what the defendant said during the commission of the crime aimed at the victim, the person is convicted of saying that. That is where we have the First Amendment slippery slope. And I think if this ever happens, you will find this bill declared to be unconstitutional as a violation of the First Amendment in the blink of an eye.
This will be the last time I'll say this. A person does not get a fair trial in the U.S. courts any more. How can it be fair when a detective can lie to you while questioning you, make up evidence and harass your friends & family to they are the verge of breaking down? They hide evidence that would help your case, the D.A. all he or she wants is a conviction on their resume, the sheriff wants the case cleared off the books and the cops want to walk around with his chest puff out like he did something great. There is not a honest policeman in this country I believe this because an honest cop couldn't put his hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth and lie his ass off to get his name on the news or a new rank. They want to be heroes but they are just a bunch of zeros. Look in the papers an on the news about how many people are getting out of jail for police misconduct. And finally how many police of any kind that you have read about arresting a family member for anything?
Colorado is now allowing drivers a “3rd option” for gender....”X”. In a sane world, not only would those weirdo “X” selecters be (rightfully) institutionalized...but so would the state of Colorado vermin who authorized this lunacy!


I as a Christian then, should legally be able to use the title saint of the Most High, child of God, son of God, Ambassador for Christ, beloved son, righteous one, holy one, et al...and several others if we are all going to be choosing what identity we want to be viewed as! Thing is, those titles for Christians are TRUE, whereas the genetic fact vs. the nonsense of "choose whatever you feel is sheer lunacy!
Reggae music gets UNESCO protected status
Tara John, CNN • Updated 29th November 2018


(CNN) — Reggae music nowadays seems as ubiquitous to the beaches of Southeast Asia and dorm rooms of Boston as it does to its Jamaican homeland.
Now the genre that evolved in the 1960s has been added to the list of global cultural treasures by UNESCO, the United Nation's cultural and scientific agency.
As a former musician, lyricist and song writer I am a bit of a musical snob. I mostly always thought reggae was lame. Not horrible, just lame, blah, eh.
This is all about negrophilia. All things "people of color " is wonderful and needful of being "protected". All things White is by default "evil, bad, needing to be scrubbed off the face of the Earth". Woo-hoooo!!!
American Freedom News