We Are Living In A Cartoon

As a former musician, lyricist and song writer I am a bit of a musical snob. I mostly always thought reggae was lame. Not horrible, just lame, blah, eh.
This is all about negrophilia. All things "people of color " is wonderful and needful of being "protected". All things White is by default "evil, bad, needing to be scrubbed off the face of the Earth". Woo-hoooo!!!

Exactly. These leftists literally worship all blacks and dislike or hate all whites.

And reggae is boring. A lot of whites pretend to like it because it's done by blacks but most of it is dull and unimaginative.
To most people reggae is simply Bob Marley. And specifically Bob Marley’s “Legend” greatest hits album. And it’s good. However, that is a benchmark that the rest of the reggae movement can’t come close to, so the description of reggae in general as “boring” “dull” and “unimaginative” is spot-on.
They just keep a coming...

Dick's Sporting Goods Considering Removing All Hunting Gear From Stores

Celine Dion Launches "Gender-Neutral" Children's Clothing Line to "Liberate" From "Traditional Roles of Boy/Girl"
Black muzzy randomly stabbing pedestrians in Melbourne. Police take forever to finally shoot him. Luckily, he died at the hospital. People were yelling, "Just shoot him!!". Pansy NWO cops fart around and play pattycake as he swings the knife at them. One of the pedestrians died.

This is how to ruin a White nation. Australia is toast because of Jewish NWO Power grabs. Enough is afreakin' nuff already! Damn it to hell!!

Colorado is now allowing drivers a “3rd option” for gender....”X”. In a sane world, not only would those weirdo “X” selecters be (rightfully) institutionalized...but so would the state of Colorado vermin who authorized this lunacy!

Coloradans just elected an openly homosexual as their Governor and the Colorado Buffalos football program just hired an AA coach from the SEC as their new coach. So, this is just "par-for-the-course" now for that state. In recent years, they've limited semi-autos to 15 rounds and passed recreational marijuana. Illegals, hippies, feminists and cucks run wild there now.
Coloradans just elected an openly homosexual as their Governor and the Colorado Buffalos football program just hired an AA coach from the SEC as their new coach. So, this is just "par-for-the-course" now for that state. In recent years, they've limited semi-autos to 15 rounds and passed recreational marijuana. Illegals, hippies, feminists and cucks run wild there now.

It's a wonder anything gets done in that shamelessly Leftist state now.
This article speaks of millennial “men” eschewing ‘traditional’ masculinity. That’s rich, because (best I can tell) there’s VERY few “millennial” males that are worthy of being called a ‘man’. :rolleyes:


Unfortunately, to post in comments you have to have twofacedbook, which I dumped in late 2012 and never looked back. Good to see almost all the comments are very negative.
Change of subject...
Seems as though I can't go to a page of YouTube without dozens of alt news type vids saying endless narratives of how all these deep state people in our govt are going to prison. Been seeing this for months.

Some of these channels I respected in the past. Well known and seemingly reputable journalists and investigators with roots in the know. Now, I'm like, what the flying crap?!! None of these top scum are going to jail!! Trump will be likely impeached before Killary, Mueller, Washerman Schultz or any of the rats go down. I don't believe it for squat. Tell me I'm wrong because I don't see it happening at all.
Change of subject...
Seems as though I can't go to a page of YouTube without dozens of alt news type vids saying endless narratives of how all these deep state people in our govt are going to prison. Been seeing this for months.

Some of these channels I respected in the past. Well known and seemingly reputable journalists and investigators with roots in the know. Now, I'm like, what the flying crap?!! None of these top scum are going to jail!! Trump will be likely impeached before Killary, Mueller, Washerman Schultz or any of the rats go down. I don't believe it for squat. Tell me I'm wrong because I don't see it happening at all.

I fully concur. The POTUS would first need to pull off that (fallacious) “military coup” (conspiracy theory) that the libtards conjured up. Now....those verminous, globalist puppets should be prosecuted for high treason, but it’ll never happen. That’s a total pipe dream.
The real problem is Leftists need some REAL PROBLEMS in life. They are such spoiled, coddled, baby twits who've had it so good in America their whole lives and gotten so many participation trophies that they are looking for crap to whine about. Like the joke about the female who complains about the way you eat her, um, well, you know. These godless Leftist wussies need some real problems in life. This nation needs to be brought to it's knees. Entitled, self-absorbed c_nt-like people with nothing better to do than whine about how their iPhone 10 isn't fast enough. Pffffttt.
Illinois State House allows placement of a satanic statue in their rotunda. While this is quite repugnant, it’s also “technically” appropriate. That’s because most of the members of that state house (& the warpedvoterswho put them there) are actual servants of Satan...whether or not they know and/or admit it.

BTW, this kind of vile crap was never intended to be covered under the 1st Amendment...that claim is BS!

Fitting, especially for Illinois. Was The Imposter on hand for the installment ceremony? Since he moved out of 1600 Penn Ave I figured he might have time nowadays to go back to his initial place of undeserved public office and remember the evil he did while there and breathe in some of the ol' demonic forces he's so familiar with.
Why do we have to give in to these nut jobs, don't our voices count for anything? We keep letting them win the small battles they will win the war. It started with taking the bible out schools, now they removing our Confederate statues taking down our flags and taking our books out of the libraries. Tom Sawyer racist my ass, To Kill A Mockingbird a classic being remove. I say screw them, hurt these companies where you can get their attention, in their wallets boycott the stations that won't play Christmas songs and flood their headquarters with emails expressing your opinion. I am really good at that and I know it works.! It's time for the good guys to win one.
Yet these idiots will march demanding abortions on demand. They have more compassion for a pile of metal than a living human being.
Crowd of depraved s0d0mites cheer & throw money at 11 y/o boy “in drag” at a degenerate NYC f@990t club. That place should be shut down & the owners prosecuted, the kid placed in a psychiatric ward & all the patrons placed in outhouse internment. This is extremely disturbing & wicked.

The parents as well. A dark evil cloud is descending over this country and the world at large. It's very palpable to me now...I can almost feel it. Just think how things have changed since "Leave it to Beaver". Can you imagine something like this happening back then? It would be simply unfathomable.
Very, very interesting. Although the gist of the article claims that the main reason an astounding 1/3 of Americans are considering leaving the country to live somewhere else is "to explore the world," I don't buy that for a nano-second. Going on vacations abroad is "exploring the world"; actually leaving one's country to live somewhere else is almost always done for political and/or economic reasons. Besides, not that many Americans are even interested in exploring very far beyond their own hometown, much less the world, nor do they have the financial resources to do so.

Unlike all the ditzy Hollywood leftists who vowed to leave the U.S. if Trump was elected (none did of course), if Trump is a one-term president -- and at this point that appears likely given the combination of few Republicans who truly support him and his own continual retreats and flip-flops, ruling mostly symbolically via Twitter -- I think there will be a lot of Americans who leave the country for good, mostly intelligent White men of all ages who see the handwriting on the wall, namely that the Democrat-communist coalition is extremely close now to taking power for good, which means the current warfare against White men will increase many-fold. I know I'll take a long, serious look at my options should Hillary's coalition win the next presidential election with all that portends.

Study: Third Of Americans Thinking About Leaving Country To Live Abroad

snippet: The researchers used data from a 2014 nationally representative survey of 877 U.S.-born citizens still living in America, and found that besides exploration, other top reasons to live abroad included retirement (51 percent), escape from bad or disappointing situation in America (49 percent), or for work (48 percent). Participants were asked whether or not they’d aspired to live outside the U.S. for a period of time in the future.

“Just over half (58.4 percent) said no, not at all; 8.4 percent said they never had, but might consider it if something came up and 33.1 percent had thought about doing so, with 5.4 percent overall strongly planning on doing so,” says Klekowski von Koppenfels.

full article: https://www.studyfinds.org/study-third-americans-consider-leaving-country-live-abroad/
Crowd of depraved s0d0mites cheer & throw money at 11 y/o boy “in drag” at a degenerate NYC f@990t club. That place should be shut down & the owners prosecuted, the kid placed in a psychiatric ward & all the patrons placed in outhouse internment. This is extremely disturbing & wicked.

ABC's "Good Morning Amerika", paraded the kid on their show, with the enthusiastic applause and support of the live audience. Incredible demonic possession of the people going on.
American Freedom News