We Are Living In A Cartoon

Feminist walks out on interview because host says Bruce Jenner is a male...

is a perfect example of Leftistism and their hatred of facts and any position that differs from their own insane asylum mentality. (And I love the song that starts playing at the end) :)
The phony, fallacious harridans at “Me Too” look to expand to “thought offenses”. As I’ve stated ad naseum, the overwhelming majority of these harpy’s ‘accusations’ are greatly exaggerated to totally contrived & baseless. This is a manufactured method of further “empowering” the scourge of feminism & undermining masculinity.

The phony, fallacious harridans at “Me Too” look to expand to “thought offenses”. As I’ve stated ad naseum, the overwhelming majority of these harpy’s ‘accusations’ are greatly exaggerated to totally contrived & baseless. This is a manufactured method of further “empowering” the scourge of feminism & undermining masculinity.


Soooooo, I suppose if I were to suggest to these females to dress modestly, submit to the Lordship of Christ, remain virgins until marriage to a Christian husband, or if they have committed fornication, repent and flee from such circumstances that would enable it, teach younger women to do all of the same and love their husbands and be in submission to him as the husband is to Christ...all of which are COMMANDED in the New Testament under New Covenant doctrines of grace ...Am I to think that the MeToo Feminazis would not approve?

Hmmmm, well by crackies, seems these "ladies" don't really want what's best for 'em.

It's easy to tell who hates God and who loves Him. I would bet 99 percent of these MeToo gals hate Him to no end. Thus, the majority of their "problems" all stem from that. Period.
Soooooo, I suppose if I were to suggest to these females to dress modestly, submit to the Lordship of Christ, remain virgins until marriage to a Christian husband, or if they have committed fornication, repent and flee from such circumstances that would enable it, teach younger women to do all of the same and love their husbands and be in submission to him as the husband is to Christ...all of which are COMMANDED in the New Testament under New Covenant doctrines of grace ...Am I to think that the MeToo Feminazis would not approve?

Hmmmm, well by crackies, seems these "ladies" don't really want what's best for 'em.

It's easy to tell who hates God and who loves Him. I would bet 99 percent of these MeToo gals hate Him to no end. Thus, the majority of their "problems" all stem from that. Period.


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Feminism, communism and all the other poisons afflicting once-White countries, including poisoning of the air, water and food, are depopulating Western countries (and Japan) slowly but surely. The end game of feminism appears to be criminalizing heterosexuality and masculinity.

Breaching Of The Sexes: No Sexytime For Modrens
September 25, 2018 by CH

All across the developed world, people are having less sex.

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Rolf Degen@DegenRolf


No sex in the city: All over the developed world, people are having sex less frequently, for reasons largely unknown. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1363460718785108?journalCode=sexa …

Calhoun’s mouse experiment is everywhere if you have the eyes to see.

I can supply some reasons explaining the decline in sex frequency among modrens:

1. diversity (it causes cocooning)
2. obesity (it causes loss of desire)
3. population density (it causes mental health problems)
4. soyboys (self-explanatory)
5. video games
6. porn
7. female porn (teevee)
8. pathological narcissism metastasized by social media use

That last one is crucial to understanding the problem behind the Breaching of the Sexes: the study notes that men and women are spending more time on “looking good” and less time putting those good looks to use in the bedroom. A pathological narcissist wouldn’t want to risk his or her image by actually sleeping with someone who would find out what they look like the morning after, or discover how skilled they are as lovers. The Social Media Narcissist recoils from intimacy because it demands a pence of vulnerability to be true, real, and valuable. It’s safer for the maintenance of her image if she struts and poses on her world stage, full of snark and gogrrlies, signifying nothing, than to risk it all by stepping out from behind the ‘shopped selfie to place her painstakingly animated Marvel Comics heart at the mercy of another.

As someone noted on that Twatter thread, sexual frequency isn’t the same as sexual distribution.

Why can’t you address the elephant in the room. 20% of the men are sleeping with 80 % of the women. Most men 18-34 get infrequent or no sex at all. The dating market is cruel as any free market.

Sex frequency may be down, but female hypergamy is up up up, and more intense than ever.

The Breaching of the Sexes will soon give way to the Bifurcation of the Sexed And Sexless, and finally to the Bounty of the Sexbots.

Unless Generation Zyklon re-embraces a benevolent patriarchy, this story has only one ending: Hard Times Ahead.

Hey there DD,

I'm totally with you. I was doing some more research late into last night and into the early hours of this morning. I must say brother, I am pretty much giving up all hope of anything positive at all happening now. I may not even vote in the midterms. That's very unlike me. I have always been ready to fight and spit in the eye of our shameless enemies. Now I can't find any public office or public official not totally corrupt or for sale to satanic agendas. I almost wish the Chinese or Russians would blow this "nation" off the face of the Earth. I'm not just awake now, I'm black pilled to the core. Today is a new day for me. Only surviving is all I care about...barely. You can pray for me.
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Hey there DD,

I'm totally with you. I was doing some more research late into last night and into the early hours of this morning. I must say brother, I am pretty much giving up all hope of anything positive at all happening now. I may not even vote in the midterms. That's very unlike me. I have always been ready to fight and spit in the eye of our shameless enemies. Now I can't find any public office or public official not totally corrupt or for sale to satanic agendas. I almost wish the Chinese or Russians would blow this "nation" off the face of the Earth. I'm not just awake now, I'm black pilled to the core. Today is a new day for me. Only surviving is all I care about...barely. You can pray for me.

BF, there is indeed very little “Good News”...sans that within God’s Word. I fully believe God will unleash His wrath on this nation for its wicked defiance. He might use a combination of “natural disasters” along with the Ruskies & ChingChongs. I often hope He brings His wrath soon, but other times I pray He extends mercy awhile longer. All we can do is try to stand for what is right & against wicked evil. We ought to leave the “outcome” to God. :)

Study: 1 in 3 US adults eat fast food each day

A government study has found that 1 in 3 U.S. adults eat fast food on any given day. That's about 85 million people.

It's the first federal study to look at how often adults eat fast food. An earlier study found a similar proportion of children and adolescents ate it on any given day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the numbers Wednesday. It's based on a survey of about 10,000 adults over four years.

The study did not find a difference between men and women. But higher-income families ate fast food more often than lower-income families, and blacks ate it more than other racial or ethnic groups.

Health officials say too much high-calorie fast food can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other health problems.




Feminist walks out on interview because host says Bruce Jenner is a male...

is a perfect example of Leftistism and their hatred of facts and any position that differs from their own insane asylum mentality. (And I love the song that starts playing at the end) :)

Well, the Left is against truth, light, and life. They are for falsehood, darkness, and death. Its what they are. They have been seduced by the great deceiver. They are fallen. I pray for individual leftists that they can pry themselves away from Satan's clutches.
Normally the mob actions of the leftists irritate me but watch the beginning of this video as the brainless zombies of the left attempt to beat down and claw open a door. It's freaking hilarious.

Hilarious!! These snowflakes are melting!....melting!!!!
Portland police do nothing as communist terrorists run wild in the streets. Watch the two short videos at this link:

Antifa Takes Over Portland, Harasses Old Man for Disobeying

These people are dangerous and insane. One can understand why Brown Shirts were needed in PreWar Germany to physically remove communists from public spaces. Law and order must be restored or society collapses into leftist anarchy. In other words, living hell.
The Mayor of Portland and the Chief of Police are totally to blame for these walking pieces of sh*t disguised as human beings interrupting traffic and threatening motorists with violence. These scum are lower than gutter scum and should meet with the most extreme force Law Enforcement could possibly dole out. If some of these demonic dirtbag pukes comes back to mommy's basement as a quad with a colostomy bag some of their fellow hellbound vomit on legs might think twice.
They are truly trying to provoke hostility. The (((ones))) behind all of this are just using the "useful idiots" as they did 100 years ago. This is nothing new guys. Check out the latest shameless physical threats against us and notice all the despicable Whites in attendance in the accompanying video cheering. Truly disgusting times we are in:

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The Mayor of Portland and the Chief of Police are totally to blame for these walking pieces of sh*t disguised as human beings interrupting traffic and threatening motorists with violence. These scum are lower than gutter scum and should meet with the most extreme force Law Enforcement could possibly dole out. If some of these demonic dirtbag pukes comes back to mommy's basement as a quad with a colostomy bag some of their fellow hellbound vomit on legs might think twice.
Man what has happen to Portland, I know it was the 80's but they use to have some kick ass groups there that didn't take crap off anybody. The skinheads along with the nazis would mess you up if you looked at them wrong. I guess they got old like like the Klan. Is Metzler dead? I know he was based in California but he was up and down the west coast.
Tom Metzger is in his 80s now and his organization was gutted by Morris Dees and the SPLC a long time ago. At any rate, Donald Trump should be going after antifa with a vengeance, using the powers of the fedgov. A militant pro-White group wouldn't be allowed to get away with 1/100 of what antifa is doing.

Michael Savage called for the President to declare antifa a domestic terrorist group and crack down hard on the leadership. Why hasn't he? Maybe to continue to whip up the Republican Party base to get out and vote. If that's the case, then going after antifa right after the election should be a top priority.
American Freedom News