We Are Living In A Cartoon

Tommy's more of a street fighter and on the streets it's the Muslim/Paki's causing the problems and what the average traditional Brit has to deal with day-to-day.
Tommy is a great role model for them, the kind of person that they need at that level. Of course the Jews and Zionists are the puppeteers of all of this happening, but that's probably lost to many at the street level and would be detrimental to what he's trying to do. George Galloway is more equipped to take on the Zionists at the level it needs to be taken on at.
I'm not criticizing Robinson's approach at all; he is one brave hombre, the kind that is almost extinct in Britain and the U.S. and he's worthy of a lot of admiration.

He was a member of the British National Party at one time, which sealed his fate in the eyes of the British establishment no matter how much he tries to avoid "anti-Semitic" minefields now.
That just shows that there is no point in self censoring when it comes to the JQ. You might as well go all the way and name the true (((villains))). They are gonna treat you the same either way.
100 percent correct. They want everyone to live in fear of even asking the Jew Question and it's gotten us only misery and lost battles.

I've only recently named the Jew issues to friends in person, not even knowing how they would react. I have had nothing but agreement and I was pleasantly surprised. Most notably, an older White gentleman I have come to know the past year was the one most wholeheartedly agreeing and he spoke out in open disdain for how the Jews operate. It was great to hear it, and especially since he is a Bible believing Christian, and not duped by the zio seemingly a bit.
One of the most important demographic trends taking place, which is being almost completely ignored other than by The Nationalist Times newspaper, is the rapid replacement of the White professional class with Indians and Chinese, especially in IT and medicine. Take a gander at this short video of the 2018 graduating class of Carnegie Mellon University, and you will see the next wave of IT executives, the ones who have no interest in the traditional freedoms, including freedom of speech and the Second Amendment, of White Americans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=...LY7q_rH9_RzWG&time_continue=188&v=LP47aDTAMms

The images for the search topic "Carnegie Mellon University 2018 graduating class" are also eye opening: https://www.google.com/search?q=car...v6vbAhULk1kKHQVyAzkQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=893
Shyster “televangelist” claims ‘God’ told him that he needed a (4th) personnel plane...this one with a $54 million price tag. Grifters like this lying louse are worse than ‘satanists’, because they (mis)use the name of Christ to deceive & plunder (in order to line their pockets). There will be a ‘special’ place in hell for apostates like this scuzzbucket.

Amen DD! As a fellow believer in our Lord Jesus Christ, these false teachers are the ones I hate the most as they are nothing more than pretentious scumbuckets who defile the name of Christ, His Word and His followers!

I will be glad when the Lord eradicates these servants of Satan in His righteous judgement!
A vile perv watched p0rn & jerked his gherkin on a Southwest Airlines flight. The lady next to him claimed he did this nearly the entire flight. The libertine scum even gave his jizz filled napkins to the stewardess (to dispose of).

In all honesty....there’s no doubt I’d have smashed his face &/or choked his sorry @$$ out had he tried that mess near me. I’d give him one verbal request to stop..& if the puke refused to do so, I’d immediately knock his lights out (no doubt about it). Repercussions be d@mned! P1$$ on snitching to the dang sky skirts...a deviant like that is in dire need of a “lesson”. Besides, real men handle problems themselves, & don’t go running to “tattle” (..like kids, sissies & broads do).

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Completely concur. I would have knocked his skull in so bad they would have stopped the flight at the next runway available. THIS is exactly what needs to be done in a lot of society's "problems". Perverts are being tolerated and awarded when they need to be damned.
Sounds like a BS story. Who sits there while someone is jacking off for hours (who jacks off for hours)? All she could do is tweet? And she says the flight attendants knew. Sure, those busy-bodies won't let you wear earphones during takeoff but they give a guy a pass on that?
That's what I was thinking. And where the heck was the Air Marshall? So I looked it up and according to what I read only about 1 in 200 flights has an Air Marshal on it.

It looks like the lady slept through the whole thing, if it actually took place.

The plane landed in France and French authorities handled the matter. And we all know what a jaded bunch Europeans are nowadays.

EDIT: Well sheet, I got this incident mixed up with another from July 2017. Evidently this happens more than one would think.
Miss America (now, Miss Amerika) to no longer have swim suit or evening gown contest. It will all "be about the inside now". "Confidence and self-esteem" will be the main criteria to judge them on. "All shapes and sizes" will now be allowed to compete.
Miss America (now, Miss Amerika) to no longer have swim suit or evening gown contest. It will all "be about the inside now". "Confidence and self-esteem" will be the main criteria to judge them on. "All shapes and sizes" will now be allowed to compete.
I expect next year’s winner to be a tattooed land-whale with purple hair.
Teen Reality Star Exclaims..."I'm Going to Have a Vagina!"

Jennings, who was born a boy but whose parents set on a path to transition starting at the incredibly young age of five, proclaimed great excitement for the coming operation in a YouTube video.

“I’m going to have new genitalia,” Jennings said in the video. “Penis to vagina. That’s some serious s**t, y’all. I am just … I can’t believe it. I’m going to have a vagina!”
Teen Reality Star Exclaims..."I'm Going to Have a Vagina!"

Jennings, who was born a boy but whose parents set on a path to transition starting at the incredibly young age of five, proclaimed great excitement for the coming operation in a YouTube video.

“I’m going to have new genitalia,” Jennings said in the video. “Penis to vagina. That’s some serious s**t, y’all. I am just … I can’t believe it. I’m going to have a vagina!”

Another depraved freako that should be in a padded cell. It’s utterly disgusting that sick deviants like this are allowed to walk the streets. A free Republic cannot be maintained when (artificial & bogus) “equal rights” are forced upon the (undeserving) mentally disturbed & innately inferior. These types need to be in an asylum & under the thumb of the (real) White man.
Candy@$$ cuck CEO “apologizes” for eating at Chick Fil A.

When dealing with leftists you simply tell them to pound sand. They whine about everything but the moment they realize that they and their opinion don't matter to you they will move on to someone else. They hate it when you tell them they can shove it, but the funny thing is they seem to respect you more. It's almost as if the envy you for having a backbone. The ones they treat the worst are the ones who allow them to.
When dealing with leftists you simply tell them to pound sand. They whine about everything but the moment they realize that they and their opinion don't matter to you they will move on to someone else. They hate it when you tell them they can shove it, but the funny thing is they seem to respect you more. It's almost as if the envy you for having a backbone. The ones they treat the worst are the ones who allow them to.

Amen and amen 1,000 percent.
When dealing with leftists you simply tell them to pound sand. They whine about everything but the moment they realize that they and their opinion don't matter to you they will move on to someone else. They hate it when you tell them they can shove it, but the funny thing is they seem to respect you more. It's almost as if the envy you for having a backbone. The ones they treat the worst are the ones who allow them to.
That’s true but in this case the cuck apologizing is himself a huge leftist. Jack Dorsey simply forgot the rules for a minute but got back on board real quick when he was reminded by his fellow comrades. To atone for his “sin”, I’m sure he’ll just ban some more conservatives and right wingers from Twitter for no good reason other than having a difference of opinion.
That’s true but in this case the cuck apologizing is himself a huge leftist. Jack Dorsey simply forgot the rules for a minute but got back on board real quick when he was reminded by his fellow comrades. To atone for his “sin”, I’m sure he’ll just ban some more conservatives and right wingers from Twitter for no good reason other than having a difference of opinion.

Twatter is total garbage...just like Fakebook & SnapCrap. I abhor social(ist) media. It promotes vanity, self importance, liars & braggarts.
American Freedom News