We Are Living In A Cartoon

The Iconic Goodbye, America Photo, Or A Portent Of Reborn America?
April 20, 2018 by CH


At first glance, this photo is the iconic Goodbye America still shot. The soyfaced White punching bag just standing there, inert and full of self-hatred, taking the n1gra’s bullhorn to his frappuccinoed face while mystery meat onlookers, their psychotically masochistic white enablers, and a (((puppeteer))) cheer on the n1gra’s ‘shines. Sick!

But look closely at Whitecuck’s eyes. What’s going through his head? “I am suitably chastened and prepared to make amends to my black betters.” “I am scared.” “I am not getting paid enough for this.” “I hate myself.” “Please make it stop.”

Hm, I dunno. I think I see something else: the look of stoic resolve just before the battle charge. Redemption.

And is that soyfat or muscle beneath his apron of oppression?

If America has a future, our beset White man is thinking, “**** this n0gnoize, where’s the road war sign up sheet?”

Auschwitz Pool Lifeguard writes,

Imagine actually taking this abuse for a minimum wage job at a company that forces you to undergo constant humiliation from the point of training onwards for being a white male.

I personally can’t imagine it, but a lot of White males can, and decide to live it out in reality. Those of sane mind and descended testicles can only hope that these self-castrating White males one day, not far off, tire of the prostration parade they must march in every day, and on that day become White Men.

From MPC Status Updates,

Ancient men called general strikes, manned barricades, put bourgeoisie to the sword…you go to “coffee chain” for “grande latte” and enjoy “diversity training”…YOU ARE GAY!

lol. We may have hit Peak Paleface Prostration with this Starcucks nonsense. Safe White Spaces (all implicit today) like Starcucks are the newest frontier in enlightened leftoid activism. Anything or any place that can be remotely associated with Whiteness or pinned as an organically emergent White community will be under fire from here on out to disavow its Whiteness and make room for disruptive elements.

Leftoids really want a world in which there’s no place left for Whites to run from Diversity™. Leftism is a White death cult.

tin man wonders what our White hero-to-be could do under the circumstances,

The **** is he supposed to do, fistfight someone for Starbucks Corporation? This is the first time I’ve ever thought it would be cool to work there, this would be fun

He could laugh in the face of his inquisitors. He could throw down the garb of his anti-White SJW corporate master and storm out, cleaving the freak crowd in two and leaving them screeching at his receding figure. But that’s the crux of the issue. It’s not so much what he isn’t doing, it’s that he’s embedded in a malevolent system which hates him and his kind, and which prohibits him from doing anything. The whole point of these mau mau charades is humiliation porn, to strip White men of their dignity.

That channer prank using a fake free coffee coupon redeemable only by those of african american descent has the potential to bring Starcucks to its knees if it goes viral. No brotha is gonna question the authenticity of a gibs ticket, so what’s Starcucks gonna do? Tell the proud black body sorry, no freebie for you?

PS I find it hilarious that everyone in this photo is wearing problem glasses.

Fresno State professor celebrates Barbara Bush's death. I hope this morbidly obese waste of human skin gets what's coming to her and all of her disgusting ilk.

Although I despise Babs and her Satanic spawn, I try not to speak ill of the dead.

That being said, that Fresno State professor is pretty much the template for professors in Amerikan academia today.

Here's another quote from her the other day, during the same rant she had against Babs:

“I had my kid when I was 18. I never thought in a million years that I’d be a shitty parent. But sometimes I’m a f*cking shitty parent,” Jarrar said. “And sometimes I’m a f*cking awesome parent. And sometimes I just say that ‘I can’t f*cking stand the white heteropatriachy,’ and then sometimes I’m sucking a white dick.”

These vile creatures are teaching the future generations of Amerika. Any wonder why things are so messed up?
This country is pretty much Balkanized at this point. Whites are the biggest group ofnth
The Iconic Goodbye, America Photo, Or A Portent Of Reborn America?
April 20, 2018 by CH


At first glance, this photo is the iconic Goodbye America still shot. The soyfaced White punching bag just standing there, inert and full of self-hatred, taking the n1gra’s bullhorn to his frappuccinoed face while mystery meat onlookers, their psychotically masochistic white enablers, and a (((puppeteer))) cheer on the n1gra’s ‘shines. Sick!

But look closely at Whitecuck’s eyes. What’s going through his head? “I am suitably chastened and prepared to make amends to my black betters.” “I am scared.” “I am not getting paid enough for this.” “I hate myself.” “Please make it stop.”

Hm, I dunno. I think I see something else: the look of stoic resolve just before the battle charge. Redemption.

And is that soyfat or muscle beneath his apron of oppression?

If America has a future, our beset White man is thinking, “**** this n0gnoize, where’s the road war sign up sheet?”

Auschwitz Pool Lifeguard writes,

Imagine actually taking this abuse for a minimum wage job at a company that forces you to undergo constant humiliation from the point of training onwards for being a white male.

I personally can’t imagine it, but a lot of White males can, and decide to live it out in reality. Those of sane mind and descended testicles can only hope that these self-castrating White males one day, not far off, tire of the prostration parade they must march in every day, and on that day become White Men.

From MPC Status Updates,

Ancient men called general strikes, manned barricades, put bourgeoisie to the sword…you go to “coffee chain” for “grande latte” and enjoy “diversity training”…YOU ARE GAY!

lol. We may have hit Peak Paleface Prostration with this Starcucks nonsense. Safe White Spaces (all implicit today) like Starcucks are the newest frontier in enlightened leftoid activism. Anything or any place that can be remotely associated with Whiteness or pinned as an organically emergent White community will be under fire from here on out to disavow its Whiteness and make room for disruptive elements.

Leftoids really want a world in which there’s no place left for Whites to run from Diversity™. Leftism is a White death cult.

tin man wonders what our White hero-to-be could do under the circumstances,

The **** is he supposed to do, fistfight someone for Starbucks Corporation? This is the first time I’ve ever thought it would be cool to work there, this would be fun

He could laugh in the face of his inquisitors. He could throw down the garb of his anti-White SJW corporate master and storm out, cleaving the freak crowd in two and leaving them screeching at his receding figure. But that’s the crux of the issue. It’s not so much what he isn’t doing, it’s that he’s embedded in a malevolent system which hates him and his kind, and which prohibits him from doing anything. The whole point of these mau mau charades is humiliation porn, to strip White men of their dignity.

That channer prank using a fake free coffee coupon redeemable only by those of african american descent has the potential to bring Starcucks to its knees if it goes viral. No brotha is gonna question the authenticity of a gibs ticket, so what’s Starcucks gonna do? Tell the proud black body sorry, no freebie for you?

PS I find it hilarious that everyone in this photo is wearing problem glasses.


Good post Don. I have been thinking along the same lines about alot of the stuff brought up in this article since this laughable "story" became a front page headline. I have changed my mindset from one of thinking of ways to fight back to more of one of watching the left corrupt everything in Amerika 2.0 to the point of which it cannibalizes itself. We are already a balkanized country - whites are divided amongst themselves - I would argue the largest percentage watching this unfold are "red-pilled" (the silent majority) but the leftist side composed of whites who were either conditioned to self-hate or buy completely into "diversity" (ie. race traitors who **** out mixed kids), nihilists, wiggers, marxists etc - a truly reprehensible collection of people which have all become a real tool for their masters. Add the hordes of brown skinned folk who for generations have been brought up with the entitlement mentality along with immigrants (both legal and illegal) who also believe they are owed something this whole society is going to crumble. I am sure Russia and China are completely aware of this which is why they are not engaging in all of the sabre-rattling that 'Merica continues to engage in. We are simply the second Roman empire - slowly being overrun from within by the corruption in our institutions (whether they be religious, government, education, business or even family) by perverse leftist minds to the physical invasion and importation of non-whites to America so they can all supposedly chase the American Dream (yeah right!).

We now see states and cities under "Democratic" (really communist/marxist) control that constantly fail, do not obey the Constitution, give more rights to non-citizens rather than protect citizens, ramp up entitlement programs on the taxpayer dime. Places like Seattle and San Franciso allow "safe" drug use by providing needles - homeless cities popping up in these places while elitist liberals who are employed by tech companies vote for it all without connecting the dots - the disparity of wealth - high property values which keep many people from buying homes (Capitalism 101 stuff) which these supposed well-educated morons oppose - have to deal with the squalor when they step out of their overpriced homes/condos/apartments. I have also read articles about the exodus of people from California and other "blue states" due to the marxist policies which essentially target wealthy people through taxes to help prop up their bankrupt states. Not to mention white folks who live in the same counties as shithole "blue" cities such as Baltimore or Chicago who are moving out rather than dealing with raising taxes to support all of the heathens who live in those cities.

I hope I do not come off as sounding like a defeatist because I am not. I just feel this leftist push of the past 50 years has pretty much reached the peak of it's destruction because the foundations of everything are now crumbling. Nothing is permanent and the leftists are really overextending themselves at this point. I feel all of this accelerated at some point during the last decade or so (I would argue it went into high gear beginning with Obama's second term) as I cannot recall such pervasive lunacy being widespread and accepted at any other time in my life.
This country is pretty much Balkanized at this point. Whites are the biggest group ofnth

Good post Don. I have been thinking along the same lines about alot of the stuff brought up in this article since this laughable "story" became a front page headline. I have changed my mindset from one of thinking of ways to fight back to more of one of watching the left corrupt everything in Amerika 2.0 to the point of which it cannibalizes itself. We are already a balkanized country - whites are divided amongst themselves - I would argue the largest percentage watching this unfold are "red-pilled" (the silent majority) but the leftist side composed of whites who were either conditioned to self-hate or buy completely into "diversity" (ie. race traitors who **** out mixed kids), nihilists, wiggers, marxists etc - a truly reprehensible collection of people which have all become a real tool for their masters. Add the hordes of brown skinned folk who for generations have been brought up with the entitlement mentality along with immigrants (both legal and illegal) who also believe they are owed something this whole society is going to crumble. I am sure Russia and China are completely aware of this which is why they are not engaging in all of the sabre-rattling that 'Merica continues to engage in. We are simply the second Roman empire - slowly being overrun from within by the corruption in our institutions (whether they be religious, government, education, business or even family) by perverse leftist minds to the physical invasion and importation of non-whites to America so they can all supposedly chase the American Dream (yeah right!).

We now see states and cities under "Democratic" (really communist/marxist) control that constantly fail, do not obey the Constitution, give more rights to non-citizens rather than protect citizens, ramp up entitlement programs on the taxpayer dime. Places like Seattle and San Franciso allow "safe" drug use by providing needles - homeless cities popping up in these places while elitist liberals who are employed by tech companies vote for it all without connecting the dots - the disparity of wealth - high property values which keep many people from buying homes (Capitalism 101 stuff) which these supposed well-educated morons oppose - have to deal with the squalor when they step out of their overpriced homes/condos/apartments. I have also read articles about the exodus of people from California and other "blue states" due to the marxist policies which essentially target wealthy people through taxes to help prop up their bankrupt states. Not to mention white folks who live in the same counties as shithole "blue" cities such as Baltimore or Chicago who are moving out rather than dealing with raising taxes to support all of the heathens who live in those cities.

I hope I do not come off as sounding like a defeatist because I am not. I just feel this leftist push of the past 50 years has pretty much reached the peak of it's destruction because the foundations of everything are now crumbling. Nothing is permanent and the leftists are really overextending themselves at this point. I feel all of this accelerated at some point during the last decade or so (I would argue it went into high gear beginning with Obama's second term) as I cannot recall such pervasive lunacy being widespread and accepted at any other time in my life.

The biggest problem is that there's no effective way for disaffected Whites to organize, or even locate one another. Very few people are willing to stick their necks out because they know they'll be smeared, discredited, lose their job, attacked physically, etc.

There was so little activism over the past 20 years when things were getting worse and worse that it may now be too late. We're kind of like those still awake people in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, hiding our awareness while at the same time scanning for kindred souls. Maybe the best we can do at this point is make the most of ourselves individually, try to educate those with ears to hear, and take in the ongoing clown show. But my worry is the PTB, in contrast to the armies of idiot leftists they've created who likely will turn on each other, intend to use technology and totalitarian tactics to prevent a counter-revolution. Leftist zombies fighting leftist zombies doesn't help Whites unless Whites begin to help themselves a lot more as a group. So there has to be a strong nationalist/patriot/pro-White movement of some kind, or we're left hoping that change comes about because of the efforts of other countries and other leaders.
I believe Brixit and the election of Trump gave some level of hope. Just hope it continues regardless of these leftist malcontent designs on the dissolving Whites in Amerika and Europa.
Interesting pic from Babs funeral:


Barry jiving it up with the pretty smiling White woman while Michelle scowls and plays with the hem of her skirt. Trump an absentee.
Interesting pic from Babs funeral:


Barry jiving it up with the pretty smiling White woman while Michelle scowls and plays with the hem of her skirt. Trump an absentee.
After Trumpy destroyed "low energy" Jeb Bush during the 2016 primaries, he knew he would be persona non grata at his mom's funeral. Classy that the 1st Lady showed up. And of course, Barack on the prowl whilst his negress wife becomes pissed. LOL
"Barack on the prowl" is not a term I've ever seen associated with Obama, at least not when it comes to women. ;)
"Barack on the prowl" is not a term I've ever seen associated with Obama, at least not when it comes to women. ;)
Yeah, forgot his history with gay bathhouses. But clearly, his wife is pissed. She (He) has a history of being jealous of beautiful white women, here and when Barack was flirting with 1st Lady of France and a good looking White woman President of some country in Europa.
Did she just get out of bed and go to the View before going to 7-11 for soy and coffee? Did she intentionally set out to look frumpy and unattractive? Is this what White guilt crap leads a person to do? It must be. What a pathetic joke Leftism leads people to exist as...
Fat@$$, putrid pig Amy “Schrewmer” apologizes for being “White”. With that...she’ll be glad to know that not only is she not worthy of being White, but she’s also not a “lady” (...more like a sow).


Jews are "white" when they're involved in something that is considered negative. They're "Jewish" when they're involved in something that is considered positive.

A Jew apologizing for being white? We are living in a cartoon...

"Schumer's father was born to a Jewish family from Ukraine.[11] He is a cousin of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer.[12][13][14] Her mother, who is from a Protestant background and deep New England roots, converted to Judaism before her marriage.[4][15][16] Schumer was raised Jewish and says she had to deal with antisemitism as a child."


"All guns should be banned...except for in my movies!"
Michael/Michelle Obama looks like sitting beside the raper Clinton and his satanic nutjob wife Killary(dyke) is causing reactions of hatred and racism, she/he is turned away from Clinton, Barracks Obama is probably asking the lady where she got her shoes
Boy Scouts to drop "Boy" from its name and allow girls to join.
Boy Scouts to drop "Boy" from its name and allow girls to join.

(((Leftist- controlled))) agendas destroy everything that is or was wholesome, good, worthwhile, moral, encouraging, edifying and anything approaching God-given sensibilities. Western Civilization is being destroyed before our eyes.

I think they should be destroyed. I may run for President as a benevolent dictator. They will NEVER be satisfied until we're eradicated it seems like. If that's their plan then it's either us or them. Period.
American Freedom News