We Are Living In A Cartoon

"Drag Tots" previews on cable channel "WOW Presents Plus".

"Drag Tots premiered on WOW Presents Plus and cartoons have never been so gay! Some of your favorite queens voice the cutest animated baby drag queens in this all-new show," the cartoon’s production company proudly declares.

"You’re not a true queen until you can read!" the character Lady Liber T says in the above preview. "Because reading is what? Fundamental!"

A screenshot from one scene shows a banner above the kids promoting an ongoing "all-inclusive" celebration that is "mandatory."

The cartoon is marketed for "kids and grown-ups of all ages."

So, be sure to gather your children and infants around the TV and be sure not to miss the next episode of "Drag Tots"! (otherwise you're a homophobe/xenophobe)

Anyone who doesn't firmly believe that everyone involved with the production of that program deserves the death penalty should reconsider and repent.

The demonized individuals involved in that abomination don't deserve to breathe oxygen anywhere near our solar system. Strike that, anywhere period.
Anyone who doesn't firmly believe that everyone involved with the production of that program deserves the death penalty should reconsider and repent.

The demonized individuals involved in that abomination don't deserve to breathe oxygen anywhere near our solar system. Strike that, anywhere period.

Amen!! I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Black waiter at steakhouse who caused "outrage" in his community and among countless others online by claiming a White patron didn't tip him and left "hateful and racist language" on the receipt has now admitted he lied and made the whole thing up.

(How many more times is this type of thing going to happen?):


It's a rarity when one of these hoaxes -- and most "hate crimes" alleged to be perpetrated by Whites are indeed hoaxes -- is prominently exposed. The media love to hype them because it fits the communist party line of the U.S. being filled with evil White racists, but when the truth comes out it's usually ignored completely or given 1/100 the coverage of the original hoax.
This ped0 stuff in Hollywood and elsewhere is getting out-of-control. Hard to believe this is the same country I grew up in. Some truly evil stuff going on.

Here's the latest post from NeonRevolt blog. Disturbing, but well worth reading. The "chans" are outing them, like what happened the other day to Hollywood Director, James Gunn.

Sarah is scared now and has resorted to making threats:


Also, check out this video from a "comedy skit" by Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswald, two Hollywood (((liberals))) and staunch anti-Trump zealots. How is this even remotely "funny"? They are just trying to push degeneracy and "normalize" ped0s.
San F@9sissyco negress ninny mayor refuses to crack down on the nasty, derelict bums & junkies who crap on the city streets & sidewalks. I say make her sorry @$$ clean up the “mess”! Seriously, any scuzzbucket who drops a deuce in public oughta be (publicly) horsewhipped.

I do find liberals amusing though. Their answer to the city being screwed up is to elect a black female mayor - Yeah, that's the ticket. There was a song in the sixties that had as some of the lyrics, "You mustn't be discouraged, there's always one step further down you can go."
This ped0 stuff in Hollywood and elsewhere is getting out-of-control. Hard to believe this is the same country I grew up in. Some truly evil stuff going on.

Here's the latest post from NeonRevolt blog. Disturbing, but well worth reading. The "chans" are outing them, like what happened the other day to Hollywood Director, James Gunn.

Sarah is scared now and has resorted to making threats:


Also, check out this video from a "comedy skit" by Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswald, two Hollywood (((liberals))) and staunch anti-Trump zealots. How is this even remotely "funny"? They are just trying to push degeneracy and "normalize" ped0s.

Very interesting, I wasn't aware of that site before.

Here's a great article that all self-professed conservatives should read. Conservatives are the enemy of all racially aware Whites, not our friends or allies.

Conservatism Inc.’s Fawning Response to James Gunn Scandal Reveals Where Its True Loyalties Lie

Very interesting, I wasn't aware of that site before.

Here's a great article that all self-professed conservatives should read. Conservatives are the enemy of all racially aware Whites, not our friends or allies.

Conservatism Inc.’s Fawning Response to James Gunn Scandal Reveals Where Its True Loyalties Lie

Yeah, I saw some of the responses from the usual (neo-con, Never-Trumper) suspects, like Ben Shapiro and Erick Erickson. Never-Trumper Glenn Beck also came out in support of Gunn. Not really surprised. Pathetic, though. It makes me wonder what they have to hide...or who they are trying to protect.
Yet another White liberal lunatic who has it ass backwards. You could show her the statistics that black-on-White crime is about ten times as common as the other way around and that it's Whites who are constantly in fear of black racism and hate against them but it wouldn't register in her fevered brain:

Anne Hathaway: ‘All Black People Fear for Their Lives Daily’

Yet another White liberal lunatic who has it ass backwards. You could show her the statistics that black-on-White crime is about ten times as common as the other way around and that it's Whites who are constantly in fear of black racism and hate against them but it wouldn't register in her fevered brain:

Anne Hathaway: ‘All Black People Fear for Their Lives Daily’

I had to see if she was really "white" as so many from the tribe claim when they bash white people. She is really white. However, she married a Jew in a Jewish ceremony. Something tells me that like so many women their spouse deeply influences their political beliefs.
I had to see if she was really "white" as so many from the tribe claim when they bash white people. She is really white. However, she married a Jew in a Jewish ceremony. Something tells me that like so many women their spouse deeply influences their political beliefs.
That's the way life is with men and women. If a woman is a good wife, she will always adhere to what her husband says, if only in public. If my wife ever went against what I said in public, there'd be a major fight. But that's never going to happen. She hasn't done it in all these years and won't start now. Of course, when where alone, she doesn't hold back for making her support something she thinks is dumb. So I think it over and maybe I'll change my opinion.
Hathaway, like all the others in that (((business))) must adhere to an unwritten script unless you've built up some clout from the old days when it wasn't a requirement, like Clint Eastwood, or if you are a semi-old-timer and retired and don't care, like James Woods. Mel Gibson has been blacklisted and Vince Vaughn, the only other conservative that I'm aware of, appears to have been too...they didn't follow the script.

It's either say something that supports the Brave New World narrative...something anti-White, anti-Trump, pro-Homo, pro-black, etc., or adopt one or more black kids or marry someone of another race if you are White. Those are the current parameters in Hollywood and have been for almost thirty years now if you want to "have a career".

Another recent example in the (((music industry))) is rising "Country" music "star" Eric Church, who came out against the NRA the other day in an "interview" with a member of the (((media))). See how that works? It's part of the price one must pay these days for "fame" and "fortune". And if you want even more power and wealth, well, then be prepared to "make a sacrifice" to do so.

I also recently saw that (((Billy Joel))) (I had no idea...I thought he was Italian when I was listening to his albums as a kid) wore a yellow "Star of David" at a concert to condemn Trump's statements shortly after the Charlottesville "incident" last year. I wouldn't have known about it but I guess CBS Morning News had a recent story about it and it was carried by DailyMail. Anything to keep the anti-Trump narrative going, even a year later, and by an organization (CBS) whose President was just hit with multiple "sexual misconduct" allegations a day or two ago.
Another recent example in the (((music industry))) is rising "Country" music "star" Eric Church, who came out against the NRA the other day in an "interview" with a member of the (((media))). See how that works? It's part of the price one must pay these days for "fame" and "fortune". And if you want even more power and wealth, well, then be prepared to "make a sacrifice" to do so.
Although I don't listen ANY modern country music anymore, I'm disappointed to here that from Eric Church. He's from my neck of the woods in W. NC. and that won't fly in this part of the state. This will no doubt hurt his following in this area of NC.
Unhinged nutjob Leftists mob gather at GOP lawmakers home, hurl insults, threaten his daughters, refuse to leave, and hold a, get this..."Die In" on his front lawn with homemade tombstones and epitaphs. Ahhh, if it were only true. Look at the video and notice 99 percent of these imbeciles are, sadly, White:


As God as my witness, I’d open fire on such a threatening mob if they set foot on my property.

***P.S. - Eric(a) Church is a total pu$$y & certainly not a true American or a real man.
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LeBron James interviewed by Don Lemon CNN was all over the map with false narrative and lies, hate, you name it.

Slavery is back? Yep, he thinks so. Jim Crow? Check. Trump is racist and is dividing everyone using sports? 10-4 buddy. Get this:...Considers himself one of the leaders of America? Yesiree!! Obummer was wonderful for the nation? Of course! Lemon was just as guilty leading him on and the occasional, "Right, right!".

The overhyped James even brought up the whole Trevon Martin false narrative and embellished about his own son maybe leaving home one day and just never returning because he was killed by the ubiquitous racist White guy or cop.

Good grief!!!! These Leftists reaaaallly believe their own lies!!

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Lebron James should be talking about the horrible state of the black community. The high percentage of single mothers or the high amount of violent crime that young black men are committing. He is just another guy with an opinion and the fame and fortune that's been showered on him since basically peuberty render his opinion void.
LeBron is too busy building shrines to himself, disguised as schools. The King can’t get enough praise and glory. He is a simpleton who can’t see deeper than the latest hash tag event. He has murals painted of himself along side MLKjr and Muhammad Ali. Yes, he will be a global icon symbol for blacks. Whites will kiss his ass and marvel at this one in a billion amazing black man who: plays basketball, doesn’t commit crimes, and raises his own kids...
Queen LeBrown ain’t jack$h1t! That overrated, overhyped halfwit has been catered to since middle school! How the hell could that pompous buffoon relate to “Jim Crow”?! If I was an older colored (that lived through those days), I’d be utterly offended by this idiot’s connotations. Furthermore, he’s NOT the greatest ball player of all time...that’s Larry Bird. Also... Jordan, Kobe, Chamberlain, Russell & Oscar Robinson were also better players than that egomaniacal witling.
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