We Are Living In A Cartoon

(((Leftist- controlled))) agendas destroy everything that is or was wholesome, good, worthwhile, moral, encouraging, edifying and anything approaching God-given sensibilities. Western Civilization is being destroyed before our eyes.

I think they should be destroyed. I may run for President as a benevolent dictator. They will NEVER be satisfied until we're eradicated it seems like. If that's their plan then it's either us or them. Period.
Sir, I consider myself an American White Nationalist. But there's been enough damage done in the name of civilization in this world. We did it here, the Russians/commies did it in Siberia to the peoples who lived there. The Spanish did it in Latin America, etc. Enough of civilizing anyone. Let them and us live our lives as we choose. May the Lord protect White people.
Sir, I consider myself an American White Nationalist. But there's been enough damage done in the name of civilization in this world. We did it here, the Russians/commies did it in Siberia to the peoples who lived there. The Spanish did it in Latin America, etc. Enough of civilizing anyone. Let them and us live our lives as we choose. May the Lord protect White people.
Greetings Tomiron361 and thanks for the post/reply.

I think you might have misconstrued my point. I was replying to the post about the Boy Scouts being renamed because they are, well, no longer going to be the BOY Scouts. They are going to be what the Left wants them to be: destroyed as what they were founded to be. This is what the Left does to anything wholesome and good as you surely know.

I also made the point that the Leftist agenda includes destroying Western Civilization as part of its' even bigger plans. I am an American like you, looking out for the interests of like-minded Whites and Christians as a whole, regardless of color. I don't want to "civilize" any other nation as you seemed to imply that I want to do. I want to preserve what's remaining of Culturally Christian America 1.0. That was my point, and fighting the Left and their agenda against us cannot be fruitful if we don't fight, and merely sit on the sidelines, and live and let live. That was my approach my whole life but the string-pullers and elites absolutely don't have the attitude toward us of "let them live their lives and us live our lives as we choose". They despise you and I. They don't want you and I and any of us to live and think in any way except their way. My point was and is it's past time to fight. The point about running for President and all was in jest but was intended to emphasize the seriousness of the onslaught against us.

Sir, I consider myself an American White Nationalist. But there's been enough damage done in the name of civilization in this world. We did it here, the Russians/commies did it in Siberia to the peoples who lived there. The Spanish did it in Latin America, etc. Enough of civilizing anyone. Let them and us live our lives as we choose. May the Lord protect White people.
What we've done is help a lot of people.

The Indians were sparsely populated 500 years ago, but their population has been growing quickly because of the soft lives we have provided them with. They pay no taxes here in my country, and are given everything including free housing, furniture, education, and expensive dental work. The survival rate for hunter-gatherers living in tents during the winter wasn't high. We gave them medicine, clothes, houses, guns and more recently automobiles and computers. The quality of their lives in immeasurably better.

The Spanish brought a better quality of life to the people who already lived in South America. For example, there were no more human sacrifices to imaginary deities.

In sub-Saharan Africa, which was very sparsely populated in the 19th century, we brought cures for diseases, taught them how to build houses and gave them superior agricultural technology. Their population is now out-of-control and the environment is being ruined by the sheer number of people in countries like Nigeria. Due to human overpopulation, iconic animals like gorillas, lions, and rhinos will very likely be extinct in the wild by 2040, others like elephants, chimpanzees, giraffes and zebras will probably be gone forever by 2070.

The Jewish-led Bolsheviks ("commies") killed many millions of White Russians and Ukrainians, but had no agenda against the non-white people of Siberia and Central Asia.
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What we've done is help a lot of people.

The Indians were sparsely populated 500 years ago, but their population has been growing quickly because of the soft lives we have provided them with. They pay no taxes here in my country, and are given everything including free housing, furniture, education, and expensive dental work. The survival rate for hunter-gatherers living in tents during the winter wasn't high. We gave them medicine, clothes, houses, guns and more recently automobiles and computers. The quality of their lives in immeasurably better.

The Spanish brought a better quality of life to the people who already lived in South America. For example, there were no more human sacrifices to imaginary deities.

In sub-Saharan Africa, which was very sparsely populated in the 19th century, we brought cures for diseases, taught them how to build houses and gave them superior agricultural technology. Their population is now out-of-control and the environment is being ruined by the sheer number of people in countries like Nigeria. Due to human overpopulation, iconic animals like gorillas, lions, and rhinos will very likely be extinct in the wild by 2040, others like elephants, chimpanzees, giraffes and zebras will probably be gone forever by 2070.

The Jewish-led Bolsheviks ("commies") killed many millions of White Russians and Ukrainians, but had no agenda against the non-white people of Siberia and Central Asia.

Great Post!
My Alma mater is currently involved in an SJW instigated “national controversy” over literally nothing.

Two native Americans joined a campus tour late and were lagging behind towards the back with the an aura of shadiness to them. In the Orwellian era of “if you see something , say something” A mom called campus Pd just to check up on the teens, which they did and found no wrong doing.

The SJW attack pack was fast to act and have already forced the campus president (the one who called the relatively tame Charlie Kirk and TWP Nazis) to apologize and offer the students an all expenses paid VIP tour at a later date.

Their other demands for this heinous act are:

Full ride scholarships
Increase of NA enrollment
Hiring more NA professors
Multifaceted plan to address racism on campus

The funny/sad thing is that for years and decades CSU was always known as a solid conservative, blue collar agrarian and science school. When I was there winds of change were in the air not only on campus but Fort Collins as a whole. Our student fees would go to rap concerts and black comedians and the minority students would have all the “face of the campus” jobs like enrollment and tours. Drug culture became more and more prevalent. Everything needed to be done with a hip, urban flare too. The last straw was when they kicked Sonny Lubick out because the university and donors wanted the team faster and more competitive (blacker).

From reading articles (and comments) and such over the years it sounds like the SJW have moved in and won the hearts and minds of the campus community and CSU is just another boulder now without the Cali $$$

DENVER — Colorado State University is inviting two Native American teenagers pulled from a campus tour by police back to the school, saying it will pick up the tab for them to travel there for a VIP tour with their family.

The school also Friday released body camera footage showing two police officers searching the teens’ pockets and recordings of two phone calls made to police by a woman who described the teens’ behavior as “really odd” but also said she may be “paranoid.”

The school said it would refund the money the brothers 19-year-old Thomas Kanewakeron Gray and his 17-year-old brother, Lloyd Skanahwati Gray spent to travel to the school for last Monday’s tour.

“We deeply regret the unwelcoming and concerning experience they had while guests on our campus,” said the university, which says it is reviewing how a similar incident can be avoided or handled differently in the future.

Thomas Kanewakeron Gray said police stopped him and his brother while the tour group was inside a gymnasium He described the officers’ questioning as aggressive.

The video footage shows the brothers — one wearing a T-shirt and the other a hooded sweatshirt — walking in a group and down a set of stairs when an officer approaches them and directs them to step aside, saying he and another officer — who is not visible in the video — are going to check the teens’ pockets.

The younger of the two brothers has his hands in his pockets, and police officers ask them to take them out.

At first, the officer visible in the video asks the Grays short, focused questions, including whether the brothers were part of the tour group and why they didn’t “cooperate” when others asked them their names.

“The reason we stopped you and talked to you is because someone from the group called and said you guys just kind of came into the group,” the officer said. “They also said they tried to ask you guys questions and you didn’t want to answer questions.”

The older teen quickly responds, explaining that they had arrived late for the tour and that his younger brother is shy. The younger teen offers to retrieve the email confirming their reservations on the tour.

“Yeah, yeah, do that, and then we’ll get you out of here,” the officer shown in the video said.

The officer adds: “People were just worried because you guys were real quiet and they didn’t know who you were because you guys didn’t show up with parents or any of that stuff,” the officer says to the teens.

By then, however, their tour group had moved on without them and the brothers left the campus in Fort Collins, a city of about 161,000 65 miles (105 kilometers) north of Denver, and returned home to New Mexico.

“I think it’s pretty discriminatory,” 19-year-old Thomas Kanewakeron Gray said Thursday. “Me and my brother just stayed to ourselves the whole time. I guess that was scaring people; that we were just quiet.”

According to the recording, the caller told a dispatcher that the teens arrived late in the tour and wouldn’t respond to questions about their names or what they wanted to study at the school.

“They are not, definitely not, a part of the tour,” said the woman, identified in a police report as a 45-year-old white woman from Colorado. “And their behavior is just really odd. And I’ve never called, ever, about anybody. But they joined our tour. They won’t give their names. And when I ask them what they were wanting to study, like everything they were saying, they were lying the whole time.”

The woman also repeatedly told the dispatcher that her concern could be “completely paranoid” and apologized “if it’s nothing.”

Other than saying the teens were wearing all black clothing with “dark stuff on it,” the caller did not physically describe them until questioned by the dispatcher. She described their clothing as having a “weird symbolism or wording on it.”

It appears at least one of the brothers was wearing a T-shirt for a death metal band called Cattle Decapitation. On its Facebook page, the band offered the teens “free guest list spots to our shows for life.”

The caller’s name was redacted in the police report, along with the teenagers’ names.

The teens’ mother, Lorraine Gray, said Friday that the family has received apologetic messages from the university and is aware of its offer to return to the school for a VIP tour. However, she said they are not ready to respond, given that she and her sons have not had the opportunity to fully discuss the situation.

The younger son is a senior at Santa Fe Indian School, which is about a 30-minute drive from the family home and where he stays in a dorm during the week with other Native American students from tribes across the United States. He returned to the school early Tuesday morning, just hours after he and his older brother arrived home from their Colorado trip.

The older brother is currently a student at Northern New Mexico College in Espanola and hoped to transfer.

The siblings saved until they had enough money to drive the roughly seven hours from the family’s home in Santa Cruz, New Mexico to Fort Collins for the tour.

The older brother said the school was their first choice, because of its proximity to Denver, where they could attend concerts. The brothers, both Mohawk, are musicians, and study contemporary and traditional music.

The brothers’ ordeal marks the latest in a series of incidences nationwide spotlighting treatment minorities often face in everyday circumstances, including the arrest of two black men at a Starbucks in Philadelphia who were handcuffed and taken to jail after a worker said they had refused to buy anything or leave.

The absolute state of Cohenservatism

It MUST be the ones on the "Right" that need to "compromise". Since when have the (((Leftists))) EVER compromised?

They are a plague everywhere they slither.
UK Proposes Six Year Prison Sentences for Online Posts Against Religion, Transgender

But, I'm sure it will be selective...criticize Christians, "OK', but not Judaism or Islam.


Texas Tech Transgender Workshop Coaches Men To Sound Feminine

Notice how more and more of these articles and stories are not in California or New York, but in places like West Texas?
Guns N' Roses to remove song "One In a Million" from 30th Anniversary reissue of Appetite for Destruction because of "homophobic and racist" language.

The track was included on their 1988 EP G N’ R Lies, which was released in the wake of their No 1 debut, Appetite for Destruction, and reached No 2 in the US charts, selling more than 5m copies. It features the lyrics: “Police and n1ggers, that’s right / Get outta my way / Don’t need to buy none of your gold chains today.” Other lyrics include:

Immigrants and f@ggots
They make no sense to me
They come to our country
And think they’ll do as they please
Like start some mini-Iran
Or spread some f*cking disease
And they talk so many goddamn ways
It’s all Greek to me

Explaining the lyrics in 1988, singer Axl Rose said they were inspired in part by African American con artists in Los Angeles, and added: “Why can black people go up to each other and say, ‘n1gger’, but when a white guy does it all of a sudden it’s a big putdown? I don’t like boundaries of any kind. I don’t like being told what I can and what I can’t say. I used the word ‘n1gger’ because it’s a word to describe somebody that is basically a pain in your life, a problem. The word ‘n1gger’ doesn’t necessarily mean black.” In 1992, he added: “I was pissed off about some black people that were trying to rob me. I wanted to insult those particular black people.”

Regarding the immigrants line, he explained: “A lot of people from countries like Iran, Pakistan, China, Japan, et cetera, get jobs in these convenience stores and gas stations. Then they treat you like you don’t belong here. He claimed the “f@ggot” line came from “very bad experiences with homosexuals” including an attempted rape: “I’m not against them doing what they want to do as long as it’s not hurting anybody else and they’re not forcing it upon me.”
The record producers are NWO Jews who are as disingenuos as the day is long. Back in '88 they allowed those lyrics because they were "edgy and rebellious". Now they're "homophobic and racist". Pfftt. Opportunistic, money-grubbing PC wussies. Money and power is their god.
The record producers are NWO Jews who are as disingenuos as the day is long. Back in '88 they allowed those lyrics because they were "edgy and rebellious". Now they're "homophobic and racist". Pfftt. Opportunistic, money-grubbing PC wussies. Money and power is their god.

Exactly! Besides, that’s one of GnR’s best songs. ;)
Propaganda pimps at “Everqueen” State college (again) say no Whites for “day of absence”. These putrid pinkos also push White students to take “racial sensitivity” BS brainwashing. P1$$ on that total joke of a college...they can stick that cultmarx crap where the sun doesn’t shine!

Propaganda pimps at “Everqueen” State college (again) say no Whites for “day of absence”. These putrid pinkos also push White students to take “racial sensitivity” BS brainwashing. P1$$ on that total joke of a college...they can stick that cultmarx crap where the sun doesn’t shine!

The universities' staffs are flooded top to bottom with Leftist Jews and their cronies. It's not even a matter anymore of these people being in positions "disproportionately". It's a total Indoctrination Center regardless of what part of the nation.

As Heretic posted earlier, Texas Tech, in the Bible belt in Lubbock, is just another example of the Jews infiltrating any and all places with cultural poison. We might as well name them. We have been in fear long enough of being called racists. Freedom of speech is an inalienable right so let them spew. I'll just state the facts right back to them because "it's on", as the saying goes.

Facts are facts...
The universities' staffs are flooded top to bottom with Leftist Jews and their cronies. It's not even a matter anymore of these people being in positions "disproportionately". It's a total Indoctrination Center regardless of what part of the nation.

As Heretic posted earlier, Texas Tech, in the Bible belt in Lubbock, is just another example of the Jews infiltrating any and all places with cultural poison. We might as well name them. We have been in fear long enough of being called racists. Freedom of speech is an inalienable right so let them spew. I'll just state the facts right back to them because "it's on", as the saying goes.

Facts are facts...

BFU you are completely correct.
The universities' staffs are flooded top to bottom with Leftist Jews and their cronies. It's not even a matter anymore of these people being in positions "disproportionately". It's a total Indoctrination Center regardless of what part of the nation.

As Heretic posted earlier, Texas Tech, in the Bible belt in Lubbock, is just another example of the Jews infiltrating any and all places with cultural poison. We might as well name them. We have been in fear long enough of being called racists. Freedom of speech is an inalienable right so let them spew. I'll just state the facts right back to them because "it's on", as the saying goes.

Facts are facts...
And then the State Department, C1A, FB1, D0J, Department of Education, EPA, etcetera, hire their graduates, on the spot, to fill our Federal bureaucracies (Deep State)...along with the entire Pravda MSM...to complete the Marxist takeover. Far worse than the USSR, from a cultural and bureaucratic perspective, at this point, IMO.
And then the State Department, C1A, FB1, D0J, Department of Education, EPA, etcetera, hire their graduates, on the spot, to fill our Federal bureaucracies (Deep State)...along with the entire Pravda MSM...to complete the Marxist takeover. Far worse than the USSR, from a cultural and bureaucratic perspective, at this point, IMO.
Yes, it is worse from an intregal and intertwined cultural, sociological, economical, political et al vantage. The damage is also far worse ideologically with almost every person brainwashed and duped, present company among CFers and liked-minded individuals excepted, of course.

I don't think this will ever be solved peacefully or by the balllot. Even Trump has by now discovered how deep the corruption is. He might have had good intentions but it's past a point of (peaceful) return I think.

EDIT:. This 4 minute piece from George Lincoln Rockwell sums it up pretty well. I'd like to hear any rebuttals to his conclusions:
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Cream puff, “squatter” millennial is “evicted” by his parents. Not only would I toss that snowflake in the street, I’d give his sorry carcass an accompanying boot in his punk @$$! These snotnoses are such disrespectful pansies.

I saw this news the other day and had a good laugh. I mean it’s a disturbing sign of the times but hey, sometimes you just got laugh at this clown world.

Also as a millennial, I agree that this generation is a mostly pathetic and sorry lot. However the younger portion of this age grouping, “Gen Z”, is apparently very “right wing”. We can only hope that they rebel against this leftist insanity and queer world that older generations have left them.
Sadly, the UK government has probably sentenced Tommy Robinson to death by giving him a 13-month prison sentence for "illegally" recording a trial on some Muslim grooming case.

I understand it was a quick arrest, quick trial and quick sentence. The UK at this point is a complete leftist totalitarian Orwellian hell-hole. If Tommy does die in prison, I hope it's the catalyst for some type of revolution there, but seeing that the UK confiscated all of the firearms twenty years ago or so, makes that unlikely, which is the pattern...confiscate the firearms first, then deny free speech and start jailing the dissidents of your police state. At some point this has to reach critical mass and the real men there start running for office and clean out that godforsaken place.
And Tommy Robinson has been very careful to focus on the Muslim/Paki problems in Britain, never being critical when it comes to Zionism or Jewish influence in a country that has as much or more so than the US of Gay.
And Tommy Robinson has been very careful to focus on the Muslim/Paki problems in Britain, never being critical when it comes to Zionism or Jewish influence in a country that has as much or more so than the US of Gay.
That just shows that there is no point in self censoring when it comes to the JQ. You might as well go all the way and name the true (((villains))). They are gonna treat you the same either way.
American Freedom News