We Are Living In A Cartoon

A while back I was at a place (forget just where) and I heard a couple songs of what passes for country nowadays and I have to say it was the fakest assed sounding **** I've ever heard.
I remember a few years ago a country song came out by Tim Mcgraw and it had the rapper nelly rapping in the background. At that point I completely tuned out of country music. I occasionally listen to it now in hopes they play some older songs but it's usually "new" country music with the computerized voices and it sounds more like top 40 or hiphop.
If you work for Uber, here's one of your new bosses:


CNN reports that Uber chief brand officer Bozoma Saint John has called on white men to encourage diversity in the workplace during a panel at the South by Southwest film festival. “I want white men to look around in their office and say, ‘Oh look, there’s a lot of white men here. Let’s change this,'” said Saint John. She claims that it’s not the responsibility of minorities to encourage diversity: Why do I — as the black woman — have to fix that? There’s 50 of you, there’s one of me. Ya’ll fix it. … Everybody else needs to make the noise — I want white men to make the noise,” said Saint John
Haha Wow Nat Geo with the groveling virtue signaling.

I’ll now be using Lyft after a night out drinking.
Perhaps that uber chief brand officer should call upon black men to encourage their own fellow black men to start raising their bastard children. Something like 70 percent of black children are raised by single mothers. That would go a heck of a lot further for society than gifting colored people and women into jobs they aren't qualified or skilled enough to do. White men have been running the ship for years. We win the wars, we make the businesses prosper, we father our children and get up everyday and go to work. I swear, I don't even listen to these morons out there anymore.
It's actually 74 percent of Black children being raised in households without their fathers, and the numbers are probably rising.

I would think that even the most zombified Whites would start waking up to the blatant nonsensical crap being spewed forth from these nuts.

And is that her real name, Bozoma??! Good grief! "Bozo" for short would be better but insulting to real clowns.
What a garbage heap of a state. California should be forced to sucede from the union. It's a shame because the landscape is so beautiful.

Maybe God & the San Andreas fault will force them to (physically) secede. :devil:

Alfonso Taft

Alfonso Taft is a surfer stoner All-American Aryan alpha male quarterback. Raised in the Northeast, he speaks with a Southern twang for no apparent reason.

  • Dave Portnoy@stoolpresidente

    Barstool Pizza Review - Ovest Pizzoteca

    According to Barstool, living your life vicariously through professional athletes on the couch is what being a man is all about.

    Meet The Staff / Beta Boys
    After alt lite icon Jordan Peterson appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Barstool blogger Feitelberg took to Twitter to tell the world in a snarkish tone, “Beta is the new masculinity, Tucker”.


    Self-described Beta, Feitelberg is here to remind us all how masculine he is.

    Wow, I can’t wait to get his “hot take” on sports. He seems like he’s truly an expert on athletic competition. After all, who knows more about sportsball than a self-described beta?

    The staff of Barstool Sports consists entirely of beta males and they’re proud of it.


    This is their entire brand — a strain of faux masculinity consisting of pizza abuse, television, and various other mediocre beta activities. Their staff even admits they are partaking in the same exact recreation as women— every single day. According to Barstool staff a woman sweating profusely and mutilating her clothing is a “#BossMove”.



    Wow, I can’t wait to get her “hot take” on sports and athletic competition. She’s the CEO of Barstool Sports New England. I bet she’s totally an expert. Barstool is not an edgy alternative to ESPN. Getting your “hot takes” from Erika Nardini is no different than Jemele Hill.

    For bugmen across the globe, Bartstool where they get their bantz. Bugmen can also be categorized as NARPS.

    Enter The NARP (Non-Athletic Regular Person)
    The term NARP became was popularized on American college campuses in the early 2010’s. NARP, short for Non-Athletic Regular Person, originated as a pejorative coined by college athletes to describe their not so athletic peers. Later in the 2015 era, American College Chads starting using the term as a way to describe beta males, bugmen, nerds, and GDIs.

    NARPS attempt to frame mediocrity as ideal while defying healthy norms. The NARP is obsessed with sports but is in poor physical condition. The NARP believes being obsessed with sports—memorizing statistics and pointless trivia is masculine. The NARP believes if he knows about professional athletes’ careers and lives this makes him an expert on athletic competition. The NARP will critique an athlete and insult their character, all while being unable to bench press 100 lbs.

    In order to prevent this beta bugman faux masculinity from spreading, I’ve redubbed Barstool Sports, NARPstool Sports—a more fitting title for their pizza-beer-television brand of faux masculinity.

    Fall Of The Basic Bro

    Our world is becoming so pozzed and clownish, the basic bro is degenerating into a beta male, fast. Aided by NARPstool sports culture, the basic bro finds himself in world of visual cuckoldry, alcohol, spectatorship, shitty food, and orbiting.

    The basic bro completely obsessed with sportsball idolizes men on screens and gossips about their activities constantly. Without small dosages of the Red Pill, the Blue Pill basic bro becomes stupid, obese, and unhappy. As frustration continues in his life, Betas are likely to lash out emotionally against Chads. This is why sportsball fanatics burn Jerseys when a player switches teams or curses their name when they succeed or fail. At the end of the day, it’s Beta Males projecting their insecurities onto Chads in the form of deference or exaggerated disdain.

    For too long, the NARP narrative has worked to besmirch masculinity in the West as vicarious spectatorship where athletes are seen as heroes and role models for no other reason other than they’re professional athletes. I love sports and admire some players but the NARP narrative turns comradery into idolatry.

    I never really cared much about Barstool Sports. I thought it was lame but I was indifferent. I was under the impression they provided a somewhat grassroots alternative to cultural Marxist monster, ESPN. I was wrong. Barstool Sports is no different than ESPN. In fact, their brand of faux masculinity is even more insidious.

    There is nothing masculine about NARPStool or the subculture that surrounds it. Is there anything less masculine than sitting on the couch, watching television, and eating junk food? Narpstool Sports: alpha males need not apply.

  • http://www.returnofkings.com/162268...shing-a-beta-male-lifestyle-onto-american-men

  • The Western world is changing in irreparable ways. The period between World War II and September 2001 appears to be the tail end of a belle epoque that we will not see again. If you are under the age of fifty the world you die in will be unrecognisable from the one of your childhood.

    1. What Is Now Perverted Will Be Considered Normal

    Twenty-first century Westerners exist in a lusty haze of perversion and sexual hedonism. This will continue as more taboos are broken. Socially cohesive norms such as heterosexuality and family will be sacrificed for base sexual experimentation.

    It will soon be considered passe for young men to identify as straight, and they will forced to score themselves on a deliberately obtuse sexual spectrum The nails will finally be driven into the coffin of the nuclear family, as unrestrained sexual imperatives for both men and women make stable marriage impossible.

    2. Women Will Be Allowed To Run The Western World

    It appears that globalists are hell bent on creating a matriarchy in Western Europe and North America. The elite will achieve this by further neutering men and their ability to lead.

  • It has been observed that testosterone levels in the United States have been steadily decreasing for generations, and with rising obesity, porn addictions and estrogen rich chemicals on the rise this trend will only continue.

    Traditional male sexuality will be considered a hate crime, and approaching women in a romantic way may become illegal. Game will be less focused on weak men improving their sexual opportunities and more about elite females selecting alpha males.

    3. Socialism Will Take A Greater Hold Of The United States

    To a certain extent, liberals were caught sleeping in 2016. Their harridan candidate Hillary Clinton gambled on gender politics and failed. While this was an enjoyable victory for conservatives it is merely a stay of execution for traditional American values. The same elite who began the destructive process of cultural Marxism in the West are still in place, and have a brainwashed plebiscite to carry out their whims.

    By 2020, if Trump has not been assassinated or displaced, a populist candidate will be carefully selected with the right credentials to inspire the indoctrinated masses (possibly a black woman such as Oprah or a pretty soy boy like Trudeau). Expect higher levels of forced immigration and integration, along with even more kooky human rights legislation.

    4. Racial Unrest Will Reach Breaking Point

    Intelligent people know that multiculturalism is a fable invented by well meaning professors and middle class hippies, and does not take into account the reality of human nature. The integrated society we see today is tenuously held together by…
    • Clever propaganda from the media, positioning minorities as salubrious characters and alpha males
    • Life changing penalties for anyone who disagrees with a multicultural agenda
    2017 saw the some of the most sustained violence for generations, and the outlook for the future is bleak. Rather than the cohesive society espoused by left wing dreamers, a divided, partisan communities will form around various movements, and inner cities will become warzones similar to Belfast in the 70’s.

    5. The End Of Freedom Of Speech

    In 2017 google quietly began the process of ending freedom of expression on the internet. Using Charlottesville as an excuse to impose their morality on the entire world, Google (along with other institutions such as YouTube and Facebook) began blocking, censoring or taking down sites that did not conform to leftist thinking.

    Worryingly, these were not only controversial entities such as Stormfront, but quieter voices such as Black Pigeon, whose relatively moderate outlook is backed up by well researched statistical evidence. Even Return Of Kings has been placed on the Southern Law Center watchlist. Enjoy the freedom to read articles such as this while you can.

    6. Beta Males Will Become Sexual Non Entities

    Beta males are already an endangered species, and they will be likely off the radar of any women under thirty in the near future. As women are allowed to give free reign to their vaginal tingles while being able to provide for themselves, beta males will become irrelevant outside of caring for children of alpha widows.

    It is not inconceivable that in 30 years time we see lifelong virginity becoming the norm for vast swathes of men. Sex robots are already being developed to solve this problem.

    Competition for the top ten percent of men will become greater, while the rewards for that status will be higher, leaving beta males in the knackers yard and chads in the clouds.

    7. The Millennial Takeover Will Cause A Crisis

    The real beginning of the end for America will be the millennial takeover approximately scheduled for 2025.

    Despite bullish assertions that millennials will bring a new age of prosperity, the opposite is true. The self entitlement that defines millennials is not born in the battle scars of experience, but through a life of ease and comfort. An easy, no consequences upbringing has given them a lack of accountability that is unsustainable in the real world.

    While they talk a good game, millenials do not have the backbone to stand up to pressure and scrutiny, and they will crack like an icy pond on a spring day. Safe spaces won’t mean anything when militia groups are shooting AK47’s at the white house, and weak Trudeau clones will be outmaneuvered by hardened leaders from Russia and China. Expect this to be a defining moment in western history.

    8. Voluntary Euthanasia Will Become Legalised

    While climate change is the tin foil hat choice of the moment, it is overpopulation that will see civilisation brought to its knees.

    In Western Europe, resources are already at breaking point, and immigrants can only use once great nations as a well so many times before the water runs dry. Eventually a critical mass will be reached, and governments will panic into action, offering incentives for the aged to end their life.

    While it seems outlandish to expect this to be taken up with any enthusiasm, it would also have been ridiculous thirty years ago to think that school children would be encouraged to choose their gender from a list of 23. Never underestimate the power of brainwashing to encourage the witless to do the ridiculous.

    9. Islam Will Become The Dominant Culture Of Western Europe

    With Western birth rates are at a critical level, it is inevitable that Islam will become the dominant culture in Europe. I fully expect that the milquetoast mass that passes for modern Christianity will be eaten up like unleavened bread by stronger and more devoted Muslims.

    In its place a more autocratic society will form. It will likely be the end of feminism in its current fashion (you can forget the carousel ladies), and polygamy will become the norm. Judeo Christian culture will be assimilated into a Sharia Law imposed Eurasian superstate.

    I hope that I am wrong with my predictions, but I fear at least some of them will come to fruition. Try not to despair. It isn’t over til the fat lady sings, and right now she is too busy eating.

  • The Western world is changing in irreparable ways. The period between World War II and September 2001 appears to be the tail end of a belle epoque that we will not see again. If you are under the age of fifty the world you die in will be unrecognisable from the one of your childhood.

    1. What Is Now Perverted Will Be Considered Normal

    Twenty-first century Westerners exist in a lusty haze of perversion and sexual hedonism. This will continue as more taboos are broken. Socially cohesive norms such as heterosexuality and family will be sacrificed for base sexual experimentation.

    It will soon be considered passe for young men to identify as straight, and they will forced to score themselves on a deliberately obtuse sexual spectrum The nails will finally be driven into the coffin of the nuclear family, as unrestrained sexual imperatives for both men and women make stable marriage impossible.

    2. Women Will Be Allowed To Run The Western World

    It appears that globalists are hell bent on creating a matriarchy in Western Europe and North America. The elite will achieve this by further neutering men and their ability to lead.

  • It has been observed that testosterone levels in the United States have been steadily decreasing for generations, and with rising obesity, porn addictions and estrogen rich chemicals on the rise this trend will only continue.

    Traditional male sexuality will be considered a hate crime, and approaching women in a romantic way may become illegal. Game will be less focused on weak men improving their sexual opportunities and more about elite females selecting alpha males.

    3. Socialism Will Take A Greater Hold Of The United States

    To a certain extent, liberals were caught sleeping in 2016. Their harridan candidate Hillary Clinton gambled on gender politics and failed. While this was an enjoyable victory for conservatives it is merely a stay of execution for traditional American values. The same elite who began the destructive process of cultural Marxism in the West are still in place, and have a brainwashed plebiscite to carry out their whims.

    By 2020, if Trump has not been assassinated or displaced, a populist candidate will be carefully selected with the right credentials to inspire the indoctrinated masses (possibly a black woman such as Oprah or a pretty soy boy like Trudeau). Expect higher levels of forced immigration and integration, along with even more kooky human rights legislation.

    4. Racial Unrest Will Reach Breaking Point

    Intelligent people know that multiculturalism is a fable invented by well meaning professors and middle class hippies, and does not take into account the reality of human nature. The integrated society we see today is tenuously held together by…
    • Clever propaganda from the media, positioning minorities as salubrious characters and alpha males
    • Life changing penalties for anyone who disagrees with a multicultural agenda
    2017 saw the some of the most sustained violence for generations, and the outlook for the future is bleak. Rather than the cohesive society espoused by left wing dreamers, a divided, partisan communities will form around various movements, and inner cities will become warzones similar to Belfast in the 70’s.

    5. The End Of Freedom Of Speech

    In 2017 google quietly began the process of ending freedom of expression on the internet. Using Charlottesville as an excuse to impose their morality on the entire world, Google (along with other institutions such as YouTube and Facebook) began blocking, censoring or taking down sites that did not conform to leftist thinking.

    Worryingly, these were not only controversial entities such as Stormfront, but quieter voices such as Black Pigeon, whose relatively moderate outlook is backed up by well researched statistical evidence. Even Return Of Kings has been placed on the Southern Law Center watchlist. Enjoy the freedom to read articles such as this while you can.

    6. Beta Males Will Become Sexual Non Entities

    Beta males are already an endangered species, and they will be likely off the radar of any women under thirty in the near future. As women are allowed to give free reign to their vaginal tingles while being able to provide for themselves, beta males will become irrelevant outside of caring for children of alpha widows.

    It is not inconceivable that in 30 years time we see lifelong virginity becoming the norm for vast swathes of men. Sex robots are already being developed to solve this problem.

    Competition for the top ten percent of men will become greater, while the rewards for that status will be higher, leaving beta males in the knackers yard and chads in the clouds.

    7. The Millennial Takeover Will Cause A Crisis

    The real beginning of the end for America will be the millennial takeover approximately scheduled for 2025.

    Despite bullish assertions that millennials will bring a new age of prosperity, the opposite is true. The self entitlement that defines millennials is not born in the battle scars of experience, but through a life of ease and comfort. An easy, no consequences upbringing has given them a lack of accountability that is unsustainable in the real world.

    While they talk a good game, millenials do not have the backbone to stand up to pressure and scrutiny, and they will crack like an icy pond on a spring day. Safe spaces won’t mean anything when militia groups are shooting AK47’s at the white house, and weak Trudeau clones will be outmaneuvered by hardened leaders from Russia and China. Expect this to be a defining moment in western history.

    8. Voluntary Euthanasia Will Become Legalised

    While climate change is the tin foil hat choice of the moment, it is overpopulation that will see civilisation brought to its knees.

    In Western Europe, resources are already at breaking point, and immigrants can only use once great nations as a well so many times before the water runs dry. Eventually a critical mass will be reached, and governments will panic into action, offering incentives for the aged to end their life.

    While it seems outlandish to expect this to be taken up with any enthusiasm, it would also have been ridiculous thirty years ago to think that school children would be encouraged to choose their gender from a list of 23. Never underestimate the power of brainwashing to encourage the witless to do the ridiculous.

    9. Islam Will Become The Dominant Culture Of Western Europe

    With Western birth rates are at a critical level, it is inevitable that Islam will become the dominant culture in Europe. I fully expect that the milquetoast mass that passes for modern Christianity will be eaten up like unleavened bread by stronger and more devoted Muslims.

    In its place a more autocratic society will form. It will likely be the end of feminism in its current fashion (you can forget the carousel ladies), and polygamy will become the norm. Judeo Christian culture will be assimilated into a Sharia Law imposed Eurasian superstate.

    I hope that I am wrong with my predictions, but I fear at least some of them will come to fruition. Try not to despair. It isn’t over til the fat lady sings, and right now she is too busy eating.

Great article, and I'm in general agreement, but there seems to be a contradiction as well:

Women Will Be Allowed To Run The Western World
Islam Will Become The Dominant Culture Of Western Europe

Something's gotta give...
Great article, and I'm in general agreement, but there seems to be a contradiction as well:

Women Will Be Allowed To Run The Western World
Islam Will Become The Dominant Culture Of Western Europe

Something's gotta give...
I was actually talking about this with a buddy not too long ago and we both agreed that Islam would be the end of feminism. I don't imagine muslims will put up with feminism if they have control over the west.
I was actually talking about this with a buddy not too long ago and we both agreed that Islam would be the end of feminism. I don't imagine muslims will put up with feminism if they have control over the west.
That was the same conclusion I came to over a decade ago after giving it some thought. Feminism was a social weapon in the late 60's/early 70's to separate Western women from Western men to eliminate the "threat" that strong, coherent nuclear families presented to a highly centralized (ultimately, Communistic (and Satanic)) State. It's obvious to see the fruits of that today.

Sharia Law is becoming defacto law in some areas of the West now, so it's just a matter of time. The Great Replacement of Whites (and with it, Christianity) started with the feminist movement (once again, the Serpent (now embodied in the State) whispering into the ear of the "Eves" the false promises of "goodies" and "rights" (in exchange for love and sanity)). This past week on his radio program, Rush Limbaugh had to clarify an article that he covered several weeks ago about how the majority of Millenials supported Socialism and Communism. After he broke it down further, the clarification was that it was Millenial women, not Millenial men, that supported this. So, they will be complicit in their own undoing, but will, unfortunately, bring down the rest of Western Civilization with it, which was the ultimate goal to begin with.
I'm half paying attention to NBC's nightly fake news just now. In order, there was a story about the latest poor innocent black "youth" shot by police, this time in Sacramento, then a piece about a former New Orleans Saints cheerleader suing the team for "gender discrimination," saying cheerleaders should be held to the same standards as the football players whatever the hell that means. Then there was a story about one of the black students from the infamous Brown v. Board of Education case dying. Then there was a story about a supposedly racist Heineken ad. All back to back to back to back.

Before that there was the usual anti-Trump crap, focusing on Stormy Daniels. And of course the daily "Russia as bogeyman" nonsense, preparing the way for the day when Washington launches WWIII.

It's nothing but pure, open anti-White communist propaganda. Yes, corporations can be communist, confusing on the surface but not at all when one looks deeper into who controls most large corporations and what their agendas are.
While the Bolsheviks were out marching in mass this past weekend in the USSA to take away our Constitutional rights, Eastern Europeans were marching to preserve traditional family values and against "gay" marriage.


Apparently, the EU(SSR) is pushing a treaty upon member-states that would force the acceptance of "gay" marriages, further define gender beyond just 'man' and 'woman' and domestic violence laws that favor women.

Already last month the treaty was rejected in two other eastern European Union countries, Bulgaria and Slovakia after huge rallies over there.
Ms Kristina Pavlovic, a protest organiser: “I think this is a turning point for Croatia when we must decide whether Croatia will choose a preservation of family and traditional values or we will go another way imposed from outside, from Brussels or like what we see in Canada where there will be a parent 1 and parent 2 instead of mother and father.”
I'm half paying attention to NBC's nightly fake news just now. In order, there was a story about the latest poor innocent black "youth" shot by police, this time in Sacramento, then a piece about a former New Orleans Saints cheerleader suing the team for "gender discrimination," saying cheerleaders should be held to the same standards as the football players whatever the hell that means. Then there was a story about one of the black students from the infamous Brown v. Board of Education case dying. Then there was a story about a supposedly racist Heineken ad. All back to back to back to back.

Before that there was the usual anti-Trump crap, focusing on Stormy Daniels. And of course the daily "Russia as bogeyman" nonsense, preparing the way for the day when Washington launches WWIII.

It's nothing but pure, open anti-White communist propaganda. Yes, corporations can be communist, confusing on the surface but not at all when one looks deeper into who controls most large corporations and what their agendas are.

This is the controlled media and what they are, on a rabid and shameless, no holds barred blitzkrieg of a mission to destroy us as Whites and what's left of Christian-based Western Civilization. This is all out war, folks. There's a side of me that wants to see them escalate their attack haphazardly and too fast. I'd like to see this get to them just trying to take our guns or pass some "hate speech laws". Let them try to pull something over the top and I am more than happy and ready to be witnessing it backfiring on them, in their snake faces. I've lived too long to let my rights go easy and Ive got nothing to lose.

While the Bolsheviks were out marching in mass this past weekend in the USSA to take away our Constitutional rights, Eastern Europeans were marching to preserve traditional family values and against "gay" marriage.


Apparently, the EU(SSR) is pushing a treaty upon member-states that would force the acceptance of "gay" marriages, further define gender beyond just 'man' and 'woman' and domestic violence laws that favor women.

Already last month the treaty was rejected in two other eastern European Union countries, Bulgaria and Slovakia after huge rallies over there.
Ms Kristina Pavlovic, a protest organiser: “I think this is a turning point for Croatia when we must decide whether Croatia will choose a preservation of family and traditional values or we will go another way imposed from outside, from Brussels or like what we see in Canada where there will be a parent 1 and parent 2 instead of mother and father.”

And people wonder how a certain infamous man rose to power back in the 1930's... Sometimes common sense says, "Enough already!!!"
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Former 'Smallville' Stars Allegedly Lured 'Sex Slaves' into NXIVM Cult


The reports allege that actresses Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack joined a secretive New York-based multi-level marketing cult — dubbed a "sex cult" known as NXIVM (pronounced Nexium), led by a man named Keith Raniere, who allegedly tasked the two women with finding female sex slaves.

In 2017, a substantiated New York Times report described such rituals in detail:

Each woman was told to undress and lie on a massage table, while three others restrained her legs and shoulders. According to one of them, their ‘master,’ a top Nxivm official named Lauren Salzman, instructed them to say: ‘Master, please brand me, it would be an honor.

A female doctor proceeded to use a cauterizing device to sear a two-inch-square symbol below each woman’s hip, a procedure that took 20 to 30 minutes. For hours, muffled screams and the smell of burning tissue filled the room.

Top executives of the sex cult donated money to the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

Such a shame. This series is on my watch list "to do". I'll be watching it from a bit of a different perspective now. I guess nothing should surprise me anymore; everything's been corrupted.
American Freedom News