We Are Living In A Cartoon

The John Birch Society has always been the same way, ignoring the 800 pound elephant in the room that is the cause of the "communist conspiracy" they decry, with anyone mentioning anything negative about Jews being expelled. Yet many Birchers became knowledgeable Nationalists by using the JBS as a stepping stone to more complete knowledge.

^^^That’d include me. ;-)
But that said, Alex Jones and Watson only reach a large audience by following certain boundaries. They could be totally blunt, and the result would be they would be quickly reduced to being just another small internet outfit. It's best to take the information they're willing to divulge, and learn from there. The John Birch Society has always been the same way, ignoring the 800 pound elephant in the room that is the cause of the "communist conspiracy" they decry, with anyone mentioning anything negative about Jews being expelled. Yet many Birchers became knowledgeable Nationalists by using the JBS as a stepping stone to more complete knowledge.

I completely understand that Alex Jones and Co. would be endlessly smeared and the new name of their brand would surely become "Antisemitic Infowars" if they addressed the Jewish Question on a daily basis. In this instance, PJ Watson was pinned down, put in a corner, and asked a very direct question by his own Infowars colleague. He pussied out, engaged in AntiFa style name-calling (Nazi! White Supremacist!) to slander those with the audacity to connect the dots, and outright lied about (((their))) easily-researched quotient of media ownership. In the end, it was probably a smart move on his part...as a very high percentage of Infowars/Drudge/Breitbart readers already understand the JQ very well and need to lessons on the topic anyway.

I actually like Infowars, especially Owen Shroyer, who is pretty funny/witty and has displayed some serious guts over the years during his "man on the street" interviews and general harassment of AntiFa, Never-Trumpers, politicians, and other Soros-sponsored vermin...

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Who is the author? I can't quite make out the name in the first box. I'd like to see more of his work as the artwork and message are impressive.

Farstar88 is an artist from South Africa



The significance of March 17th in what was once South Africa?

"A referendum on ending apartheid was held in South Africa on 17 March 1992. The referendum was limited to white South African voters,[1][2] who were asked whether or not they supported the negotiated reforms begun by State PresidentF. W. de Klerk two years earlier, in which he proposed to end the apartheid system that had been implemented since 1948. The result of the election was a large victory for the "yes" side, which ultimately resulted in apartheid being lifted."
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He has another version:

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I completely understand that Alex Jones and Co. would be endlessly smeared and the new name of their brand would surely become "Antisemitic Infowars" if they addressed the Jewish Question on a daily basis. In this instance, PJ Watson was pinned down, put in a corner, and asked a very direct question by his own Infowars colleague. He pussied out, engaged in AntiFa style name-calling (Nazi! White Supremacist!) to slander those with the audacity to connect the dots, and outright lied about (((their))) easily-researched quotient of media ownership. In the end, it was probably a smart move on his part...as a very high percentage of Infowars/Drudge/Breitbart readers already understand the JQ very well and need to lessons on the topic anyway.

I actually like Infowars, especially Owen Shroyer, who is pretty funny/witty and has displayed some serious guts over the years during his "man on the street" interviews and general harassment of AntiFa, Never-Trumpers, politicians, and other Soros-sponsored vermin...

It does seem that Infowars, in general, including Jones and Watson, have become more racially-conscious since the blowback they received from the Duke interview. Jones now often calls out the SPLC and ADL. Also, Watson recently published the 2016 FBI statistics on the "color of crime" showing the stark differences in criminal incidents between black, Hispanic, and White perps...with blacks being far-and-away the biggest criminals. I frequent quite a few sites, including Breitbart, but none of them had a story about that. In essence, many of Infowars' viewers "held their (Infowars) feet to the fire" after the Duke interview debacle and Infowars responded not by "doubling-down", but by moving a bit more in their direction.
"The hips on the dragon go 'swish swish swish'..."

"How many of you (3-year olds) want to be 'transgender' when you grow up!? Raise your hand!"

California now includes "drag queen story hour" in libraries for pre-schoolers.

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how about Playboy coming out with its first transgender model, when the phuck will this shyte end?
Yeah, "The Hock" posted about that, above. I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of black males going this route. The recent BBC hit piece on the entire White race by the black "transgender", the Playboy "transgender" model, and some others. I guess if you choose to join the side of the Democrats and Liberals, you have to accept everything they push...if that sides pushes both the BLM movement and transgenderism, then you must either embrace and support both causes or risk being ostracized. They are being mind-f*cked and manipulated and don't even know it.
No Aid For Israel Boycotters: Houston Suburb Won't Give Hurricane Relief to BDS Supporters

by Aiden Pink

A Houston suburb will not approve grants to repair homes or businesses damaged in Hurricane Harvey if the applicant supports boycotting Israel.

The city of Dickinson’s application form for storm damage repair funding includes a clause stating that “By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement.”

No other clauses about political affiliations or beliefs are included in the form.

The state of Texas passed a law in May banning state entities from contracting with businesses that boycott Israel. The law, one of 21 passed in states around the country in the past few years, has been criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union as unconstitutional.

Local TV news station KTRK reported that the damage Dickinson received “may be the worst of Harvey,” with more than 50 inches of rain in 72 hours. The widely-distributed photo of residents of a nursing home waiting to be rescued as floodwater reached their waists was taken in Dickinson.

Calls to the offices of the mayor and the city secretary were not returned.

Hey Dixie Destroyer, you got any room left in that outhouse of yours? These sick freaks are coming out of the woodwork at record pace now.

We need an entire internment camp comprised of chained up outhouses to lock up all these vile, disgusting degenerates! Seriously, these debase perverts ought not be walking the streets!
No Aid For Israel Boycotters: Houston Suburb Won't Give Hurricane Relief to BDS Supporters

by Aiden Pink

A Houston suburb will not approve grants to repair homes or businesses damaged in Hurricane Harvey if the applicant supports boycotting Israel.

The city of Dickinson’s application form for storm damage repair funding includes a clause stating that “By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement.”

No other clauses about political affiliations or beliefs are included in the form.

The state of Texas passed a law in May banning state entities from contracting with businesses that boycott Israel. The law, one of 21 passed in states around the country in the past few years, has been criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union as unconstitutional.

Local TV news station KTRK reported that the damage Dickinson received “may be the worst of Harvey,” with more than 50 inches of rain in 72 hours. The widely-distributed photo of residents of a nursing home waiting to be rescued as floodwater reached their waists was taken in Dickinson.

Calls to the offices of the mayor and the city secretary were not returned.

Truthstream media exposes it pretty well. It appears to be pretty pervasive now...must support Israel to get funds from Federal grants.

Nah, nah, nah. There's no self-serving double standard coming from the brood. Never!
Will any action at all be taken against this scum bucket? Will he be fired? I doubt it....
American Freedom News