We Are Living In A Cartoon


Kent State ponders if telling someone that they “need Jesus“ is ‘hate speech’. Well, that’s only ‘hate speech’ to Satan & his puppets. As a matter of fact, one of the greatest acts of true (Biblical) “Love” is giving someone the gospel of Christ.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


It's like a bad Monty Python skit that won't end. The problem is that we are the last bastion of defense against the Cultural Marxists and their assault on America. It isn't going to end well, and if we don't start fighting fire with fire, our kids will pay for our sins.

We have the tools. We all have guns, and a good many of us are trained combatants, and thanks to Bush and Obama a lot of us have combat experience. We also have 4chan, who has become a powerful weapon for us (if you think they are just a bunch of neckbeards that sit at home and play on their computers you are sorely mistaken). What they did to Shia LeBeouff and his "He Will Not Divide Us" protest was nothing short of genius. The flag hunt is something out of a movie and required tight coordination and communication that screams: "professionals at play".

We need to stop being so passive, and just saying "oh shucks" everytime the media lets a Somalian shoot a church with nary a word, and spends 30 days talking about a white kid doing the same thing. This is our country, and it is our obligation to make sure it stays that way.
Simply Existing Is A Threat
Gregory Hood dismantles the anti-White bias at the heart of the system's St. Catherine's wheel.
  • cvillepolice-640x375.jpg

    We should always remember journalism is a tactic, not a profession. As such, it’s not surprising that the far-left activists who call themselves journalists blamed the Alt Right for the violence in Charlottesville. But they are lying. And they know they are lying.

    When the Alt-Right marched into Charlottesville, they applauded the police. “Blue Lives Matter” was the chant. After all, the demonstrators had the law on their side. They had a permit, had coordinated with law enforcement before the event to avoid any trouble, and simply wanted to peacefully air their views. If the rule of law meant anything, if the Constitution was still in existence in any real sense, the police would safeguard the Unite The Right demonstration.

    A few moments later, the police attempted to have the demonstrators killed. The police deliberately drove the demonstrators into the massed ranks of Antifa, who screamed obscenities and attacked, all while the post-Christian clergy who had helped organize the demonstrations smiled beatifically at the blood being shed in the name of “love.” The Antifa, for their part, chanted “f*ck the police” at their de facto allies in blue.

    When Alt Right demonstrators defended themselves, they were given draconian charges, while the leftists were given a slap on the wrist. The national media seems curiously uninterested in who gave the order to unleash chaos. Instead, they blamed Unite The Right for the violence.

    Antifa was also quite open about their hatred for Whites as such. “We will replace you!” was their cry in Charlottesville. At American Renaissance conferences, attendees celebrate the firebombing of Dresdenas do members of the “anti-German movement” in Germany. A professor who appeared on television to defend Antifa openly wishes for the deaths of his own students who are police officers. The media can’t decide whether ‘’White genocide” is an Alt Right conspiracy theory or a positive social good that must be pursued by any means necessary.

    We should always remember journalism is a tactic, not a profession. As such, it’s not surprising that the far-left activists who call themselves journalists blamed the Alt-Right for the violence in Charlottesville. But they are lying. And they know they are lying. Because it wasn’t the Alt-Right who was attacking reporters in the streets, it was Antifa. Including, of course, the very reporters who had been accompanying Alt Right personalities to try to write their hit pieces.

    Because of Donald Trump’s criticism of “fake news” and the “lying media,” reporters have begun carefully preparing the Narrative that any action against journalists will be the president’s fault. CNN hyperventilated about Trump retweeting a .gif from the WWE as an endorsement of violence. The truly unhinged Hillary Clinton even suggested President Trump (like Putin!) might already have ordered the murder of reporters.

    Of course, Antifa has already been attacking journalists. Unlike those “hate crimes” that supposedly swept the country after President Trump was elected, some of these assaults were captured on video. Assaults on journalists by Antifa are habitual. Yet this doesn’t prevent the far-left paramilitaries from consistently receiving adoring coverage from the very liberals who are promised “the bullet” by Antifa.

    One of the most ridiculous talking points we are seeing from the reporters eager for clickbait is the idea that they are “infiltrating” the Alt-Right. Sometimes, this “infiltration” does not seem to be even happening in real life. A black guy (a “poet” and “actor” apparently) spends time on Alt Right websites and the media treats him like he is James Bond infiltrating some underground SPECTRE base. Reporters interview Alt Right activists and they act like they are putting their life on the line. Even the so-called “string” that “Hope Not Hate” has been promoting with a great deal of fanfare only involved one act of violence, when the ridiculous “secret agent” got maced by Antifa.

    This is why it is only a limited victory when conservatives say the Antifa and Alt-Right are “equally bad.” While it counts as progress that conservatives are beginning to recognize the threat of Antifa, it’s simply an obvious declaration of the fact that when there is no Antifa, there is no violence. At the Free Speech rally held only a few weeks before in Washington D.C., the opposition had their say not far away from our gathering. The more hardcore Antifa took the opportunity to protest the police. Not surprisingly, there was no violence.

    Yet we are continuously told it is the Alt-Right, by its very presence, that is somehow a threat. By existing, we create the potential for violence. Violence by other groups is blanked out, simply written out of existence, even if it is a direct threat:
    • Just hours after a Christian church was attacked by a Sudanese “refugee” in Tennessee, explicitly on racial grounds, the Southern Baptist Convention was moaning that the obstacle to a “well-ordered, peaceful society” is not the deliberate importation of millions of people who hate white Christians, but the “evil” Alt-Right. These shepherds are not only hostile to any attempt to safeguard their beleaguered flock, they seem to positively delight in the opportunity to introduce wolves into their midst.
    • Congressman Steve Scalise was seriously wounded in an attempted massacre of Republican congressmen by a deranged Democratic activist. This crime seems to have had no impact on the unhinged media coverage of President Trump and the Republican majority, as the accusations of “treason” and demands for “resistance” are just as virulent as ever. What’s more, it seems to have had no impact on the Republican Congress itself, that found the time to push through a Joint Resolution condemning “white nationalism,” and not mentioning Antifa. (It’s worth noting that a man who quite explicitly supported literal black nationalism – carving out a black ethnostate from American territory – is now vice-chair of the Democrat Party. No black congressmen have disavowed; indeed some still seem to support it.
    • In Charlottesville, the fatality blamed on the Alt-Right, Heather Heyer, occurred under chaotic circumstances created by the police. Indeed, it’s hard to see how charges of “murder” will ever be sustained, as Heyer’s death appears to have been caused by a heart attack. This incident is being used to justify a sweeping crackdown on free speech. In contrast, the murder of five police officers in Dallas by a Black Lives Matter supporter, an attack widely celebrated by black activists, was not used against the movement. It did not slow the movement down nor seriously handicap the drive to force people to pay at least lip service to BLM. And a statue of Robert E. Lee was recently removed from the city – somehow, killing one person as part of the effort.
    To even speak of the “Free World” is a sick joke – if we are asked to die in a war against Russia, it would be the greatest crime in history. Even the Daily Caller admits, “Eastern Bloc social life under communism was considerably freer than contemporary American life is for the middle and upper middle classes.”

    And America is still far better than Western Europe, where the current governments are far more illegitimate and tyrannical than anything found in East Germany. Say what you will about the gruesome Erich Honecker, but I can’t imagine he’d let Muslims gang rape the daughters of entire cities and then arrest those who protest it, as does the “conservative” Theresa May.

    Such repression is necessary for this system to limp on. The “normie” is, as we all know, essentially a lemming, looking for permission to believe or say certain things. But we shouldn’t be too dismissive of the average person. It’s common to find that many people support “far right” views, but their willingness to declare their support declines once they find who is actually associated with such views.

    This suggests that most people are essentially as “right wing” as they are “allowed” to be. This is also why the Left and its media allies are so dedicated to making sure unacceptable people are denied a platform, and why they are so enraged at people who “normalize” or “enable” figures such as President Trump. What is the “far right?” Militant common sense. As Antifa implicitly admit with their tactics and the reporters explicitly argue with their demands for censorship and deplatforming, once we reach a certain level of support, we can’t be stopped.

    The demonstration in Charlottesville is a typical example. For the specific issue in question, the majority of people supported the Unite The Right demonstrators. A solid majority of Americans want to preserve Confederate memorials. Incidentally, far more blacks support preserving Confederate memorials than will vote for the likes of Mitt Romney. And yet, this huge grouping of people is all but unrepresented in the political class.

    Support for the true right is always far greater than polls or electoral results suggests. If someone says, “He tells it like it is” one instantly thinks of a right-wing populist. Everyone, from the Alt-Right to the Media Left knows this is a supervised society, a de facto occupation. The existing System only functions if opinions, symbols, and arguments are carefully policed and managed. And there is no scenario where the Alt-Right can exist “peacefully” in the existing framework.

    Implicit in the theory of “White privilege” is the premise that there can be no bad ending for White people. Whites can never be genocided, conquered or oppressed, and indeed, never have been. Whites are a uniquely evil race of conquers and exploiters. As we are endlessly told, racism means “structural power” that apparently Whites have and no one else does. Needless to say, it’s awfully convenient for those who govern our lives if we actually believe this.

    There’s nothing particularly new or innovative about those in power pushing an ideology that justifies their existence. Nor is there anything original about justifying it because the existing social order is ostensibly what’s best for the “poor” and the “oppressed.”

    A ruling class remains a ruling class even when it denies it is in power. Power is often best exercised when it is concealed. But there’s no reason for us to take to take these claims seriously or pretend our rulers are arguing in good faith.

    The reporters, professors, and intellectuals who posture as rebels against the establishment are nothing more than the priests and propagandists of the existing civic religion. The Alt Right is a culture of radical critique and deconstruction turned against those who control Western nations. That is precisely why they want – and need – to shut us down.

    Blacks defying the symbols of the nation, rioting, or even murdering police officers are not a threat, as no one seriously believes they are capable of independent political organization. (Even Malcolm X was just a client of the liberal activist groups by the end, not to mention a literal cuckold.) Islamic terrorist attacks are just “part and parcel” of living in a big city. But a flyer on a college campus that promotes White identity is an existential threat and must be crushed.

    The reporters who spearhead this effort at repression understand this. They can’t possibly believe their own propaganda about how violent and dangerous we are – they are far too eager to spy on us, attack us, hang around us, infiltrate us, interview us, and explain us, knowing all the while they are in almost no risk of physical harm. The Antifa they are so eager to lionize is far more likely to attack them. Yet in a deeper way, the Antifa is no threat to journalists. They are, after all, simply the militant wing of their System.

    We, simply by our existence, create the possibility of a new way of being, a threat to their entire worldview and the System that gives them status and identity. That is what truly terrifies them. Some Antifa thug might smash their face in. But just by existing, we threaten to deconstruct them

  • https://altright.com/2017/10/26/simply-existing-is-a-threat/
Civilization Declared a 'White Male Construct'
by Paul Craig Roberts

Reason, says Professor Caputo, “is a white male Euro-Christian construction.” Since reason is white, reason is not neutral. It implies that what is not white is not rational. “So white is philosophically relevant and needs to be philosophically critiqued.”

Professor Caputo ties into University of California professor Sara Giordano who defines science as a “colonial and racialized form of power” that “must be replaced with an anti-science, antiracist, feminist approach to knowledge production.”


Do you think a country as screwed up and divided as the United States is capable of standing up to Russia, China, and Iran? If not, what insanity is causing Washington to provoke these capable, determined and united countries?

Considering the economic, political, and cultural demise of the United States, how much longer do you think there will be a liveable life here?

The failure of America, indeed of Western civilization, seems to be total. How much longer can it last?

A reader’s comment on Universities: “Universities have become a place of UN-learning, where you unlearn culture, unlearn values like free speech, unlearn science and math, unlearn truth and thinking, unlearn objective truths like differences between males and females, etc. It seems the only thing taught now is hate, and you pay exorbitant sums of money to learn to hate.”
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What else is going to come down the pike from the Satanic seminaries of Leftist ideologies? I've used the words "total overthrow" before as the only cure for the cascading nonsense sweeping away young minds and their parents' money...

I’m no “fan” of papalists or their apostate popes. However, this frog court’s order is a symbolic rejection of the cross of Christ (our Savior). With that, may the Lord bring His wrath down on these Godless cultural Marxists.

If any man not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha”. 1 Corinthians 16 : 22 (KJV)
Buzzfeed’s Male Writers Revealed to have Dangerously Low Testosterone
It's the most unsurprising shock this year in journalism.

  • try-guysbetter-750x375.jpg

    The Try Guys is a Buzzfeed video series about four cucks who generate clicks by experimenting with random embarrassing and unmanly things.

    From trying on ladies underwear, Valentine’s Day lingerie, and women’s sexy Halloween costumes to doing drag, nude modelling, baring their asses like Kim Kardashian, dressing as giant vaginas and going through labor pain simulators, they are quite literally a soyboy version of Jackass.

    Their most recent video centered around analyzing male “attractiveness” from a scientific standpoint. A pudgy curly-haired gay man in a white lab coat led the Try Guys through various examinations, including a test that measured their testosterone. And here, we were given factual evidence of something that we’d always instinctively known:


    With the exception of the Asian guy Eugene, each of the Try Guys is in the bottom five percentage in testosterone levels, officially “dangerously low.”

    The average testosterone level in males is 679 ng/dL, and anything below 300 ng/dL should require medical intervention, an immediate change in lifestyle and diet, and testosterone replacement therapy. Signs of low testosterone include: decreased physical strength and energy, low mental aggressiveness and confidence, weight gain, osteoporosis, and a decline in libido and erections.

  • As if we needed any further information and proof of the sorry fate that awaits many Western men, here is a clear picture of the type of man leftist outlets like Buzzfeed find ideal:


    Stripped of respect and natural leadership qualities, the Western man of the future is mentally pliable, physically defenseless, and unable to raise and lead a strong family unit. He is a man-child, a living Homer Simpson character. His purpose in life is to shut up and consume. He is a soulless, socially-engineered neutered pet that yelps and dances for wages from a multinational corporation managed by STEM feminists.

    The Try Guys deliberately behave like overgrown children, always pointing fun at how pathetic they are, adopting typical gay behaviors even though they are straight. As if this is somehow uplifting. Naturally, their behavior to some degree is an act in order to get greater reactions from the audience. But we have to ask ourselves, is this portrayal and promotion of Western man as a Family Guy-esque weak buffoon really what our society needs? Do we really need more pathetic men and more masculine women in movies and television? And if we agree that we are tired of these celebrations of weakness and of the perversion of the natural order, then what can we do, as normal dissatisfied men and women, to change that image and give men back their manliness?

    The world needs manly men and feminine women. Only together can they bring back the traditional family, which is the true foundation of a healthy and contented — dare I say — Godly society. For the time being, the best is to work to better ourselves and our immediate neighborhoods. And naturally, the first step to a better life is ignoring all advice from “news” sites like Buzzfeed, which, as we can see, will literally turn men into giant pussies.

Buzzfeed’s Male Writers Revealed to have Dangerously Low Testosterone
It's the most unsurprising shock this year in journalism.

    • try-guysbetter-750x375.jpg

      The Try Guys is a Buzzfeed video series about four cucks who generate clicks by experimenting with random embarrassing and unmanly things.

      From trying on ladies underwear, Valentine’s Day lingerie, and women’s sexy Halloween costumes to doing drag, nude modelling, baring their asses like Kim Kardashian, dressing as giant vaginas and going through labor pain simulators, they are quite literally a soyboy version of Jackass.

      Their most recent video centered around analyzing male “attractiveness” from a scientific standpoint. A pudgy curly-haired gay man in a white lab coat led the Try Guys through various examinations, including a test that measured their testosterone. And here, we were given factual evidence of something that we’d always instinctively known:


      With the exception of the Asian guy Eugene, each of the Try Guys is in the bottom five percentage in testosterone levels, officially “dangerously low.”

      The average testosterone level in males is 679 ng/dL, and anything below 300 ng/dL should require medical intervention, an immediate change in lifestyle and diet, and testosterone replacement therapy. Signs of low testosterone include: decreased physical strength and energy, low mental aggressiveness and confidence, weight gain, osteoporosis, and a decline in libido and erections.
    • As if we needed any further information and proof of the sorry fate that awaits many Western men, here is a clear picture of the type of man leftist outlets like Buzzfeed find ideal:


      Stripped of respect and natural leadership qualities, the Western man of the future is mentally pliable, physically defenseless, and unable to raise and lead a strong family unit. He is a man-child, a living Homer Simpson character. His purpose in life is to shut up and consume. He is a soulless, socially-engineered neutered pet that yelps and dances for wages from a multinational corporation managed by STEM feminists.

      The Try Guys deliberately behave like overgrown children, always pointing fun at how pathetic they are, adopting typical gay behaviors even though they are straight. As if this is somehow uplifting. Naturally, their behavior to some degree is an act in order to get greater reactions from the audience. But we have to ask ourselves, is this portrayal and promotion of Western man as a Family Guy-esque weak buffoon really what our society needs? Do we really need more pathetic men and more masculine women in movies and television? And if we agree that we are tired of these celebrations of weakness and of the perversion of the natural order, then what can we do, as normal dissatisfied men and women, to change that image and give men back their manliness?

      The world needs manly men and feminine women. Only together can they bring back the traditional family, which is the true foundation of a healthy and contented — dare I say — Godly society. For the time being, the best is to work to better ourselves and our immediate neighborhoods. And naturally, the first step to a better life is ignoring all advice from “news” sites like Buzzfeed, which, as we can see, will literally turn men into giant pussies.


All one needs to do is look upon these milksop pantywafers to know they’re borderline eunuchs. No real man goes about dressing like these nancyboy buffoons. Nevermind reading their sophomoric idiocy.....I can plainly see these pansies lack “testicular fortitude”.
When I tried to post a photograph with this article on The Nationalist Times' Facebook page, it was instantly blocked, presumably because in my picture file it's titled "fat female model."

Fat Acceptance is Destroying Western Women
Health is oppression. Obesity is freedom.

  • November 2, 2017

    Make no mistake, feminism’s end goal has always been to destroy the family and the natural differences between genders so that humans are reduced to replaceable, State-dependent cogs in a corporate machine.

    This should not appear shocking as the truth has always been in plain sight to anyone curious enough to venture a little beyond the movement’s deceptive façade plastered with feel-good phrases about “equality” and “empowering yourself.” As one example among the many, here are some words of Roxanne Dunbar from her 1970 essay titled Female Liberation as the Basis for Social Revolution:

    The family unit is a decadent, energy-absorbing, destructive, wasteful institution for everyone except the ruling class, the class for which the institution was created…

    How will the family unit be destroyed? … the demand alone will throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare…

    By destroying the present society, and building a society on feminist principles, men will be forced to live in the human community on terms very different from the present…

    To our parents’ generation, feminism’s promises of economic independence and sex without consequence may have sounded alluring, but now we know better. It has notliberated women at all, but created a society of barren, emotionally distant cubicle shrews brainwashed into dismantling their one true source of happiness and lasting contentment — that of supporting a strong family and husband.


    Illustration of a cubical shrew reacting to well-intentioned advice in the workplace.

    So, how does the fat positive/acceptance movement fit into the greater scheme of things? As one of feminism’s specialized branches, it aids in the dissolution of traditional relationships from the position of normalizing gluttony as well as encouraging a hysterical, impossible-to-be-helped mindset, thus driving away potential mates.

    I experienced the fat positive movement’s self-destructive ideology online by its activists, but I also felt it upon myself, when I was 40 lbs overweight two years ago. The result of my “studies” is that fat feminists are the most emotionally unstable women I’ve ever seen, and that they have dug themselves the deepest into the fake victim narrative. They are so sensitive and stubborn about their addiction and live in such wretched denial that they have recently begun to attack the medical profession itself. Doctors who offer concerned, fact-based advice to obese patients are now guilty of “medical fat-shaming,” which is to be treated as another form of “oppression.”

    Today, fat activists are premiering Fattitude, their masterwork, a documentary that has been in production for three years. Among the participants are high-profile names like morbidly obese #effyourbeautystandards model Tess Holliday, and Lindy West, a feminist whose highlights of activism include freaking-out over airplane seats, writing a book called Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman, and having a degenerative social diseasenamed after her.

    Lindy West Disease is a tragic affliction that turns a natural woman into a horrifying hambeast. Sadly, there is no medicinal cure, but possible treatment options have been discussed in the clinics I visited. They include removing the patient’s access to Tumblr, Jezebel, xoJane, and Reddit while also completely controlling the patient’s diet to prevent five or more daily instances of self-feeding.

    To be serious, according to one promotional article the documentary’s purpose is to “examine how popular culture perpetuates the fat hatred and fat-shaming that results in a very real cultural bias and a civil rights issue for people who are living in fat bodies.”

    Note the off-beat wording of “people who are living in fat bodies.” It is not written as the more straightforward — “fat people” — for a reason. Though subtle, the article’s phrasing suggests a sense of victimization. As if a “fat body” is merely something that has sprung upon an innocent, unknowing person, through no device or authorization of their own. Obviously what the article is hinting at is not true, as anyone knows that to become obese takes many months, even years of consciously-made poor nutritional choices (with the exception of childhood obesity, the fault of which lies with the parents). And unlike feminism’s other forms of imaginary oppression — racial, sexual; fatness is something that can be changed. All one needs is to dump the hissy fits and the “everyone is against me” attitude and follow one’s long-ignored conscience and begin a more active lifestyle. Unfortunately, an active lifestyle is the very thing the Fattitude documentary warns women against.

    Fat acceptance is a victim cult that oils the gears of the feminist movement’s main goal of achieving complete social revolution through the destruction of the family. As I wrote earlier, I was stuck in fat acceptance’s vortex of contradicting messages for a year while in a stale relationship to a video-game addict. The movement’s relentless cries of “Love yourself!” and “Don’t let anyone tell you what’s beautiful!” are easy to absorb for someone stuck in a rut or with more serious problems of self-worth, but they are ultimately hollow messages, lies. Loving yourself does not mean turning your back on other people’s well-intentioned concerns. Loving yourself does not mean slinking off to the store to buy a shopping basket full of chips and chocolate and binge-eating it all in secrecy. Loving yourself does not mean ignoring the number on the scale. Loving yourself does not make you feel sick, guilty, and furtive, nor should it require you to deny scientific facts and value feelings over rationality.


    “Screw you, haters! I’m gonna be twice as fat and unpleasant just to show you that I win!”

    The cruelest aspect of the fat positive movement is that in-between those positive-sounding mantras are nefarious politically-tinged contrivances like “thin privilege” designed to make fat people feel helpless and under attack, and thus long even more for the temporary highs gotten from macaroni casserole and the blogs that say “You’re amazing no matter what you do!”

    Take the following incident as a good example of the dark side of fat acceptance. A man was recently featured on the popular Facebook group Humans of New York, speaking fairly and honestly about asking his girlfriend to lose some weight. In response, the man was abused by hundreds of harpies, and a writer for the deranged feminist blog Revelist called him a “delusional bag of dicks” and “a misogynistic turd,” and suggested that his girlfriend dump the “body-shaming troll dragging her down.”

    In the current West, a man must accept his woman 100% no matter what she does or says, and if he has even the smallest concern or request, it means he is forcing oppressive patriarchal standards on her. The woman, on the other hand, is encouraged to react as rudely as possible, and with a childish “**** you, dad!” mentality spend the next three months shoveling good girl treats into her face and posting selfies of her ever-expanding flesh in lingerie with the hashtag #celebratemysize.

    In the end, am I saying that fat people are horrible, undeserving of love, and should only wear baggy sweatshirts in public? Of course not. We are all valuable, but there’s a difference between overindulging in a selfish, worldly love, and adhering to a love that is founded on moral (Godly) principles and on the will to better oneself for the sake of loved ones. Not everyone should be the same weight, nor should we all worship Instagram models and get plastic surgery. Simply put: allowing gluttony to get out of hand will severely harm our bodies and mental health. Being unrepentantly obese is not a virtue, and allowing political movements like fat acceptance to twist our views of right and wrong will leave us full of regret.

    After I pulled myself away from the edge of the abyss and understood that feminism was leading me towards personal ruin, I felt a deep relief and peace within myself and I lost all appetite for self-damaging behavior. I fell back to my old exercise regimen, and the satisfaction of doing so was incomparable to the months I had spent gorging in secret on lemon cakes and Snickers bars in the midst of confused self-loathing. I was not only happy because of the countless verifiable benefits exercise has upon mental health, but because I knew with utter certainty that I was doing the Right thing.

    Don’t forget — underneath fat acceptance’s innocent-sounding slogans of “accept me for who I am!” is a larger movement designed to strip women of their natural female virtues and use them as tools in an anti-family, anti-male political revolution.

    View image on Twitter

    God Emperor Trump @realGETrump

    What body positivity should mean vs what it means to fat leftists

  • https://altright.com/2017/11/02/fat-acceptance-is-destroying-western-women/
When I tried to post a photograph with this article on The Nationalist Times' Facebook page, it was instantly blocked, presumably because in my picture file it's titled "fat female model."

Fat Acceptance is Destroying Western Women
Health is oppression. Obesity is freedom.

  • November 2, 2017

    Make no mistake, feminism’s end goal has always been to destroy the family and the natural differences between genders so that humans are reduced to replaceable, State-dependent cogs in a corporate machine.

    This should not appear shocking as the truth has always been in plain sight to anyone curious enough to venture a little beyond the movement’s deceptive façade plastered with feel-good phrases about “equality” and “empowering yourself.” As one example among the many, here are some words of Roxanne Dunbar from her 1970 essay titled Female Liberation as the Basis for Social Revolution:

    The family unit is a decadent, energy-absorbing, destructive, wasteful institution for everyone except the ruling class, the class for which the institution was created…

    How will the family unit be destroyed? … the demand alone will throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare…

    By destroying the present society, and building a society on feminist principles, men will be forced to live in the human community on terms very different from the present…

    To our parents’ generation, feminism’s promises of economic independence and sex without consequence may have sounded alluring, but now we know better. It has notliberated women at all, but created a society of barren, emotionally distant cubicle shrews brainwashed into dismantling their one true source of happiness and lasting contentment — that of supporting a strong family and husband.


    Illustration of a cubical shrew reacting to well-intentioned advice in the workplace.

    So, how does the fat positive/acceptance movement fit into the greater scheme of things? As one of feminism’s specialized branches, it aids in the dissolution of traditional relationships from the position of normalizing gluttony as well as encouraging a hysterical, impossible-to-be-helped mindset, thus driving away potential mates.

    I experienced the fat positive movement’s self-destructive ideology online by its activists, but I also felt it upon myself, when I was 40 lbs overweight two years ago. The result of my “studies” is that fat feminists are the most emotionally unstable women I’ve ever seen, and that they have dug themselves the deepest into the fake victim narrative. They are so sensitive and stubborn about their addiction and live in such wretched denial that they have recently begun to attack the medical profession itself. Doctors who offer concerned, fact-based advice to obese patients are now guilty of “medical fat-shaming,” which is to be treated as another form of “oppression.”

    Today, fat activists are premiering Fattitude, their masterwork, a documentary that has been in production for three years. Among the participants are high-profile names like morbidly obese #effyourbeautystandards model Tess Holliday, and Lindy West, a feminist whose highlights of activism include freaking-out over airplane seats, writing a book called Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman, and having a degenerative social diseasenamed after her.

    Lindy West Disease is a tragic affliction that turns a natural woman into a horrifying hambeast. Sadly, there is no medicinal cure, but possible treatment options have been discussed in the clinics I visited. They include removing the patient’s access to Tumblr, Jezebel, xoJane, and Reddit while also completely controlling the patient’s diet to prevent five or more daily instances of self-feeding.

    To be serious, according to one promotional article the documentary’s purpose is to “examine how popular culture perpetuates the fat hatred and fat-shaming that results in a very real cultural bias and a civil rights issue for people who are living in fat bodies.”

    Note the off-beat wording of “people who are living in fat bodies.” It is not written as the more straightforward — “fat people” — for a reason. Though subtle, the article’s phrasing suggests a sense of victimization. As if a “fat body” is merely something that has sprung upon an innocent, unknowing person, through no device or authorization of their own. Obviously what the article is hinting at is not true, as anyone knows that to become obese takes many months, even years of consciously-made poor nutritional choices (with the exception of childhood obesity, the fault of which lies with the parents). And unlike feminism’s other forms of imaginary oppression — racial, sexual; fatness is something that can be changed. All one needs is to dump the hissy fits and the “everyone is against me” attitude and follow one’s long-ignored conscience and begin a more active lifestyle. Unfortunately, an active lifestyle is the very thing the Fattitude documentary warns women against.

    Fat acceptance is a victim cult that oils the gears of the feminist movement’s main goal of achieving complete social revolution through the destruction of the family. As I wrote earlier, I was stuck in fat acceptance’s vortex of contradicting messages for a year while in a stale relationship to a video-game addict. The movement’s relentless cries of “Love yourself!” and “Don’t let anyone tell you what’s beautiful!” are easy to absorb for someone stuck in a rut or with more serious problems of self-worth, but they are ultimately hollow messages, lies. Loving yourself does not mean turning your back on other people’s well-intentioned concerns. Loving yourself does not mean slinking off to the store to buy a shopping basket full of chips and chocolate and binge-eating it all in secrecy. Loving yourself does not mean ignoring the number on the scale. Loving yourself does not make you feel sick, guilty, and furtive, nor should it require you to deny scientific facts and value feelings over rationality.


    “Screw you, haters! I’m gonna be twice as fat and unpleasant just to show you that I win!”

    The cruelest aspect of the fat positive movement is that in-between those positive-sounding mantras are nefarious politically-tinged contrivances like “thin privilege” designed to make fat people feel helpless and under attack, and thus long even more for the temporary highs gotten from macaroni casserole and the blogs that say “You’re amazing no matter what you do!”

    Take the following incident as a good example of the dark side of fat acceptance. A man was recently featured on the popular Facebook group Humans of New York, speaking fairly and honestly about asking his girlfriend to lose some weight. In response, the man was abused by hundreds of harpies, and a writer for the deranged feminist blog Revelist called him a “delusional bag of dicks” and “a misogynistic turd,” and suggested that his girlfriend dump the “body-shaming troll dragging her down.”

    In the current West, a man must accept his woman 100% no matter what she does or says, and if he has even the smallest concern or request, it means he is forcing oppressive patriarchal standards on her. The woman, on the other hand, is encouraged to react as rudely as possible, and with a childish “**** you, dad!” mentality spend the next three months shoveling good girl treats into her face and posting selfies of her ever-expanding flesh in lingerie with the hashtag #celebratemysize.

    In the end, am I saying that fat people are horrible, undeserving of love, and should only wear baggy sweatshirts in public? Of course not. We are all valuable, but there’s a difference between overindulging in a selfish, worldly love, and adhering to a love that is founded on moral (Godly) principles and on the will to better oneself for the sake of loved ones. Not everyone should be the same weight, nor should we all worship Instagram models and get plastic surgery. Simply put: allowing gluttony to get out of hand will severely harm our bodies and mental health. Being unrepentantly obese is not a virtue, and allowing political movements like fat acceptance to twist our views of right and wrong will leave us full of regret.

    After I pulled myself away from the edge of the abyss and understood that feminism was leading me towards personal ruin, I felt a deep relief and peace within myself and I lost all appetite for self-damaging behavior. I fell back to my old exercise regimen, and the satisfaction of doing so was incomparable to the months I had spent gorging in secret on lemon cakes and Snickers bars in the midst of confused self-loathing. I was not only happy because of the countless verifiable benefits exercise has upon mental health, but because I knew with utter certainty that I was doing the Right thing.

    Don’t forget — underneath fat acceptance’s innocent-sounding slogans of “accept me for who I am!” is a larger movement designed to strip women of their natural female virtues and use them as tools in an anti-family, anti-male political revolution.

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    God Emperor Trump @realGETrump

    What body positivity should mean vs what it means to fat leftists

  • https://altright.com/2017/11/02/fat-acceptance-is-destroying-western-women/
Yet, the leftist rag, the L.A. Times, Mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders as "Slightly Chunky Soccer Mom". Oh, the hypocrisy.
I heard this on Limbaugh's show on Friday....

Millenials would prefer to live under a Socialist government and 7% would like a fully Communist one.

Nearly 45 percent of millennials polled said that they would prefer to live in a socialist country compared to the 42 percent who said they preferred a capitalist one. Another 7 percent said that the preferred living in a communist country above all. The findings show that the percentage of millennials who prefer socialism over capitalism if a full 10 points higher than that of the general population.
I heard this on Limbaugh's show on Friday....

Millenials would prefer to live under a Socialist government and 7% would like a fully Communist one.

Nearly 45 percent of millennials polled said that they would prefer to live in a socialist country compared to the 42 percent who said they preferred a capitalist one. Another 7 percent said that the preferred living in a communist country above all. The findings show that the percentage of millennials who prefer socialism over capitalism if a full 10 points higher than that of the general population.
I heard this on Limbaugh's show on Friday....

Millenials would prefer to live under a Socialist government and 7% would like a fully Communist one.

Nearly 45 percent of millennials polled said that they would prefer to live in a socialist country compared to the 42 percent who said they preferred a capitalist one. Another 7 percent said that the preferred living in a communist country above all. The findings show that the percentage of millennials who prefer socialism over capitalism if a full 10 points higher than that of the general population.

You can bet that 90% of those polling socialist/communist are college graduates. Guaranteed. Maybe even more. Nobody, nobody, nobody believes that way, thinks that way, or desires to undo our Constitutional Republic capitalist system of things unless they have been totally brainwashed by Leftists disguised as professors. The scourge of our nation!
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Stephen Colbert promoted communism on his opening monologue a few days ago. They are no longer hiding it (but it's something I've known for a long time) #Awake

Colbert intentionally misses the whole point Donald Jr. was trying to make with his young daughter. Socialism is about forcing people to give up half their income to "help" other people (actually just those in power stealing it to give it to themselves, their cronies, or people who will vote for them). Halloween is about people voluntarily giving kids candy.
American Freedom News