We Are Living In A Cartoon

Is Identity Politics Brewing a Holocaust?

by Paul Craig Roberts

Signs of American collapse are everywhere. Apparently no one notices. The world continues to vote with the US in the UN. When even Russia and China serve as handmaidens to US foreign policy by voting with Washington against North Korea, it appears that the image of America as the exceptional and indispensable country is a propaganda success even among Washington’s most threatened enemies. When Russia and China follow Washington’s lead, it shows the world that there is no alternative to Washington’s leadership.

A country with a $20 trillion public debt, an even larger private debt, a work force drowning in debt and employed in third world lowly paid domestic services, a stock market pumped up beyond all reason by Federal Reserve liquidity and companies using their profits to repurchase their own stock, a military that’s been tied down for 16 years by a few lightly armed Muslims, a propaganda ministry instead of a media with public ignorance the consequence, and with a total collapse of morality in public and private institutions along with the disappearance of courage, is nevertheless able to make the entire world dance to its tune. Washington is the Wizard of Oz.

Washington in the past 16 years has destroyed in whole or part seven countries, murdering, maiming, orphaning, widowing, and displacing millions of peoples. Yet Washington still presents itself as the great defender of human rights, democracy, and all that is good. The American people have voiced few words of protest against the massive crimes against humanity committed by “their” government.

The UN has not passed a resolution condemning the United States government for its endless aggressions, horrendous war crimes and illegal interventions against other countries.

Washington relies on threats and not diplomacy, and this is acceptable to the world. The UN sits as an American Approval Society because it is funded by American money.

Security agencies have become police state agencies, and they have transformed the obligation in the US military code to report war crimes into acts of treason that result in prison sentences. The US military code, just like the US Constitution and the laws that enforce it, is dead letter law, ignored and unenforced.

Consider the case of Bradley/Chelsea Manning. Bradley Manning released a film showing US troops murdering journalists, pedestrians, a good samaritan and his children as if it were a video game. These murders are war crimes. But it was Manning, who revealed them, not those who committed them, who was punished.

After release from prison Chelsea Manning was recently appointed by Harvard University’s Kennedy School as a visiting fellow. Most likely Harvard made the appointment to show support for the transgendered, not for truth-tellers wrongly convicted and turned into felons. The consequence was an uproar. I mean, really, how dare Harvard appoint a truth-teller. Manning might bring the entire Matrix crumbling down.

To prevent that Mike Morell, former deputy and acting director of the CIA, resigned his non-resident senior fellowship at Harvard, on the grounds that he “cannot be part of an organization that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information.” Morell is comfortable with his opposition to Manning as a truth-teller. Morell is concerned only that he might be perceived as biased against the transgendered. So Morell added to his resignation letter that “It is important to note that I fully support Ms. Manning’s rights as a transgender American, including the right to serve our country in the US military.” http://ijr.com/the-declaration/2017/09/974664-ex-cia-chief-delivers-blistering-quit-harvard-latest-hire-convicted-leaker-manning/?utm_campaign=Conservative Daily&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=56364361&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-90FWYOJKtzTJE_i-iTjvCJMl3zW9G7Hkuo1svylTWfC2zw4FHp1ccdUmUO6HY0J1VlaYW9VPzQDIczEfhw7578dcDDew&_hsmi=56364361

Remember, Morell is the crazed immoralist who said on the Charlie Rose TV show that the US should start killing Russians to give them a message. It should scare Americans to death that such an insane person as Morell can reach the top ranks of the CIA.

Harvard, of course, collapsed under CIA pressure and cancelled Manning’s appointment.

Did anyone complain to Harvard about Morell’s appointment? Morell, unlike Manning, is a real felon, although a non-convicted one. As a CIA official, Morell is associated with the CIA torture program, a felony under both US and international law. Harvard and Morell are OK with torture, but telling the truth about it is a no-no. As Morell sees it, it is not damaging for America to commit war crimes as long as Manning doesn’t tell anyone about it.

The only reason for classifying information is to protect the government’s endless crimes from exposure. Yet the entirety of the US government, law schools, and the courts that are supposed to uphold the law, are silent about the policy that makes government crimes undiscoverable and that condemns whistleblowers who reveal the otherwise undiscoverable crimes.

So, what do we make of Harvard’s courage? Is F minus a low enough grade? In my day universities were not despicable cowards who serve as front men for government crimes.

As embarrassing as this story is to America, let’s get to what is the most interesting element. Morell is not embarrassed about suppressing a truth-teller who revealed US war crimes, but Morell is embarrassed to be at odds with Identity Politics. He is afraid of being seen as being in opposition to a transgendered person.

In other words, Identity Politics trumps truth, a point that cannot be emphasized too much. We see it everywhere, from statue removal to the Democratic Party turning on the working class, now defined by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee as racist, sexist, homophobic, white male gun nuts. Today both American political parties represent the armaments industries, the jobs offshoring corporations, and the big banks and Wall Street. No political party represents the American people.

Indeed, the people are chopped up into groups and turned against one another. That is the purpose of Identity Politics. Every group except white heterosexual males is a victim group, and women, blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, and transgendered are taught that it is not the armaments industries, the offshoring corporations, the financial sector, or Washington that is their enemy, but white heterosexual males, a group conflated by Identity Politics with the working class. Of course, women, blacks, hispanics, and homosexuals are also members of the working class, but they no longer see themselves that way. They see themselves as women, as black, as hispanic, as homosexual and as victims not of government and the powerful interest groups government serves but as victims of white males. And of “civil war” statues.

The controversy over the statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederate States of America, is again in the news. Attacks on statues are one of the ways that the liberal/progressive/left teaches hate. First the hate seizes upon statues, inanimate objects. As we saw in the videos of the statue of the Confederate soldier that was pulled down, the desecrators of a public monument spit upon and kicked the statue as if it were a person.

To the ignorant rabble the inanimate object is a stand-in for a racist white southern male who the ignorant rabble think “fought for slavery.” And the hate doesn’t stop there. It extends back to the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution. The ignorant rabble, no doubt university students and bus-ins paid for by we don’t know who, regard the Constitution as a racist document written by racists, because it required the return of run-away property (slaves) to their owners. The rabble is incapable of comprehending that in the 18th century slavery was legal and a part of many societies. The ignorant rabble believe that slavery was a product not of an absence of a labor force but of white hate of darker-skinned people. The liberal/progressive/left teach that whites enslaved blacks because whites are racists.

As Roger D.McGrath makes clear in the June 2017 issue of Chronicles, and as innumerable historians such as the socialist Karl Polanyi have made clear, every race has been enslaved. In North America the Irish were bought and sold. But ideologues selling hate don’t care about facts. Spreading hate is their purpose, truth be damned. As the liberal/progressive/left is primarily white, the hate that they preach is going to come back and bite them. Hard.

When you consider that the white populations in the US, UK, Europe, and Canada are becoming minority groups due to heavy non-white immigration and the large differences in fertility rates, what is the consequence for whites in the future of being portrayed as hated oppressors? It is not possible to teach hate and not expect it to be expressed in political action. Will white people become in their own countries like Jews in Nazi Germany?

The French writer Jean Raspail explored this question in 1973 in The Camp of the Saints. Forty-four years ago the book was a best seller. My guess is that today reading it or even mentioning it is considered proof that you are a racist. There are so many limits on what can be discussed today that awareness of the present era is denied to those living in it.

On September 12 while I was beset by Hurricane Irma, which deposited a large red oak tree on my house and kept me locked in a mountain community with blocked roads for three days without telephone, Chris Roberts (no relation) writing in the online Unz Review reminded us of the prophetic story of the collapse of the French nation in the face of non-white immigration:http://www.unz.com/article/the-camp-of-the-saints-this-centurys-1984/

This is more or less what is happening today, not only to France but to the entire Western world. Perhaps the whites deserve it. Perhaps it will be an improvement. But the fact is that no one is permitted to say anything about it. Marine Le Pen says France is for the French, not for Africa and the Middle East, and she and her political party are said to be racists, fascists, nazis because she says France is for the French.

This is what Jean Raspail almost a half century ago said would happen. Whites would be psychologically unable to defend themselves even though they had overwhelming military and economic power.

Let us consider the massive non-white immigration into the West. The German businesses wanted the Turks as a work force. The American agribusiness, slaughter houses, and construction industry wanted Mexicans as a work force. Canada wanted population. The British and European colonial powers justified their colonialism by making citizenship status available to their colonies. In other words, empire led to reverse invasion. In the 21st century the West is experiencing massive immigration of peoples displaced by Washington’s endless wars and Western economic plundering. We are killing them over there so that they come over here.

Put together high non-white immigration with Identity Politics, which is a creation of Jewish cultural Marxists that has become the official ideology of the West’s liberal/progressive/left, and the result is a possible holocaust for white people. The Jews, who think of themselves as separate from the white goy, are seen by the rest of the world as white and the worst thereof. The originators of Identity Politics themselves will be victims of their own doctrine.

Indeed, Identity Politics prevents white people from recognizing and, if a few do, from protesting their destiny as potential victims of a political doctrine capable of brewing a holocaust.

The West is schizophrenic. On one hand Washington’s continuing slaughter, supported by Canada, Europe, Australia, and the UK, of dark-skinned peoples, serves as proof that the Western world is guilty of murder and plunder of non-white peoples. On the other hand Western governments welcome with open arms the refugees fleeing from the West’s wars and economic oppression. Identity Politics makes certain that Western populations will grovel in guilt even as the Western governments commit more crimes against non-whites, thus ensuring the growth of the immigrant population.

The non-whites will have their revenge. Who is to say the imbecilic whites didn’t bring it upon themselves?

Wow, Paul has almost swallowed that red-pill whole now.
Modern Society Isn’t Degenerate At All
I want some of dat sweet sweet degeneracy that was promised me in exchange for the destruction of my race.
  • boring-night-out-750x375.jpg

    “This is it.”

    Tor said it with a bit of flair. It came off more like, “this is it”. He gestured around him with his hand and a faint look of disgust. I shared his feelings and knew exactly what he was talking about.

    Last night, Tor took me to the trendy hipster part of town in Budapest, on the Pest side. We found the trendy Hipster complex (owned by Jews ofc) where the fashionable Millennials and foreigners spend most of their time. It was packed to the gills, even though it was a Thursday. These people don’t really work so it’s not that surprising.

    “We were promised degeneracy at least,” I replied.

    We had a chuckle at that. I’m pretty much convinced of the need for White Sharia at this point, and Tor agrees with the concept as well, even though the term ranckles him. But both of us understood the strange situation that we and people our age find themselves in.

    All around us are tables full of numales and a smattering of cute European girls, local and foreign. They aren’t having fun. Or maybe they are, but objectively speaking, they aren’t doing anything fun.

    There’s only a distinct ‘death of civilization’ feeling in the air.

    It is as if having fun, getting drunk and having sex is too passe, not ironic enough or something. Try approaching the girls and running a routine that would have worked 5 years ago and see how far you get. It comes off as too forward, and not “with it” probably.

    Tor and I both agreed that “hook-up culture” was a myth. Our generation isn’t having mass orgies or throwing sweaty, sex-sodden American Pie house parties or hitting da club for a night of ‘omg last night was so ******’ crazy’ fun.

    Our generation is doing this…whatever this is.

    But let me set the scene a bit better for you so you know what I mean. Maybe you have experienced something similar yourself.

    There are christmas lights adorning the wooden doors and wooden barstands at every single bar in the complex. They are all arranged in a circle around a courtyard where the patrons sit on high stools around small round little tables. There is a second floor with balconies and a super cool bridge that cuts across the courtyard diagonally. Party-goers look down on the people below them while leaning on the railings and sipping their cocktails.

    There is the dance section, cordoned off by glass and the music coming out of it is muted. The people there are mostly swaying with the music like zombies do when they shuffle around aimlessly in the post-apocalyptic flicks that were all the rage a couple of years ago. Occasionally one of the few girls there busts a move, her purse swinging as she does…whatever it is that she does. (Fun fact: no one in our generation knows how to dance).

    And then she runs back to her friends giggling as if she’s done something naughty. The phones come out as they keep swaying, their faces bathed in tired white light and backs firmly turned to the legions of thirsty, fedora-wearing, scarf-totting numales swaying right behind them.

    If only the Boomers could see us now. For all our criticisms of them, they certainly knew how to party. Ripped dudes with long hair playing crazy riffs on electric guitars. Hot girls with flowers in their hair, nice bodies and sexy dresses. At least thats how I imagine it. Maybe I’m confusing the 60s with the 80s. Doesn’t matter really, its all ancient history to me anyway.

    But our generation is so…exhausted and ironic that we can’t even do that.

    There seems to be a belief among some younger and older members of our movement that we live in “degenerate” times. But that is a misunderstood term.

    “If there actually were crazy sex parties going on non-stop with hot girls, I might even understand why people would be liberal,” I told Tor.

    He nodded emphatically. “No one is getting laid, none of it is fun, and everyone just pretends!”

    “I was promised degeneracy, and I want my degeneracy.” I yelled out and banged on the table. Softly, mind you. We didn’t want to get kicked out. Though there were hundreds of people there, the noise level was akin to a tiny murmur. Music played from all the different bars. But it all sounded like elevator muzak. It was so incredibly bad, and the various electric boops and beeps blended together to weave a symphony of mediocrity that stunk up the whole complex.

    “Maybe we’re in the wrong place?” I asked Tor. He shook his head, “this is the place.”

    I didn’t argue, because I had basically experienced the same thing in just about every European city that I have visited in the last 3 years.

    All of it is identical. The same fashion trends, the same decor, the same atmosphere and even the same physiognomy. It is like everyone is becoming a fish-faced numale hipster everywhere at a frightening speed. And its all so un-erotic, so unsexy, so bland and ******’ gay.

    Nowadays, there is almost no benefit to being a generic libshit, fashionable numale. Literally no benefit that I can discern at all. And yet they still do it. Maybe they just can’t help themselves anymore. Too much soy or chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay perhaps.

    The thought occurred to me later in the night that we were in the exact same sort of venue as Bataclan. No bomb went off though because we were in Hungary and although there are brown people, they aren’t the allahu akbar kind. So Budapest has that going for it. The hipsters can sway to their elevator music in peace.

    And really, isn’t that what we’re fighting for?

    Ha, no. I’m kidding. We honestly need some sort of total overhaul of the spiritual kind. Some sort of revitalization of the life instinct that many White people seem to have lost. Otherwise, what’s the point of stopping the next bomb?

    These people are already dead anyway.

  • https://altright.com/2017/09/29/modern-society-isnt-degenerate-at-all/
No wonder Europe and the West are in such dire straits.

University College in Dublin, Ireland award Al Sharpton with "James Joyce" award for civil rights.

This has to be a prank on one of those hidden camera shows. What kind of civil rights history do they teach over there. Come to think of it , likely the same kind they teach over here.
Top picture looks to be a total insert or layered in,I don't know what those people are looking at but it ain't Sharpton.
Bottom picture checkout the girl just behind Sharpton up and to his left girl's hand resting on guy's left shoulder,she needs a 4 foot long arm to put her hand there.Too funny.
Sharpton is inserted here as well.You have to ask yourself was he ever real.Media,digital fakery is unending and used everywhere.
I just notice a picture of Joe Biden on the wall. What did these kids do to deserve this much hell. Europe is doom!
My dad said the American Dream in a faint outline of what it was when he grew up.
He has two patents to his name. This welfare state, has given many people just enough money so they are not interested in work.
The liberal Maxist Manga masters have made many citizens incapable of independent thinking.
God has been kicked out of school. There is no structure in place to remediate / counter the libtard left's agenda.

Bad cartoon, and I just want it to stop.
The Sexual Revolution Has Left Broken Men And Women In Its Wake
Both sexes are confused and set against one another like never before.


    There are profound differences between men and women. From how we interact together and apart, to the very telos of who we are. In our egalitarian and “liberal” world, these differences are glossed over and the logic of our system pushes us towards an ever-encroaching bland, androgynous uniformity. The “sexual revolution” may be ongoing, but nature will reassert itself with a vengeance.

    Fundamentally, men and women differ on the reproductive level. Not just in how children are conceived, but in our capacities to have children. Men produce thousands upon thousands of sperm in comparison to women’s production of eggs. This makes our reproduction strategies very different.

    As outlined by F. Roger Devlin in his masterful work Sexual Utopia in Power, this creates different incentives for each sex. Amongst women, there is a drive to “hypergamy” or a striving to find the best mate for her children. Among men, a wide number of women with which to spread his legacy. While this is the biological imperative, our civilization has found ways to contain and express the masculine and feminine urges among our population.

    For Europeans, the masculine and feminine have always had a complimentary role. At least ideally. Through monogamy, shaming, and other practices the ur-sexual drives of men and women were contained in order to build long-term “K-selected” reproductive strategies. One needs only look at places like Africa to see an unbounded human sexuality(coupled with a high time preference).

    More than in just the scientific literature, sexual differences were incorporated into some of the very archetypes of European man’s myths. Take Helen and Penelope from the Illiad and the Odyssey respectively. Both represent extreme ends of European understanding of femininity.

    Helen was the face that launched a thousand ships. She forsook her husband for another prince, Paris of Troy. A prime example of hypergamy. The punishment for such a breach was a war unlike any other. In part, because Helen’s very act struck at the heart of what made civilization function.

    Penelope, on the other hand, waited many long years for the return of her husband Odysseus from that very same war. Warding off legions of suitors, and maintaining the domestic economy, Penelope stood as an example of faithfulness and virtue.

    Even among men, there are such differences as those of Aeneas of the Aeniad and Odysseus in the Odyssey. With Aeneas, building a new home for his defeated people, and Odysseus struggling to return to his. Both fight against nature, and the gods in order to establish or regain their own legacies and homes.

    Aeneas even spurns the love of Carthaginian Queen Dido, who later sets herself on fire on his leaving. Hell hath no fury indeed.

    Aeneas goes on to establish a new city, Rome. Which will later be the basis of a great empire. In this, he expresses the primal masculine goal to leave a legacy and to have his name abound centuries after his own passing.

    Odysseus strives against gods, monsters, and nature itself to return to his hearth fire and homeland. All the while still expressing the masculine urge to explore and wander.

    Of course, these are just archetypes. But they illustrate the essential points Devlin hammered home about the nature of male and female sexuality and civilization. But our differences go much further than that.

    Most young people socialized in our age know nothing, or next to nothing about interacting with the opposite sex. This is one of the reasons we see a plethora of blogs, magazines, and other products designed to tell us “what women really want”, or “how to pick up girls” in the case of men, or “how to land that high-status male” in the case of women. But, this is not the full picture either.

    Women today are being encouraged in vast numbers to become “career women”. To forgo early marriage and childrearing, to focus on a career and to break the “glass ceiling”. Men, on the other hand, have started to lag behind and turn inwards. We see this reflected in a variety of ways. Whether it is the rather extreme margins of “Men Going Their Own Way”(MGTOW) to the sort of “hikikomori” phenomenon we see in places like Japan (I’m sure a western equivalent is not too far behind).

    Many “conservatives” like to complain about the sexual revolution. But their fundamental critiques are usually quite flawed. They like to complain about the “sexualization” of our media etc. In many cases imploring our young men to “man up”, but to what?

    The rise in no-fault divorce and other legal ramifications of the sexual revolution have altered how many of our young people relate. An unbounded hypergamy among women and a decreasing chance for a stable family life for many young men have left many of our people adrift.

    Indeed, we have seen a rise in “sex substitutes”, especially among our young men that exacerbate the problem. These include pornography and almost anything else that keeps our young men from engaging with women. For the losers in the sexual marketplace, dropping out is usually more attractive than playing a rigged game.

    What these trends are moving towards is not a “sexualized” society as many conservatives complain of. But, an increasingly de-sexualized and androgynous future. The feminist push towards careerism and barrenness is essentially an attempt to masculate women, even against their own will (as this latest female draft controversy shows us).

    Guillaume Faye in his Sex and Deviance describes the feminist endgame:

    Dogmatic Western feminism thus neglects the mere defense of women and their right to their bodily identity on the pretext of their ‘mastery’ of their bodies. It is a sort of ideological bath which aims to abolish feminine specificity. To masculinise women and feminise men, thus constructing the androgyn.

    From our armed forces to grrl power television, to even our fashions we can see such a change. Just look at this movement’s current apotheosis, Hillary Clinton. Whose close-cropped hairstyle and pantsuits remind one more of a North Korean strongman than a matron.

    The egalitarian, androgynous goals of feminists and others are of course a pipe dream. A Tower of Babel waiting to crumble. Throughout the world, we see the death of the “sexual revolution” just around the corner. Egalitarianism has run up against its own contradictions.

    We saw this in Rotherham, where concern about “racism” took precedence over reporting rape. Indeed, we see this all throughout Europe in cases of refugee rape. Instead, we are treated to an ongoing anarcho-tyranny about the “toxic masculinity” of western man.

    In its essence, that was all UVa. and other such cases were all about.

    Crying screams from a system in doubt. An aged bundle of contradictions that will not be able to understand, let alone cope with the storm on the horizon.

    As identitarians, we should acknowledge and be aware of the differences between men and women, as they are fundamental parts of who we are. What the future will bring, if we fight for it, is an understanding of those archaic values that propelled our people from the fields of Troy to the Sea of Tranquility. Only by imbibing and thoroughly understanding our differences, and re-asserting our men as men and women as women will we be able to stand as a complimentary erotic whole of the European ethos.
Until Leftists (and the extremely disproportionate amount of socio-ethno-centric secular Jews) are removed by whatever means necessary (who cares now since we are going over a cliff) from all Academia and all mass media it will only get worse. There is a war going on and the "rules of engagement" have been changed by them, not by us. Therefore, we have to acclimate, adjust and take corrective measures regardless of what might have worked even in recent years, much less decades ago right here in America, even with it's history of resiliency. We are toast otherwise. We are in a very dire situation.
Until Leftists (and the extremely disproportionate amount of socio-ethno-centric secular Jews) are removed by whatever means necessary (who cares now since we are going over a cliff) from all Academia and all mass media it will only get worse. There is a war going on and the "rules of engagement" have been changed by them, not by us. Therefore, we have to acclimate, adjust and take corrective measures regardless of what might have worked even in recent years, much less decades ago right here in America, even with it's history of resiliency. We are toast otherwise. We are in a very dire situation.

Unfortunately I don't think the democracies - Trump or no Trump - are capable of stopping the red terror just as they weren't in Russia and Europe 100 years ago. The decadent democracies couldn't stop the red terror and that was the real reason for the rise of the Fascisti in Italy and the National Socialists in Germany.
The Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution in Amerika has always been top-down directed and financed.

The Donors of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ PAC Uncovered

by WARNER TODD HUSTON4 Oct 20178,140

The secret group of left-wing foundations and millionaire donors to an anti-Trump “resistance” group has been revealed to include the left-wing W.K. Kellogg Foundation, according to a report.

The donors to the Center for Community Change Action, a group that has funded direct attacks on the Trump administration, were revealed in a new report by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Beacon was able to obtain the anti-Trump organization’s 2015 tax documents that showed major donations from a handful of high-dollar foundations such as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

Indeed, the largest donation came from the far-left Kellogg Foundation which gave an incredible $3,000,000, the report states.

With a donation of $2,350,000, the Ford Foundation (not affiliated with the Ford Motor Co.) gave nearly as much, the documents reveal.

Anti-American billionaire George Soros also jumped into the game with a $1,750,000 donation from his Open Society Foundations.

Some of the other foundations that donated to the anti-Trump group include the following:

  • $524,500 from the California Endowment
  • $515,000 from the Marquerite Casey Foundation
  • $505,100 from Fidelity Charitable Gift
  • $316,000 from National Immigration Law Center
  • $1,750,000 from the Hillary Clinton affiliated Every Citizen Counts
  • $1,475,000 from another Soros group named the Open Society Policy Center
  • $150,000 from government workers union the SEIU
In yet another connection to anti-American George Soros, the executive director of the Center for Community Change, Deepak Bhargava, sits on the advisory board of Soros’s Open Society Foundation.

Another notable connection to anti-American efforts comes in the form of Charlene Sinclair, the director of reinvestment at the Center for Community Change. Sinclair also sits on the board of a group called The Emergent Fund that has donated tens of thousands to the violent Black Lives Matter movement.

The Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution in Amerika has always been top-down directed and financed.

The Donors of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ PAC Uncovered

by WARNER TODD HUSTON4 Oct 20178,140

The secret group of left-wing foundations and millionaire donors to an anti-Trump “resistance” group has been revealed to include the left-wing W.K. Kellogg Foundation, according to a report.

The donors to the Center for Community Change Action, a group that has funded direct attacks on the Trump administration, were revealed in a new report by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Beacon was able to obtain the anti-Trump organization’s 2015 tax documents that showed major donations from a handful of high-dollar foundations such as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

Indeed, the largest donation came from the far-left Kellogg Foundation which gave an incredible $3,000,000, the report states.

With a donation of $2,350,000, the Ford Foundation (not affiliated with the Ford Motor Co.) gave nearly as much, the documents reveal.

Anti-American billionaire George Soros also jumped into the game with a $1,750,000 donation from his Open Society Foundations.

Some of the other foundations that donated to the anti-Trump group include the following:

  • $524,500 from the California Endowment
  • $515,000 from the Marquerite Casey Foundation
  • $505,100 from Fidelity Charitable Gift
  • $316,000 from National Immigration Law Center
  • $1,750,000 from the Hillary Clinton affiliated Every Citizen Counts
  • $1,475,000 from another Soros group named the Open Society Policy Center
  • $150,000 from government workers union the SEIU
In yet another connection to anti-American George Soros, the executive director of the Center for Community Change, Deepak Bhargava, sits on the advisory board of Soros’s Open Society Foundation.

Another notable connection to anti-American efforts comes in the form of Charlene Sinclair, the director of reinvestment at the Center for Community Change. Sinclair also sits on the board of a group called The Emergent Fund that has donated tens of thousands to the violent Black Lives Matter movement.

Thanks for posting this Don.

The tentacles are so far-reaching and so intertwined it's past scary. These filthy-rich people are so corrupt and so evil, it's certainly a match made in hell. Every time a rock like this is overturned revealing these Communist vermin it's never a surprise. They call the shots because they literally own people in a twisted sense.
Thanks for posting this Don.

The tentacles are so far-reaching and so intertwined it's past scary. These filthy-rich people are so corrupt and so evil, it's certainly a match made in hell. Every time a rock like this is overturned revealing these Communist vermin it's never a surprise. They call the shots because they literally own people in a twisted sense.

Most every CEO of every “Fortune 100” corporation is a sociopathic, Machiavellian, narcissistic megalomaniac. The same could be said of 2-3 levels beneath these CEOs. I’ve worked for two “Fortune 10” corporations, so I know what I’m talking about....trust me. The CEOs (I’ve worked (way) under) have gloated (ad naseum) about the various “partner” corporations that embrace the same nefarious agendas (globalism, outsourcing, in-sourcing & perpetuation of cultural Marxism). They pitch all of this treachery as soooo wonderful & exciting. It’s very, very difficult to maintain “composure” at times.
Has The Israel Lobby Destroyed Americans’ First Amendment Rights?
October 6, 2017 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article

Paul Craig Roberts

The Israel Lobby has shown its power over Americans’ perceptions and ability to exercise free speech via its influence in media, entertainment and ability to block university tenure appointments, such as those of Norman Finkelstein and Steven Salaita. Indeed, the power of the Israel Lobby is today so widely recognized and feared that editors, producers, and tenure committees anticipate the lobby’s objections in advance and avoid writers, subjects, and professors judged unacceptable to the lobby.

The latest example is The American Conservative’s firing of former CIA officer Philip Giraldi.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47942.htm Giraldi wrote an article for the Unz Review about Israel’s influence over American foreign policy in the Middle East.http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/americas-jews-are-driving-americas-wars/ The article didn’t say anything that the Israeli newspaper Haaretz hadn’t said already. The editor of The American Conservative, where Giraldi had been a contributor for a decade and a half, was terrified that the magazine was associated with a critic of Israel and quickly terminated the relationship. Such abject cowardice as the editor of The American Conservative showed is a true measure of the power of the Israel Lobby.

Meny seasoned experts believe that without the influence of the Israel Lobby, particularly as exerted by the Jewish Neoconservatives, the United States would not have been at war in the Middle East and North Africa for the last 16 years. These wars have done nothing for the US but harm, and they have cost taxpayers trillions of dollars and caused extensive death and destruction in seven countries and a massive refugee flow into Europe.

For a superpower such as the United States not to be in control of its own foreign policy is a serious matter. Giraldi is correct and patriotic to raise this concern. Giraldi makes sensible recommendations for correcting Washington’s lack of control over its own policy. But instead of analysis and debate of Giraldi’s proposals, the result is Giraldi’s punishment by an editor of a conservative publication anticipating the Israel Lobby’s wishes.

Americans should think about the fact that Israel is the only country on earth that it is impermissible to criticize. Anyone who criticizes Israeli policy, especially toward the Palestinians, or remarks on Israel’s influence, is branded an “anti-semite.” Even mild critics who are trying to steer Israel away from making mistakes, such as former President Jimmy Carter, are branded “anti-semites.”

The Israel Lobby’s purpose in labeling a critic an “anti-semite” is to discredit the criticism as an expression of dislike or hatred of Jews. In other words, the criticism is presented as merely an expression of the person’s aversion to Jewishness. A persistent critic is likely to be charged with trying to incite a new holocaust.

It is possible to criticize the policy of Germany, France, Spain, UK, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, China, Iran, the US, indeed, every other country without being called anti-German, Anti-French, Anti-British, Anti-American, etc., although US policy in the Middle East is so closely aligned with Israel’s that the Israel Lobby regards critics of US Middle East policy as hostile to Israel. Despite the failures of US policy, it is getting more and more difficult to criticize it without the risk of being branded “unpatriotic,” and possibly even a “Muslim sympathizer” and “anti-semite.”

The power of the Israel Lobby is seen in many places. For example, the US Congress demands that RT, a news service, register as a Russian agent, but AIPAC, before whom every year the US Congress pays its homage and submission, does not have to register as an Israeli agent.

The many anomalies in the Israel Lobby’s power pass unremarked. For example, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) defines criticism of Israeli policies as defamation and brands critics “anti-semites.” In other words, the ADL itself is set up in the business of defamation or name-calling. The incongruity of an organization created to oppose defamation engaging in defamation as its sole purpose passes unremarked.

Israel is very proud of its power over the United States. Israeli political leaders have a history of bragging about their power over America. But if an American complains about it, he is a Jew-hater. The only safe way for an American to call attention to the power Israel has over the US is to brag about it. It is OK to acknowledge Israel’s power if you put it in a good light, but not if you complain about it.

So, let me put it this way: Israel’s unique ability to discredit all criticism of its policies as a mere expression of anti-Jewish sentiment is the greatest public relations success in the history of PR. The stupidity of the goy is easily overcome by the more capable Jew. Hats off to Israel for outwitting the dumbshit Americans and taking over their foreign policy. Perhaps Israel should take over US domestic policy as well. Or have they already? It has been 30 years since the Federal Reserve has had a non-Jewish Chairman, and for the past three years Stanley Fischer, the former chairman of the Central Bank of Israel, has been Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Since the Clinton regime, the Treasury Secretaries have been predominately Jewish. We can say that their financial talent makes them natural candidates for these positions, but it is disingenuous to deny the influence of this small minority in American life. This influence becomes a problem when it is used to silence free speech.

Here is Giraldi:

How I Got Fired

October 03, 2017 “Information Clearing House” – Two weeks ago, I wrote for Unz.com an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars.” It sought to make several points concerning the consequences of Jewish political power vis-à-vis some aspects of U.S. foreign policy. It noted that some individual American Jews and organizations with close ties to Israel, whom I named and identified, are greatly disproportionately represented in the government, media, foundations, think tanks and lobbying that is part and parcel of the deliberations that lead to formulation of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Inevitably, those policies are skewed to represent Israeli interests and do serious damage to genuine American equities in the region. This tilt should not necessarily surprise anyone who has been paying attention and was noted by Nathan Glazer, among others, as long ago as 1976.

The end result of Israel centric policymaking in Washington is to produce negotiators like Dennis Ross, who consistently supported Israeli positions in peace talks, so much so that he was referred to as “Israel’s lawyer.” It also can result in wars, which is of particular concern given the current level of hostility being generated by these same individuals and organizations relating to Iran. This group of Israel advocates is as responsible as any other body in the United States for the deaths of thousands of Americans and literally millions of mostly Muslim foreigners in unnecessary wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. It has also turned the U.S. into an active accomplice in the brutal suppression of the Palestinians. That they have never expressed any remorse or regret and the fact that the deaths and suffering don’t seem to matter to them are clear indictments of the sheer inhumanity of the positions they embrace.

The claims that America’s Middle Eastern wars have been fought for Israel are not an anti-Semitic delusion. Some observers, including former high government official Philip Zelikow, believe that Iraq was attacked by the U.S. in 2003 to protect Israel. On April 3rd, just as the war was starting, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz headlined “The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history.” It then went on to describe how “In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in [Washington]: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another.”

And the deference to a Jewish proprietary interest in Middle Eastern policy produces U.S. Ambassadors to Israel who are more comfortable explaining Israeli positions than in supporting American interests. David Friedman, the current Ambassador, spoke last week defending illegal Israeli settlements, which are contrary to official U.S. policy, arguing that they represented only 2% of the West Bank. He did not mention that the land controlled by Israel, to include a security zone, actually represents 60% of the total area.

My suggestion for countering the overrepresentation of a special interest in policy formulation was to avoid putting Jewish government officials in that position by, insofar as possible, not giving them assignments relating to policy in the Middle East. As I noted in my article, that was, in fact, the norm regarding Ambassadors and senior foreign service assignments to Israel prior to 1995, when Bill Clinton broke precedent by appointing Australian citizen Martin Indyk to the position. I think, on balance, it is eminently sensible to avoid putting people in jobs where they will likely have conflicts of interest.

Another solution that I suggested for American Jews who are strongly attached to Israel and find themselves in a position that considers policy for that country and its neighbors would be to recuse themselves from the deliberations, just as a judge who finds himself personally involved in a judicial proceeding might withdraw. It would seem to me that, depending on the official’s actual relationship with Israel, it would be a clear conflict of interest to do otherwise.

The argument that such an individual could protect American interests while also having a high level of concern for a foreign nation with contrary interests is at best questionable. As George Washington observed in his farewell address, “…a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification…”

My article proved to be quite popular, particularly after former CIA officer Valerie Plame tweeted her approval of it and was viciously and repeatedly attacked, resulting in a string of abject apologies on her part. As a reasonably well-known public figure, Plame attracted a torrent of negative press, in which I, as the author of the piece being tweeted, was also identified and excoriated. In every corner of the mainstream media I was called “a well-known anti-Semite,” “a long time anti-Israel fanatic,” and, ironically, “a somewhat obscure character.”

The widespread criticism actually proved to be excellent in terms of generating real interest in my article. Many people apparently wanted to read it even though some of the attacks against me and Plame deliberately did not provide a link to it to discourage such activity. As of this writing, it has been opened and viewed 130,000 times and commented on 1,250 times. Most of the comments were favorable. Some of my older pieces, including The Dancing Israelis and Why I Still Dislike Israel have also found a new and significant readership as a result of the furor.

One of the implications of my original article was that Jewish advocacy groups in the United States are disproportionately powerful, capable of using easy access to the media and to compliant politicians to shape policies that are driven by tribal considerations and not necessarily by the interests of most of the American people. Professors John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt of Harvard, in their groundbreaking book “The Israel Lobby”, observed how the billions of dollars given to Israel annually “cannot be fully explained on either strategic or moral grounds… {and] is due largely to the activities of the Israel lobby—a loose coalition of individuals and organizations who openly work to push U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction.”

Those same powerful interests are systematically protected from criticism or reprisal by constantly renewed claims of historic and seemingly perpetual victimhood. But within the Jewish community and media, that same Jewish power is frequently exalted. It manifests itself in boasting about the many Jews who have obtained high office or who have achieved notoriety in the professions and in business. In a recent speech, Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz put it this way, “People say Jews are too powerful, too strong, too rich, we control the media, we’ve too much this, too much that and we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don’t do that! We have earned the right to influence public debate, we have earned the right to be heard, we have contributed disproportionately to success of this country.” He has also discussed punishing critics of Israel, “Anyone that does [that] has to be treated with economic consequences. We have to hit them in the pocketbook. Don’t ever, ever be embarrassed about using Jewish power. Jewish power, whether it be intellectual, academic, economic, political– in the interest of justice is the right thing to do.”

My article, in fact, began with an explanation of that one aspect of Jewish power, its ability to promote Israeli interests freely and even openly while simultaneously silencing critics. I described how any individual or “any organization that aspires to be heard on foreign policy knows that to touch the live wire of Israel and American Jews guarantees a quick trip to obscurity. Jewish groups and deep pocket individual donors not only control the politicians, they own and run the media and entertainment industries, meaning that no one will hear about or from the offending party ever again.”

With that in mind, I should have expected that there would be a move made to “silence” me. It came three days after my article appeared. The Editor of The American Conservative (TAC) magazine and website, where I have been a regular and highly rated contributor for nearly 15 years, called me and abruptly announced that even though my article had appeared on another site, it had been deemed unacceptable and TAC would have to sever its relationship with me. I called him a coward and he replied that he was not.

I do not know exactly who on the TAC board decided to go after me. Several board members who are good friends apparently were not even informed about what was going on when firing me was under consideration. I do not know whether someone coming from outside the board applied pressure in any way, but there is certainly a long history of friends of Israel being able to remove individuals who have offended against the established narrative, recently exemplified by the hounding of now-ex-Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel who had the temerity to state that “the Jewish lobby intimidates lots of people” in Washington. As Gilad Atzmon has observed one of the most notable features of Jewish power is the ability to stifle any discussion of Jewish power by gentiles.

But the defenestration by TAC, which I will survive, also contains a certain irony. The magazine was co-founded in 2002 by Pat Buchanan and the article by him that effectively launched the publication in the following year was something called “Whose War?” Buchanan’s initial paragraphs tell the tale:

“The War Party may have gotten its war. But it has also gotten something it did not bargain for. Its membership lists and associations have been exposed and its motives challenged. In a rare moment in U.S. journalism, Tim Russert put this question directly to Richard Perle: ‘Can you assure American viewers … that we’re in this situation against Saddam Hussein and his removal for American security interests? And what would be the link in terms of Israel?’ Suddenly, the Israeli connection is on the table, and the War Party is not amused. Finding themselves in an unanticipated firefight, our neoconservative friends are doing what comes naturally, seeking student deferments from political combat by claiming the status of a persecuted minority group. People who claim to be writing the foreign policy of the world superpower, one would think, would be a little more manly in the schoolyard of politics. Not so. Former Wall Street Journal editor Max Boot kicked off the campaign. When these ‘Buchananites toss around neoconservative—and cite names like Wolfowitz and Cohen—it sometimes sounds as if what they really mean is ‘Jewish conservative.’ Yet Boot readily concedes that a passionate attachment to Israel is a ‘key tenet of neoconservatism.’ He also claims that the National Security Strategy of President Bush ‘sounds as if it could have come straight out from the pages of Commentary magazine, the neocon bible.’ (For the uninitiated, Commentary, the bible in which Boot seeks divine guidance, is the monthly of the American Jewish Committee.)”

Pat is right on the money. He was pretty much describing the same group that I have written about and raising the same concern, i.e. that the process had led to an unnecessary war and will lead to more unless it is stopped by exposing and marginalizing those behind it. Pat was, like me, called an anti-Semite and even worse for his candor. And guess what? The group that started the war that has since been deemed the greatest foreign policy disaster in American history is still around and they are singing the same old song.

And TAC has not always been so sensitive to certain apparently unacceptable viewpoints, even in my case. I write frequently about Israel because I believe it and its supporters to be a malign influence on the United States and a threat to national security. In June 2008, I wrote a piece called “The Spy Who Loves Us” about Israeli espionage against the U.S. It was featured on the cover of the magazine and it included a comment about the tribal instincts of some American Jews: “In 1996, ten years after the agreement that concluded the [Jonathan] Pollard [Israeli spying] affair, the Pentagon’s Defense Investigative Service warned defense contractors that Israel had ‘espionage intentions and capabilities’ here and was aggressively trying to steal military and intelligence secrets. It also cited a security threat posed by individuals who have ‘strong ethnic ties’ to Israel, stating that ‘Placing Israeli nationals in key industries is a technique utilized with great success.’”

Three days later, another shoe dropped. I was supposed to speak at a panel discussion critical of Saudi Arabia on October 2nd. The organizer, the Frontiers of Freedom foundation, emailed me to say my services would no longer be required because “the conference will not be a success if we get sidetracked into debating, discussing, or defending the substance of your writings on Israel.”

Last Saturday morning, Facebook blocked access to my article for a time because it “contained a banned word.” I can safely assume that such blockages will continue and that invitations to speak at anti-war or foreign policy events will be in short supply from now on as fearful organizers avoid any possible confrontation with Israel’s many friends.

Would I do something different if I were to write my article again today? Yes. I would have made clearer that I was not writing about all or most American Jews, many of whom are active in the peace movement and, like my good friend Jeff Blankfort and Glenn Greenwald, even figure among the leading critics of Israel. My target was the individuals and Jewish “establishment” groups I specifically named, that I consider to be the activists for war. And I refer to them as “Jews” rather than neoconservatives or Zionists as some of them don’t identify by those political labels while to blame developments on Zios or neocons is a bit of an evasion in any event. Writing “neoconservatives” suggests some kind of fringe or marginal group, but we are actually talking about nearly all major Jewish organizations and many community leaders.

Many, possibly even most, Jewish organizations in the United States openly state that they represent the interests of the state of Israel. The crowd stoking fears of Iran is largely Jewish and is, without exception, responsive to the frequently expressed desires of the self-defined Jewish state to have the United States initiate hostilities. This often means supporting the false claim that Tehran poses a serious threat against the U.S. as a pretext for armed conflict. Shouldn’t that “Jewish” reality be on the table for consideration when one is discussing the issue of war versus peace in America?

When all is said and done the punishment that has been meted out to me and Valerie Plame proves my point. The friends of Israel rule by coercion, intimidation and through fear. If we suffer through a catastrophic war with Iran fought to placate Benjamin Netanyahu many people might begin to ask “Why?” But identifying the real cause would involve criticism of what some American Jews have been doing, which is not only fraught with consequences, but is something that also will possibly become illegal thanks to Congressional attempts to criminalize such activity. We Americans will stand by mutely as we begin to wonder what has happened to our country. And some who are more perceptive will even begin to ask why a tiny client state has been allowed to manipulate and bring ruin on the world’s only super power. Unfortunately, at that point, it will be too late to do anything about it.

Philip Giraldi is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency.
This article was originally published in the Unz Review.

Here you can listen to three disgusting presstitutes give Valerie Plame hell for linking to Giraldi’s “repugnant and anti-semetic article.” Scroll down:

Excellent article, Don!

That should be required reading for every American. That would set people on one side or the other. It's a cut and dry case.
Until things change in regards to the (((string-pullers))) as I like to call them, we are only headed for destruction. There is no peaceful solution when evil is on the throne of power.
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Wow, nice to see PCR is fully red pilled in the JQ. I felt for years he was always holding back and self censoring on certain topics. Maybe he realizes that it’s now or never and he needs to put all his cards on the table as things start to accelerate.
"Gay" Seattle coffee shop owner kicks out Christian group, says he is "offended" by them. I wonder if the Christian group will be able to sue him for discrimination just like the "gay" couples in Oregon and Colorado that sued those bakeries for refusing to make them a wedding cake? Seattle is consumed by evil.
"Gay" Seattle coffee shop owner kicks out Christian group, says he is "offended" by them. I wonder if the Christian group will be able to sue him for discrimination just like the "gay" couples in Oregon and Colorado that sued those bakeries for refusing to make them a wedding cake? Seattle is consumed by evil.

Shameless wickedness. Anybody who wants to further see the true heart of homosexuals who have become reprobate, just read Genesis 19 and Romans 1.
Shameless wickedness. Anybody who wants to further see the true heart of homosexuals who have become reprobate, just read Genesis 19 and Romans 1.

Place all the above under “outhouse internment”. Those deviant weirdos shouldn’t be walking the streets.
Place all the above under “outhouse internment”. Those deviant weirdos shouldn’t be walking the streets.
Indeed. I told a friend of mine years ago that homosexuality and all its' attached debauchery of deviant sexual practices was going to be THE issue, THE means of destroying our nation because of the avalanche of depraved mindsets it would unleash. He didn't really see it. He knows better now and no rational person can disagree now.
Not sure if anyone saw this weekend news, but apparently a bunch of millennial SJW types had this teriyaki sauce referenced in one of their cartoons, demanded hat McDonald’s carry it (hadn’t since 1997 when Mulan came out) then chimped out when they ran out

Ughh. Rick and Morty is the ultimate hipster / bugman show. Pretentious leftists think they’re smart watching this show for some reason. It’s just a dumb cartoon.
"Art" Exhibit going on now in third largest city in Brazil. Children not prohibited. In fact, a classroom school of kids are getting ready to view it as part of an extra-curricular event while this video of the exhibit was shot.

American Freedom News