We Are Living In A Cartoon

Then it won't be the Boy Scouts any more.

I wonder what kind of F'd up PC name they'll come up witih.
Not long ago they renamed "Boys Town" to "Girls and Boys Town" after they started allowing girls there, but have since renamed it back to "Boys Town", probably because of backlash. We'll have to wait and see.
Not long ago they renamed "Boys Town" to "Girls and Boys Town" after they started allowing girls there, but have since renamed it back to "Boys Town", probably because of backlash. We'll have to wait and see.

You can “credit” the scumbag, Globalist, cultmarx arch-advocates on the BSA BoD. They’re the same deviant slime that pushed to allow s0d0mite sickos into the BSA. As I’ve mentioned, most big corporation CEOs are complete sociopathic, cold blooded megalomaniacs who’ve sold their souls to Satan (in return for worldly wealth & “prestige”). I pray the Lord utterly smite these enemies of His (true) children!
This article claims that “men” get more (emotionally) from “bromance” than from girlfriends & wives. First of all, real men should be worried about “emotional fulfillment” (that sissy mess for little kids & women). Secondly, no real man uses the word “bromance”...which totally reeks of f@990try. I’m fine with (genuine) friendships, but I do not deem them as essential. The fallacy that having friends is a “need” is for the weak minded (who have to lean on others to get by). A real man is able stand alone & survive on his own. Lastly, if a man is married with kids then his time should be (overwhelmingly) spent working & with his family. Being a decent father requires a great deal of self sacrifice, and that usually entails things like forgoing time spent hanging out with pals (sans a “blue moon”). Real men know there’s a time to “grow up” & stop acting like a dang 20 y/o punk, frat boy...and act like a MAN.

You can “credit” the scumbag, Globalist, cultmarx arch-advocates on the BSA BoD. They’re the same deviant slime that pushed to allow s0d0mite sickos into the BSA. As I’ve mentioned, most big corporation CEOs are complete sociopathic, cold blooded megalomaniacs who’ve sold their souls to Satan (in return for worldly wealth & “prestige”). I pray the Lord utterly smite these enemies of His (true) children!
Yep. This was not a "grass roots" campaign with a bunch of girls (or boys) or fathers or mothers protesting and demanding this. It was a top-down (viewed from the perspective and structure of the Illuminati Pyramid) Luciferian dictate, with probably an "or else" threat. Whomever the leader of the Boy Scouts of America is, was somehow compromised to allow this to happen. They also probably didn't like the Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia that went nuts for Trump earlier this year, so they had to stifle that enthusiasm and support some with girls that probably have a different (socially-engineered) viewpoint.
Then it won't be the Boy Scouts any more.

I wonder what kind of F'd up PC name they'll come up witih.

They'll probably just be called "Scouts" now, while the Girl Scouts will remain a separate girls-only organization. The object is to get boys trained as early as possible to accept the fact that there are no longer any male-only spaces, hobbies or organizations allowed in Amerika, but oodles of female only ones.
The N.C.A.A. won't penalize North Carolina over one of the worst academic scandals in college sports history -NYT
BBC and black "trans" model make PSA about Whites being the most violent and oppressive race on earth. This is what the Brits are paying an annual license for:

BBC and black "trans" model make PSA about Whites being the most violent and oppressive race on earth. This is what the Brits are paying an annual license for:

I couldn’t bear to watch such utter BS. Vile freaks like that need to be locked in an asylum...& their enablers need to be publicly executed. The WHITE race is (far away) the greatest ever & has contributed 10 fold more to civilization than all other races (combined).
The N.C.A.A. won't penalize North Carolina over one of the worst academic scandals in college sports history -NYT
I am from N.C. and the Tarheels should have receive the death penalty for the disgraceful scam they ran for over 15 years. They passed through over 3500 students who enrolled in nonexistence classes. They should lose all sports related rewards and coaches and administrators fired.
This article claims that “men” get more (emotionally) from “bromance” than from girlfriends & wives. First of all, real men should be worried about “emotional fulfillment” (that sissy mess for little kids & women). Secondly, no real man uses the word “bromance”...which totally reeks of f@990try. I’m fine with (genuine) friendships, but I do not deem them as essential. The fallacy that having friends is a “need” is for the weak minded (who have to lean on others to get by). A real man is able stand alone & survive on his own. Lastly, if a man is married with kids then his time should be (overwhelmingly) spent working & with his family. Being a decent father requires a great deal of self sacrifice, and that usually entails things like forgoing time spent hanging out with pals (sans a “blue moon”). Real men know there’s a time to “grow up” & stop acting like a dang 20 y/o punk, frat boy...and act like a MAN.


Good post as always DD, but I will add a real man knows how and when to stand by himself(especially when leading a family )and when to work as a team, every man doing their part and pulling their weight in order for the group/team to be successful. Underrated part of job, life, and lastly sports. Another overlooked skill us pale faces excel at. In caste terms that's "blue collared, hard working, etc." Really it's simply just accountability.

Just wish we'd get back to basics. So many of ours still lacking that tribal instinct to stick together that other racial groups have. Prime example white libtards aka Bernie Bros and Killary Cucks .
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Satanic drag queen with horns reads to little kids at Michelle Obama Public Library:


Sick freak needs to be here instead...

Except mentioning das juden problem and overwhelming connection.

Here is PJW talking about how he doesn't believe that Jews control the media whatsoever. Like all the naive Neo-Cohens who defend Jews like it's a natural reflex, PJW mentions how the only people obsessed with Jews controlling the media are "Neo-Nazis and white supremacists." Jews are rich, powerful, and influential beyond all reckoning and WE'RE the bad guys for pointing it out?! The complete inverse of everything he says in this interview is the truth...

Jews are never mentioned during his (undeniably-great) rants...aside from when he defends them against Muslims or mentions them as victims of "anti-semitism"...a nebulous accusation that could be employed in any situation. From a person who doesn't think bagels and lox taste good to a person who points out the many institutions that (((they))) control. His chubby boss, Alex Jones, might have the biggest problem with "naming that Jew"...instead doing mental gymnastics before blurting out every other synonym (NWO, goblins, globalists, etc.) he can dream up.
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Here is PJW talking about how he doesn't believe that Jews control the media whatsoever. Like all the naive Neo-Cohens who defend Jews like it's a natural reflex, PJW mentions how the only people obsessed with Jews controlling the media are "Neo-Nazis and white supremacists." Jews are rich, powerful, and influential beyond all reckoning and WE'RE the bad guys for pointing it out?! The complete inverse of everything he says in this interview is the truth...

Jews are never mentioned during his (undeniably-great) rants...aside from when he defends them against Muslims or mentions them as victims of "anti-semitism"...a nebulous accusation that could be employed in any situation. From a person who doesn't think bagels and lox taste good to a person who points out the many institutions that (((they))) control. His chubby boss, Alex Jones, might have the biggest problem with "naming that Jew"...instead doing mental gymnastics before blurting out every other synonym (NWO, goblins, globalists, etc.) he can dream up.

The listener asks the question, "What is your opinion on Jewish influence in the media?" and instead of answering, Watson starts off by saying "People who are obsessed with Jews controlling the world.. . " and continues his ad hominem attack without ever answering the specific question. The Jewish domination of the media going back to the beginning has always been voluminously documented for those who venture outside the mainstream for information.

But that said, Alex Jones and Watson only reach a large audience by following certain boundaries. They could be totally blunt, and the result would be they would be quickly reduced to being just another small internet outfit. It's best to take the information they're willing to divulge, and learn from there. The John Birch Society has always been the same way, ignoring the 800 pound elephant in the room that is the cause of the "communist conspiracy" they decry, with anyone mentioning anything negative about Jews being expelled. Yet many Birchers became knowledgeable Nationalists by using the JBS as a stepping stone to more complete knowledge.
The listener asks the question, "What is your opinion on Jewish influence in the media?" and instead of answering, Watson starts off by saying "People who are obsessed with Jews controlling the world.. . " and continues his ad hominem attack without ever answering the specific question. The Jewish domination of the media going back to the beginning has always been voluminously documented for those who venture outside the mainstream for information.

But that said, Alex Jones and Watson only reach a large audience by following certain boundaries. They could be totally blunt, and the result would be they would be quickly reduced to being just another small internet outfit. It's best to take the information they're willing to divulge, and learn from there. The John Birch Society has always been the same way, ignoring the 800 pound elephant in the room that is the cause of the "communist conspiracy" they decry, with anyone mentioning anything negative about Jews being expelled. Yet many Birchers became knowledgeable Nationalists by using the JBS as a stepping stone to more complete knowledge.
I was going to make the same point. Most likely, years ago, Jones was given remuneration to not address the JQ. Like I mentioned in the Vegas Shooting thread, the investigative reporter of the End Times News Report YouTube channel said that he was offered large sums of money to carry on just as he does but just not mention "Zionists" or Israel and he said he refused to do so...so, he will remain a relatively "small potatoes" reporter and channel, mostly preaching to the choir.

Jones' boss is a Jew and he was exposed in his interview with David Duke. That's why I said in another post that I never agreed with anyone 100% of the time and mentioned that I agreed with him at about 85-90% of the time, understanding his positions (or business acumen) on addressing (or not addressing) the JQ. One has to be able to interpret for themselves and be able to read-between-the-lines what one says and what can be understood from it...for instance, understanding that using the term "Globalists" is really just a euphemism for (((International Cabal))).
Who is the author? I can't quite make out the name in the first box. I'd like to see more of his work as the artwork and message are impressive.
I was going to make the same point. Most likely, years ago, Jones was given remuneration to not address the JQ. Like I mentioned in the Vegas Shooting thread, the investigative reporter of the End Times News Report YouTube channel said that he was offered large sums of money to carry on just as he does but just not mention "Zionists" or Israel and he said he refused to do so...so, he will remain a relatively "small potatoes" reporter and channel, mostly preaching to the choir.

Jones' boss is a Jew and he was exposed in his interview with David Duke. That's why I said in another post that I never agreed with anyone 100% of the time and mentioned that I agreed with him at about 85-90% of the time, understanding his positions (or business acumen) on addressing (or not addressing) the JQ. One has to be able to interpret for themselves and be able to read-between-the-lines what one says and what can be understood from it...for instance, understanding that using the term "Globalists" is really just a euphemism for (((International Cabal))).
Many people on the internet also claim that Jones’ first and now current wife (that was quick huh?) are both Jewish or part Jew.

I’ve followed infowars for about a decade now and they’ll give you 90% truth and good reporting but they’ll never go all the way. Maybe that’s fine. They helped wake me up and millions of others. I’ll always be thankful for that. If they could replace the mainstream networks someday, the normies will be better off getting small redpills from Jones than getting nothing but disinfo from Fox, CNN, NBC, et all.
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Who is the author? I can't quite make out the name in the first box. I'd like to see more of his work as the artwork and message are impressive.

I'm trying to figure it out too. It looks like "Faust II" or "Famst--".
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